Wolf Maximas13
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About Wolf Maximas13
- Birthday August 30
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Otaku (3/6)
thanks DW, it worked. character: kujin HP: 5 AP: 5 starting skills: cross slash (default), heal, and antidote. if i missed something i'll edit it, theres alot to remember.
the pictures aren't coming up. there just those default bock with a X in them. I would love to join this, but have no idea what the map or characters look like. In the long run the map part could be the only real problem, but go ahead and count me in. ;)
rrrrr, sorry just had to do that. :) Name: Lang Goes by: Wolf Affiliation: Caballeros Age: 22 Appearance: He has white hair falling about his shoulder low. It's very thin so dosen't look like much really, but its kept in a nice pony tail with a band given to him by a maiden. His eyes are deep green and can cause most ladies to lose train of thought if they stare into them for to long. He wears a white no sleeve shirt. The shoulder tips are pointed out though. The neck, arm, and waste bands are red. He wears a white sash with another madiens gift wound around it. Red pants and shoes ( closest thing pirates could have for shoes, that is) finish of his decor. He also wears arm bands of white edged with gold. Personality: Even though he does have many gifts from many a diffrent lady. He does not consider himself a ladies man, nor for that matter any of there "boyfriends." He just happens to save alot of damsels in distress for some reason. For the most part he's a fun loving guy. I mean come on, he is a pirate after all. His humor is great but his jokes are not. His humor comes not from the punch line its self, but the just plane badness ( yes i know its not a word, but it fits what i'm trying to get across). Bio: Born of a pesent family and left alone at a younf age....NOT. That ones done way to much. Lang was just a normal boy growing up in the good old lone star state. His name might be funny to most native borns, for his mother wasn't that native herself. But that didn't bother him, he liked the name and the meaning, wolf. Which he decided to call himself after he found out thats what his name meant. He joined the good old Caballeros at 16. He wanted some good adventure, and was tired of school. So, he hoped ship and joined the crew. While aboard he learned to sword fight better then most the normal crew. He also learned how to be quit chivaleris. He had a sword made for him while in China one time. It is a normal chinese broad sword ( curve blade, opposite curved handle) but with his name engraved into the blade in Chinese. He keeps it well by his side under his white sash for the need arises its self. That should do, let me no if i get in, matey ( my dictionary didn't have that word in it. stupid computer).
great, thanks to everyone for signing, and thanks to shinji for making the agent sign up better. ok, now i would like to put people into ships. some have stated if there in my ship or not, but if you havn't you can be on others and i might let you be a captian (PM if you want to be). people can still sign up. like i said i'd like to have enough for about 2 or 3 ships.
Ok, i'm goona give this idea a spin. Here's the basic idea. The matrix is the same as everyone knows it to be, from animatrix, to enter the matrix, and the three ,movies, but in this its a bit diffrent. It's the old question of, what if there wasn't a Neo, or a "One". This is for that. This will be the Matrix with NO Neo, Morphius, Trinity, or anyone fromt he Nebacanezer( no i didn't spell it right. thats not an easy word to remember how to spell). The sign up will be either, human thats been pulled out of the matrix, human still in the matrix, pure human, or agent, and no smith either. The other ships are still out there like Niobes and such. So, you are more than welcome to be Ghost or someone else form the Matrix, or make one up. I would like to have enough people to have three or four shipd to run with. A ship will need a captain, an operator, and atleast three fighters ie: people who can go into the matrix. Plus as in some of the Animatrix showed there are more then the three main agents, atleast thats what i got form "a kid's story", cause there where way more than three agents up on the roof at the end. Anyways you can be a some small agent program in the matrix to help the machines. ok, the sign ups. Human state pure, in or out of matrix. Real Name: Code name: only if out of or still in the matrix. If you still in the Matrix you don't have to have one though. Appearance: Bio: how you got out of the matrix, where in the real world where you born, or how have you come to learn that the world you live in isn't the truth. you get which ones go with which. Appearance in the Matrix: this is the fun one. remember, the women have sexy type outfits and the guys have nice suit style cloths. yes, some of the women do have nice suits, and you can do that. Weapon: like something you like to enter the matrix with. here's mine out of the matrix Real name: Lang Code name: Wolf Appearance: white shirt and white cargo pants. He has white hair that comes to alittle past his shoulders. It's held up by a black band. He has blue eyes that ahve a hint of white in them. Bio: He was brought out by Niobe and Ghost. From there Ghost as taught him most of what he knows. From his knowledge to his fighting styles, and Wolf has learned a few of his own. He has just resently come into his captainship, and is getting his first crew. He fills he is ready for what lies ahead. Matrix Appearance: White trench coat that goes to his feet. He wears sliver rimed sunglasses, and his hair is a bit longer then in real life. He has a black shirt under his coat, and white dress pants with white boots. He wears black fingerless gloves to finish it all. Weapon: He likes to go in with his white handled katana, and two glocks. He likes close in combat better then gunfighting. Agent Name: last name only, and make it a basic american last name. like Johnson and such. lol, thats about it for the agents. If you play one you can have there personality unfold as the RP goes on. And, if anyone was wondering how we were going to end this, if it gets that far, we won't. will do a kinda to be continued, and maybe finish it later. who knows. ok, lets see what happens :smirk:
