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Wolf Maximas13

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Everything posted by Wolf Maximas13

  1. Wolf: ok, all joking aside guys. were almost to the town, so lets try and act semi normal. Sayuri: i think that is normal for them. Wolf: well, in there defence they are free spirits. alittle to free at times but none the less. you have to admit they have livened up the trip. Ken: well they are very lively, i'll give ya that. Kyp: thanks Wolf. Wolf: hey, i'm just trying to give you guys an inch. just don't use that inch to hang yourselves with. Kyp and Kaiser noded. the group walked into the town and at once got looks. they weren't quiet the nices bunch to look at. Wolf, Ken, and Sayuri's eyes could have killed most in there tracks. Kyp and Kaiser although playful had a aura that did show it was manly cover. the group followed Wolf to an inn. Wolf walked to the desk and arranged the rooms. Wolf: ok, were in the first room to the right, and Sayuri is in the last to the left. you don't mind right? Sayuri: i'm just surprised, most men want me in there rooms. Ken: well its probally best for Kyp and Kaiser. they need to live through the night. Sayuri: hmm, i guess so. ok, i'm off then see you guys tomorrow. Kyp: where you going? Sayuri: well, since were in a nice sized town i thought i would give it a run down. Wolf: that dosen't include taking anything that not yours. remember you'll be paid nicely after this is done, so if you do want something acually buy it. Sayuri: that takes all the fun out of it though. Sayuri smiled and walked off. Ken noded and went his own way as well. Kyp: looks like its just us three Wolf. Wolf: i swell with pride.
  2. Aorashi: some people would call that stealing. Trance and Namida looked at the man in white standing at the door. Namida: don't tell us your gonna nark us out or something. Aorashi: not at all, if this count valued his stuff he wouldn't leave is down here alone. anyways "narking" isn't my style nor is stealing for that matter, but i just enjoyed the reaction i got from you guys. Trance and Namida gave him a evil stare, but had to be thankful he wasn't going to say anything. the two continued to look through the jewels and Aorashi continued his tour.
  3. Aorashi and Trance came into the mess hall to see the three celebrating. Aerow saw the two and called them over. Aorashi: heard about this find of yours. can we really beat the darkness with it? Aerow: yeah, we found something on a tree from the people who fought the darkness before us. Trance: thats great, what is it? Kazuma: its writing that talks about a way to get rid of the darkness for good. something about a crystal. Aorashi: and do you know where this crystal is? Aerow: well not quiet, but still its great thing to know. Aorashi: ok, i'll give ya that, but yntil we find this crystal we should hold off on the celebration. if those mechs attacked right now it would put a big damper on your plans. Kazuma: ok, ok. so lets find out where this thing is. Trance can you do anything? Trance: i'm a doctor and i work on the mechs thats it. i'm not some computer hacker. try the guys in the com center, those guys should be able to help. Aorashi: good thing we got my mech done. now i'll be able to help you guys find this thing. i feel a quest coming on. Denny: i like the sound of that.
  4. Wolf: you seem to fall alot. but the sword was my fathers. Kaiser: thats cool, this just isn't my day. Sayuri: i've never seen a ninja fall so much. Kaiser just looked at here with a evil eye. all Sayuri did was smile and wave. the group keep walking for what seemed forever, although 50 miles would take it's tool on some people.
  5. Name: Aorashi Element: wind Weapon: ten foot staff Spells: Tornado drill: a tornado comes from the staff while it spins. the end of the tornado is a drill. Huricane force: heavy winds from everywhere. Blade of the wind: send a gust of wind that will cut almost anything.
  6. Kaiser stood on weak knees. when he brought his head up his nose was almost touching a sword tip. he looked down the blade to see Ken. then another blade was put on his shoulder. this one was Wolf's, who smiled at the fallen man. Wolf: what is your name? Kaiser: why should i tell you? Ken's sword touched Kaiser's nose and made a small dot of blood trickle down. Ken: your not in a position to refuse are questions. Kaiser: good point, its Kaiser. can i get up now? Wolf noded at Ken and the two put there swords away. Kyp and Sayuri came out and saw the man standing there. Wolf: are you following us to kill us, join us, or rob us. Sayuri: only one of those answers will let you keep your life. the other will just get you a slap from me. Kaiser: great, i had no intension to kill or rob you, but i was wondering where you where all going. Wolf: come with us and find out. the group continued there quest and with a new member strong. the next place they would stop was a town about 50 miles away. there they would rest for the night.
  7. Aorashi: well, i didn't get this far to be stopped by something this small. Trance: this isn't small, if not treated right you could lose use of your legs. Aorashi: i don't have to worry. with you as my doctor i won't have a choose in the matter but to treat it. anyways, i don't mind having to learn to walk again. a challenge is a challenge, but until i can fully walk again i'd like you to make a few modifications to my mech. Trance: like what? Aorashi: well, since our mech are controled by a standing system were your movements are transfered to the mech. why not give me a setting arrangement instead. this way i can still make my rounds and help the others, and give my legs a rest from getting them to work. Trance: you know how long that will take? Aorashi: i have an idea, but i'm not going anywhere. i'll help as much as i can. i'm sure the others will help a bit as well. Trance: you better hope so.
