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Everything posted by amibasuki

  1. [quote]I totally agree. Its all so true too. I see people all the time who complain and whine about stupid things and those are the ones who are usually getting in trouble...[/quote] [FONT=arial]exactly. most teachers wouldn't be so unbearable if some students would quit screwing around half as much. heh, there are a few teachers who'd still be just as bad anyway, but just do what you're supposed to do and you won't get called out. it's not that hard (or shouldn't be, anyway 0_o') to keep a book from being face down on your desk, is it? :rolleyes: I hated middle school, too. that's when the 'cliques' start forming >.>' . at least in high school most people have grown up some and aren't [i]as[/i] judgemental about petty things. [/FONT]
  2. [FONT=arial]I was learning Japanese for awhile, but then it kinda.....died. plus, I still need to get my grammar/kana/vocabulary books back from someone I lent them to *grr*. I'm taking Spanish this year in school though, and I'm lovin' every bit of it. aside from band and chorus (they don't and shouldn't count, lol), that's the class I'm making the best grades in. I guess learning a little of another language before taking a foreign language class helped me pick up on remembering certain things easier or something.[/FONT]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gentle [/i] [B]... Anyway, my favorite book is [I]Blue Sword.[/I] ... [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]:toothy: didn't think anybody would mention it. I LOVE that book. that and the Hero and the Crown. I agree though, the Blue Sword is better. the only gripe I have with it is the first couple of chapters, which are boring as all get out. but once they're done with, the rest of the book's great. haven't read anything else by Robin McKinley though >.>' now for the Harry Potter books, my favorite one being the third one. awesome-ness. everything about those books are awesome. I also like most everything by Madeline L'Engle. The Wrinkle in Time series and A Ring of Endless Light are my favorites from her. then there's Roald Dahl. I honestly can't say which one of his books I like best, partially because it's been ages since I've read one, and because there were so many books of his that I liked in the first place. most of my favorites consist of the ones that they bothered making movies out of, plus that book with the rhyming fairy tales that he twisted around. one of these days I'm gonna get that Roald Dahl Treasury book I always see at Barnes and Noble. as to why I like those books, I like the Roald Dahl ones for the quirky/imaginative stories, the Wrinkle in Time ones because they were imaginative/interesting and I had to really think over them because of things like those tesseracts and such (headache), the Harry Potter books because I couldn't ever put any of the books down until I finished reading them (not to mention a couple of parts where they yanked on my heartstrings *sob* [spoiler]WHY HIM?![/spoiler]), and the Blue Sword because....."I just do!" heh, think I might have forgotten some, but these'll certainly do fine for now.[/FONT]
  4. [FONT=arial]I don't see how a Caucasian club is rascist as long as anybody who wants to join is allowed to. it's basically the same thing as an African-American or Hispanic-American club, just with a different heritage. what's the big deal about having it? is it the name or something? would the club be more acceptable if it was called the European-American club?[/FONT]
  5. [FONT=arial]if all goes well (or if I don't change my mind), I'm going as Lamb Chop. rabid-style. I'm thinkin' maybe I'll ask one of my friends to be Hush Puppy (also rabid-style). or maybe I'll just be Hush Puppy instead of Lamb Chop. oh well, one of the two.[/FONT]
  6. [FONT=arial]the only country music I can stand to listen to is stuff that Shania Twain and Nickel Creek put out. Nickel Creek doesn't really sound that country to begin with though. reminds me more of folk music. most country just rubs me the wrong way for some reason. maybe it's the 'twang'.[/FONT]
  7. [FONT=arial]man, I used to be obsessed with that show. I remember I would get so freaking mad if the Silver Snakes or Purple Parrots didn't win (those were my favorite teams.........why the heck do I still remember that? o_o), that my mom would come in and threaten that I wouldn't ever watch it again if I didn't calm down. ..........of course, that was back when I was seven ^_^'. it was still fun to watch nonetheless.[/FONT]
  8. [FONT=arial]lol, I loved Kitty. probably my favorite song on the entire CD. though that wouldn't be saying too much, since I only listened to about 5 songs on the CD anyway. :cross:[/FONT]
  9. [FONT=arial]it depends on the series for me. usually I prefer something in the action genre (NGE, Kenshin) to be in its anime form so I can watch the fight scenes and whatnot (especially in mecha series). if it's a drama or romance thing (W-Juliet, Marmalade Boy), I usually prefer it in manga format, since the story usually fleshes out more. there are some exceptions though. the Kare Kano anime is waaay better than the manga imo, while I like the Inu-Yasha manga a lot more than the anime series. it does work in manga's favor that most volumes are about fifteen dollars cheaper than DVD's, though...[/FONT]
  10. [FONT=arial]311's [i]Champagne[/i] reminds me of late nights of Evangelion. I had to watch the series late at night because that was the only time the TV was free, and I happened to be listening to From Chaos a lot during that time period, so it stuck. [/FONT]