Wolf and Nami heard the boys cries. As they saw him gain on them they alos saw the oncoming foes. Wolf: Those men are out of our league in a head on front, but I think know a way to slow them down. You guys keep goinf hard and don't turn around. Nami: Wolf, don't do anything foolish. Those men mena buisness, and a kid isn't gonna stand in there way. Rannos: She's right, don't get yourself killed on my behalf. Wolf smiled and turned his horse around. He rode hard and fast towards the men. The chasers didn't know what to think of a kid playing chicking with them. As Wolf got closer he put on of his hands on his sword. Wolf to himself: i can get two, but the third will have to run from. unless the thord has compassion for his fellow riders. Wolf aimed his horse were he rode right betweeen them. He pulled his blade quickly and swiped fast. He turned around and rode to cath back up with his friends. As he repassed the men he slaped the horses backsides and made them rear up. There straps came off, from the slashes made by Wolf's sword. The men fell right off and slamed onto the ground. Wolf just laughed as he kept going. The third rider stopped for his friends to Wolf's delight. He caught up to his new friends and smiled. Nami: Well, that was diffrent. Rannos: Thanks, how did you know that would work? Wolf: I didn't, I just thought it sounded like a good idea and gave it a try. Nami: What!? Wolf just smiled and rode on. The three continued until they reached the outter gates of the city. They stood at the front and waited for the guards to let them in.
I'll give this a swing. I saw most of Kill Bill, and thought it to be a horriblr try at a real life anime. But, since this is the OTAKU boards i will go with this in the mind set of real anime. Real Name: Lang Smith Call sign: Akami Age: 24 Gender: male Alliance: neutral Biography: Born of a American father and a Japanese mother. His father thought all ideas of Japanese traditions, customs, and family codes were dead. From that you should be able to tell that it wasn't planed for Lang to be born. In fact he was seen as never born, for he was put up for adoption shourtly coming out of his mother. The most his mother ever gave him was his name and look of rejection. Lang's foster parents were a pair of teens who wanted a child but not through the sexual way. They had something about not wasteing the body on such savage ideas. Plus the fact that they were both 18 didn't make for a great childhood. As soon as he was able he left his fake parents and went in search for his father and mother. It didn't take him long to find his father, for he was head of a small computer company. He also found out that his "father" was not a very Fatherly type figure. This was a man who thought women had but one use, sex. None of his staff were women, all but his secretary. Which I don't have to say for what reasons. He also learned that his father's working in his birth was not in the right either. Seems his mother was just a women in Japan that was in the wrong place at the wrong time. With this in his mind Lang started on a path to kill his father and bring his sorry *** to his mother, so she could inact her revenge as well. He began learning of the art of the sword. For no other reason then he thought it would be a good tool to rip his Pop to shreads with. He learned from a a half Chinese half Japanese man. He learned the art and found that a scimatar fit his style best. He then went and found his father, paid his "respects" to the man that helped bring him into this world, and then killed him in a park while he was trying to make Lang a brother. As he had promised he brought his father's body to his mother. Which by then was not in the best shape a dead body can be in. His mother kicked and beat the cadavor for sometime until she and Lang pushed it into a lake. It was only resently that Lang began hearing of the fight between the Angels and Vipers. He has seen both sides and is still unsure as to which he fills is either in the right or could best use him. Personality: Well, for the most part he's quit. Sometimes he can be to quit. He only says things that he belives need saying. This does not mean he is a hard ***. He has a nice since of humor, i use nice because thats about what it is. He has a habit of telling bad jokes. Weapon: As stated in bio, it's a scimatar. The guard is in a circle like a katana's guard would be. In the guard are two wolves chaseing each other. The handle has a Chinese dragon on one side, and a celtic dragon on the other. the handle his a nice black oaken finish, with the dragons of silver. the blade follows like a scimatar would. sngle bladed and comes out a bit at the point to make a fang like look. Appearance: Yes, i know it said picture, but i have no way to put a picture up. He has long blonde hair to his knees. its tied into a pony tail with a piece of black string. he has one blue eye and one green eye. He says this shows both his parents backgrounds, blue for America, green for Japan. he wears a short black jacket with the sleeves rolled up. Under that he has a nice white button down. with it unbuttoned to mid way. the shirt is long sleeved which can look werid to some. He has black pants to finish his main atire, and white and black sneckers on his feet. He carries his scimatar on his back wrapped in a tan cloth along side his brown leather travel bag. There, Wow that more then i think i've ever put into a sign up. well hears to it. hope even if i don't get in that this goes well. Sounds like it could be a good basis for all other mature RPs.
