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Wolf Maximas13

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Everything posted by Wolf Maximas13

  1. Wolf saw the show from the cornor of his eye. he had to block it out for Twilight wouldn't let him watch. the two clashed blades faster and harder then before. Twilight stepped back and spun around. Wolf had never seen a technique like this from his brother. he stod on guard to waot for a strike, and then the evil brother did. the pain in his shoulder was like three blades stabbing him at once. he saw the pistol in his brothers hand. it fired through his cloak as he turned. Wolf: you....you coward! Twilight: what did you say? Wolf: you coward! you used that blasted weapon in are duel! you have truly digraced are family and yourself! you don't diserve your sword! with that Wolf spung forward and knocked the gun from his brothers hands. Twilight had never seen his brother move so fast before. then Wolf circled his brother with a quick side step and it could be seen what he was doing. it seems the rage had made Wolf more conected with nature, or more so with his nmae sakes. he was moving around Twilight like a wolf would its prey. Twilight had never seen a swordsmen do such a thing. Twilight raised his sword and came down with his best technique. Twilight: MOON'S GAZE! the slash had a blue light around it and when it struck it went through the ground and made a small gash in the earth. Wolf was not on the ground, but in the air with eyes that of a wolf.
  2. Aerow flew in with a well placed kick to the Drakness's head. the attack sent the evil off balance. the human sized mech rebalanced and came back with his sword drawn. it came down hard but hit something besides flesh. infront was Aorashi holding his sword with all his might. Aoeashi: glad i never go anywhere without this thing. Aerow and Arus then tackled the mech sending it into a wall. they stood around the thing watching it get up with anger. then aorashi could fill his back starting to fail him. Aorashi: not now, i have to keep going. even if it kills me.
  3. wolf noded and then smiled. Twilight: what are so happy about? Wolf: just that i belive your use of the gun has nade you weak. Twilight: your little punk. i'm still better then you'll ever be. Wolf: lets see then. NOW! Wolf drew his sword as did Ken. Ken's blades were dropping guard after guard. Wolf's had been stopped by Twilight's. Twilight: you have goten faster though. Wolf: i've done more than that! Wolf pushed his brother off balance and slashed again. Twilight parried it, but was not ready for the force behind it. it seems Wolf had goten stronger as well. the two clashed blaeds and made sparks fly. Ken was busy cutting down the guards before the could raise there guns, or draw there swords. Ken pushed a guard out of the window and watched him land on a rack of spears. sayuri and Kiaser heard the noise and knew it had begun. Kyp and Arus saw the man die and began pushing there way to the main room. Twilight: MEN! call the guards! Guard: we tried, none are coming si...... Ken's blade finished the man's words. Wolf: its over Twilight. Twilight: no...NO! i will not fall! he swung his blade hard and smashed table infront of him. Wolf jumped and slashed quick and hard. Twilight looked to see a scar on his arm appear. Twilight: you little.... the plan was working, but could Wolf finish his brother? he would find out when and if the time came.
  4. Wolf and Ken had entered the fort. the guards were taking them to the main room. they could see the guards training there guns on them. Ken: seems they know not to give us an edge. Wolf: my brother knows how to treat guests thats for sure. the two made it to the main room, and saw Wolf brother sitting in a eligent chair. his long purple hair was free and hng everywhere. his scar was visable for his shirt was open to bare it. the robe that hung over his shoulders was drapped on drunkenly, and his sword lay at his side as did his rifle. Twilight: brother! what brings you to my home? have you decided to join me? Wolf: no brother, i've come to ask you to stop useing the gun. Twilight: (while laughing) you must be jokeing! this weapon is the future dear brother. just wait until you see what we have come up with. the man snapped his fingers and three guards pulled in a big object covered in a red cloth. Twilight got up and throw the sheet off. under was a larger version of there rifles. Twilight picked it up and put it on his shoulder. Twilight: see, this is what i call a mobile cannon. it can fire small cannon balls from where ever the man stands. the kick is still to much for were still trying to figure out how much gunpoweder is really needed. Wolf: NONE! this is gone to far brother. if father was alive he would strike you down. Twilight: but his not, and you of all people can't. so why don't you just fu** off. Ken and Wolf stood in the room with there fists clinched. both hated this new weapon, and want to cut Twilight's throat so bad. they knew with so many guards though. an attack would be stopped all to quick. Wolf was going to have to finish his brother in a duel, but there still was to many guards to make it a fare fight.
  5. Aorashi: what in the world? Aerow: the darkness must be attacking the children some how. Sean: what a horrible thing to do! Aorashi: Aerow can we send another transmission? Aerow: i think so, give it a try. Aorashi: Trance! if you get this please hang on. were trying to put an end to this but its harder then we thought. i know you can do anything you set your mind to. just please try and hold out alittle bit longer. Aerow: thats it. the channels dead. the others continued moving at a faster pass. they had to get rid of this thing soon, or the children would suffer.
