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Wolf Maximas13

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Everything posted by Wolf Maximas13

  1. Wolf walked up to Karina. Wolf: he made us see the one person,if you can call them people,that we hate the most.for those two it's Dymonox, for me it's Tristam.i guess Tyron dosen't know who you hate the most. Karina: why aren't you in there slashing like crazy? Wolf: this nose isn't here for looks.the putty may look like Tristam, but he dosen't smell like him.don't underestamate me though.i intend to help, if you will. Karina smiled and nodded. Wolf: good, now follow my lead.Visor! Valen!, jump to the sides now! the two did and Wolf and Karina fired blasts of there own.the blasts sent dust into the tigers eyes. Wolf: Visor, Valen! your turn, mess that beast up!
  2. sure, the more wolves the better.i asked Dark_Apocalyps, Pyro_Kai, and Juuthena to join as well.i'm waiting on there PM's.
  3. calumao you do know this is dragon ball z style.your power level should be a number.look at D_A's, but i don't mind you joining. o.k D_A, here it goes. as the full moons heavy glow falls onto the house of the warrior known as Wolf Maximas and his family, a dark presents lums in the distants.this presents is no stranger to Wolf in fact it's closer to him then even he knows.this will not be a evil that can be stoped easily, Wolf will need help. evil presents: Wolf Maximas, now you shall know true fear. villan #1:should we attack now? evil presents: no, you two come with me.lets make this purk young Maximas's curiousity.lets go have fun on this planet. name:Wolf Maximas age:445(looks 25) race:Labrinin transformations: pure Wolf, perfect Wolf. power level:60,000, 80,000, 130,000 weapons:twin falkatas signature move: comet, pure comet, perfect comet(move changes when transforms) villan. name:unknown now age:245(looks 25) race:unknown now transformations: he only has one transformation and dosen't use it until the end. power level:200,000, 500,000(he is beatable) weapons: he has one but that will revealed in time signature move:twilight burst there are my two.villans need to keep there powers below the main guy.
  4. o.k my first RPG.well, this is with my real version of Wolf Maximas.i have a good guy(Wolf)and a villian i will play.i need five other heros and two other villians.oh and this is DBZ style heros. name: age: race: (Wolf's a Labion.a werewolf.be creative) transformation: ( if any) power level now: ( make it reality based.no hundred million.) weapon: (if any) signature move: villians same except your power level can be much higher.(with in reason) i will post mine at a later time( both good and evil) i have somewhere to be now.
  5. OOC:just so it dosen't happen again,Wolf dosen't know the love cannon yet.he knows how to perform it bit not how to gain the power to use it yet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wolf and Valen looked on as Karina and Visor began there attack.they knew those two stoud the best chance at taking it down. Wolf to himself:eight elemental guardians, this sword of justice, and Dymonoc.it's all very strange to me.these guardians are going to be strong and hard to beat.some of the elements we don't even have the right conter.Karina can handle this,Valen should do well against the earth, and i'm sure Tyron has the other two planned out.then these other four, i can help against the moon, and if i can figure this love cannon out then i might be able to help against the dark.the others are going to be a real test. Valen: i wish we could do something......Wolf are you listening? Wolf: what? oh sorry just thinking. Valen: i said i wish there was something we could do. Wolf: there is, we can have faith in Tyron's guidins and Visor's strength.then when it's are turn we can help. Valen: your right.
  6. Wolf awoke dazed and confused.when he opened his silver eyes he saw a creature.it looked like a small wolf pup. ???: are you o.k Wolf? Wolf: it talks, o.k who are you and were i'm i? ???:i'm Akamimon your digimon, and your in the digital world.why i'm not sure my self. Wolf: Akamimon, digimon, digital world.why not, so what do we do first? Akamimon: you took this better then i thought.will probaly go look for more people like you. Wolf: o.k then, lets go Akamimon.
  7. hey, Terry's moves are no less undoable then the others.like joe's screw upper and Andy's tro lepada(i know you don't spell it like that.just sound it out.his energy kick).Terry's moves are based around the earth and the wolf.his burn knuckle gives him a wolf striking posture.belive me i'm a wolf fan(look at the name), and hey i think his cloths rock.i really like his hair though.it looks like mine.
  8. Wolf saw Karina and nodded. Wolf: i need just a few more minutes.i almost have this new attack down. Karina: there is no time, we need to get the others and go.the demons are here. Wolf's eyes grew thin.he looked at the old man. old man: you know enough of the move to practise it.go now and remember what i told you about the attack. Wolf thanked the old man and him and Karina ran off to find the others. Karina: what did he tell? Wolf: the move works on pure energy.he said with my rage for the demons and the love for my family makes me a worthy pupil to teach the move to. Karina: just out of wonder, what is the attack? Wolf: the spell is called the love cannon. Karina looked at Wolf then smiled.they rounded a corner and found the others.
  9. o.k name:Wolf Maximas age:445(looks 25) physical attributes:large 7 foot werewolf with silver fur.a red scarf that hangs to his feet.his hair is braided down his back.he has a scare across his left eye and his chest. bio:from the planet Labrina,father was king that makes Wolf prince, but he dosen't want anyone to know.he is very honor bound and has a wife and two kids.(all who can fight, but not like Wolf)Lena(his wife),Lupus(the oldest, looks like a small Wolf), and Angel(looks like a small Lena). power level max:10000000(won't this be everyones max?) final attack: pure love cannon.