  8. Aorashi wheeled himself with the doctor. they past Kazuma and Aerow who waved and walked to there beds. Aorashi: they must have got my shift, man now i do feel bad. i have to get better fats so i can help. Trance just keep quiet and walked to her office. they pased the hanger where Aorashi saw his mech just standing there doing less than he was. the two continued on until they reached Trance's office. Trance: ok, there's something i have to tell you....
  9. Wolf overheard the statement, but had a feeling it was alot worst then just there villians. it sounded like most of the anime villians had gained new power. they were either stronger, faster, or both. Wolf and Cado waited in the sky for Falco's return.
  10. as the pokemon turned to see the towering ape Falco was racing to stop it from attacking. Cado was strong, but a pychic attack wouldn't do much to something that strong. the Oozaru opened it mouth and prepared to unlesh a energy wave when it suddenly stopped and shrank down to a normal saiyan. the confused warrior turned to see the now towering eight foot Wolf. in his hand was the Saiyan's tail. Saiyan: how dare you... Wolf smiled and placed a energy wave in his gut which sent him flying away. Wolf: you ok, Cado? Cado: *yes, thank you.* Falco: nice going Wolf. ok lets stay together and figure out what we need to do. Cado: *we need to find the others. they seemed pretty bent on hurting this Naraku guy. Falco: oops, guess i did go off and leave them. ok, lets get back there and try to stay together this time. Wolf: sounds good to me. Cado can keep us aware of anyone near by with her pychic powers. Cado noded with a smile and the three took off to find the Inu-Yasha friends.
  11. ok, i;ll give this a shot. Name: Aorashi Age: 29 Gender: male Weapon: ten foot staff, that can break into two five foot staffs. Element: you didn't say if there could only be one of each, so wind. Description: long white hair tied in a pony tail. about 5'8", 135 lbs. he wears white pants with a black under shirt, and a long white cloth coat. Bio: a master of kempo and a shalin style of kung-fu. he had mastered the element of wind and wants to use it to stop this evil from coming to life once more.
  12. since i havn't seen anyone else sign up, i would asume things were going to start soon. would i be right, or i'm i shooting myself in the foot?
  13. Aorashi walked himself around the room. he could see sevral pricey paintings. he wondered into what seemed to be the library. he found sevral rare and hard to find novels. he took one out and scaned the pages. Aorashi: well well, there real, and in fine condition i might add. some of these books are centries old. this man must be quiet well in dowed. he walked himself out with there others and scaned the place for there host, but to no avail. he watched the others hang there coats up, but he'd rather keep his. he could see the ladies drying themselves by the fire, and the other gents wondering as he was. most of the people here eluded him. for he could not seem to understand them. the doctor and the one fellow seemed to have gotten quiet cozzy with each other. the others had simply watched the clouds roll in, or day dream of what this place would look like. he still was wondering the main question, why were they here?
  14. Aorashi went about typeing in the codes and numbers for the buffs. he had figured it out pretty quick and was running through them quiet well. he waved at some of the workers who passed by. they all gave him there best wished and went on. he worked on the buffs for what seemed hours on the end. he figured if he was going to do something he'd do it the best he could, and when he healed up he would catch up for the time he was gone. he looked up at his mech for awhile and thought to himself. Aorashi: that things way to clean, it needs to see some action and get dirty again. no mech should be that clean. Aorashi carried on and thought of some new fighting ideas while he typed. maybe this down time could help him improve his piloting.
  15. Aorashi awoke a few days later to see Trance checking his iv and charts. Trance: so your awake, well good for you. it seems you've healed quit well, but still need time. i put a whell chair by your bed if you need to do anything. i'm taking your iv out today so you'll have to get your own food now. Aorashi: no problem, sorry bout crashing my mech up. Trance: its ok, atleast your still alive. and the other see you in a better light now too. just take it easy for awhile. Aorashi went back to sleep and woke again about ten o'clock. he wheeled himself to the mess hall, got a sandwich, and went to the hanger. he ate his sandwich while going over his mech overview from the ground consul. he wheeled himself over to his mech and raised himself up to it with the lift. he checked to cockpit and and all the equipment. Aorashi: wow, Trance fixed this thing up better then it was before. at that time Trance had made her rounds to the hanger. Trance: what in the hell do you think your doing? i said take it easy, that doesn't mean do what you normal do. Aorashi: sorry, i can't help it. i want to do what i can while i can't fight. its not fair to the others if i'm resting in here and there dieing out there. Trance: well, atleast you have a good excuse, just don't kill yourself. Aorashi: i'll try not to, later doc.