  6. even with all the nightmares of the night the group did get rested. for now the sun was riseing over the hills and through the trees. the light was not yet visable to all, but the group new it was time. they awoke and spalsehed there faces with the cold water from the stream. they went through there preperations and there plan. they all confirmed what they were doing and how to do it. Sayuri folded her origami, Ken meditated, Kyp and Kiaser talked and sharpened there weapns, Arus watched the sun rise and went through his own thoughts. finally Wolf was standing in the opening he did last night. he looked at his sword and pointed straight ahead. Wolf: lets do this my friend. Wolf turned to the others and they looked at him. Wolf: i thank you again for doing this. i know if we work as a team we can do this. ok, Kyp, Arus go now to meet with the supplie cart. Kyp send an arrow once you have it. that will be our signal to begin. Kiaser and Sayuri will go as me and Ken enter the fort. the comotion should be enough to make your entry easier. Ken: ok, so what do we do when we get in? Wolf: will talk with my brother and stall. when Kyp and Arus arive with the supplies is when we make are move. while Kyp and Arus make fools of themselves and cause as much confusion as possible. Sayuri and Kiaser will be btaking care of the sleeping guards. the fewer we have to deal with the better. the second an alarm is sent will take the guards in the main room, and i'll finish my brother. Sayuri: sounds good to me. can you handle that Kiaser? Kiaser: i can and i will. Kyp: don't worry, causeing confusion is what i do best. Wolf: i know, thats why i choose you to do it. ok, lets get moving guys.
  7. i know uts early to be putting up the recruitment sheet for a sequal, but i thought i'd go ahead. i won't put in a plot until the first one ends. my hopes are that the second will be as good as the first, and could spawn several sequals. ok, anyone who was in the first has a spot. i would like you to repost your character sheet if you don't mind, so anyone new can see your stats. plus it gives you a chance to up date it. i don't expect the old members to post until the first is done. if this recruitment thread goes to the second page or so forth don't worry. i'll bring it back when it's all set and done. i just want to get this out of the way, so when the second one ends we can get started pretty quick on the second. anyone new is to go ahead and post your sign up. Name: make it good. Age: keep it between 18-55, the old guys can fight to you know. Weapon: this is the main thing. make the description and history of your sword, staff, whatever good. Description: Bio: this is the only part where the old members will probally differ. you can change anything you want though. ok, go ahead and start signing up, and i'll post whos all in at the start of the acual RP. so don't worry about remembering cause i'll also send PMs to all who are in it. :D
  8. OOC: were probally not coming back for awhile. the way D_A told me were about to face the darkness its self. i don't think this RP will be going on for to much longer. the mechs do have com links though, hint..hint. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aorashi opened his hatch and looked around. Aorashi: it looks like a astroid hit this place. Aerow: yeah kinda. the group continued moving in there beat up mechs. it was clear that the mext thing they ran into would have to go down fast, or they would be fighting without there mechs.
  9. Wolf had been having more dreams about his brother. each time the dream was the same. his brother would kill all of his friends and leave him to watch. he tried to capture his dreams and make them end how he wanted, but it seemed the emotion was to great. he was now half asleep and half awake. he could see that Ken and Sayuri were gone, but he also realized it was none of his buisness. he stood up and walked to a clearing in the trees. there he drew his sword and began a long kata he had learned recently. as he went through each movement he watched his sword. he saw the moon light dance across the blade and make his kata look even better. Wolf finished and felt some of his stress gone. a long kata always relieved his tension and made him feel more at ease. he stayed in the moon light for some time thinking about what he was going to do. tomorrow would be fullfilled for sure.
  10. i knew it would be, but i thought it would be a good way to get him noticed. sad that the intro forum got takin out. i know it was proballt spam central, but it did give the newbies a start.
  11. if any of you are wondering why he has the same last name as me, or close to it, isn't because his my brother. he's accually my cuz. so don't give him to hard of a time. i'm showing him the ropes right now.
  12. well, the good old wolf here is from Amarillo. love living in yellow.
  13. Aerow aimed his weapons to finish off deadeye. at that time Bazooka ran to stop him. Aorashi and Kazuma got in his way. Aorashi flipped his mech over the big mech and landed putting his two blades into the things shoulders. Kazuma put his own blade into the mechs gut, and Sean followed up with his to the Bazooka's side. with three mechs and four blades the lug couldn't move very fast. Aerow pulled the trigger and gave deadeye a deadeye. Aerow turned to see his friends pushing against Bazooka. he flew over and meet up with Arus and they too put there blades into Bazooka.
