Wolf Maximas13
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Everything posted by Wolf Maximas13
Wolf put the scroll in his jacket and carried trance off to his hide away. there he nursed her wound and let her rest. when she awoke she was laying in a bed with a bandage around her arm, and an iv of blood to her right. Trance: guess i lost alittle bit more blood then i thought. i'll have to remember to fire that guard. she looked over and saw wolf sleeping in a chair next to her. he had the scrolls in his right hand. there was a labtop below him and on the table next to him was a tray with the bullet that went in her. Trance: well, he has other skills then just fighting i see. Trance got up, but could still feel some pain in her shoulder. she looked at the labtop and saw wolf had pieced together what he could figure out. it showed the corporation had opened a portal to the underworld and had comtrol over a small number of demons. plus the head of the corporation seemed to have been given some powers of his own. not enough to control the world but enough to find the things he needed to do so. Trance then saw Wolf steering and she waited for him to wake up.
Aorashi could see they were getting close. but something wasn't right, there were no guards anywhere. the scaners showed nothing for miles. Aorashi: i don't like this. its way to easy. Aerow: i know what you mean, there has to be something wrong. Denny: maybe there attacking somewhere else and we got lucky. Sean: or there waiting for us and are gonna jump us with ahundred mechs. Aorashi: well, lets go with Denny's idea. lets just hope.....wait a minute i got something. Aerow: what is it? Aorashi: its moving fast and towards us. sean: i see it. what in the world kind of mech is that. then a flash went out and Denny's mech had a cut on its right arm. Denny: what in the hell!? then the mech landed and was able to be seen well. it was a black mech very light in build and with two beam sabers in it hands. it had red eyes that almost looked through you. Aerow: what is that? Mech: i am one of the guardians to Glasgow. this is where you stop. Aorashi: well, your fast with a sword but how fast. Aorashi pulled his two swords and stood infront of the black suit. Mech: you can't win, i'm second best only to the darkness himself. the mech blasted forward and both sabers meet with both of Aorashi's. the two pushed on the others sword. this was going to be won in a blink of an eye. Aorashi only hoped he could time it right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OOC: D_A PMed me with the final stats on the bosses. this is one of them. he gave them to me cause he said he wouldn't be on as much for awhile. he also wants the last post though. i think we can give him that. i'm hopeing to hold out on the first two bosses until D_A can post more to finish the main guy, but will see.
Wolf had found the scroll Trance talked about. he didn't take the time to look at it he just put it under his coat and went back to waiting on trance. he found it odd that he was being so trusting of her, but she seemed like she meant well. either way it was bringing him closer to getting rid of the corporation once and for all. he had made a promise and was going to keep it. the family was counting on him, and he wasn't about to let them down. if he didn't stop these monsters now more families could wined up the same way. he didn't know what Trance meant about if she was caught. maybe he would hear what was going on or something. he just waited patiently for the lady to return.
Wolf and there new friend had beded down for the night but Wolf was still up. he decided to wait for Sayuri and Ken to get back. i told himself it was guard duty. just to make sure nothing was going to happen. the last thing they needed was a attack to weaken there froces now. they would need all the strength they could muster in order to attack such a fort. Wolf; i can only hope that my abilities with a sword have grown since then and his has not. i can only hope he will try to fight wiht the gun first. if he does it will guve me the extra advantage of first strike. Wolf thought through how he would go about fighting his brother. all way ended with him or both of them dieing. for he could only think of the fights from what he knows. he also wondered about the men that could use the guns, and if they might face some new form of it. the sword evolved so the gun must be able to as well. what else could this weapon be capable of?
Wolf: dolie noted, but if i were to find anything on you it would be none of my buisness. Trance: thats good to hear, and what about the corporates buisness? Wolf: thats for everyone to know in do time. here we go, this looks like an old scroll. its written in a languge i've never seen before. Trance: i guess your demonic theory was right. so now what? Wolf: well if you care to join me i wouldn't say no. however it shall stay pure buisness and nothing more agreed. Trance: very well, take all the fun out of life. Wolf: i asure you, what we do here will be quiet pleasurable. the two left the building and went by roof top to Wolf's hide away. Trance: so batman, where do ya keep your gadgets? Wolf: very funny, this place is no more than an old warehouse. i don't have anything like that. this is just where i keep my weapons and ammo. Wolf clicked a light on and made a large pile of weapons and ammo appear. Trance: i was wrong, your not Batman your Rambo. Wolf: not quiet, i would rather stick to my sword but the bad guys don't play fare. Trance: are they suppost to? Wolf: in a idelistic world probally. for now lets just see if we can figure what this thing is talking about. i bet ten to one the internet has something on these symbols. Trance; why wouldn't it, you can get anything from guns to porn on it. why not demonic spells and scrolls to kill all of man kind. Wolf: now your just being silly. never kill all of man, inslave it. the two began running searches for anything about the scroll. hopefully they could find something. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sorry about the spelling again. i'm writing this at night again and will edit it in the morning.
