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Everything posted by amibasuki
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ryu_Sakura [/i] [B]i think pepl like that are stupid, i mean peopl can belive who and what they want. besides imean who actually believe those dufises anyway? i personaly hate morman, the tell peopl how wonderful the religon they join, the mormans take all thier money, the people leave because lack of cash, ect....[/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]heh, well you just described almost every church known on this earth then. for one thing, the Morm[i]o[/i]n church is a [i]non-profit organization[/i], and doesn't force [i]anybody[/i] to give them money. the only reason why there are tithes in the first place is to keep the church going (ex: pay for the temples and church buildings, books, etc.), and for welfare purposes, like sending supplies out to third-world countries, etc. You hear that? [i]welfare[/i]. also as in, if the father/mother loses their job and is having money problems, the church helps them out until they can get back on their feet. people trying to make a profit aren't going to care about people who don't have money to begin with. yeah, we're money-hoarders alright. as for your hating Mormons because the ones you've come across say they like their church (:rolleyes: ), everybody's entitled to their own opinion; it'd make about as much sense as me hating you for saying that you like Sailor Moon (which I personally can't stand), but whatever. you'd better at least be able to back up your remarks if you're going to flame something as serious as somebody's religion, however. if you want to go talking about ignorant 'dufises,' make sure you don't go resembling your own remarks.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial] What is your name? [b]Stephanie[/b] Spell your name backwards. [b]....uh, Einahpets...[/b] Date of birth: [b]Oct. 9, 19876[/b] Male or female? [b]what about both?[/b] Astrological sign: [b]Libra[/b] Nicknames: [b]Ste, Stooter, Steph, Elizabeth (?)[/b] Occupation? [b]heh, N/A[/b] Height: [b]5'3[/b] Weight: [b]sooo, how 'bout them Braves?[/b] Hair color: [b]brownish-blondish[/b] Eye color: [b]hazel[/b] Where were you born? [b]a couple of miles outside of my old neighborhood[/b] Where do you reside now? [b]in my new neighborhood[/b] Age: [b]16[/b] Screen names: [b]Amibasuki. yeah.[/b] E-mail addy: [b]check in the profile-ness[/b] What does your screen name stand for? [b]two anime character names put together[/b] What is your gangsta name? [b]G-Biscuit. werd.[/b] What does your diary name stand for? [b]come again?[/b] Pets: [b]a beagle named Lizzy. aka deh Cuteness.[/b] Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake? [b]is this really necessary?[/b] Piercings? [b]one in each ear[/b] Tattoos? [b]zilch[/b] Shoe size: [b]from about a 6 1/2 to an 8[/b] Righty or lefty? [b]righty[/b] Wearing right now: [b]fake FBI Academy shirt with pj pants[/b] Hearing: [b]The Oblongs vaguely in the background. the show kinda sucks.[/b] Feeling: [b]cold[/b] Eating/drinking: [b]water[/b] Have you ever been in love? [b].....not too sure.... realistically speaking, probably not[/b] How many people have you told "I love you"? [b]one, a couple of years ago. I was a heck of a lot dumber back then than I am now.[/b] How many people have you been in love with? [b]there's one person I've seriously liked for a while, but other than that, none[/b] How many people have you kissed? [b]from the opposite sex, two[/b] Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? [b]not including my mom or sisters, no[/b] How many people have you dated? [b]taking out the elementary "Do u like me, check yes or no?" ones, four[/b] What do you look for in a guy/girl? [b]that certain...special... something... *cue music*[/b] What's the first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex? [b]either the eyes or the height[/b] What type of guy/girl do you usually go for? [b]they vary[/b] Do you have a bf/gf? [b]no[/b] If so where did you meet them? [b]N/A[/b] What do you like most about your bf/gf? [b]" "[/b] Do you have a crush right now? [b]ehhhh, yeah.[/b] If so who is it? [b]no one most of you all know[/b] Do you believe in love at first sight? [b]no[/b] Do you remember your first love? [b]boyfriend, yes[/b] Who is the first person you kissed? [b]a guy I was going out with when I was in 8th grade[/b] Do you believe in fate? [b]yes, to an extent[/b] Do you believe in soul mates? [b]not really[/b] If so do you believe you'll ever find yours? [b]N/A[/b] How many siblings do you have? [b]4[/b] What are your parents names? [b]Curly and Mootai[/b] What are your siblings names? [b]Anna, Samantha, Susan, C.J.[/b] How many siblings does your mother have? [b]4, if you include step-siblings[/b] How many siblings does your father have? [b]3[/b] Where are your parents from? [b]my mom's from UT, my dad's from NY[/b] Is your family close? [b]in some ways[/b] Does your family get together for holidays? [b]sometimes[/b] Do you have a drunk uncle? [b].....I don't think so....but then again...[/b] Any medical problems run through your family? [b]ooooh yeah[/b] Does someone in your family wear a toupee? [b]Miss Deedlit[/b] Do you have any nieces or nephews? [b]no[/b] Are your parents divorced? [b]no[/b] Do you have step parents? [b]no[/b] Has your family ever disowned another member of your family? [b]no[/b] If so for what? [b]N/A[/b] Did some of your family come to America from another country? [b]not unless you're talking about ancestors[/b] What song do you swear was written about you or your life? [b]Our Lady Peace's "Clumsy"[/b] What's the most embarrasing cd you own? [b]some various pop CD I got back in middle school. it doesn't even have a title, just some green 70-ish looking flower in the center[/b] What's the best CD you own? [b]can't decide[/b] What song do you absolutely hate? [b]Stacey's Mom, or whatever it's called.