ok, i'm gonna give this a shot. Name: Wolf Maximas Age: 42 Race: This is the part i'm gonna give a shot. The race is called Labrian. They manly look like humanoid type werewolves, but are alittle bit bigger is size. The average Labrian male gets to be about 6 feet tall. The females about 5 and a half feet. The planet is far away from any that the Z saga or even GT saga have covered. Most people on the planet have a nice sized power level much like the Nameks. If this isn't something you think will work PM me. Charater your replaceing: Piccalo Signature Technique: Lunar Cannon. Arms are help up and crossed, with hand in a knife edge shape, and thumbs pointing with the fingers. A blue energy is gathered into the two hands. Then the arms uncross and come down to the third rib position. By now the hands are in a claw like style and the ki energy is becoming larger. A quick thrust with the hands ending up one on top of the other sends a bright blue ki wave out. History: Wolf is a prince to the Labrian People, but has given up that title. He does not want the title of royalty, he wishes to only be normal. With that he has traveled to Earth and has been adding the Earthlings in anyway he can. Appearance: Wolf is almost 7 feet tall, much taler the the average Labrian. He has silver and grey fur running over his body. He has a scar over his left eye, and a gold ear ring in his left ear. He has no shirt, for it would do him little good. He wears loose blue pants, kempo style. He has a brown leather belt around his waste with little side pouches, but thers nothing in them now. It's a good place to put Senzu beans though. He has blue rist wraps and no foot wear. His feet are wrapped in white cloth to give some comfort on sharper areas. His tail falls abit passed his feet and has a white tip. Personality: Very honor bound, and has a high since of whats right and wrong. He can't stand people who take advantage of others. Although this part of his persona is dominant he also has a lighter side. He has the ability to laugh with the best of them and tell really bad jokes. Power level: Well, if Goku's was 600 at Raditz, then Piccalo's should have been close. So i'll say 550 for now, if thats to low or vice versa then PM me and i'll edit.
As Nami's horse raced on she could see another rider up ahead. As she got closer she could see it was another boy. He had long white hair, brown pants, and a white shirt. She kicked her horse a bit and pushed up a bit more. By now the boy had noticed Nami and dropped back some. ????: Hello there, my name is Wolf. You headin to Corus as well? Nami: Yes i am, and i'm guessing by your question you are doing the same. Wolf: You got me. Its good to see more girls joining the ranks. This world isn't just lived on by men. Nami: Thank you, you have a much better attitude then those other boys. Wolf: well, i am a year there senior. Nami: i thought the start age was 10? Wolf: It is, it just took me a year to convince my father I was able to do this. Oh, tree. Nami: What...? As she said that see loked forward to see a tree limb close to her face. She ducked the branch and came back up. Wolf: Nice reaction. Nami: Thanks. The two continued rideing towards the city. To begin the start of a new rad in there lives.