the group had been traveling for what seemed hours. it wouldn't take much longer to get there now, but of course there was always the chance of getting caught. there was enough of them to tak care of a small force. Aorashi: this really seems to easy. Aerow: maybe they never thought anyone would be dumb enough to come this far. Aorashi: good point. the group continued on there travels and chated like it was a road trip. about another 30 minutes and they would reach the city.
Wolf: well then looks like i have no worries. i made it past the roof and your guards, and have no desire to go to bed with you. thank you again for the help. i think i'll take mt leave now. he kissed her hand and left throw a window. there he changed back into his normal atire and took of to a location Trance had given him. it was a office building that had more info then she did. he reached the building and could see the place heavily guarded. Wolf: wish i had help not of this world now, but guess i'll have to make do. the man swung to the roof and entered through a sky light. he stopped at the 40th floor and took the ventalation super highway. Wolf: good thing i don't eat much. the white haired vigalanty crawled his way to the file room and searched for information on the corporation.
OOC: this once just ooc. besides i can't see where i could do anything here. this sounds like the first animatrix movie, am i right? :)
OOC: sorry bout that, its late and i just spent the evening with my girlfriend. she's been gone for a month and i'm just glad shes back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wolf siped the wine and began his questions. Wolf: ok, do you know the ties the corporate big shot has with the under ground. Trance: yes i do, and its rather long. you name it and they have there hands in it. Wolf: ok, what about dark ties? Trance: what kind? Wolf: things not of this world. Trance: ah, i see you do your homework. the corprate tops have been known to make things happen when they want them to, and things happen to people they want them to. Wolf: is it them or an outside force helping? Trance: that i couldn't tell you. not even my father has been to the main floor. Wolf: i see. tell me, why is it you fill free to tell me these things? i'm not complaining its just, it seems almost to good.
Trance had keep her voice ligth enough as not to perk Wolf's ears. seems she remembered what he said. all he could do was smile at the actions and continue. they had acouple more miles to go and then they would be there. Wolf was still strugleing with the thought to attack when they got there, or rest a bit and plan the assault fully. either way there was room for failure. it was clear by the light they would need one more day of traveling. seemes the wolf had underestimated the path length. Kyp: these road seems to never end. Wolf: seems my memory of this place has faded over time, so i guess here is as good a place as any. will camp here and i'll finish my story. the group found a incirclement of trees for there resting spot and sat watching Wolf. Wolf: alright, i guess its time for me to tell you everything. the man that leads this samurai group is my brother Twilight. we were both trained in the new ways of samurai but he went a diffrent path. i choose that of the animals, and he choose that of the upper sky. which in turn lead him down a harder road of training. mine was a walk in the park compaired to his. everyday he would come home and mother would tend to his wounds. each time the wounds got deeper until he was finally given his scar to were his name resides. a cresent shaped scar that almost completed a circle. he called it the twilight dawning. with his scar he gained full understanding of his skills. his path made him much stronger than i could have ever dreamed, but there was one thing that i found that he didn't, love. i found a beautiful women to which i was ready to spend mt life with. however Twilight saw things diffrently. he attacked my house under cover of night. i awoke as he entered my front door which to this day i am still thankful to my teachings for. i tried to head him off, but his speed was more then i could follow. his blade found my lovers neck, and made him the stronger once again. i challenged him and by which was given these scars on my face. he mocked my teachings and said now i look like my name. he also cursed my love, and with that i took his left eye. i don't remember after that until i awoke outside the fort's gate and no more than my sword and cloths on my back. i found my fathers old school and finished my training there. when i heard of my brother taking the gun i sent him a message. i read, if you dishonor the code of the samurai i shall eclipse your twilight. he sent the letter back with the riders head, and a bullet through it. so here i am now, hopeing that the gun has dulled his sword and my final training has made me his equal. so, when we get to the fort all the gunmen and guards are your, but my brother is mine alone. i feel we will not see him until we clear the lot out. which in that case you are to watch are battle and no more. i must bring honor back to that fort and my heart. if i fail, then your free to do as you wish. the others just listened and thought. it was alot to hear at that time of day. no comments were made just nods and eyes saying yes.
