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Char Aznable

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Everything posted by Char Aznable

  1. This movie does suck, horriblely. I recomend noone to even look at the cover. ::Barfs::
  2. :) I just started a little while back so my cards kinda suck. Choices: 1. Shadow Ghoul (My best card) 2. Swanp Battleguard 3. Lava BattleGuard 4. Monster Reborn 5. Change of Heart Explenations for choices: 1. Add 100 for every card in the graveyard, plus it already starts at 1600. 2-3. If both are on the feild together they raise eachothers attack points by 500 4. No explenation needed 5. No explenation needed Heh
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]Hell, you should've watched the subbed eps, it was awesome. I compared the sub to CN's dub version, and I have to say, although they didn't edit it to much, they screwed around with the storyline too much. [/B][/QUOTE] I have only seen 3 episodes subbed, so I am not sure what they did with the plot that was so different. More episodes are on the way though. Stupid slow *** ups. :demon:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]And I have to say, expand your horizons and watch more anime than what's mainstream.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] You speak the truth Miss Auka. Though Dragonball/Z/GT is pretty old Gundam is positivley the oldest anime that is still appealing. Not to mention they are pumping out series after series. :)
  5. Well, that is true but there are still plenty of addicting games on other consoles, but Nintendo is the King of addicting games. The most addicting game I have would have to be Mario Tennis, I play at least an hour or 2 every day. -The Red Comet
  6. Today, I got a level 1 Bolt Gundam. Stupid Target didn't have a Dragon Gundam. But when I went home to build it, I realised that is was possibly the simplest model ever. It literally took me about 10 or 20 minutes to finish. My Wing Gundam level 1 took me about an hour to an hour and a half. Did I get better or are the model manufacurers slacking off? I don't get it.
  7. I knew thy were alive, but I never saw when they found them. Hey, anyway like you said CN didn't show it and I inky saw the CN version of that series. Hence, I didn't know that. Anyway, let's get back to the topic at hand, 0083's ending.
  8. Too many letters and numbers for me, I just look at the name the level and the grade. Anyway, my first model was way back in August, I completed it with too much time to spare, so I started doing more and more models currently I have about 10 Wing models, 2 08th MS TEAM models, and like 3 X models. I am getting some G-gundam models soon though, so I will post back.
  9. 0083, great story awesome action. This had it all (except for good animation) this was a wonderful series and can't wait till my fan-subs for them come in (I ordered them about 2 and a half months ago). Anyway as for sencond place, what I have seen of Zeta is amazing, that would have to be my choice. For AC, Wing was easily the best followed by X, then G.
  10. I just got the whole Gundam Wing series plus 4 episodes of Zeta on some disc's. Curtosy of my friend and a burner. Anyway, some of the were realmedia files and I don't have realplayer so I can't watch them. O,o But that is only like 13 or 14 of them. I can't compare fully but I'll do my best. From what I saw on CN and what I saw in the subs, it wasn't all that different, I mean there isn't as much blood and profanity in the toonami version, but those are the only major differences.
  11. I didn't like Treize very much, maybe it's just me, I am glad good old Chang Wufei killed him off. It made it different, than everything else out there, you don't expect such an important charactor to die like that.
  12. Sounds pretty good to me. Heh, i just got here and I am about to tell someone who's been here for a while a rule. Don't double post, use the little edit button. Meh, this game is on my special list, that special list is called, Gundam stuff to get. Besides ZZ Gundam fan-subs, it's number 1 on my list. Oh yeah, I think this belongs in Sony, but no mod. moved it so....:roleyes:
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *-- RagnaroK--* [/i] [B] Is it really? I got the game in the japanese version and its alright, not that i understand anything,ill find out soon! I hear with my eyes!so im wandering, is the game the same as the series G- Savior? [/B][/QUOTE] G- Savior is a live action movie. Not a seeries, I believe you are thinking of Mobile fighter G-gundam. That is a series, and a pretty ok one at that. It's just not quite original, every country has a Gundam and every so often they have a tournament. But, the action isn't all that bad.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Amphion [/i] [B]I think the best endind so far was on 8th MS TEAM. I am hoping to catch all the eps this time round. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, the 08th MS TEAM ending was great. I especially like the fact that they never found the main charactor, he just lived, and nobody knew. Don't you thimk he should/would have told Sanders and the rest of them he was alive. Eh, whatever it doesn't matter. On too 0083, no I don't think the ending was dissapointing as much as it was confusing. I agre with Zerog214, anyway enough of my rambling, must sleep. ;)
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