RPG Medevil RPG- The Sword of Void {play}
Wolf Maximas13 replied to Wolf Maximas13's topic in Theater
Wolf: know that a few are hear i shall fill in the gaps of the letter. As you read this is all about a sword, but not just any sword. This sword has in it a force that no one of this world has seen. It is a element force known as void. It has the ability to make an entire city vanish in one fail swop. The man after this weapon is call Lythan. He is a very powerful man in many ways. he has the elments at his will, an army behind him, and control over several demonic monsters. All of his forces are looking for this blade, but so far they have as much knowledge of were it lies as we do. Thats what we need to change, we need to find out were the sword is, track it down, and elemenate it for good. The ones that were there noded as Wolf told them. They looked at each other from time to time, to see the diffrent people that had gathered here. Serna: You said those of us that are here. How many more are suppost to come? Wolf: that i am unsure of. My king sent several messengers out but i do not know how many will answer the call. Anubis: We can not wait long though. For every second we waste here, is another that Lythan might recover the sword. Rannos: the night has just about set in. I say by day break we leave. anyothers may follow as they wish. Wolf: a good plan, ok everyone rest tonight for tomorrow we leave on are quest. Iris: Where do we leave to? Wolf: I was thinking we would visit one of the creatures responsable for making the sword. I would guess Lythan has already done so, but maybe we will have better luck. The group agreed and went to get rooms. The rud inkeeper gruntingly gave each a room. tomorrow they would start on what would be a great journey indeed. -
RPG Medevil RPG- The Sword of Void {play}
Wolf Maximas13 replied to Wolf Maximas13's topic in Theater
The silver fured warrior was fast aproching the city. As he neared it he could see someone. As he grew closer he could make out a form, and then a face. He knew this face, not by memory but by his father. This was the half-demon his father help set loose. Wolf halted his stead next to the half-man. Wolf: You are Anubis are you not? Anubis: Yes, glad you remember of me. Wolf: It is good to see a face i can familerize with. I take it you know of the matter witht the sword. Anubis: I that i do. You are the first to arrive Sir, and i belive it for the better. This town does not seem well put together. Wolf: Thats why it was choosen. Last place to look for a group forming to undermind you. The two walked into the town with eyes upon them. Anubis was not stared at hardly, for his half man side helped him blend as much. Although Wolf was not a common site around men's cities. They entered the local pub were the asked for a room to hold there gathering. The keeper wasn't to quick to do so, but when Wolf mentioned payment race seemed not an issue. The room was sizeable enough to hold a good few. It would do for its purpose. Anubis: How many do say are coming? Wolf: Not sure, whom ever does come will be welcome with opened arms. For this task will not be an easy one. -
well, the tile isn't great but it'll do. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the riseing sun peeked its head over the mountain tops, and into the valley were the last main city of the werewolves lay. the yellow fire ball cast its light down upon the house of Wolf. the light danced through his window and lefted his eyes. the warrior awoke to the natural alarm and got dressed for what he thought to be a normal day. as he left his small house he was meet by one of there messengers. the werewolf who presented the letter was still a boy. he was dressed in a normal white tunic with green pants. his black fur was quit noticable next to Wolf's silverish version. the boy raced off to continue his earns and left Wolf to read the letter in peace. it stated that a great evil ahd arose in the race of men. which didn't suprise the silver fured warrior. he read on to find out that this threat was to all far and wide. he rushed the note to his king and father who advised the king. upon reading the message the decided to act. before a plan could be formulated Wolf spoke up. Wolf: i shall deal with this matter. something like this does not need an army but a select few with those skills equal to many a army. King: your right Wolf, and i can think of know one else then who to send. you are also right in to thinking that you'll need help. i shall send a letter to the kingdoms and cities i think could and would help us. meet them in the town of Griecan. it is a man's run town so best be on your toes. all men do not take to creatures as ourselves. with that Wolf packed his things and put on his armor. he sadled his horse and rode off to Griecan. he hoped that they could form a well to do party within a few days, for there was no telling as to how long they had.
ok then, i guess i'll start this thing up. just to recap we have: Wolf- the werewolf Anubis- half demon Serna- human "Cat"- shape shifter Iris- human Jenniyah- centaur Rannos- elf well i can say i did get a mixture of races. which is good.
well then, i shall be the first to sign up. Name: Wolf Maximas Age: 11, took him a year to convince father to let him. Gender: male From: a small farm outside the small village of Varach. Appearance: 4' 2", light blue eyes, white hair, he's a white boy with something of a tan :D. his hair is a bit longe rthen shoulder length and is held together by a balck thread in a ponytail. he normaly wears a white( as white as a farm boys shirt can get) shirt, and brown pants, his belt is a bit big for him but it does the job. Abilities: since he was about 5, his father began teaching him how to sword fight. although he is a framer now, his father was once a master swordsmen. he has since retired from such things and has tought his son most of what he knows. unlike most swords though, Wolf has been trained with a sword bladed only one one side ( not like a katana, more like scimatar). Attitude: for the most part his humorus, and open hearted. he has a nak for being ably to see a person for what they are, good or bad, but it dosen't always work. he does know when its time to get serious, when it comes to training his smile is not in humor, but in the joy of training. well, i hope that fits what your lookin for, and don't worry so much. as i've seen with my RPs, people love medevil stories. they just seem to not get enough of them. edit: darn, i wasn't the first oh well :D
wow, this is going much better then the last one. guess everyone just likes a good old medevil tale. i'd like to wait for about 2 or so more people to join, if not by tomrow i shall start it. thanks to everyone who has joined by th e way, ;)