Wolf Maximas13
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Anime Which anime would look best as a live action movie?
Wolf Maximas13 replied to Juu's topic in Otaku Central
hey what about fatal fury.what would be so hard about making it live action? -
the group bids farwell to the king and queen for the hospitality, and start on the road to Wolf's home. 2 hours later. Visor: are we there yet.my feet are killing me. Valen: this is one long journey.Wolf you sure you know were your going? Wolf: i have the general idea.i do know what my house looks like. Tyron: thats good, how much longer do you think it's going to take us. Wolf: well....mybe another hour. Visor: an hour! oh man my feet are going to fall off by then. Karina: Visor has a point mybe we should take a rest. Wolf: sounds good to me. the group rests for about 30 minutes then take off again.about an hour later they come across a house of nice size and in the middle of the forest.a women steps out of the front door. Wolf L.e.n.a, it's her.LENA!!! the women turns to see Wolf walking towards her. Lena: Wolf?....Wolf it is you. the two run at each other and hug each other.the others walk to were the two are. Lena: Wolf, how did you find me? Wolf: i have to thank my new friends for that.if i hadn't meet up with them i would never have found you.i remember everything Lena. Tyron: so you must be Ms.Maximas. it's an honor to meet you, my name is Tyron.this is Valen,Visor, and Karina. Lena: it's nice to meet all of you.i really must repay you for helping my husband find us.you must be starving after a trip like this please come inside and i'll make dinner. Visor: all right food, Wolf i like your wife already. the group laughed and walked into the house were a smaller version of Wolf was waiting. Wolf: you must be Lupus, your big. Lupus: mother is this my... Lena: yes this is your father. Lupus ran over and huged his dad. Lupus: i'm glad your still alive, and i'm sorry i didn't belive you mother.you see mom never thought you were dead, but me and Angel well... Wolf: it's o.k, by the way were is Angel? Lena: she'll be so happy to see you.come she's in the living room. the group walked into the living room were alittle girl with red hair like Lena stood up and liiked at Wolf. Angel: da...daddy....DADDY!! the girl ran up and rapped her arms around Wolf.he picked her up and looked at her. Wolf: your as beautiful as your mother. Visor: i don't mean to be rude but when do we eat? Wolf: sorry guys i didn't mean to bour you with the sappy stuff, but its just i... Tyron: it's o.k Wolf we understand. Lena: this way please and we can begin eating. the group ate there fill and told of there adventure to this point.Tyron,Valen,Visor slept in the living room, and Lena gave the spar bedroom to Karina.the group slept peacfully that night with no thoughts of the evil they were fighting.this had been a good journey for everyone.
wolf walked out with a very surprised look on his face. Valen: Wolf, are you o.k? Wolf: i...i just saw my whole life.i saw what happened and were i'm from.i'm not from this planet. everyone: WHAT!! Wolf: yes, i'm from a planet called Labrina.i was sent here when an evil similar to the one were fighting anialated everyone on it.my father sent me to earth.were i meet Lena... Karina: the lady in the neckless...your wife. Wolf: yes, i got to see her.she's so beautiful, but the other part is my father was the king of Labrina. Tyron: so that makes you prince. Visor: wow, a prince pretty cool Wolf. Valen: did you see anything else? Wolf: yes, i saw were my wife lives.oh and one more thing i have to kids. everyone:WHAT!! Wolf: would you guys mind not doing that anymore. Tyron: sorry, but you got kids. Wolf: yes a boy who looks like me.he's about 16, and a little girl who looks like Lena.she's about 4, but i was wondering if we could stop and see them?
the king lead Wolf back to a room were a circle stone tabled layed. King: step on to the platform and we shall see what we can do my friend. Wolf: thank you again. Wolf step onto the platform and five rings came up and began to glow.
Wolf: well...if Bahamits is avalable i would like to choose him. queen Asuka: i think that can work. Wolf: thank you my lady, both of your kindness is appreciated.i was wondering if i could ask a small faver as will? King: what is it? Wolf: will, i have only one memory from my passed, and i was wondering if you could help me regain some lost memories of mine.please sure i would be forever in your delt. Queen: i think we can help you, and you don't have to be in are delt my boy. Wolf: thank you, thank you both. Tyron: will Wolf, looks like your gonna get a bonus out of this. Wolf smiled and followed the King and Queen down a path.
