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Everything posted by amibasuki

  1. [COLOR=teal]I'll write in a different color in honor of this special occasion:D anywayz, happy birthday! *throws Masterfolk a piece of e-cake* [/COLOR]
  2. 1. racist/sexist/bigot etc. ppl 2. being in a silent room except for the ticking of a clock 3. closed-minded ppl who choose to be that way 4. also the MTV thing (I prefer VH1 anyday) 5. selfish ppl who think only of themselves 6. idiots who think they're geniuses 7. how nothing seems to work when you want it to
  3. eh, I've got time on my hands, won't hurt to post again I'd say average but more cute
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i] [B]I choose [B]Gorillaz[/B] [IMG]Or as u choseta call it: Other[/IMG] [/B][/QUOTE] can't see the pic:(
  5. my life's not hard. my basic school week is this: I wake up at 6am for school, get home at about 4, do chores and homework, go outside and run some, and get on the net usually at about 10 and stay on for 2 hours oh yeah, I like your Brolly pic;)
  6. hehehe:D I like my avatar, Washu is awesome:D you should see my custom avatar for when I get a 1000 posts, though. :D
  7. cool! can ya post the link? nope, not on Neopets anymore, the darn thing kept taking forever to load for some reason
  8. Bubble Boy, that's one sweet pic Fish.... I'm impressed. such artistic talent...
  9. yeah, a lot of my stuff gets moved, too 'cept it's mainly cuz my sister moves it....
  10. so far I've only used the chatroom when SEEL took over the Boards oh yeah, my name in the chatroom is simply amibasuki:D
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]I think I'm getting used to it...a couple members here have nearly the same b-day as I do... [/B][/QUOTE] yis, there's quite a few ppl like that here firemac and Anna have the same b-day me and Final_Flash's b-days are 1 day apart any others?
  12. this year looks very promising. the teacher are awesome and know what they're teaching (for once :rolleyes: ), and most of the ppl in my class seem pretty neat-o last year, the teachers were stupider than the students, but I had a lot of friends in my class:D
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zaku II [/i] [B]We have like a total of 8 people out of a thousand thast like anime that I know off. I have a good girl friend (not girlfriend kissy kissy love love type just friend thats a girl) that likes anime and a friend who happens to be an idiot who likes DBZ and thats almost it. BTW* How old r u amibasuki? [/B][/QUOTE] to tell you the truth... I don't know myself....:(
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zaku II [/i] [B]Well yeah, but Im just asking if people are all out anime at school or if they dont really talk about it or showboat it there. This is mainly a bigger issue with older anime fans. [/B][/QUOTE] well, I don't say stuff like "I LOVE ANIME!!!!" out of the blue. but if someone asks what tv shows and movies I like, I'll say anime and name off a couple of shows/movies I watch.
  15. same thing here. any girls that know I watch anime are like, 'aren't you a bit too grown up for stuff like that now?' the girls that [i]do[/i] watch anime like Sailor Moon and Pokemon (no offense to those who like it, I just don't go for those particular animes). luckily, a couple of my guy buddies like DBZ, so I don't feel too alone.
  16. yis, me too *looks around* um, aren't we supposed to discuss what we voted on now?? oh well, who cares.... *shrugs and walks away*
  17. 08th MS Team is awesome! it [i]was[/i] sorta mushy in one of the eppies in the middle (blah), but the other 11 were excellent. my fave eppie's gotta be #3 or #4, whichever one the Guerillas helped fight in the most. I dunno if this little bit's already been talked about here, but did anybody watching 08th on the Midnight Run notice this one time when Shiro said somethin' like "what the h3ll are you doing?!" and they didn't edit it out? [sarcasm] ooooooo, big deal [/sarcasm] I dunno, just felt like sharing
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJGoten [/i] [B]hmm wut r ur reason??? Thinks hes "hot"??? [/B][/QUOTE] nooooooo....:rolleyes: :D:D
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Killermon [/i] [B] UUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHH yet me guess... BOYS!!! [/B][/QUOTE] [sarcasm] :rolleyes: no! girls, stoopid!:rolleyes: [/sarcasm] j/k :p
  20. duuuude, it'd be awwwesome to see Pan go SSJ :D
  21. amibasuki


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Killermon [/i] [B]i have a southern accent IT SUCKS!!! i hate IT! [/B][/QUOTE] me bein' from Georgia, I've got a bit of a Southern accent too I don't sound southern when talking around other southern ppl but you should here me when I'm not:D:D
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