  11. [FONT=arial]other than being related to Brigham Young (me and Deedlit are sisters), another somewhat famous person would be an aunt of mine, who was a ballerina. she played Clara in the international cast of The Nutcracker when she was thirteen. but that was a while ago, so not too many people would know her, unless you're just really into ballet or something :cross:.[/FONT]
  12. [FONt=arial]I looooooove peaches. best fruit in the world. I can cook anything that comes in a box. macaroni, pizza, tuna helper, advanced dishes of that sort :p. outside of that, I can also make good cheesecake (yummy!). other than that, my cooking skills leave much to be desired, lol.[/FONT]
  13. [FONT=arial]Spirited Away is awesome, even looking past the artwork (loved it so much I got a SP artbook, and love it to death). the movie actually has a lot of meaning. granted, if I hadn't read the artbook, which has all this good information about the movie in it, I wouldn't be able to pinpoint them, lol. since I'd be absolutely horrible about trying to summarize everything, I'm just going to quote some stuff from Miyazaki in the book. [i] "The main theme of this film is to describe...some of the things in this world which have become vague, and the indistinct world which tends toward erosion and ruin. ...Words are power. In the world Chihiro wandered into, words have a great importance and immutability. [spoiler]At Yuya, where Yubaba rules, if Chihiro were to say, "I don't want to do this," or "I want to go home," she would be eliminated... On the contrary, if [she] says, "I will work here," even a sorceress can't ignore her.[/spoiler] In these days, words are thought to be light and unimportant like bubbles, and no more than the reflection of a vacuous reality. It is still true that words can be powerful. ...In a dangerous world, Chihiro began to come alive. The sulky and languid character will come to have a stunning and attractive facial expression by the end of the film. The nature of the world hasn't been changed in the least. I am arguing in this film that words are our will, ourselves and our power...."[/i] clever/smart guy, he is. as an odd out-of-nowhere sidenote, I loved Yubaba's (Japanese) voice, lol. I bet the va who played her had a fun time acting it out ^_^.[/FONT]
  14. [FONT=arial]don't waste your money on the DVD's, just buy the manga. there's only eight of them, and you still get a great story that doesn't drag on forever and a day. and yeah, the anime's supposedly not that great anyway, like everybody else has said. but the manga is definitely worth the money. although, I have heard of a half-hour t.v. special they played that describes how Yuu really first knew Miki before their first initial meeting. supposedly that's really good. doubt it's going to be licensed anytime soon though.[/FONT]
  15. [FONT=arial]I used to absolutely adore Goosebumps back in the third and fourth grade. my favorite books would have to be the Monster Blood and Night of the Living Dummy ones. I loved most of the other original ones, too. I remember how hard it used to be to try and check them out of the school library, because everybody ran like crazed chickens to get to them before they were taken. man, talk about some nostalgia. used to like those alternate ending books, too. [/FONT]
  16. [FONT=arial]heh, so true. these fit me. [b] 4.) You begin to think those funky hats you wear when you're marching are kind of cool... 5.) And you wished you owned one. 6.) Someone behind you says "band geek" and you turn around. 9.) Your fall over (holding your instrument), smacking your head on concrete in the process, and are more worried about your instrument than yourself. 10.) You accidently call your band director "dad." [/b](yes, it's happened before..... >.>' Mr. Geiger got a kick out of it though, lol)[b] 17.) Going 2+ hours in 90 degree heat without water is easy. 22.) You still have the music from last year memorized. 26.) Your favorite memories have something to do with band. 27.) Bus rides are fun. 28.) Changing on those buses with other people becomes natural to you. 40.) A metronome doesn't hurt your ears anymore. 42.) You're standing at attention and your drum major/director could pretty much start scratching his/her butt without you reacting. 45.) Uniforms are sexy. [/b] what can I say, they've grown on me. :smooch:[b] 51.) You can actually sight read. 52.) Your crush is always someone in band. [/b]somehow, someway......[b] 54.) Your band could kick the football team's butt ... 55.) And that's a well-known fact. [/b]our football team sucks; anybody could, lol[b] 56.) You've had multiple dreams about band. 58.) Numbers above 8 aren't important. 65.) You know that your instrument is the best... [/b]because it is :p[b] 66.) And when someone who plays another instrument tries to say otherwise, you slap them. 68.) You see your band more than your family... [/b]that tends to happen when you get home at 7:30pm daily.[b] 70.) You wish you could sleep in your band room.[/b] do I ever.....[b] 80.) Some non-band people actually understand you when you start talking to them like that ('cause you do it so freaking much). 81.) You scream and have to find a seat whenever UNA marches onto a field. 84.) You relate to this stuff. 85.) Standing is more natural than sitting. 88.) You know someone's personality by what instrument they play. 89.) You can't walk into a music store without sighing happily because its like you just walked into heaven. 94.) *For everyone else.* You've wanted to meet the guy who's name is on your instrument case so you can thank them for making your instrument. [/b] Hey, you're that Pearl guy![b] 95.) There's nothing like the smell of that grass that smells like onions and dirt in the morning ... or afternoon ... or night. 