[/b] Do you sing in the shower? [b]not anymore[/b] What song reminds you of that special someone? [b]many do, one of them being New Found Glory's "The Story So Far"[/b] [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]yikes. I'll be lucky to come up with five. 0_o' this is of course in no order. [b]Benny and Joon[/b] heh, I think this is my first 'favorite' movie, lol. I always get a warm, fuzzy feeling whenever I watch it. Johnny Depp being in it is certainly a plus. [b]Alien[/b] one of the only sci-fi movies I like watching. that movie is freaking awesome. [b]The Prince of Egypt[/b] I never get tired of watching it. the artwork is beautiful, along with the story. better than most all of the animated movies Disney's made, imo. [b]The Matrix[/b] I haven't seen the last two movies (and from what all I've heard about them, I'm not quite sure I want to), but this one's awesome. a bit of the actors/acting doesn't seem all there, but it's still a great movie to watch. [b]I Am Sam[/b] sadness. really great movie. Sean Penn and Michelle Pfeiffer are teh awesome-ness. [b]White Oleander[/b] yep, Michelle Pfeiffer again, for the 3rd time. she's one great actress. but anywho, I didn't see this movie until about a month ago. had to watch it rather rushed, because I was borrowing it from someone. wish I'd had more time to focus on it, because it was a great movie. I think that's pretty much it. haven't seen a massive amount of movies, and not a lot of them have really stuck on me, except for the ones mentioned, of course. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]all of my bad cooking incidents involved microwaves. ...well, technically I wasn't really cooking....bah. anywho, a long, long time ago, I forgot to take my spoon out of my bowl of soup before putting it in the microwave. that kinda sucked >.
[FONT=arial]my name being Stephanie, there's the usual Steph, Stephie (which I canNOT stand), plus Ste (this one's what everybody usually calls me). I also got the name Stephanie Elizabeth from a guy friend at school who, when he found out I didn't have a middle name, picked one out for me, lol. I thought it sounded kinda weird, but no harm ^_^. then there are nicknames that are only used by family at home that shall remain there, simply because a few of them are rather embarrassing, meesh.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]the movie was alright-ish, I guess. not the best thing, but it was watchable. I haven't read the book before, but I followed it fairly well. [spoiler]the more minor characters like Francois (sp?) seemed to be killed off really early though. I would've liked to see more of them. course, I don't know that they [i]weren't[/i] killed off that quick in the book, but anywho.[/spoiler][/FONT]
[font=arial] 1) I find OtakuBoards rules easy to understand and follow.[b] A[/b] 2) I feel that the staff at OtakuBoards understand their job and are capable of performing it appropriately. [b]B[/b] 3) OtakuBoards is easy to navigate. [b]A[/b] 4) OtakuBoards has a friendly atmosphere. [b]B[/b] 5) How often do you visit OtakuBoards? [b]about once a week[/b] 6) Do you feel that the rules are too strict/not strict enough/fine as they are? [b]they're fine the way they are for the most part[/b] 7) Should we continue to uncensor the creative writing areas on OtakuBoards? [b]yes[/b] 8) Would you rather a decentralized forum system on OB (more forums, less activity per forum) or a centralized forum system (less forums, more activity per forum)? [b]I think it's fine the way it is[/b] 9) Would you like to see a closer integration of myOtaku and OtakuBoards? [b]yes[/b] 10) Are you signed up to myOtaku.com? [b]yes[/b] 11) If you are not signed up to myOtaku.com, do you plan to sign up in the near future? [b]nix[/b] 12) Do you read Announcements at OtakuBoards? [b]if I see a new one I do[/b] 13) Which single Category (Category, as opposed to individual Forum) do you spend most of your time visiting? [b]Public, and sometimes the Anime one[/b] 14) Do you think that OtakuBoards should offer an in-built chat system as part of our service? If we included a chat, would you use it? [b]I think it's a good idea. I'd probably use it now and then.[/b] 15) If we offered an "OtakuBoards Wireless" service that would be accessible via Internet-capable cellphones, would you use it? [b]no[/b] 16) When we offer a next generation version of OtakuBoards, should we continue to provide semi-regular community events in our Event Arena or a similar forum? [b]yes[/b] 17) If you could add one new Category (Category, not Forum) to OtakuBoards, what would it be? [b]blank[/b] 18) If you could remove one Category from OtakuBoards, what would it be? [b]I don't know about category, but I think a couple of the individual anime forums should be dropped, considering some of them don't even have 3 active threads in them.[/b] 19) If you could add anything to OtakuBoards (in terms of a new forum, a technical tool/feature, etc), what would it be? [b]blank[/b] 20) On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your experience at OtakuBoards since you registered? [b]7[/b][/font]