Trance smiled as she walked around the room. the party was the usual host of "buisness" partners, and fellow bosses. as Trance mingled with the others her cell phone rang in her purse. she answered it to hear a strange voice. ????: well malady since you failed to give me your name i thought it fitting to give you mine. Trance: i know who you are. Wolf: thats good then, now if you maybe so kind. Trance: the names Trance. Wolf: ah, lovely name, and lovely dress to i might add. Trance: where are you? Wolf: your not the only one able to mix in with the high class. in my line of work you have to be flexable. Trance looked around the room to try and spot the man. as she turned he stood down a lane of people. dressed in a nice white tucks with gloves and a cain to match. he turned off the phone and made his way to the lady. he bowed to her hand and smiled. Trance: the vigalanty has manners, i'm impressed. Wolf: i'm flatered, now it would look odd for two people to stand in the middle of the room talking. please, lets make it less suspicious. he held his hand out to the dance floor where the two went. Trance: well, your not bad mister Wolf, but if your trying to... Wolf: don't flater yourself. * he spun her and brought her back* i'm only interested in getting rid of the corporation, and any info you can give me would be most helpful. Tranced smurked and noded at the man. Trance: alright then. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: hope you don't mind the cell phobe thing. the party just seemed like the perfect set up.
the full moon casts its rays upon a small warehouse. in the warehouse a deal is taking place. the deal is between the corporation and there suppliers, but as the deal is going down another pair of eyes watches the deal. dealer: alright, the guns are in the crates, and the drugs in the trunks. as always its a pleasure doing buisness with you. buyer: of course, tell your boss to keep up the good work. dealer: tell your's to keep up the good buying. the men laughed and shook hands. ????: everythings funny tell someone loses an eye. dealer: who said that!? this better not be a set up! then one of the guards falls to a gun shot with one missing eye. ????: see what did i tell you. now i have to punish you. then a man could be seen in the rafters. the men from both sides began to fire into the air. not carring what they hit aslong as they hit something. when they were done all that fell was a pigeon. then the eruption of gun fire from above and behind them. men fell fast but the guards couldn't seem to see the attacker to shot him. then when there was six left, including the buyer and dealer, a figue began to walk out from the shadows. ????: anyone fires at me and your merchendise goes sky high. as the man came into the opening of light from the moon. a grenade launcher could be seen in his hand pointing at the crates and cars. dealer: you do that and you life means ****. ????: temper temper, i don't think your in a position to negotiate. buyer: all right what is it you want from us? ????: what i want you can't give me, but your boss can. the man ran towards the remaining guards and lept into the air. the men fired at him but couldn't hit a thing. the vigalanty landed and pulled a gun from his coat and took out the remaining guards. only the buyer and the dealer were left. the man still held the grenade launcher trained on the crates and cars. he smiled then lowered the weapon. the two men breathed a sigh of relief, but i sigh short lived. then a flash could be seen going at the men. when it was over both looked at each other and saw blood coming from the chests. the men fell life less and the man walked away. as he reached the entrance to the warehouse he turned and put a grenade inbetween the crates and cars. the explotion was huge, enough to be seen for miles around. the cops responded to the place with in minutes, and after the fire was put out found little left of the men, but could see two were killed with a long blade. atop a roof the man responsible stood watching. the mans name was Wolf, and his job was to stop the corporation from carring on.
some how that dosen't surprise me. ok, i'll wait alittle bit longer for a fith person. but most likely will start this thing today. EDIT: ok, looks like i'll start this thing. the sign up is still open until the RPG gets really into it.
ok, since my other rpg is doing so well i figured lets push the envlope. you could call this a modern version of my first one, but with a little tenchu style added in (if you've played tenchu 3 and unlocked the secret mission you know what i mean.) anyways this is for people that may rather solve problems with a gun then a sword. big one eighty from my other RPG. deep in the heart of New York lies a coporation. like most they do just about everything, from close to food. but as any super powered corporation goes. thers is always a world behinf the curtain. this world is drugs, sex, guns, you name it. the workers for this "branch" have no ties to the main office, and are trained to kill themselves if caught. as in the time of the samurai there are those willing and hired to stop them. some do it for glory, some for honor, and others for a bank account. these urban warriors fight much diffrently than the old samurai. the sword replaced with the gun, and the shurukins replaced with grenades. although some warriors out there still fight with the sword, but only as a side weapon. one such man is called Wolf. he has promised a family,that was almost wiped out by the corporation, that he would put an end to there evil. but as Wolf delve deeper into there world he found that not all the companies workers and merchendise comes from this plane. even with that in mind he still plans on makinf his promise. ok, heres the basic character sheet. Name: Wolf Age: 23 (no 150, humans for this one people) weapons: two glocks under his arms with clips. a single shot grenade launcher on his right leg. (ok, something like this is fine, but i don't want to see someone decked out in grenades and rockets. this is a emergency weapon) and his sword on his left side. (see other RPG sign up for sword discription). Appearance: long white hair tied in a pony tail. a white ynder shirt and black pants. he wears a long black cloth coat to hide his weapons. a pair of black fingerless gloves and black boots. he has light blue eyes with a hint of silver. Bio: this isn't required, mines basiclly in the first half of the story, and will be told through the rest of it. you can do that to if you want. ok, this one i'll wait for the first......5 or so, and start. as i did with the last one the sign up will remain open until we get good enough into the RPG.
