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Everything posted by amibasuki

  1. I have some Ranma 1/2, Inu-Yasha, and 1 Gundam Wing volume. so I haven't read much -_-. but I like Inu-Yasha the most out of the 3.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Yeah, you better not... /me holds Justin Timberlake plushie [/B][/QUOTE] ..... 0.o' they actually have those???..... ....:) ....:angel: ....:blush:....:D ....:laugh::laugh::laugh: reminds me of an old Donny Osmond Barbie doll my mom has except I don't think he was ever made into a....:blush: .....plushy:laugh::laugh: hooooooo, ok, I think I'm calm now
  3. amibasuki


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B]I haven't been there in the longest time. I think my account was ersed or something. And forgot my password, maybe. Even if I knew it, my Neopets are probably dead... *remembers his last visit was back in April* [/B][/QUOTE] hehehe, same here. I was prolly on the site for about a week back in June before I stopped going. the place kept freezing my comp up for some reason. and my neopets couldn't fight either:rolleyes:. me 'n Neko_Cat had tried battling a couple of times, but we couldn't hurt each other. so I tried fighting with someone else and I got my butt kicked -_-'
  4. SSJ4 Vegita + Bulma or Yamucha + Bulma?
  5. amibasuki

    ok now

    cuz you're proud of what you came up with and want to show it to other ppl. drawing goes the same way. I like writing stories, it's just really rare I ever come up with anything worth showing anybody...
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yuri [/i] [B]have to admit Amada is one of my favs but eledore is better even though he doesn't pilot a gundam [/B][/QUOTE] lol, Eledore's cool. he's my second favorite out of 08th MS Team
  7. ....that is very disturbing, but I can't help laughing:laugh: Quatre was most disturbing, cuz he looks a lot like a girl face-wise anyway Duo makes a pretty girl though:laugh::laugh:
  8. out of Mobile Suit Gundam (very first one) and 08th MS Team, Mobile Suit Gundam :eek: :eek: heh, not really:sleep: 08th MS Team is way better
  9. Krillin and Android 18 make a cute couple. sure, he's like a foot shorter than she is, but I think Krillin's the best guy for her to be with
  10. I haven't seen enough episodes from GT to decide whether it's better than Z (I've only seen the first 8 or 9 eps, and those were some of the 'filler episodes', but it was so funny what Pan-chan got poor Trunks into!:laugh: ), so I'm goin' with Z
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]He's hot, shy, hot, strong, hot, he has a sword... in two places. MEOW!..... did I mention he was hot? [/B][/QUOTE] heeheee, so true, so true. Trunks is so kawaii!:D
  12. 1: #13 2: #11 3: #2 4: #12 5: #4 6: #1 7: #3
  13. I like some of NSYNC's music, but I don't actually like the group itself. maybe if they tried writing and 'synthesizing' (sp?) all of their own music, I'd like them more:rolleyes:
  14. my sig is usually made up of 1 or 2 quotes, usually stupid ones the one I've got now is from Monty Python and the Holy Grail (heh, gotta love that movie:p). I'm prolly gonna change it soon though, I don't keep quotes for very long
  15. 1. Fist Power- umm, Chichi would be the obvious winner 2. Word Power- they'd tie, they can both stand their own pretty good when they're arguing with each other *looks back on argument they have after Marron calls them 'middle-aged women' among others:laugh:* 3. Brain Power- Bulma hands down 4. Your choice...humm... Chichi's could get Goku, Gohan, and Goten to fight for her. Bulma's got Trunks, Vegita, and.... Trunks. Chichi'd win.
  16. as for how to pronounce Majin, I haven't seen any of the dubs where they say that yet, so I'll just go with Pikeon:) in the subs, they pronounce Majin as 'mah-jeen', the 'a' is pronounced like a short 'o', and the 'i' is pronounced like a long 'e'
  17. heh, Valentine....:laugh: sorry, couldn't help it mine's Stephanie also I think maybe the only person that calls me Steph is my band director, that's about it...
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Really?! ME TOO!! *dances round in circles* [/B][/QUOTE] what a co-in-ki-dink! *throws Final-Flash a piece of e-cake*[COLOR=teal]Happy Birthday![/COLOR] 14's such a spiffy number:D
  19. 14-year old female, 5'3 or 4 (last I checked), some ppl say I look 15 or 16 (eh, it's not that much older, but it's not a bad thing either:p)
  20. hmm, I know Anna personally:cross::p someone named kool-aid or somethin' like that might start coming on soon too (she's another sis of mine)
  21. there's no question will2x deserved to get banned. harassing ppl is downright wrong and disgusting, it's a good thing he did get banned PF, whatever you do, don't die, cuz life gets better, even if it takes a while.
  22. [quote]happy birthday amibasuki, I doubt you are 65 though....[/quote] y'all are just too smart I'm 14 today. YAY!!:D
  23. just as long as it's something new. gaw, I haven't watched Toonami in a whilez
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