[FONT=arial]if I were to get married (lol), I'd take on my husband's last name. I mean, I love the guy enough to marry him, wouldn't it be kind of contradictory [i]not[/i] to take his name? it's the least you could do. it's just a name. meh, I had a really good way to put it, but I just lost it. maybe I'll get it back.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]lol, I've been getting somewhat into it lately. I couldn't get "Music of the Night" out of my head one night, so I ended up spending a good couple of hours looking up various sites on basically anything about the show (or the making of it), cuz I'm a nerd like that :cross:. it took awhile for me to get used to the phantom's voice, because I thought it sounded too weird. I wanted to beat my older sister over the head because she'd play MotN for hours on end. then after listening to it so much, it just grew on me, lol. I agree, he is a great singer, for all it took to get used to it :p. I'm hoping I get the soundtrack sometime soon. most of the stuff I've heard off of it I like a lot. I have to say, if they really are making a Phantom of the Opera movie, it'd better be good ([i]and stick to the story![/i]). I wanted to strangle something watching the Les Misérables movie.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]Lamb Chop was awesome. I would watch that show like the dickens whenever it came on (did that even make sense? o_0). that and Sesame Street, and Barney. you know, the late 80's/early 90's stuff that came on the public television channel. now that I think about it, all the shows I especially liked as a kid involved puppets of some sort. coincidence or what, lol. then again, most shows back then had puppets in them in some way, shape, or form. I figured it would be (somewhat) appropriate to post this picture I made *cough* edited, since LambChop was brought up. take it as you will. [center][img]http://invisionfree.com/forums/Elven_Realm_Forum/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=112[/img][/center][/FONT]
[FONT=arial]first off (though it might be too late by now), I don't see why his ex-girlfriend should be pulled into this. you don't really need to know why they broke up, do you? I'm sure you can guess well enough for yourself, heh. secondly, if he was any sort of friend worth keeping around, he'd never have pulled any of this junk to begin with. you don't need someone like him to be hanging around you. so if you feel like you'd be stepping on his toes by telling him to quit, then don't feel that way. you shouldn't feel any guilt about getting rid of him if he can't treat you the way you expect, and [i]deserve[/i], to be treated. there are other guys out there who would treat you with a hundred times more respect than he would, so you wouldn't be losing much anyway. probably the most important part of getting him to stop is to get him to take you seriously. you can't act like you're afraid, like a couple of other people have said. it just tells him he can keep messing with you. the next time he tries feeling you up, act like you're absolutely [i]furious[/i] at him (keep in mind I didn't say act like an eight-year old throwing a tantrum, because that won't work too well in your favor), tell him just how sick you are of him feeling you up like that, and move into another seat, or anywhere away from him, for that matter. I'm sure if you explained your situation to an understanding person, they'd gladly make room for you. if he tries playing stupid, don't let him try to convince you that he wasn't doing anything wrong, or show any sign of him getting back on your good side, no matter how much sweet-talking he does. tell him that the both of you know full well what he's doing, and if he cared for you as a friend at all he wouldn't be acting like such an *** to you. and if you can actually pull it off, I guess you could warn him that you'll hurt him by *take your pick of pain-infliction* if he doesn't stop, and actually do it the next time he messes with you. don't actually threaten it unless you plan to go through with it, or he won't take you seriously. I also wouldn't recommend trying to hurt him if he's stronger than you, because 1.) it probably wouldn't hurt him, and he wouldn't care if you do it next time, and 2.) some guys don't feel the least bit sorry for hitting girls back. go ahead and forcefully push him off you if you need to though, by all means, obviously. for a future thought, don't even put yourself in the position for him to do something like that to you again next time. if he gets all fussy as to why you won't sit with him anymore, tell him exactly why, and don't let him convince you to change your mind, no matter how much 'apologizing' he does. if things start to die down after that (and he actually has stopped bothering you), then you don't have to get the counselors or your parents involved. it probably would be a good thing for you to do anyway though, because talking about things like this out in the open really helps, and will most likely make you feel more relieved about it all. you should definitely report him if he doesn't quit after you've firmly told him not to, though. heck, you should've reported him by now, for taking advantage of you already. that's up to you to decide though. but if talking to an adult would've been good for you in all three cases, then I'd tell someone if I were you. EDIT: well now, don't I feel all right as rain, seeing as you've already replied and all. oh well, at least things are starting to look in a more positive direction for ya ^_^. I'll just.....look at this useless post and fix random grammatical issues as I find them....and stuff.... [/FONT]
What's the best love song that you've heard?
