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Everything posted by amibasuki

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B] supposedly somewhere in the future they can go to ssj6 SUPPOSEDLY! :p [/B][/QUOTE] heh, supposedly my foot:p also, not to be rude, but the point that part-saiyans can't go SSJ because of a certain amount of saiyan blood has already been disproved with the same example in that other thread about 5 times already...
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Mystical Pan~ [/i] [B]Fav Guy: Mirai Trunks! :D Right after his training with Vegeta! [/B][/QUOTE] :love: hear-hear! :love: fave saiyan: Trunks fave girl: Videl fave Z fighter (other than saiyans): Piccolo and Tien
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *GaLxY-GiRl* [/i] [B][COLOR=purple]...there's nothing like an Ed qoute to brighten up everyone's day....:smirk:[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] lol, you've got that right! Eddy: Where'd you come from, Ed?? Ed: Blame my parents, Eddy. Ed: - KETCHUP! Just a squirt? - Hello light. - THE GOAT ATE SARAH! and who can forget Monty Python and the Holy Grail? -guard: are you suggesting coconuts migrate? -dead person: I'm not dead! -King Arthur: I am your king! .woman: well, I didn't vote for you -armless knight: just a flesh wound -villager: well, she turned me into a newt! .Bedevere: a newt? .villager: ...I got better... heh, I could go on forever on that movie...
  4. I rent mostly. I occasionally go to the theatre if I haven't been in like, 6 months, or if I'm gonna watch a movie with a friend or something.
  5. I would prolly get the cops. I'm a little stronger than an average joe, but not strong enough to handle more than one person so yeah, if it was [i]6[/i] ppl, I'd get the cops.
  6. I'd be Videl 1. she marries Gohan:D 2. even though she's human, she can still use her ki powers 3. she has Pan as a daughter
  7. I usually get 6-7 hours on weeknights. if I stay up until 4 or something like that though (for one reason or another), I don't bother sleeping, since that'd be only 2 hours & I'd never be able to wake up anyway:p.
  8. [quote]What we need is an anime channel[/quote] HEAR-HEAR! if only... I'm glad they're showing 08th MS Team, I really like it. Batman Beyond is okay, but I think they should have just stuck with anime-only
  9. ROTFLMAO means 'rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off';):D you sick 'em, Adam!:laugh: :laugh:
  10. from what I've heard, I like a lot of Fushigi Yugi's songs. I like Kenshin's 'Heart of Sword' and Nadesico's 'You Get to Burning' too, they're really catchy.
  11. toughie I mean, Vegeta has Trunks, but Goku has Gohan *shrugs* I'll say Vegeta
  12. :D:D me n' Trunks :D:D but character-[i]only[/i] wise, I'd hafta say Gohan and Videl are the best couple
  13. [b]1. Would you rather let DBZ characters or Gundam characters exist??? [/b]Gundam [b]2. You're a sniper. Would you rather take out a foot soldier or an officer???[/b] officer [b]3. Your defense line is being heavily bombarded. Would you surrender or fight to the last man?? [/b] surrender [b]4. There is a miliatry draft going on in your town. Would you sign up or injure yourself on purpose so you cant go??? [/b] hum, I'm not old enough to be drafted anyway [b]5. You just inherited $1 billion dollars. 1/4 of that money will go to taxes. Would you spend the last 3/4 on charity or spend it like crazy???[/b] I'd spend 1/4 on charity, and [i]then[/i] spend it like crazy!
  14. one of my guy buddies told me that theOtaku had some good DBZ pics, so I checked it out. then it got temporarily shut down for vs. 2.0, so I checked out the Boards since that was the only thing that worked. and here I am today:D
  15. I'm goin' trick-or-treating first (as what, I dunno), then I'm goin' to a party afterwards
  16. I don't like Yu-Gi-Oh, but your pic is really good. really spiffy-lookin':D
  17. I'd pick Billy, Anna's seamonkey he's pretty easy to take care of really, just give him food, a place to 'to his business', and a squeaky chew toy, and he's all set!
  18. I love October:D. whenever October comes around, the sky always turns a deeper blue, and the temperature is juuust right:D ...oh yeah, I'm supposed to say happy b-day to the peeps with birthdays today, huh? *doik* I'll use colored text, since it's a special occasion:cross::p [COLOR=teal]HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!![/COLOR]
  19. I like her hair longer, but not when it's in pigtails. more like it was at the end or DBZ/beginning of GT
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gochan [/i] [B]the reason no girl can go ssj is cuz there were no female saiya-jins to begin with, ever thought of that? [/B][/QUOTE] uh, yes, there [i]are[/i] female saiya-jins. what do you think Pan is? if you're talking about pure-blooded saiya-jins, there were some in the Bardock special
  21. prolly the easiest way to piss someone off is to go up to someone and tell them to shut up. it doesn't take much, really
  22. *rocks back and forth* too many Kirbies, too many Kirbies... I just like Kirbie's Dreamland:p
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