Wolf: well, i overestamated him. seems are Sayuri is as good as any demon. she just grinned and the group continued there travels. Kyp: darn, i thought i was going to get to shot something. Wolf: don't worry Kyp. once we get to the fort you can let your arrows fall like rain. the sun was begining to set and made a wonderful picturisk view. the sun played with all the colors and made them appear in ways people only dream of. it couldn't have been any a nicer backdrop to travel to.
Xaru Walked to Ryden with pike in hand. Xaru: see, you are weak. Aorashi: you underestamate us no more. the white haired warrior spun his long staff faster and faster. until it became almost one circle. Aorashi: TORNADO DRILL! a tornado came out of the spinning staff and the tip hit Xaru and broke his chest armor. Xaru flew into a rubled building and barely stood. Aorashi: you wanted to fight me dragoon. come on trator! finish what you started! Xaru rushed Aorashi and the two began exchangeing blows. Aorashi was able to dodge the pointed end of Xaru's pike, but only to feel the blunt end fall across his face. Aorashi stuch his staff into the ground and vaulted into the air. he spun his staff around the brought it down hard over Xaru. the blow kocked the dragoon back, but he still had some fight in him. Aorashi: begone trator! WIND CUTTER! aorashi spun his staff then broguth it up hard and stopped it. the force of the staff shot a gust of wind that sliced Xaru's right arm. the dragoon droped his pike, but picked it back up with his other hand. Xaru: you got lucky dragoons. my forces will be back. you may have won this duel but we shall when this war. Xaru flew off with his winglie armie, and Aorashi fell to the ground. Aorashi: well, that was a plesent ordeal. Ryden was attending to the wonded dragoon while the red armored one came to see Aorashi. Red dragoon: not bad Aorashi. Aorashi: yeah, but not good enough, i got lucky. if he hadn't of fought with Hoshi and Ryden first i probally would have ended up like them. Ryden: anyways, this gives us time to regroup and fix are selves up. the group went to the medic tower where they were treated for the wounds and discused what was going on.
Wolf balanced himself as the ground shook. he heard the word demon and thats all he needed. Wolf: Kyp, get to a vantage point. when you see a shot take it. whatever comes out everyone stay calm and fight it like a normal fow. Sayuri: i don't think that style of fighting will work. Wolf: we have to be ready for whatever pops up. Sayuri i want you to pilt that thing with everything you got. don't let up until it lies on the ground in a pool of blood. Ken, Kaiser your with me. when it comes out don't let it attack first. use only your best and strongets attacks. Wolf poped the blade loose from his sheth with his thumb. Ken and Kaiser did the same. Sayuri held as many oragami in her hands as she could. Kyp was in a tree with one arrow pointing at the shaking ground, and another in his mouth for quick grab. they waited for whatever it was to show its face.
Xaru stands and readies himself for another attack. until he feels a strong wind pick up around him. he looks behind him to see another dragoon. a man in teal armor and a long white staff. Xaru turned his attention to the new warrior and rushed him. as he got within feet from the man the wind picked up. ???: a dragoon can't fly if the wind won't let him. HURICANE FORCE! the wind shot out and blew the enemy dragoon into another winglie. the warrior walked over to Ryden and the others. Ryden: glad you could make it Aorashi. Aorashi: sorry i'm late. got stuck in traffic.
