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Everything posted by amibasuki

  1. there's quite a difference in how Rei looks in some of the pictures/posters and series screenshots though -[URL=http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Teahouse/7031/rei_pics/R10.jpg]screenshot[/URL] (this one's from a Geocities site, so you'll prolly have to mess around with the URL a bit) -[URL=http://www.ayanami.nu/images/rei-016.jpg]regular pic[/URL] she looks plainer and doesn't have as much coloring in the series like in the made-up pic.
  2. yeah, San is Mononoke Hime Eboshi's not so bad. yeah, she was being stupidly hardheaded about destroying the forest and trying to kill the Shishi Gami, but she does have her small good points, like taking care of the lepers and all.
  3. I like watching the part when when Okkotonushi (boar god) turned into a demon and San got caught up in it. it's kinda gross, but it's cool to watch
  4. I think Rei is pretty. she doesn't have [i]that[/i] much cleavage though, but she does have a nice figure (I'm talkin' from a girl's POV). I wuz thinkin' Asuka was the one with the figure guys would go for the most.
  5. LMAO:laugh: :laugh: so, what's this about some more bus stories??
  6. hehehe, well, he did...
  7. the second one is so cute! I love chibi piccies:love:
  8. it's Mr. Popo and Chichi for me, I can't stand either of them
  9. no, girls can't go SSJ it would be pretty cool to see how well Bra would be able to fight though
  10. there's a really cool mirai Trunks video (music from Crawling by Linkin Park) on [url]http://www.dbcollection.com/trunks[/url] . it's one of my favorites ever. there's a bunch of other cool vids on there too. unfortunately the site's being moved over to another server, or somethin' like that, so hardly anything will work -_-'. just thought I'd put the site up here for future reference...
  11. the parts where important things happen are fine, but when Goku and Frieza were supposed to do some fighting, there was hardly any at all:sleep:. and that part took up God knows how many episodes....
  12. let's not forget about Lunch/Launch (sp?):D
  13. I've got the manga, but not the anime. I like it. P-chan is so cute:D
  14. it's a cool movie. the kodama are a bit weird, but they're pretty neato. I love the forest scenery. and I think the dude that did the movie was Miyazaki-something, I dunno about the rest of the name.
  15. -_-' some ppl.... you think everybody'd be able to spell Buu right after it's been written in at least 50 different places....
  16. anime: between DB/Z/GT and Evangelion movie: Princess Mononoke manga: Inu-Yasha
  17. sounds interesting. where's it at?
  18. hehe, and the dude actually thought he had a chance at beating him....:laugh:
  19. la perra just means female dog, not the actual 'other' word I think the word you're lookin' for is puta.... *shrug* hehehe, shimatta's a spiffy word. I can say it and ppl only think "it's just Stephanie again:rolleyes: " :p kuso's a useful word too:p argh! must stop using such language! O.o
  20. amibasuki

    Eh Oh.

    if something can talk and its mouth isn't moving naturally(Teletubbies, Barney, Mickey Mouse, Furbies, dummies, etc.), stay far, far away from it....
  21. heh, I didn't go to school today. my mom thinks I'm working on a science project....:devil: :p
  22. hehehe, he only fighted Cell cuz he was expected to. if he didn't, all of his fans would've ditched him. and he didn't really fight Cell, he just got slammed into a mountain:laugh: I dunno if that really helped. but he [i]did[/i] throw android 16's head over to Gohan so he could convince him to use his power on Cell, so that's a plus. he's really annoying at first, but he gets better as DBZ goes on, and he's pretty cool once DBZ's ended.^_^
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1]TRUNKS is not adopted..... he might have dyed his hair permanantly purple..... YEAH, transtic's not adopted.... Foolish girl... [/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] O.o whoever said [i]Transtic[/i] was adopted??
  24. DBZ's hasn't made me do a 180 or anything, but it got me back into drawing, and talking about it and other things pertaining to it on the Boards have made me see some things differently. not to mention it was the anime that got me interested in all the other animes and the Japanese culture.
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