  14. Wolf heard Sayuri awaken. she too saw him and walked over to the stream. Wolf: you too? Sayuri: you could say that. Wolf: water always helps me calm down. it's calm in its own, so i try to take that state of mind. Sayuri: wish it was that easy for me. Wolf: we all have are own demons to face. for some there real demons. Sayuri just watched the watre flow across the rocks and roots. Wolf still had no idea what Sayuri was going through, but he made a good guess with his statement. Wolf: we really should try to get some rest. you may have demons but you also have friends too. i don't know many demons that have friends. with that Wolf walked back to his spot and tried to resume sleeping. Sayuri stood by the stream for a while longer going through everything in her head.
  15. Ok, since Rahia has been kind enough to grace my PRGs I guess I'll give this a try. Name: Denkou Species: Dragouret Age: 225 Rank: warrior/ guard Appearance: Well, I'm winging this for I have no idea what these things are. Long white hair held by a black band. Two brades fall over his shoulders. His eyes are misty cold blue with white pupils. His skin still retains some of its black luster, but looks more silverish by a glimpse. His wings are the color of his skin on the under side, and black on the outer. White fur covers the main joint of his wings. His horn his of a spiral design and for the most part looks like a unicorns horn. Although he retains no attributes of the fabeled creature. He wears a black leather vest made from Ork hide. It's pined in the middle by a wolf's fang. Black pants ripped at the bottom complete his wardrobe. His feet are bare but are wrapped in black cloth. His black sash carries his sword and is also held together by a wolf fang. His arms have silver bands around the wrists with black edges. Weapon: White handle with a black leather wrap. The pommel has a wolf's head coming out of it. The guard is silver with a dragon and a wolf chasseing each other. The blade looks like an Arabian Scimitar. Bio: He is one of the chief guards for the gladiator fights. he also retains some respect by the Drow for his ways. He stays out of there way and does his job. Hey I evan capitalized my stating words. I don't usually take the time to do that. Just to let you know.
  16. i really don't want this thread to fall into the next page. if it does that will never get it started. i have no problem waiting, but to much and this RPG will die before it is even born.
  17. Wolf was finding it hard to sleep himself. although his nightmares seemed trifle over Sayuri's. though no one else would probaly ever know what she was going through at this point. Wolf kept dreaming of his brother running his blade throw all of them except him. he was made to watch what he had brought upon them. he kept telling himself that it they made the decision to come, so it wasn't his doing. never the less it didn't work. midway through the night he awoke in a cold sweet. he wondered to the near by stream to calm his nerves and meditate.
  18. i think i understand where he wants to go with this, and its not a bad idea. but you do need to do it within the rules. leave this one up and give nore of a plot and guideline. get rid of the one in the acual adven part. when you get enough people to join then start the real thing up. i think this could be a good idea if done right.
  19. Wolf: just promise me you and Ken will get one for me. Sayuri: i think we can do that. Wolf: ok then, the sun is starting to fall, so i think we should get are rest now. if we do this right most of the guards will probally be lazy with the rising sun. the group beded down for the night and tried to clear there mind so they could sleep better and be more rested. tomorrow the plan would come into play, and who knows what will happen.
  20. Wolf: were after the corporation. Trip: taking on the corporation isn't a smart idea. although i guess with a half demon you could do it. Trance: i'm strong, but my powers are nothing compared to the corporaton's. Tenkai: there demons too? Wolf: not all, but the main heads are yes. Trance was injured recovering information. now if you please, we have to go. Trip: you know, they say the more the marrier. Wolf smiled and looked back. Wolf: so, are you comeing or not then. the others smiled and followed wolf and Trance. Trance: are you sure this is a good idea? Wolf: we'll need the help, and they look like they can hold there own for the most part. Trance: well i've trusted you so far. i guess i can this time too.
  21. Wolf: you are right, and i should. my name Wolf was given to me for my scars and my nature style of fighting. my real name is Naito Getsuin. Ken: Naito, well then what would you prefer? Wolf: i;ve grown fond of Wolf. it suits me best for what i am doing. i may take my real name up again once i've done all i can do. Sayuri: a retirment name, as so not to befall any venditas that Wolf may aquire. Wolf: sort of, i guess. then Kyp arived and told what he had found out. not much to really use but it gave them the lay out of the guards and the shift changes. Kyp: they stay alert at all times. they change the guards out every 30 minutes, and have about five guys for one post switching out. Kaiser: giveing the others time to rest and backing up and would be ninja. your brother is quiet smart. Wolf: he does ok, but he got the strength and i the speed. so i devloped my brain faster as to be able to fight with my gift better. Sayuri: so, should we try sneaking in? Ken: if one of us slips up it will bring a hail of bullets upon us all. Wolf: yes, thats why we shouldn't all go in like that. sayuri and Kaiser will. there the two best suited for that part. Sayuri: the clumsey ninja will get us all killed. Wolf: no, i think he'll do just fine this time. there's more at stake here. Kaiser: thank you Wolf, i will not let you down. Wolf: ok, Kyp and Arus will sneak in as well but in a diffrent way. Arus is too skilled in stealth so i'd like you two to go supply cart. if memory servies me right. there is a supply cart that brings food and supplies to the fort every morning. take the cartmens place, but don't kill them. this is not there fight. Ken: and as for us? Wolf: were going in throught the front gate. the group gave him a shocked look, then Sayuri smiled. Sayuri: i get it, your going to play your brother for a fool. i think my methods are rubbing off on you Wolf. Wolf: could be, but yes i am. or more importantly his big head. he'll love seeing me at his feet. the group smiled and noded to the plan. they would stay the night at the camp, and wake early next morning to begin. they turned in early as to be fully retsed come the attack.