amibasuki replied to Demonic Angel's topic in Noosphere
[FONT=arial]my favorite would have to be Edwin McCain's "I Could Not Ask For More." beautiful-ness. I can't help humming it whenever I get it in my head.[/FONT] -
[FONT=arial]well, as long as their are people willing to pay the odd $30 for an anime DVD, they're probably not going to change much, unfortunately. when they start feeling the lack of money, they'll probably put more work into it to make the DVD better. either that or they'll at least drop the price a bit. in the mean time, it's just one of those aggravating things ya gotta deal with.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]I'm in the choir at church and the 'chorus' at school, soprano in both. sometimes I play the piano for the church choir, and lately the chorus director at school has wanted me to play a couple of things for future performances. much rather be singing though, since I signed up to be in 'chorus', not 'piano performance'. but hey, whatever-ish. meh, used to be pretty tone-deaf lol, since I wasn't really comfortable with the way I sounded; but once I got used to it (singing, not the being tone-deaf part :cross: ), I had a lot easier of a time fixing it. now I'm not Celine Dion, but I can carry a tune fairly well.[/FONT]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by IceWolfEyes [/i] [B] I think they were called Pound Puppies... [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]no, they weren't Pound Puppies, although those were cute, too ^_^. I remember for the little kittens they were pink looking, and their eyes would 'open and close with warm and cold water.' I do believe that they came out with a pony/horse version of it, too. other than that, I don't remember anything. dangit, one more reason why I won't be able to sleep tonight. :p[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]heh, I liked just about anything that was cutesy or colorful. Barbies, My Little Ponies, Polly Pocket, Littlest Petshop (or something like that), at the top of my head. I also liked this board game called Shark Attack, or something of that sort. this mechanical shark face would roll around on the board and eat your game pieces if you didn't get out of the way in time. that thing was awesome, lol. I haven't seen it for years though, unfortunately. what was the name of those stuffed dogs and cats that had the little babies in their stomach that you could pull out? I used to want one of those so badly (they were so CUTE!). I forget what they're called, though. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]pretty much what I want consists of CD's and DVD's, nothing over $25 apiece (not that cheap, but not quite as expensive as something like a laptop, lol) so as for the stuff I've already got in mind, -Roald Dahl Treasury -Complete Poems of Robert Frost -Clay Aiken's debut album -Josh Groban's live album -Phantom of the Opera soundtrack -Spirited Away DVD -Apocalyptica -Anger Management DVD -Sleeping Beauty DVD if I want to get adventurous (and steep in price), I'd like a good-lookin' trench coat/long coat, or something of that sort, that's long enough to reach my ankles. that'd be pretty awesome. course, money's good, too. but I'd just be buying what's on my wish list with it, lol. or save it, I guess :shifty:. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]I'm probably closest to my older sister. I've shared a room with her since I was probably two or three, which back then pretty much sucked, considering we couldn't stand each other. it got so bad that one day my parents pulled us into their room and (*snickers*) pulled out this picture of us together and said something like "Now why can't you both be like this, how you used to be?" might I add that Anna didn't like me from the minute I was born (she told me so in casual conversation a couple of years ago, meh), so it wouldn't have made much of a difference, lol. so yeah, what was I talking about? we eventually grew out of that *rair!* stage, and got to know each other as inividuals, instead of "that kid who puked on me when she was a baby,'' or ''that mean, big.....snotty-head, doo-doo face!''. once she hit middle school and I was in third grade, we started to actually talk about stuff, ranging from 'b0yz' to mean parents and music (!Hanson! *flowery hearts*). real philosophical stuff. things continued in an upward trend, with regulatory fighting in between. then I became a freshman and she was a senior, and we ended up fighting a heck of a lot. well, at least more than what we usually did. difference was we actually talked through it most of the time instead of just leaving things hanging. and of course, the scope for conversation broadened quite a bit, or at very least got a lot more detailed. now she's off at college *sniff*. I get to talk to her about once a week, and we email about that often, too. it's all coolies and stuff. I actually have my own room, for the first time in my life. my younger sister is in high school now. it's quite...... different. we'll have to see where that goes, lol.