Wolf: i can't smell them or hear them.either that explotion knocked my sences out of wak or there good at this sneaking thing. Valen: there are good at this sneaking thing. then the three demons appeared in a triangle around the five warriors. Wolf: MOVE!! there wasn't time, the three brothers blasted at the same time.Wolf and Visor were the first to wake. Wolf:were are they?there toying with us. Visor: yes, they do that will. then evil laughs can be heard all around. Wolf: i can since them finally.Visor wake the others.i'll go and hold them off as long as i can until the others are ready. Visor: are you out of your damn mind.they'll kill you like nothing, let me come with you. Wolf: no, you need to watch the others.i know i can't fight them directly or anyway for very long.just hurry. Karina moved and Visor went to attend her. Wolf: there almost awake, good then i won't have to be gone long.work fast Visor i'm counting on you. Wolf leaped to a roof top and leaped away. Visor: good luck man.
as Tyron stumbles on his feet Wolf appears behind him and holds him staight.Valen and Visor appear behind Wolf and Karina walks over to there side.the demons gather infront of the five warriors. Indrid: ready to die? Tyron stands up and looks at the demons, then at his comrades. Tyron: were not but you should be. the five warriors energies there weapons and get into stance.the demons do the same.the two forces rush each other head on and colide.the force of all those powers striking at once sends a massive explotion over them all.when Tyron and the others awoke from the blast there demonic foes could not be seen.
Writing the story behind Wolf and the Pack
Wolf Maximas13 replied to Wolf Maximas13's topic in Creative Works
CHAPTER 2 THE REST OF THE FAMILY As Wolf and his wife,Lena, entered there house located somewhere in Asia Minnor.it was a good size house.four bed rooms, three baths, and a very nice sized living room.to the north was a vast forest that Wolf would train in every now and then.to the east, a river that lead to a water fall.where Wolf's half brother Blizzard would meditate under every day.to the west was a lake that was big enough to swim in.to the south was a plains area with just lush green grass, and a few flower patches.the first ine to say 'hello' to Wolf was his little girl, Angel.she was five years old and basicly looked like a small Lena. "daddy! your just intime for breakfast"Angel smiled. "great! and how did you sleep?"Wolf asked his daughter. "great, come on lets eat dad"Angel said and pulled her dad's arm to the dinning room. the next member to find Wolf was his son Lupus. "dad, you got up early to train today.why didn't you wake me?"Lupus asked his father. "sorry, just wanted alittle time to myself.don't worry, next time i do early training i'll wake you"Wolf promised his son. "don't forget me bro"Blizzard said. Blizzard was Wolf's half brother threw his father.as Lena has told him many times.'your life story is pretty close to a soap opera'.for you see Wolf's family is very complicated.his father,Lupus Maximas the king of Labrina,meet a young dradonian lady with who he had four kids with.i know this is alittle werid but bare with me.all shall be explained in time.to answer proabaly the first two questions Labrina is Wolf's home planet.this planet is inhabeted by wolf like beings.Dradonia is just the dragon version of Labrina.now back to Wolf's dad, the first child to be born was Dercon.he is the oldest out of all and the oldest dragon.next came Silver, the other dragon brother of Wolf.Silver and Wolf are the closest siblings.next was Wolf, and since he was the first Wolf kid he got both wolf and dragon blood in him.which is the reason for his powers.last was Lupa, she didn't get the powers Wolf did.then Wolf and his siblings mother was killed by a terrorist on Labrina called Cyote.because of this the four kids were sent away to be hidden.all went to Dradonia except Wolf's whos, as you can quess, got miss directed to Earth.Wolf's dad married and had one more kid, Blizzard. "of coarse bro.now lets eat."Wolf said. the five sat down and ate there fill for the morning. "dad, Lobo called and wanted to know if the three of us could train later at his place" Lupus told his dad. "sure why not.you and your brother do need some time together"Wolf said. Lobo is Wolf's gentic son, if you will.Labrina created Lobo when they didn't think Wolf would marry.the funny part is Lobo married before Wolf did.Lobo married the princes of Feolis, the cat planet. they have two kids, Liger the oldest, and Lupa who was names after Wolf's sister. The two waited until about 2:00 PM and then took off.flying it would take about an hour to get to Australia, were Lobo lived.when they arrived Tigris greeted them with huges and Lobo and Liger stepped out. "ready you two?"Lobo asked "always" Wolf said with a grinn. the four flew to a place Lobo had picked already.Lupus had never seen his dad acually fight.he had seen him throw a few moves and energy waves, but never fight.this also would let Lupus show all three of them what he could do. -
as Tristam begins his charge his cut off by a blue beam that strikes the ground making a cloud of dust fly into the air.Tristam can see a shadow in the dust then it's gone.Tristam leaps into the air to get away from the cloud and get a better view.as he does Wolf appears infront of him. W M: hey there, forget someone.HOLY FIRE!! a greenish blue flame hits TRistam in the side and sends him to the ground.as Wolf lands the demon is no were to be seen.then a swift blow strikes Wolf in the gut.Wolf backs up to were Valen is standing. W M: these guys are good. Valen: tell me about it.ready? W M: ready!
