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Everything posted by amibasuki

  1. [FONT=arial]lol, I don't get why people think you have to be the calm and collected, never-crack-a-smile-type person to be considered mature (not specifically talking about you, but just from what other people have said in past topics). there is a difference between being immaturely, aggravatingly giddy-happy and being just plain old giddy-happy. [/FONT]
  2. [FONT=arial]I think there's a difference between emotional maturity and acting mature. acting mature is when you, yeah, act at least your age, if not older. emotional maturity is more of a psychological thing, I think. you could act like you're five years older than you really are, and still be emotionally immature. I'm not a hundred percent certain of what emotional maturity is, so I'm just throwing out ideas that seem to make sense to me, at least. if anyone else can fill me in, please do. I think it could have something to do with how you deal with certain things, like trying to mentally/emotionally accept the ways things are. like if you get upset over small things very easily, are very dependent on someone (like a boyfriend or girlfriend) to tell you they love you or else your esteem plummets, or if you have a bad temper that gets set off a lot. I would consider that to be emotional immaturity. I'm not saying someone with a quick temper/etc. is immature period, because I know some people who have those same characteristics, and they don't act immature at all. I'm also not saying if you get like that every now and again that you'd be emotionally immature. I'm talking about if that's how you acted all the time. I think emotional maturity is something you just have to grow into. you can't just decide to change the way you feel about certain things on a whim. as for how I think I am, I think I act pretty mature for the most part. I think that I'm far from being emotionally mature, however (at least used in the context I put it in). better off by far than last year, but I have quite a long way to go.[/FONT]
  3. [FONT=arial]considering it's usually about 5:30 in the morning when I take my shower, if I do sing, I sing as quietly as possible. I just sing whatever song I wake up with stuck in my head, and end up singing it for the rest of the day. lately it's been stuff from the Chicago soundtrack. if there isn't anybody at home, then I sing as loudly and enthusiastically as I like. as for if I sing decently, I dunno. I can keep a tune, but I don't know if it actually sounds good. you'd have to ask Samantha or something ^_^'.[/FONT]
  4. [FONT=arial]I've only heard Good Rats. and it was good. couldn't understand what he was sayin' half the time, but it was good.[/FONT]
  5. [FONT=arial]I fear being the victim of a homocide. and pain, that too. althought pain and homocide usually go hand in hand. anywho. for some reason, certain noises freak me out, too (they'd be hard to describe, so I'm not gonna confuse you). that and cold, hard silence. makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. this one time I fell asleep with my head phones on listening to the New Found Glory's Sticks and Stones album. anybody who's heard the hidden track can imagine my terror at waking up to hear it blaring in my ear after 20 odd minutes of silence in a dark room by myself. or maybe not; I'm seriously a bit of a nutcase. at any rate, I hate them now. *listens to CD anyway*[/FONT]
  6. [FONT=arial]I either cry when I'm extremely angry/frustrated or extremely hurt. the only thing I've been able to come up with as to why I cry when I'm angry enough is because that's the only outlet I have to let it out of. I don't yell/scream, throw/beat/punch things, etc., so what else can I do? 'writing out your feelings' doesn't do much for me. I dunno, maybe if I did resort to one of the latter, I wouldn't have this problem, lol. don't intend on trying out that theory though. as for when my feelings have gotten hurt or when I'm depressed, that's understandable. if someone feel bad enough, of course they're gonna cry; it just depends on what your breaking point is. I used to cry if Anna and I got in a big fight or something. and I cried the day the reality of the fact that I'm not going to be seeing her for about four months at a time kicked into drive. we've shared the same room since we were babies (or I was a baby, anyway). I've got my own room now, but now when I go to sleep, I have to look at a made-up bed where she'd be sleeping if she wasn't up at college, and it makes me feel all the worse :(. I don't know how my friends who's siblings are gone manage to deal with it.[/FONT]
