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Everything posted by amibasuki

  1. thimoc had, like, about 4,500 posts, or somethin' like that
  2. Piccolo's outfit is pretty spiffy, though the cape looks like it weighs about 30 pounds I also like how mirai Trunks dresses everybody else looks just about the same (except for Vegeta and Gohan's lovely Saiyaman outfit:D)
  3. did you write all those? they're really good.
  4. I dress kinda the same as ZakuII I'll wear this really cute outfit that some of the 'preppier' girls wear, cuz I simply like some of the stuff they tend to wear. the next day, I could wear something as opposite as a plain cotton t-shirt w/ navy blue guy-styled cargo pants with my awesome pair of combat boots (gawl, I love 'em!), cuz I like that style as well. it's MUCH comfier, and as long as the clothes aren't tacky and don't have holes in 'em, they look just fine to me. it's the same with music. I can listen to Linkin Park and MXPX, but still like Moby and 98 Degrees
  5. I dunno if I could do anything even if I wanted to, unless I could do this talent thingy at home, then I'd do it anyway (I'd just make sure they didn't catch me:D) [i]off-subject[/i] cool sig quote, 08th MS Team is cooooool:D
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *GaLxY-GiRl* [/i] [B][COLOR=coral]Over-rated.......[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] lol
  7. kkk's so stupid. no, worse than stupid, just can't think of the right word right now. if they had their way, it'd be like another Holocaust or something
  8. ice cream and cheesecake :D:D:D
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by firemac [/i] [B]One day, I was going to the commissary with my family,and then when we were about to enter a line to pay for stuff, we look over ot the side, and we the stuff to amke you stop smoking, and then when you look to the side of that you see nothing but cigarettes, and I was like isn't that something, how do you expect someone to stop smoking when there's cigarettes right next to the products that help you stop, I just had to share that with you. [/B][/QUOTE] some ppl are just rude....:rolleyes:
  10. orange frogs, eh? I think if I ever heard them at night while trying to get my 3 hour night-nap, I'd probably go outside and hunt every single one of 'em down. that's what I do to crickets and locusts what I [i]would[/i] do, if I could actually kill the darn things....
  11. So-and-So (I forget the dude's name) once put something like: "your partner should be the love of your life, yet your best friend." love for someone to me is when you love that person very much (kind of a no-brainer there), but even if you never felt 'that way' about the person, you could still be the best of friends. anywayz, it makes sense to me, it might make sense to you guys:D
  12. great poems, Cera and Crazy White Boy! here's one by Shel Silverstein (sp?) that I heard back in elementary school. it goes something like: we gave you a chance to water the plants we didn't mean 'that way' now zip up your pants:p like I said, elementary school. it's still cute though:D
  13. 1. racist/sexist/bigot etc. ppl 2. ppl with big egos when there's no reason they should have 'em in the first place (and ppl with big egos period) 3. when I try to be sincere about something (be it something I'm trying to tell someone or about what I'm interested in), and ppl say I'm a lier or poser - [i]small ex: I told somebody I like Linkin Park (I DO), and he was like, "you're just a girl posin' to be cool":mad::mad::mad:[/i] grrr, I don't lie to ppl, I don't try to be cool, I don't try to fool ppl, WHAT'S WITH THIS????!!!!
  14. my name's Stephanie. I used to hate my name, but I like it now:D at the top of my head, if I was gonna change my name, I'd name myself Erin.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] They are... it takes a few days to get used to them and it can be a pain if they fall out or something gets in your eye, but over all they are great.... I can see thousand times better and I don't wear something on my face in the process :) [/B][/QUOTE] ditto oy, I've been wearing glasses since I started kindergarten, my eyes were pretty bad then (heh, they're a heck of a lot worse now). I got contacts when I was in fifth grade. whatever you do, do NOT get hard contacts, those things S U K!
  16. only 500 this time? alriiiiight!!! I still have about 450 posts to go, but it's a lot closer than 1,000. so no complaining here!:D:D
  17. I don't love anime characters, the closest I've gotten to it is by saying that the character is awesome (I don't think an anime character is awesome because of their looks, that's somethin' different altogether:D) yis, Trunks is 'drawn very well'. Trunks is [i]also[/i] awesome. like Transtic said, if he were real, he'd be....*drool*....whups, happened again...:o
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Danath [/i] [B]All of those r *good* moments...but i got the best 1 of all. It takes place way at the beginning of DBZ. Bulma had just finished tinkerin w/ the scouter and told the turtle to "put upyour dukes". When it hit his power lvl of like .0003 (or whatever it was) i toppled over laughing. [/B][/QUOTE] :Dhahaha, same here:D one of my favorite moments in DBZ is when Goku finally arrives and Trunks meets and talks to Goku about the androids and who is parents are *:D* also when Trunks battles Cell, that was awesome too oy, I'm on a Trunks high right now, and I owe it all to [COLOR=indigo]NekoCat[/COLOR] :D. she posted a URL to this awesome Trunks site, and I've seen the Traces of Insanity music video 1 - 2 many times (the song is "Crawling" by Linkin Park) here's the link for anyone who didn't get to see it, just helpin' to spread the love:D [url]http://www.dbcollection.com/trunks[/url] THANK YOU, NEKOCAT!!!:D
  19. pray, tell me the name of this store...
  20. good gawl, the way some ppl are gaining posts, they'll be masters (if that's what they're still called) by tomorrow! even when I first got here in May (I posted a LOT more then than I do now), it still took me about 2 weeks to become a master
  21. I'm not a big movie fanatic, so I don't have a lot of movies to choose from, just to tell you peeps (in no particular order) The Sixth Sense Miss Congeniality (a little cliche, but I still like it:D) The Prince of Egypt Save the Last Dance Happy Gilmore
  22. on a scale of 1 to 10, I'd give it an 8;)
  23. eh phooey, I've already seen those before got any not-so-well-known-about pics?:cool:
  24. Hilda is awesome, she's my favorite, even if she did die really early in the series the runners up would be Gene and Suzuka:D
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