96.) Marching in the rain is the funnest thing in the world - even if you have to jerk your shoe out of two inches of mud and nearly fall on your butt a few times. 101.) You count down the days to band camp ... 102.) And cheer when it finally comes. 103.) You get ... insulted whenever someone says about how all the band does is "walk around ... " [/b] really. I'd like to see them 'walk around' carrying a snare/quint set for half an hour at a time (parades are horrible)[b] 106.) A day just isn't complete without holding your instrument ... 107.) And when it has to be repaired, and you can't hold it, you go into serious withdraw. [/B] very sad. but yeah, anywho. good times ^_^.[/FONT]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssjBrolli [/i] [B]...I am craving love though and everytime I do try and go out and find my special someone I always get let down by them. I'm fet up by it too. I WANT LOVE IN MY LIFE. I feel so incomplete right now. In 4 or 5 months I'm going out into the real world as an civilian and earn my place in a company and I want someone to be there with me and help me through it all. The damn problem is I can't find her... [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]if you've got the mentality that you've got to have a girlfriend to be happy, then you're going to be sorely disappointed. maybe it'd be a little different if you had a specific someone in mind whom you really did love (as in, actual love), but if you're going around thinking "I've got to get a girlfriend," then you're never going to find one decent enough to keep around anyway. back on track, you aren't going to be able to make it out in 'the real world' if you have to have a lover to support you. she won't be (or shouldn't be, anyway 0_o) the one who manages to make you a success in life. sure, it'd be nice to have someone to console you if you're having work problems, but that's just about all she'd be able to do. you're the one who's going to have to make things work for you. you'll manage just fine in the mean time if you're still single, whether you're working yet or not.[/FONT]
  18. [FONT=arial]you know, if someone says they love you, it doesn't always mean they love you romantically. not that I'm trying to burst your bubble, because maybe she did mean something by it, but you shouldn't automatically assume she loves you that way just because she said it. I tell my best friends that I love them (and likewise), because yeah, I do love them, but as friends. doesn't mean I want to date them or anything. I'm kinda like the listening ear for a couple of guys. I look at them as just good friends, they look at me as just a good friend, it's all happy-like and works out nicely. although yeah, I imagine if I did like one of them it wouldn't work out that great, and likewise. but don't quit being nice and start acting like a jerk because of the 'good girls go for bad boys' idea though. you can't always expect immediate gratification, but the good karma will work for you later on down the road somehow. plus, your girl-friends can put a good word in for you to all their girl-friends, thus enhancing your chances of finding someone else you'd like to date who'd also like you back. also keep in mind that you shouldn't be acting nice soley because you're hoping that'll make her like you. reminds me of some guys I know who play the innocent "I'll take care of you"-type guy, just aiming to get a piece of *** later on. they'll see through it after awhile (if not immediately), and then heh, it kinda does the opposite of what you tried to come across as in the first place :nope:. I don't think that's what you were trying to do necessarily, but that's the idea that came across to me after I saw a couple of posts here, so I figured it certainly wouldn't hurt to bring it up.[/FONT]
  19. [FONT=arial]I'm actually home sick today. well, halfway. half the reason I'm home is because of my rapidly developing cold/whooping cough/whatever it is, the other half is because I got next to no sleep last night because of it. feels nice to be taking a break for a day. hopefully I'll be able to get back on track for school by tomorrow.[/FONT]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SailorStar [/i] [B]Actually, yes, there is. I am. I mean. I dont go all giggly when i hear the word kiss. i mean, really. some boy who is my best firned ever, told me he likes me. guess what i said. cool. adn i like him back. he desnt want to go out, becuase he's afraid to get his feelings hurt. the last girl he went out with, he was with for a while, then she moved, and they broke up. i mean. im giggly when it comes to boys, but when its otehrs that need help, im probably the clamest person you will find. im dofferent from a lot of teens. i eat maybe, maybe one meal a day, then im not hungry for the rest of the day. [color=red]?![/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial].......and, how does any of this make you mature? [/FONT]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]No, it is not correct in my eyes. The reasons for which why both symbols have become 'evil' are radical, one is clearly more defined and "horrible" than the other. You have to take it as a whole- the swastika became a nightmare for people, sometimes literally. Just takeing the core symbols without looking at how they transformed through events in history seems wrong. I am not really pro+confederate south, but that is still a stretch. Surely there are other symbols you could compare it to. Something more reasonable than the swastika. Your example with 'gay', however, was good. I am not trying to attack you personally, or anything- sorry if I come off as such. =)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]lol, I didn't figure that. just a lively debate going on is all. the swastika and Confederate flag comparison is a stretch, I agree. like I said, I wasn't trying to make them seem equal in harshness by any means, lol. just naming examples of how something that started off with a good meaning can end up with a bad one. the swastika was just a magnified version of it 0_o'.