this is for anyone that wishes to know more about Wolf Maximas. these are my stories so please tell me what you think.I've been writting for about a year now and have written four books and working on a 5th. CHAPTER 1 A DAY The sun rose from it's nightly slumber, and cast it's natural alarm clock across the land it touched.the first thing the rays of the bright star touched were the feet of a large were wolf looking person.he stood about 9 feet 11 and looked about to be 300 or so pounds.his feet were rapped in white cloth to pad them while his toe claws grabed the ground below him.his silver fur ran up his legs until his dark blue pants hid it from sight.his torn pants had been threw hell and back, literaly. His first battle in hell was about 116 years ago.Wolf's looks did not show his age.he looked 25 but was realy about 245.the lord of evil himself had found away to open a portal to earth.Wolf and his not yet wife at the time stopped him by finding there true love, and when they did it created a power so pure it could not live in hell.this power closed the gate and sealed it for about 111 years.when it was reopened and Wolf and Lena's son and his love had to close it, but when you fight the devil him self it's no practise match.for Wolf thow that was along time ago, and a time he did not wish to remember. As the sun rose more it made more of Wol'f body visable.his pants lead up to red sash that rapped around his waist nicely.his chest and stomach were bare like always and as, if you will mind the word, ripped as ever.a scare across his chest was his memory of a bad time in his life. About more than 200 years ago Wolf and his Pack were 20 members strong, and one of them he was starting to fall in love with or so he thought.when they encountered there first demon.his name was Fear.he had the power to open a portal to hell, but his left arm,mouth,and back were locked up with a holy seal.he found the keys and almost opened the portal, but Wolf and his team were there to stop him.everyone but Wolf and five other members were left alive after Fears attack.even the one Wolf cared for was killed in front of him.Fear had run his bladed hand all the way threw Wolf and out.Wolf was on the brink of death when he realized his faults and wrongs over his years, and had an ephifany if you will.then he transformed into his noble form.which was him with white fur and extreme powers.he oblitorated Fear and saved the day, but at a cost he would never forget.his noble powers were nothing like what he had now.he had gone though sevral diffrent forms.after noble it was arch, then three stages of arch, then lunar, then bio, and finally his pure form.he was basicly the same accept his powers and abilities were more powerful than you could dream, and he had large white angel wings which could easily hide him. The sun continued it's path up Wolf's body when it showed his arms thrusting back and forth with fists tight.his silver fur ran to his elbows were it flared out then turned white.he wore black fingerless gloves which fit his hands so well you could think they were apart of his hand themselves.across his neck was his red scarf that flowed to his feet.his hair was hidden behind it in places but not in all.his muzal was white with bright white teeth hidden under.as Wolf told his wife 'just because i'm a wolf dosen't meen i have to have bad teeth'.his ears were two different shapes with light gray fur,not silver.the gray fur flared to the sides and alittle ways down his chest.his hair was silver and ran down to his feet in a brade that was tied at the end by a piece of his wifes garments.his left ear had a gold ring threw it, and his left eye a scare down the middle.his eyes were light blue almost the color of the sky.his tail swade with Wolf's punches, it to was silver with a white tip.i would tell about Wolf's scare but then it would give the rest of this story away. Sweet had started to fall from Wolf's face and fur.he had twenty tons straped to his arms while he was punching.the wieght was nothing for Wolf, but anything done in continuous repatition can and will take it's toll on an indavidual.then a hand was placed on Wolf's shoulder which calmed him down.he unstraped the wieghts and they impackted the ground and made to small holes.Wolf turned to see a red headed women about 7 feet tall with beautiful lightly taned skin.her eyes were as blue as Wolf's if not more.her face was perfect with no lines or any marks to show she was 135.she looked about 25 herself with the body of one to match.she whore a light blue dress with a puple sash tied at her waist.she pulled Wolf down and kissed him.when they finished Wolf stood upright and smiled. "Good morning hun, how was your night?"Wolf asked his wife. "It was great i was with you wasn't i"Lena smiled the two walked inside were they meet the rest of Wolf's family.
