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Everything posted by amibasuki

  1. they made it mainly for a little-kid audience, that's why. then they wanted to aim DBZ more towards a teenagers/adults audience instead, so they put more action in it.
  2. ah, Washu, she was cool:D and Ryoko, can't forget Ryoko... I'd like for them to put it back on sometime, so I can catch up on some of the eppies I missed
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssjlouie [/i] [B]Okay I just remembered a really funny thing that happened on GT. Chibi Trunks yells to broli and then when broli looks he pulls down his pants and moons broli and yells"kiss these" It was the funniest thing that I have ever seen on a Dragonball Z/GT other than when Krillin was fighting Bacterian on the original Dragonball when the fight was almost over Krillin pulls down his pants, puts his butt in Bacterian's face and farts and then knocks Bacterian out to win the match.:mad:
  4. yis, under 'Dragonball z or GT?' I like Z better
  5. haha, I didn't notice the whole Bibidi-Babidi-Buu thing until after I watched the dubs when Kai-o-shin was talkin' about them and said "Bibidi had a son, Babidi." I was like, ...eh.... ^_^' hehehe.... and they pronounce 'Majin' decently, too! I thought they would've made it sound like 'May-jin', but they didn't! that gave me some peace of mind:D:D:D
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Emcew [/i] [B]I'm thinking you mean King Piccolo... Not the Piccolo of DBZ [/B][/QUOTE] yup, King Piccolo:D
  7. LMAO, yeah, that tells you how frightened they are of that poor, stupid, unsuspecting fighter:laugh: . it was a lot funnier in the subs though, cuz they say "Paper, rock, scissors! Paper, rock, scissors! Paper, rock, scissors!" instead of the 1,2,3 thing. but either way, it made me laugh pretty hard:D
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by piccolo [/i] [B]Cell, Buu, and Vegeta, and Piccolo [/B][/QUOTE] ah yes, Piccolo was a cool villain too:D I say Buu
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chib [/i] [B] I'm observing, but I see no one like Trunks yet.[/B][/QUOTE] well, think about it, how many guys have you seen have purple hair??? just look for the guys with Trunks' personality, and you can't go wrong:love:
  10. ....um....heh....that's some theory you've got there:p, but your info doesn't prove anything -Trunks' hair might be purple cuz it's a weirdo combo of Bulma's blue hair and Vegita's black hair. if not that, than he prolly just takes more after Bulma's side (Dr. Brief's hair is a bluish purple color).
  11. try doing pushups until you fall over or pass out, it usually calms me down a bit (or at least makes me unable to hit or throw things:p)
  12. lol, I like the first one and the southern ones:D here's one (some of you might've already heard it, but oh well:p) a brunette, redhead, and a blonde are running from a farmer on his farm (dunno why). they run up into a hayloft and hide in 3 bags. the farmer runs up and sees the 3 bags moving. he kicks the bag with the brunette in it. "Meow!" "Okay, there's a cat in that one," the farmer thinks. he kicks the bag with the redhead in it. "Woof!" "Okay, there's a dog in that one," the farmer thinks. he kicks the bag with the blonde in it. "Potatoes!" .....
  13. punk, rock, ska, with a 'lil bit of pop and classical in there somewherez
  14. my fave subject is English/Lit. algebra isn't too bad, I'd like it more if I understood what I was doing half of the time:p my other favorite would've been Japanese, but our school only teaches Spanish and French, so I have to learn it on my own -_-'
  15. Linkin Park is awesome:D I listened to that CD for a straight 2 weeks before I listened to something different (my sis was goin' a little nuts...) 311 is really cool too. one of my fave songs from their From Chaos CD is Hostile Apostle.
  16. I saw the first 1 or 2 eps of it a long whilez ago. I don't remember what it's about, I just remember I really didn't like it. gee, isn't I a big help? -_-' it's not anything special, but you should watch it for yourself to see if you like it anyway
  17. android 17 does Krillin look better with or without hair?
  18. hehe, yeah, Wufei looks like he's having loads of fun....:laugh:
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kool_aid13 [/i] [B] Lay off. We both know that I have other fav anime shows. [/B][/QUOTE] um, not really...
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] I've seen it ALL! The Movie, Series, OAV.... it's my favorite and best anime ever! Not to mention is has one of the best soundtracks for any anime! :) [/B][/QUOTE] aiiii, I love the song Heart of Sword:D I haven't seen any Kenshin (yet:devil: ), I've gotta get some other stuff first, but I'm certainly lookin' into it.
  21. yup, it's my favorite manga so far.
  22. I want Gundam Wing back on CN. as soon as I started getting interested in it, they had the nerve to take it off, so I never got to see it:rolleyes:
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]I can't say because the only one I have seen all the way through is DB. But, why aren't there any other animes in here... [/B][/QUOTE] cuz these 3 are the only ones she knows anything about...-_-' -Fushigi Yugi's good (especially Tasuki:D:D), except it sometimes gets a bit annoying with the "Miaka!" "Tamahome!" "Miaka!" "Tamahome!" all the time -Martian Successor Nabisco..erm..Nadesico is cute. I mainly watch it for the characters though. Yurika:*perky voice* "Have no fear, your new captain is here! V!! *peace sign*"....Yurika's a bit of a ditz...:p -DB/Z/GT is....eh, y'all know what I'm gonna say my fave outta these 3 is DBZ/GT koolaid, you might wanna put the choice Others on your 'poll' next time
  24. LMAO:laugh: Asuka:*while brushing her teeth* I'm NEVER gonna kiss to kill time EVER again!!! the part that made me laugh the most when Shinji was first 'introduced' to Pen-Pen. :blush::laugh: one of my older sister's friends has all of the subbed Evangelion episodes taped in 2 videos with 8 hours on each one, so we just borrow them from him every so often. the one we've got now has the last part of the series on it along with the Death and Rebirth stuff. I can't wait to watch it:D
  25. I love that movie! it was really confusing the first time I watched it, but I got the hang of it after watching it over. if I had some money I'd buy it, but renting it'll be fine for now:D
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