[/FONT]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]lol. Please, spare me. That is a whole different thing. The Nazi's killed jews, gypsys, Jehovah's Witnesses. They started a World War that killed millions in civilians and military personnel. Trying to compare the Confederate symbol to the Nazi symbol is hailarious.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]meh, I wasn't trying to say that what the Southerners did was as bad as what the Nazis did. I was talking about how the swastika used to stand for something good, but was turned into something bad because of what they did. it's the same thing for the Confederate flag. before the whole Civil War started, the flag probably did stand for heritage and whatnot. but after the war, it picked up the negative meaning as well, and people started looking at it in a negative way rather than the positive one. my comparison is correct.[/FONT]
  23. [FONT=arial]mainstream music groups are popular for a reason. you've just got to see if they're popular because of their music, or because of their clothes/looks. if a said mainstream group is popular for their music and I happen to like the way it sounds, I've got no problem listening to it. if it's because of their image and their music leaves something to be desired, I don't bother with it.[/FONT]
  24. [FONT=arial]while to some people the Confederate flag may not have anything to do with its negative connotation, about 95% of the rest of the country does look at it that way. as an example, you wouldn't go over to Europe (or anywhere else, for that matter) and wear a swastika patch on your coat, would you? sure, you could justify your wearing it by arguing that the swastika was originally a symbol of peace; but because of what the Nazis did while they were using that symbol, everybody nowadays thinks of it as a symbol for hate, violence, and murder. hardly anyone thinks of it for what it originally stood for. you can't go walking around wearing it and expect people to think nothing of it. when I was in 8th grade, my English teacher saw a girl walking around with this overly exaggerated Confederate flag beaded chain around her neck on the day when we were supposed to be singing a song in honor of Black History Month. she tried using something along the lines of this same debate to justify her wearing it. but she, along with everybody else, knew exactly what she was doing, including our teacher. he took it up, and wore it around his neck while he was out running errands after school. he said everybody, black and white, who looked at him were dumbstruck. he had quite a few people come up and ask him why in the heck he was wearing the Confederate flag around his neck. now why would they ask him something like that? because when most everybody thinks of the Confederate flag, the Civil War and slavery almost always comes to mind, even if slavery wasn't a reason for the war. for them to see a black man wearing the flag so openly was taboo. keep in mind, he said [i]everybody[/i], not just a couple of people here or there, was surprised. if so many people think of the flag with that connation, it eventually does become a symbol for that idea or meaning. it happens to words, too. gay used to mean bright, pleasant, cheerful, etc., then people started associating the word gay with homosexuals. while the previous meaning still exists, you will hardly ever hear the word gay used in that context in this present time. and even if you don't agree with the new meaning for the word, you can't just act like the new definition doesn't exist. I guess the point I'm trying to make is basically what I first stated: while the Confederate flag may not be offensive to some people, it does still have that negative connotation to everybody else. and if that's what the majority of the people take it for, then it should have been changed. [/FONT]
  25. [FONT=arial]alright now, anybody who has even the slightest appreciation for good music should at least listen to one of this guy's pieces. do not let the fact that he is a pianist and not some major rock or rap star make you think 'ewwwww' and shun him like the plague. while most of his music isn't as technical or complicated as someone like Mozart, it's still extremely well performed, and very entertaining to listen to. if you're not really into the whole piano music thing, your best bet is listening to something upbeat, like Game Day, Waterfall, or All of Me (man, you should see this performed, too). and of course, it'd be really good for anyone else to hear too, lol. if you want to listen to something quiet and serene, you would probably like Sacred Ground and Air on the F String. I Do is also a really sweet song. if you need a place to download the MP3's, you can go to [url]http://www.jonschmidt.com[/url] and download them there. the official MP3 site has a lot of his music, too. at least last time I checked, anyway. please, please, PLEASE check this guy out. after you do, give your opinions. [/FONT]
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