Sign Up Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Wolf Maximas13 replied to Shikaku Kitoku's topic in Theater
i'm acually excited for this one to start. with so many people signed up and somuch put into this it should be pretty good. -
as Sayuri walked down Ken had to ask Wolf. Ken: did you hear anything last night. Wolf: my ears hear everything, i told you that already. but they didn't hear anything worth repeating or remembering. Ken noded at Wolf in his way of saying thank you. Kyp and Kaiser acually greeted Sayuri with a smile. guess a nights sleep can clear once grudges, or atleast for the time being. the group set off again and this timw would stop only at the outskirts of the fort. it would be well into the night by there arival. which would make attacking much easier with most guards in dreamland. none the less they still had many miles to travel before they got there, and there still was no telling what they would come across next.
Aorashi crawled into his mech, but couldn't shake the face Trance had after he spoke. he had never seen her look like that before. maybe he was out of line, all she was doing was watching out for his wellbeing. he checked over his systems and sat in his mech waiting for everyone. he decided that he would apologize to Trance after they got back. he was rather harsh with the heart line, so in all standings he owed her an apologie for that. he watched the others walking to there mechs and going over there systems as well. it would be acouple of minutes before they could take off. the main path had to be checked and cleared to ensure they would atleast get past there own base.
Wolf sat in a chair and could hear Sayuri and Ken in the next room. all he could do was wonder how this had come together. could it be called distany. if so he was unclear as to where the path of distany would take them. they all seemed to have intersting lives, and all effect by the gun in some way. Wolf could only sit and ponder his own life. his path of the samurai had had its share of bumps along the way. this was truly one of them. after the gun came to his school ha turned his back on his teacher and even family. for his disloyalty he got his scares. Wolf knew very well who they would have to comfront to end this, and his skills far surpased Wolf's at the moment. Wolf could only hope that the gun had made the leaders skill fall. the white haired warrior drifted to sleep while still thinking of the challenge ahead. tomorrow they would reach the outskirts of the fort. then there skills would be put to the test. for the men there could hit just about anything they wanted to with there guns. it seemed they had found a way to amase skill with the weapon.
Sayuri: what happened to your friends? Wolf: they went off to have there own fun. they thought just staying here was boring. Sayuri: well i hate to say it, but i agree with them. you just stayed here, why? Wolf: had alot of thinking to do. i told you i went to the school were going to attack but nothing more. Ken: i'm guessing there is something that deeply troubles you about going there. Wolf: yes there is, and like i said. i might tell you the closer we get to the fort. Ken and Sayuri joined Wolf at his table and they ordered food, and waited on there friends.
Wolf sat in his chair watching the fight. he stood up and walked over to the brawlers. he grabed one and throw hi away, and then two more flew from Wolf's hands. Wolf now stood behind Falco who didn't know he was there. the three big men infront of him looked at the towering figure behind the bird like man. Falco: come on, lets see what ya got. the three men stepped back a bit then ran out the door. Falco smiled and turned to help the others. his face planted into Wolf stomach and he stepped back. Falco: how lomg have you been there? Wolf: long enough. did you have to armwrestle that guy. i mean honestly you started this mess. Falco just smiled and ran over to help the others. Kabito was standing with two big men who were ready to pounce him. Falco jumped on there backs and smashed there faces into the floor. Cado was throwing fighters out left in right. her confusion attack was more than enough for the simple minded brawlers. Wolf saw five men snecking up behind the pokemon. Cado must have been to busy attacking to see the men. a blast hurdled throw the air and hit all five men. the explotion made a large opening in the bar where they were standing. Cado looked over to see Wolf with his hand pointing in that direction. Cado: *thanks Wolf*. Wolf: no problem. Falco! i think its time to leave! Falco: good idea! the group gathered outside the bar where fighting was still going on. Sango: i can't belive there still fighting. Wolf: simple minded fools do simple minded things. Wolf pulled his arms back and charged a blast. Wolf: this won't kill them just wake them up a bit. LUNAR CANNON! a blue beam shoot out and blow the bar sky high. most of the men lay in confusion, but some were standing for a moment to see what had happened. the group walked away to find this person Sango and Seneka were looking for.
Aorashi: i understand your points but this means more than me being able to walk. i would give up my legs a thousand times if i could get rid of the darkness. this is my fight as much as its everyone elses, and if i can some how make a diffrence in this God for saken place then i'm going to. i trust my skills and my heart enough to know what i can and can't do. you may be a doctor but i still know my body better than you. if i die during this quest ut will be for a good cause, and i promise you this. if i do die i will make the darkness remember me before i do. i'm not going to sit here and watch my friends die anylonger. i'm going to help them, and other than killing me yourself you can't stop me. and yes i know who i'm talking to but it dosen't matter. you may have a temper but you also have a heart. the other just stood there looking at Aorashi. they were asonished and scared for there friend. no one had ever talked to Trance like that before. they were all to scared of what she would do to them.