  7. [FONT=arial]I've got a pretty bad Southern drawl. lol, the other day, I caught myself saying 'doge' (two-syllable word for dog). my friend David thought it was terribly funny. it comes and goes, but it comes more than goes nowadays. I'm tired of fighting it, lol. [/FONT]
  8. [FONT=arial]I don't mind singing in movies (Disney or not), as long as the song isn't completely stupid or aggravating. don't particularly care what Disney does with the music either way, as long as the music fits.[/FONT]
  9. [FONT=arial]I'm pretty careful about what I say as to my whereabouts or my last name on the internet. the only time I've ever given out that type of information was to buy something from one of those official, secure-type sites, and even then my mom was with me because she wanted to make sure it wasn't some Geocitified page or something. on places like Yahoo where they require you to give a zip code, I just put in a fake one :cross:. closest I've gotten to mentioning where I live outside of that would be the state, but never the city or my last name (it's pretty uncommon here, heh). while I don't think anybody here would have any plausible reason for wanting to 'stalk'/etc. me, it's still a good idea to keep that kind of stuff on the down-low nonetheless. [/FONT]
  10. [FONT=arial]I would rewind to this night when I was in 7th grade. my mom, Anna, and I had gotten to a BBMak (yes, BBMak) concert a couple of hours early, and we actually saw them getting off their tour bus, just kinda hangin' around doing nothing for awhile. we were seriously debating on asking if we could have autographs, but we were too nervous to get out of the car. and then when we made up our minds to go for it, they had already gone inside. I beat myself up over that for a good many days. oh well, we got to shake their hands after the show. coolness ^_^.[/FONT]
  11. [FONT=arial] I've so badly [i]wanted[/i] to have an acting role in a play, but unfortunately haven't been cast before >.>'. I don't suck, so to speak, but I'm not exactly 'wow!' material either. I've written stuff about plans that Scam (our director) has for this year (the competition one-act play is gonna be awesome), but they're all written in my MyOtaku blog thingy, and I'd just be repeating myself. anyone who cares can go see what all's going on in it (I swear, it's not a scheme to get people to go!). but yes, do visit anyway. please.[/FONT]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1]the ... cartoon[s] on Nickelodeon I ... enjoyed watching [were] Invader ZIM and Angry Beavers...[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]heh, quite a bit of editing (now I have an idea as to how much tabloid articles can completely screw an interview-ee over if they didn't have to worry about getting sued), but either way, I agreeeeee with the above edited quote. two of the best shows ever ^_^. Spongebob is awesome, in my not-so-humble opinion. at first I thought it was complete nonsense, but once I watched more of it, it evolved into... entertaining nonsense. my band director has a fetish for this show, complete with the Spongebob boxers to prove it 0_o' (someone got him a pair of SS boxers for Christmas last year, and he had the biggest grin on his face *scary!*). I wonder what his wife thinks of it......... anywho. I'd gladly get a Spongebob shirt, if I could find one that didn't look dumb (lost any hope there, lol). underwear would be where I draw the line, though. :box:[/FONT]
  13. [FONT=arial]I'm usually pretty good about waking up and not biting someone's head off, if I'm the one getting myself up. on Sunday mornings my mom used to wake me up for church with this annoying 'rise and shiiiiiiine!'-ish voice to be cute, or whatever, and I would wake up in [i]the[/i] worst mood. I think it would've been better if she had just yelled at me or something, lol.[/FONT]