  10. name: Wolf age:445(looks 25) race: pure were wolf(never changes into a human.moon gives him more power) weapons:twin falkatas made of silver. bio:hates evil with a passion and will do anything to stop it. description:big 7 foot were wolf with silver fur and a red scarf.(if you need a better description go to stories and poetry and look for the story behind Wolf and the pack.that should do) personality:series about althings, but does know when to relax. hey DA(Dark_Apocalyps)how about alittle wolf partnership.we faught as wolves onces now lets fight together.
  11. i was hoping someone would make an RPG against the dark lord.most of my stories are like that.i'm diffently in. name: Wolf Maximas age:445(looks 25) height:7 6 weight:313lbs eyes:silver hair:body-silver and white.head-silver and light gray.in a braid to his feet. class:werewolf-warrior spells: only one. Love Cannon:can only be fired when Wolf's rage is at it's peack. equipment weapons:twin falkatas(of coarse) armor:leg and arm gauntlets clothing:dark blue pants,ripped at the knee, and a red scarf that hangs down to his feet. symbol:a P tattoed on his left arm in red.
  12. i read the thing and have to say it was very will done.i agree with the whole chivalry thing because i'm trying to practise that myself.my girlfriend does get alittle agetated when i'm always getting up when she or another lady comes in, but for the most part she likes it.she gives me a hard time about it but thats about it.
  13. i've seen a few adult animes and got tricked into renting a hentai.(don't ask it's a long story.needles to say i didn't watch much.i returned it the same day)i do belive also that maturity is all in the mind, but know matter how mature you think you are somethings can still surprise you.the ones like VHD and ones like that aren't bad for some kids to watch.most kids now adays don't rally mind that kinda thing.(i sound like an old man)but the ones that have lets just say sences like what Perfect Blue and Ninja Scroll have in them shouldn't be seen by kids.
  14. the group walked for awhile until they came to a small little town were a few markets were set up. Tyron: this looks like a good time to get more supplies.everyone split up,get what you want, and meet back here in about an hour or so. Karina: hey alittle shopping sounds good. the group split and went there own ways. Wolf walked into a small stand were a martial arts sign was up.when he entered he saw several large men fighting, and an old man sitting watching them.Wolf made his way to the old man and sat next to him. old man: what my i do you for Sr? Wolf: i was wondering about your style.i've never seen moves like the ones those men are doing. old man: will probaly because i've keep it here.why is it you came to me and not one of the fighters? Wolf: i might appear like a musele head but i asure you i'm not.i sinced your energy as i entered.could you teach me one of your moves.i've traviled the world learning styles, but i've never seen any that look like yours.please Sr if it's not to much trouble?
  15. by the way, how many people are you going to get before you start.
  16. why not, name: Wolf D-comp:black with silver boarder age:17 gender;male personality:quite and keeps to him self.very honor bound appearance:long blonde hair in a pony tail,black hat, white shirt,black paints, black over shirt,silver eyes. digimon:Akamimon.small version of Garurumon with just gray fur.
  17. hey, i'm in kai.you do probaly need a character sheet.you know name,age...etc that kind of thing, but i'm in for a good DBZ RPG.
  18. i'm in. Name:Wolf Maximas age:24 height:5 10 weight:213 eyes:silver hair:long blonde(pony tail) personality:series but know when to have fun. team info team name:the Pack emblem:a black wolf head staring straight with a silver moon at the top left, in a dimond boarded. zoid info zoid name:command wolf(calls it akami) weapons 1:shock cannon 2:shock cannon 3:MultiMissile launcher 4:MultiMissile launcher 5:shrapnel cannon 6:wrap cable 7:gatling gun 8:gatling gun armor: diamond armor :financial information: current balance:33,400 money spent on parts:16,600
  19. that would be an insult to all fatal fury fans.terry has to be played by someone who knows martial arts.*Leo* couldn't throw a "crack shot" if his life depended on it.
  20. i have my own creations as will.i've acually writtin about them.i wrote for books and have thousands of drawings of them.i'm trying to write a story about it in stories and poetry but keep getting side tracked.
  21. as the others play wolf looks at the new house and thinks of how he almost lost them again.he makes a tight fist and tightens it more and more.he remembers hearing the fireball.the others stop and see wolf.they walk over and see blood coming from wolf's fist.then his eyes grow thinner and begin to glow. Tyron: Wolf? are you o.k? Wolf just stands there his eyes glowing a bright silver and his fist driping blood. Wolf: i swear... everyone looks at Wolf. Wolf: i swear that when i find that arogant son of ***** who did this i will tear him limb from limb.i'll shuve him down ifirits throwt and cut him out threw it's gut. the others stepped back.Wolf turned to them and the group stepped back again. Karina: Wolf, please calm your self if you continue like this your going to go nuts. Tyron: think what Lena and your children would think if they saw you like this!!! Wolf's eyes went to normal, and his fist relaxed. Wolf: thank you, your right.lets go guys and find those demons. the group smiled seeing Wolf come back and began to walk off.
  22. wow!! and i thought i was a big fan.so so you know if theres a fatal fury 3.i have 1,2 and the motion picture.i just want to know if gease and terry fight again.you get to see him do his raging storm in the motion picture, but what happens after that?
  23. hey alright another Fatal Fury fane.i made a Fatal Fury thread just awhile ago.check it out if you like.i was thinking along the lines of what happens after the motion picture, but what you said would work to.
  24. since i didn't see any for it i'll make one.Fatal Fury is my favorite anime.
  25. i'd have to say Terry Bogard from fatal fury.i have his hair already and i think it be cool to have his abilities and nick name(lone wolf thats cool)
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