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Everything posted by amibasuki

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B]well now not too bad pikkon's legs are a little shrimpy but coloring is nice for me, i cant color for beans [/B][/QUOTE] don't feel bad, I can't even trace:p :cross: :laugh: woweez, cool pic DS:D
  2. whenever I get songs stuck in my head, they're all at once and at the same time (both good AND bad). the mix is either really stupid or really funny I know it's up for me (if you steal my sunshine) let the bodies hit the floor! aoi sora ni wa, aoi jyuu ga aru SHUT UP WHEN I'M TALKIN' TO YOU!!! dear Spike, dear Spike, what a task it must have been chickity China, the Chinese chicken, ya have a drumstick and you're brain stops tickin' eh, that's all ya need to hear...
  3. it's between GT and Z I've only seen 2 eps of GT though, the 1st and 7th one (krap, the 7th one is hilarious:laugh:) so I'm goin' with Z
  4. :confused: whaddya mean by 'where's Krillin?:confused:
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by k9* [/i] [B] 2) trunks right after the time chamber [/B][/QUOTE] *biiiiiiiiiiiiig smile:D* I LOVE that part, he looked so AWWWWWESOME:D:D:D
  6. hehehe, really. I don't think mirai no Trunks would want anything to do with her if the dude's talkin' about the regular-time Trunks though, I still say she makes a cute couple with Krillin
  7. amibasuki


    [B]1. If Gohan wanted to marry Piccolo, how Goku and Chichi react?[/b] ....kay, I know Gohan really likes Piccolo, but only as maybe a sort of godfather or something.... but since this is an 'if' question: Goku would be shocked and try to talk some sense into him, but let him make his own decision *-*. Chichi on the other hand, would go ballistic and prolly try to devise a plan to kill Piccolo or something [b]2. If Trunks is a lazy and pervert like Master Roshi, how Vegeta and Bulma react?[/b] Vegita would be pissed only because of the being lazy part ("My son will NOT grow up to be a lazy bum!"), I don't think he'd care about the pervert part. Bulma would pay more attention to the perverted prob, she'd prolly yell at him and burn his 'merchandise' [b]3. If Goten is a villian, how the other going to react? [/B] Gohan and Trunks would prolly try to smak some sense into him, Goku would prolly just talk to him, Vegeta'd prolly kill him
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by piccolo [/i] [B] How about Videl (Hopefully, Gohan won't blast Trunks apart) [/B][/QUOTE] I dunno about him and Videl, she's about 10 years older than he is, unless it doesn't matter that she's older than him actually, I can't really think of anyone to pair him up with (I like Android 18 with Krillin, I think it's cute)....
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by piccolo [/i] [B]GT Trunks - He looks like a geek and his hair is too purple. He's not as strong as the other Trunks [/B][/QUOTE] his HAIR is too purple?? krap, what kind of a complaint is that?! I like his purple hair:D I used to hate Mr. Satan the most, but after watching some more DBZ stuff near the end of the Buu saga, I hate Mr. Popo the most now.
  10. mine are -steph -step-on-me (LOL, I laughed when I saw the same thing on FB's nickname list:D) -priscilla (long, stupid story)
  11. assuming the character is brought to real life like some weird science fiction, I'd say Trunks:D
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by master vega [/i] [B][URL=http://www.finalblow.cjb.net]DBZ RPG and more games[/URL] [/B][/QUOTE] just ta letcha know, stuff like this is spam. if you want ppl to know about your site, put it in your sig
  13. -Piccolo vs Android 17 -the fight Tien put up with lvl.2 Cell
  14. best -hero: can't decide:babble: -villian: Vegita:devil:
  15. they're prolly tryin' to make those 44 new eppies last for a while
  16. it would depend on the person you have anyone specific in mind?
  17. the subs are better than the dubs cuz they edit stuff out of the dubbed version
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zero-Sama [/i] [B]I am so sorry.My Aunt and Uncle are among the missing,and the death toll is estimated to be about 10,000 People.So sad........I hate those god **** Arab's......... [/B][/QUOTE] nobody knows if it actually [i]was[/i] the Arabs or not so just say 'terrorists' or something
  19. it sux, it keeps timing out and disconnecting itself
  20. -my band teacher Mr. Johnson from 6th grade. he was a really good teacher and was funny, but had high blood pressure and a bit of a temper, and some of the kids in band that year were....:flaming::devil: -my band teacher Mr. Johnson from 7th and 8th grade (the other one quit, probably for description stated:p ). he too is great, and you can talk to him like a regular person and not a teacher (last year was his first year teaching, BTW) -my 8th grade english/literature teacher, Mr. Combs. he's pretty strict, but he's good at explaining what he teaches, and he'll have class discussions on stuff ranging from politics to sports to just plain stupid quirky stuff
  21. what they did was unforgiveable, but the 'eye for an eye' thing doesn't work in this case. killing people after the deed is done is still more killing, and it won't bring back the people that were attacked. however, if they would try to launch another attack, they should be killed only in the act, for the sake of defending the country and for the people in it.
  22. Yes. if I was actually gonna fight, I'd more than likely be scared outta my wits, but I would try to do my best. I wouldn't attack another country, but I would certainly defend mine. serving my country as in helping the wounded, volunteering at Red Crosses, etc., there would be absoutely no question about it.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj_kakkarot [/i] [B]EVERY ONE IN MY SCHOOL HATES ME BECASE IM HONEST ABOUT THE THINGS I LIKE, I DON'T CARE IF PEOPLE SAY IM DIFFERENT BECAUSE LIKE DBZ, THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY THINGS LIKE THAT THEY HAVE NO AUTHARITY AGAINST ME OR ANYONE ELSE:flaming: IM NOT ANY DIFFERENT FROM THEM AND I LIKE DBZ VERY MUCH AND I AINT THAT BAD A DRAWER BUT I CAN'T SHOW MY FREINDS PIC'S OR MY COOL TOYS AND T SHIRTS OR EVEN MY ROOM BECAUSE I HAVE A FEW POSTERS UP, ANYONE ELSE FEEL THE SAME :flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] I agree. you should be able to talk about and wear what you want without getting ragged on, as long as it's not offensive to anyone (ex: if you wear a shirt to school that says "KILL ALL JEWS!", you [i]deserve[/i] to get jumped.) so you keep on wearin' your DBZ shirts and drawin' your pics, and bulk up a bit so no one'll mess with ya:D
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