  14. [FONT=arial]what I did to help control my procrastination habit a bit is tell myself that I'm not getting any sleep until I finish what I'm supposed to do. at first it didn't really click, and for the first week or two of school, I wouldn't get started on my homework until ten at night (cuz I would spend all my time doing anything I could to avoid it -- THAT's how bad I was about it), and at the end of the schoolweek I'd have a little under ten hours of sleep (total) under my belt. scary-ness. but now that my body (and mind) realize how much I LOVE and NEED sleep, by brain starts digging at me, saying, "Look Stephanie, you've got to do your homework." "Stephanie, remember those 4 assignments you're supposed to be working on?" "You don't want to pull another all-nighter, do you?", so now it's not as hard to focus on getting my work done, lol.[/FONT]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]See, you say that, but I know so many people that would say the same thing about themselves. Thus, forming the "individual" stereotype. [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]you said exactly what I was thinking. my little sister is getting all into to the high school bit, and how everybody's classifying themselves. since she and her little friends don't fit in anywhere, she's actually saying, "well, we're not into that whole thing. we're 'individuals'." then they walk around thinkin' they're all special because they're 'different' from everybody else, and that everybody else is just following the crowd. but you know that they'd ditch that title and call themselves 'freaks'/etc. in a heartbeat, if they were accepted into that group. not exaggerating in the least. they do it so they won't feel like nobody's. as long as they've got a group of people who they can relate to, they feel like they're worth something. it's all fine and dandy if your friends all like to dress alike or like the same music, or however people group stereotypes, but shunning other people or other types of music soley because they/it doesn't fit into your style description is the same thing as shunning blacks because you're white, or shunning whites because you're black (at my school, this situation happens a lot more than the other way around). I still don't get how people can do that. my tastes differ greatly from a large percentage of what the people I talk to like, but I don't go around thinking I'm better than everybody because they don't like the same things I do. [/FONT]
  16. [FONT=arial]my first wish is a real cheeseball of a wish, so I'll substitute that one for the power to mind-read. wouldn't want to read actual thoughts, since most things people don't say out loud are better left kept that way, lol. it'd be more like feeling moods. like if I happened to channel my mind into Billy-so-and-so's brain, I'd be able to feel if he was happy, pissed off, nervous, or such of the like. some people you can already tell just from looking at their face, but for people who put up fronts often or are a bit more tricky to read, this would come in handy quite a bit, lol.[/FONT]
  17. [FONT=arial]lol, I'm not saying I don't believe you, I'm simply saying I don't remember it ^_^.[/FONT]
  18. [quote]Genndy was director and writer for several Powerpuff Girl episodes. I don't know how many honestly. He was also producer in at least one that I know of. [/quote][FONT=arial]heh, that would make sense, the two coolest Cartoon Network people working on the two coolest Cartoon Network shows. no wonder why they're so awesome ^_^. Dexter's Lab would have to beat out Powerpuff Girls by a short bit though, since it's got more variety and such. and I love Dexter's voice for some reason, lol. used to be able to do a pretty decent Dexter voice a couple of years ago, don't know what happened to it. [/FONT] [quote]Anyone see the PPG Movie? It had a Dexter episode in it before the movie started. It was a good one too! Dexter had the chicken pox! It was great, so was the movie! I love them both. I have the PPG CD, do they have one for dexter?[/quote] [FONT=arial]I did see the PPG movie after it came out on DVD. and fell asleep while watching it :sleep:. some of it was good, but meh. I don't remember any Dexter episode though. you mean a Dexter CD, or movie? I don't think there's gonna be a movie, but they do have a CD. from bits I've heard of it though, it sounds like garbage.[/FONT]
  19. [FONT=arial]yeah that's right, I forgot about that one! [color=deeppink]Deedee: Helloooo, dear brother! What have you got there?[/color] [color=darkblue]Dexter: Nothing, nothing, you only see air![/color] [color=deeppink]Deedee: Doooon't be silly, I love you very much.[/color] *crash of machinery* [color=deeppink]I guess I shouldn't touch![/color] I love that Craig dude, too. he and Genndy are both up there. didn't Genndy work on the Powerpuff Girls a bit, too? [/FONT]