  22. Aorashi pushed on his blades but could not feel them move an inch. then a beam let out and struck the black mechs arm. this made it lose its grip and Aorashi slashed throw. Aerow stood with rifle in hand smileing. Aorashi turned with a grin as well. the mechs right arm feel to the ground, and the guardian turned in rage. Aerow: you may be able to best one of us, but together is a diffrent story. as he said that all the men pulled there sabers and pointed them at then dark mech. the guardian took a step back then smiled. Mech: then meet my friend! then laser blast rang out and pelted the heros suits. when the looked they could see another mech standing next to its wounded friend. this one was much wider and bigger. it had weapon panels open all over it, which were smoking. Mech 2: now, then real fun can begin!
  23. all Wolf could do was stand and look at the fort. he heard and saw nothing fro once. all he could see and hear was in that fort. he had focused his abilities and could hear some of the guards speaking. most talked about there day, or of what they shot in sport. some had tails of getting lucky last night, or almost getting lucky. he couldn't get his ears to find his brother. it seemed Twilight was prepared for his brothers gifts and knew better then to put himself in ear shot of him. it was still clear the fort was oblivious to there camp, or that of the roaming Kyp. he figured most of the information was goingto be of what the do on a normal day. which probally meant how many people they shot. Ken was setting, legs crossed and sword to his side, meditating. Wolf drew his sword which brought the others to attention. Wolf didn't draw his sword unless there was trouble, but this time was different. the white haired warrior pointed the blade at what he thought his brothers main room might be. he raised the blade up a bit, then slashed down and put the sword away in one motion. Wolf: your rain has come to an end dear brother. its time to make way for a new ruler of your set of power. fate can only hope your succeser will be pure hearted unlike you. the others heard Wolf's words and agreed to them. they knew tomorrow there was a chance they all could die, and that was a risk they were prepared to take. Wolf turned to his compainions and smiled. this throw all of them for a lop and almost made them worry about him. sayuri: Wolf, your scaring us. Wolf: this will to a guess. i am prode to have fought along side each one of you. in each of your own ways you have a reason for doing this, and i only thank you for doing it with me. i hope you don't mind my boldness but i conseder you all family now, and will repay you anyway i can. Ken: that is very bold of you indeed, but i think all of us even Kyp will be honored. Wolf: thank you, and to start i hope you will let me join you and Sayuri's adventure to punish her enemies. Ken: i see nothing wrong with it, but you'll have to ask sayuri.
  24. the sun broke through the trees and awoke the travelers. the other could now see they gained a member over the night. Wolf introduced them all and they were off once more. with Wolf getting the distance wrong they would be at the fort in a few hours. Sayuri: are we still going to wait until night fall to attack the fort? Wolf: that i havn't decided yet. it would play in are favor more to go during the cover of darkness, but i'm afraid if we stay to long my brother my learn of are presents. Ken: then will just have to be less noticealbe upon arriving. Kyp: we could just as easily make camp outside the main town and wait there. Wolf: thats not a bad idea. good thinking Kyp. Sayuri: well it appears you do have some use. the group traveled on and would reach the town in which the fort lay in. they would make camp on the outskirts and plan there attack. it would have to be carefully done if they were to win this battle. for it would not be a quick and easy fight this time. all there skills would be put to the test.
  25. Wolf: from what you've shown me so far i have no reason to doubt you. i just wish you had told me from the start. Trance: if i had, would you have trusted me this far? Wolf: good point, but still i must ask. are your actions honorable or are they a lie? Trance: i have been truthful about everything besides my blood line. now you see why i hate my father so. Wolf got up and put his gun up. he walked over and put out his hand. Wolf: then we best get going, or you'll miss your chance to see his face when you kill him. Trance stood with Wolf's help and looked at him strangle. he didn't care that she was half demon, she then smiled and noded. the two took to the buildings once more. as they did they past by central park. where two other men nothiced there precence. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OOC: this is a chance to get all the characters together. its all i could think of so use the oppotunity.
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