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Everything posted by amibasuki

  1. all of em? as in Ryoko, Ayeka, and Sakuya? or all the ladies in Tenchi period? Washu's not annoying, she's cool! lol, she has her 'moments', but she's one of the more mature ppl at times:D
  2. Kione's pretty cool! what's so bad about Kione when you compare her to... *cringe* Ayeka?
  3. yup, it's annoying. I guess they think just cuz there's a group of guys that hang around each other a lot, they're gonna start 'liking' each other since there aren't any chiks around ppl are just bored and let there minds wander a bit farther than needed nowadays...
  4. ummmm, I don't think I have anything (foo)... 'cept for some downloaded RealAudio movie clips from GT my brother's got a really spiffy lookin' shirt that I wear sometimes though -.-
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pretty Sammy [/i] [B]Yes!!! :D Why not anyway? [/B][/QUOTE] Akira just said she couldn't (or any of the other girls, for that matter). either because a. they're just not supposed to, like how guys aren't supposed to be able to give birth (....-.-) or b. none of 'em are quite strong enough to
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chauien [/i] [B]even i like Tien and Chau-su heaps [/B][/QUOTE] Tien's awesome, but I dunno about Chiaotzu... but hey, that's my opinion. if you like Chiaotzu, so be it
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillin6913 [/i] [B] hey!! i care about my baldness, i shaved it not you, then i let it grow not you, so i made this thread and id say its ok to talk about my head, thank you god! i mean sephiroth [/B][/QUOTE] heh, I'm sure he would've prefered God:p:D
  8. [QUOTE]have you ever seen the sell game pan, goku does give up![/QUOTE] well, it's sorta half n' half. he prolly already had an inkling he couldn't beat Cell; even though Goku's a peaceful person, he's still a saiyan, I'm sure he couldn't resist the urge to be part of a good fight:p plus, he was preparing Gohan for fighting Cell so that Gohan could see Cell's maneuvers and know how to fight him. [quote]Oh, well that just changes everything now! NOW I say ChoaTzu. Or Yaijirobe.[/quote] oy, I don't even consider Yajirobe to be a Z fighter anymore so with Yajirobe outta the picture, the dumbest Z fighter is Yamucha the most useless is.... well, whaddya know? Yamucha! who'da thunk it, huh?:laugh:-.-
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Foredaddy [/i] [B] Thats right I am the almighty COMEDIAN!! BWAHAHA!:devil: [/B][/QUOTE] hiya Foredaddy! long time no see!:D:D anywho, coincidentially most of my friends like some sort of anime (mostly DBZ, but a couple like Gundam stuff). hehehe, I get play-teased for liking Ranma 1/2 and Fushigi Yugi (most of my anime buddies are guys, they're not really into liking the more [i]quote girlie[/i] stuff:p). everybody else either knows about it and calls it gay, or knows about it, calls it gay, and then watches it anyway (them stuuupid closet fans*:flaming:*) whenever somebody asks me what I like watchin', I just tell 'em, since they're the ones that wanted to know anyway. I won't try ta push the subject on them if they don't wanna hear about it, but if they give me problems about it (the girls mainly, "you [i]should[/i] be too mature for that stuff now"), I tell 'em off pretty quick, and they don't bother me about it anymore.
  10. Piccolo he's one of the strongest Z fighters, he's basically like a godfather to Gohan, and he's just plain awesome:D
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Fish [/i] [B]i go to umm general [/B][/QUOTE] wow, me too!:p I visit the Tenchi, Dragonball, and Gundam sections besides this, and that's about it.
  12. she's prolly just takin' a break from the Boards for awhile
  13. hmmm, can't say for sure, I've only been to Anipike sites of Gundam Wing I'd probably say Duo, then Trowa
  14. outta those mentioned, I've only seen 08th MS Team ('cept for Mobile Suit Gundam, but I like MS Team a whole lot more anyway). so I go with 08th MS Team (doi ta me)
  15. I thought Safer already left or is he leaving soon? or is he already there and using a computer there? *sigh* I need a drink:confused: anwayz, have fun DS! .....OINK!!..... ...I feel better now:cross::D
  16. I like these: :D :p :wigout: :tasty: :angel: :laugh: :sleep: :flaming: :devil:
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] I saw the one where they ate Buffalo testicals and Sheep's eyes.... oh well, people eat those all the time in other countries... they are considered delacasies... like escargo (sp?) in France... it's snail... yeah thats the right word I think... [/B][/QUOTE] delacasies or not, I bet they still suk:p then again, my mom tried escargo (she didn't know it) and [i]liked[/i] it! I might try 'em if I ever come across some... ...not the bull testicals though, that'd be just....sorta....:cross:
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sasami-san[/i] [B] This may sound stupid, but what do those pictures have to do with Outlaw star? Or does anyone know? I mean, I don't think that I've ever seen any of those girls in those pictures in any of the shows?? But I always wonder what those pictures have to do with the show..... [/B][/QUOTE] I was about to ask the same thing. they're really pretty-lookin', but they didn't exactly fit... well, at least we know now:D
  19. I have some running shoes from Reebok that're pretty comfy I'd like a pair of 10-in. pumps though:D
  20. geezm, I'd hate that get better soon *gives SSJ5 Vegeta a bandaid*:p so, this new virus thingy have a name?
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ArcticLynx [/i] [B] um... its not like i did it... :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] I know ....just the thought of it though...*cringe*
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B]i hate doin dishes [/B][/QUOTE] ditto:flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
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