W M: tell you the truth, i'm all for Karina's idea.but we are here to help are we not? Visor: we would be helping.helping the king get his big head out of his a**. Valen: who knows, mybe Tyron will take out the guard with his bread knife and get out himself. everyone: NAH!
W M: i knew something wasn't right about this place.what would make the king decide to do this? Visor: there is probaly a reason for this action, and i want to know what. W M: if i had things my way i'd bust in there right now and demand an expanation, but that bursting in part might make the situation worse. Karina: enough talking we need action to get them out. any ideas?
W M: why did that guard grinn at us? Visor: probally thinks are strories BS. W M: i don't like the smell of this. if it's alright with you guys i'll wait out here on the roof tops.Besides i don't think a gaint wolf would be smiled upon in there. Valen: if thats what you want thats fine by me. Anyone think otherwise? Karina: no Tyron: go ahead Visor:if thats what you wanna do. W M: thanks guys i'm not much of a poltician anyway. Wolf jumped up to one of the taller building and watched with nostrils flared and ears up right, and in a kneeling stance.
while the group travils to there next destination wolf feels them in on his background, to pass the time. W M: well there really isn't much to tell. Karina: well it's clear your a were wolf. tell us how you came to be like that.Were you bitten by one? W M: No, i was born this way.I must also tell you that as much of a WERE wolf as i look my home is far from any place you have heard of. Valen: So were do you come from? W M: well, the truth of that matter is that i don't know myself.So the only thing i know how to do is fight, so thats what i do.I've been traviling the world in search of my origins, but also learning as many fighting skills as i could.The one thing i do know is that when i was brought to this world about 15 years ago, but i asure you that is not my age.I remember nothing of family or friends i just woke up here one day.The only personal position i have is this. Wolf pulled out a neckless with a small picture in it incasd in glass. Tyron: who is this Wolf? the picture was of a women,a human women, with shoulder length red hair and blue eyes.She was wearing a long white dress with a blue shal over her arms. Valen: she's very beautiful, who is she Wolf? W M: This is the only memory i have of my past.She's my wife. Karina: Your WIFE!! How can she be your wife?She's human and your a wolf. You don't have any kids do you? W M: Not to my memory no, but i do have memorys of her and she's the only reason i have to continue my quest. Visor: Enough talk were her. W M: were's here?
hi guys. sorry i'm late had a vacation to go on,you know how that is.i really am not sure were you guys are or whats going on.if some one wouldn't mind PMing me about the details, and i do apologize for my late arival(and my spelling).i hope i am still permtted to join.
no, i mean my strongest move.sorry if that wasn't clear.so when does this thing start?
i'm looking to get in a good story, so i'm in. name:wolf maximas age:31 alliance:good weapons:two falkatas(the blade is curved like this ),the part going in is the blade) magic ellemental:holy bio:wolf's origens are unknown,he travils the land tring to help anyone who needs it.he's on a quest to find something, but dosen't yet know what that something is. appearence:large silver fured werewolf.about 9 ft tall with a red scarf that hangs down to his feet.he has a scare on his left eye that makes his left eye red(his right ones blue).a gold earring hangs from his left ear.he wears black fingerless gloves,dark blue pants that are riped at the knee,with a red sash around his waist.his feet are rapped with white cloth. personality:quiet, and keeps to him self.will help someone if he can. magic:moon cannon,moon blast, and holy flame(strongest attack but hardest to do) if anything needs to be changed let me know.i'm ready for adventure:demon:
why not, name:wolf vehicle:black lowrider harley description:series and quite,someone not to get mad.