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]heh, I like some NSYNC stuff. the stuff from their No Strings Attached album, anyway. probably more embarrassing than that is that I like the pop group Steps. it's like S-Club 7, but for some reason I can stand Steps, and I hate S-Club. funny thing is I went and bought the Steps CD at the same time I bought Toxicity. meh, the cashier guy actually asked me if I was buying any of them as gifts (as in, "You're not seriously getting both of those for yourself, right?"). that was pretty humiliating at the time. I'm over it though. ...:twitch:[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]lol, I can't make myself write. if I do, then whatever I write ends up looking like tripe. but if I start off just writing some rant or journal entry of some sort, then ideas start coming, and it's not painfully hard after that at least. this happens late at night, considering that's the only time I actually have all to myself. listening to music actually distracts me, because then I'll concentrate more on the song than what I'm supposed to be writing, lol.[/FONT]
Stupid things you thought of or did when you were young
amibasuki replied to DragonArcher's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=arial] a couple of times when I was around the 3 and 4-ish age, we had this little blue bike that you could push with your legs and didn't have pedals (so I guess it wasn't too great of a bike :P). but anywho, I would take it to the top of a flight of stairs we had in our old house, and ride it down until I fell at the bottom. scared the bejeezes outta me, but it was fun. kinda hurt though. then I'd stick my head through the iron railing/bars and get it stuck. I don't quite remember how my parents got me outta that one. I would do it frequently though, because I always thought I could get myself unstuck ('okay, next time!'). before we moved, we got this computer game called Astro Grover (it was really ghetto looking considering it was the early 90's, but it was colorful and had Grover, so we thought it was awesome). for some reason we thought that Grover was on the Milky Way, so whenever it came on we would sing for him to bring us candy bars and pretend to catch them in the air. ahhh, chocolate! in kindergarten I had this unhealthy fetish with Elmer's glue (no, I didn't eat it, Samantha *bonk*), and I'd spread gobs of it on my hands and wait for it to dry so I could peel it off. drove my teacher absolutely insane. I think that's enough.[/FONT] -
[FONT=arial]you seem to be rather proud of that...[/font]
[FONT=arial][i]EDIT: [/i]heh, he was probably like that to begin with 0_o'. no brainer for me; I'd take sleep over theotaku boards anyday. it's just a message board, nothing to lose sleep over, especially when I don't get much sleep to begin with because of school/schoolwork and such of the like. sleep is good. very good. I absolutely [i]need[/i] sleep. I could deal with visiting theotaku only on the weekends.[/FONT]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Arcadia [/i] [B][size=1][color=sienna]I don't know about you guys, but one of my favorite parts of Chicago was John C. Riley, all the way. Mr. Cellophane was the best. [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]*hugs you* Chicago is awesome. besides Mr. Cellophane, my favorite was Cell Block Tango, too. We Both Reached for the Gun is my next favorite. I really like the way they did the whole 'ventriloquist' thing. after I borrowed the soundtrack from a friend at school, I couldn't get any of the songs out of my head for weeks. the dancing was great. the whole look of the movie in general fit really well. Roxie and Velma were both awesome. didn't know either of them could sing up until I heard about Chicago, lol. and of course Queen Latifah was great, lol.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial][b]First Name:[/b] Stephanie [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Hair Color:[/b] light brown, but naturally turns blonde when in the sun a lot [b]Eye Color:[/b] hazel [b]Height:[/b] 5'3 [b]Wardrobe:[/b] usually cute-ish girl clothes, but I like baggy clothes, too. comfy-ness. [b]Personality:[/b] not sure [b]Hair Style:[/b] shoulder-blade length and slightly wavy [b]Favorite Music Type:[/b] no specific favorite [b]Favorite musical Band/Artist:[/b] depends on what music phase I'm currently in, lol [b]Hobbies:[/b] playing music (piano, drumline), singing, acting, drawing, writing, sleeping (unconscious-like)[/FONT]