  20. [FONT=arial]garsh, ya went and made me blush. :p I was sorta okay with the animation, even though it really didn't look that great, but then they had to go and get another person to play Dexter, for one reason or another. that took the cake. [/FONT]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]There are really three groups I'd split the show up into, honestly. OLD Stuff, Middle Stuff and New Stuff. I prefered Middle Stuff. I do love the show though. There are tons of great episodes. My favorite is the one that looks like a coloring book. Some little kid narrates the story. Really just classic heh. Does anyone know the name of that episode? [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]it's called *flashing lights* "Dexter and Computress Get Mandark!" a six-year old recorded an idea for a Dexter episode complete with voices and such, and shipped it to the Cartoon Network people. so they kinda ran with the idea, and animated the episode to fit the voice. that one was great :toothy:. I don't really like the new episodes for the most part. they're just a bit more perverted is all, without being nearly as funny as the previous episodes. the other stuff was awesome though. one of my favorite episodes is the one where the dad tries taking the muffins and imagines himself as being the Muffin King. and the one with that electronic parrot. and the one with Yhonny the Yanitor. and *is promptly shot*.[/FONT]
  22. [FONT=arial]I didn't get to see that movie until about a year ago, sadly enough. my mom didn't want me to see it when it first came out for some reason :rolleyes:, and it was forgotten about until I came across it at Blockbuster however many odd years later. only saw it once, but I loved it. though with the exception of maybe two people, everybody else I've talked to who saw it didn't like it 0_o' (including my mom >.>'). meh, what do they know.[/FONT]
  23. [FONT=arial]story isn't too hard for me to believe. eager-to-please, naive little kids'll do just about anything if they don't know what they're doing. that's how some incest happens. some kids aren't actually physically forced, even if they don't want to. and while I'm assuming they'd probably feel more than a little uncomfortable, if it's been going on for awhile they might come to think that that's just the way things were. granted, they'd have to be really young/naive/mixture of both. it's usually once they know better that they manage to do something about it, unless someone else finds out about it first. anywho, hopefully the point I was trying to get across from that mess came out. as for the two boys not getting any punishment, I imagine there'd have to be some pretty concrete evidence besides just the other boy's word to get them in in trouble. some of the age details given are a bit iffy. still, I don't have much of an opinion on whether the story's true or not. but I can still see how it would happen, if it's true. there really are some kids who wouldn't know better, for one reason or another. don't know how your friend would've been as clueless as that, but hey, I don't know the guy, so. and for all ya know, he could've lied about it and really known what he was doing the whole time. but yeah, just trying to see things from both sides of the fence. [/FONT]
  24. [FONT=arial]lol, that's a very entertaining thought, actually. back when I was in elementary school, me, my mom, Anna and Samantha went to Toys-R-Us to find something to buy for someone's birthday, and we happened to walk past the section where they had the Silly Slammers (gaawd, I loved those things). not sure who started it, but within seconds we had started throwing Silly Slammers at each other (my mom included >.>'). it was actually pretty funny at the time. then like the good little tots we were, we put them back when we were finished fighting and continued on with our shopping conquest. I also used to make play money out of the coupons I collected at the grocery store. every time I walked by the red mechanisms with the flashing red lights in an aisle, I was compelled to pull coupons from every one of them. drove my mother insane. especially since she never bought any of the items on the coupons anyway. oh yeah, was I a hellbender or what! [/FONT]
  25. [FONT=arial]I like it pretty well, for the most part. especially Will Freidle (sp?). the parents are so dumb sometimes though. reminds me of Full House. [b]TV world[/b] "Now Michelle, why did you wander away from Stephanie(?) at DisneyLand?" "She made me mad!" "Honey, you worried me so much. Please, please, PLEASE don't ever do something like that again." *sugar shrug* "Mmm, okay." [b]Real world[/b] "What the **** did you think you were doing?! When we get home, you're getting smacked!" *starts crying* "No, daddy! I'm sorry!" "Yeah, you're gonna be sorry. Now get in the car!" then again, most shows around that age were like that anyhow.[/FONT]
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