  16. it was now Lee's turn to find his tool. there didsatation was werid, but then again what wasn't werid about all of this. it wasn't a city of counrty, but a cave. the cave was in Eroupe so that where they went. they asked an travelagent where this cave was and the man told them. so they got on a plane and headed to a very remote part of the country. they reached the cave and stopped at the entrance. Jared: i hate caves, they always give me the creeps. you think there are bats? Lee: probally, but they don't bother me. i love this part of a cave though. HELLO! echo: HELLO! Jared: oh thats mature. Lee: come on lets find this tool of mine. the two traveled down the winding cave for what seemed like miles. they did see bats plus snakes, lizards, and some strange looking bugs. they continued on there quest and happened upon a small opening. the rocks around it were very shaky. Jared: be careful, if you do to much you could cause a cavein. Lee looked at the opening then at the rocks. then an idea just poped in his head. he stepped back a bit and inhaled. Jared: what are you gonna do? Lee: AHHHHHHHHH!! the sound echoed throughout the cave and shook the rocks around. they gave and crumbled around the opening. then broke again and uncovered the opening to be a large shrine. in the shrine was a altar. Jared: how did you know that would happen? Lee: i didn't, it was a guess. the rocks could've fallen on us. Jared smacked Lee in the back of the head and went into the shrine. on the altar were two weapns. they had long metal shafts with leather handle wrappings. the tops were giant metal balls that seemed to be holo. Lee picked up the weapons and Sara appeared. Sara: i should never have made that deal. Lee: well, we did it. so hat my element? Sara: you should ahve guessed, its sound. Jared: i can see that, he is a load mouth. but on another note, you have to pay up. Sara sighed heavly and walked over to the two. she kissed them both and watched them smile. she walked back and wiped her mouth. Sara: now...go to this location and wait for the others. some are already there. try and make friends and i'll be there when the last one gets his weapon. the two walked of the cave with head held high and very cocky. meanwhile Tsu, Seth, and Kam where on there way to the houston air force base. Tsu: what does your letter say Kam? Kam: it says Sara has gotten us passage on the next...oh my God. on the next space flight. Tsu/Seth: WHAT! Kam: were going into space guys! i don't think i packed for that. Tsu: none of us did, i don't belive it. this has to be the best day of my life. Seth: i know what you mean, this is great. the three arived at the space center and were greeted by the man in charge of there luanch. ???: hi, my names Jim, and i'll be getting you guys ready for your space flight. now you'll all go through the training, but Kam will go through space walk training as well. the call we got to arrange this told us he had to do a space walk. Tsu: i'm Tsu, this is Seth and thats Kam. i didn't think it was that easy to get a ride into space. Jim: well when the request comes from the president we tend to let it go. Kam: the president! we were told... Tsu covered Kam's mouth. Tsu: to say thank you. Jim: oh, well your welcome i guess. now this way and will start your training. the three went through the basic training program. the gravity test seemed to have different results with the bunch. Tsu couldn't get enough of the ride, she went twice. Kam found it ok, but said he didn't feel anything. Seth, well Seth found that the sets are stain protected. Seth: sorry bout that....ooh. Jim: no problem, your not the first. the group went through the rest of the training, and watched Kam train for his space walk in the giant pool at the space center. the flight was set for the next day. the three found there bunks and layed down for the night. Kam: i can't belive this, i get to go on a space walk. Seth: i can't stop thinking how much of a joke we probally are to the real astronats. Tsu: i don't care what they think, and if they voice there opinion i'll voice mine, straight to the nuts. both guys crossed there legs and laughed. the three fell asleep and woke early the next morning. they were fitted into there suits and prepared for lift off. the count down seemed to take forever, but eventually they were off. the roared into space and screamed the whole way up. when they stopped the crew helped the three out of there suits and Kam into the space walking gear. he was hooked to the ship and locked into the air lock. they opened the other side and Kam floated out. Tsu and Seth talked to Kam on the radio. Tsu: how's it feel? Kam: this is awsome, i feel so alive right now. Seth: you should thats a onve in a lifetime ordeal. Kam floated what seemed like hours until a alarm went off. Captin: what is it? Pilot: it seems to be the line. its not gonna hold. Captin: why, whats wrong with it? Copilot: we don't know sir, it just won't. i already looks like the things giveing out now. the captin got on the radio and told Kam. Kam: no problem, i'll just fly back. here i come guys. Captin: becareful Kam, if you do to much you could sever the cord. we don't know whats wrong with it so don't so anything we didn't teach you. Kam slowly flew in but as he was moments away from the ship the coed snapped. Kam continued to fly to the ship hopeing he could grab on to it. but his boosters gave out moments after the cord snapped. Tsu: KAM! come on, you can make it back! Captin: DA****! ok, lets think of a way to get him back. Pilot: we don't have another booster pack with enough thrust to get to him and back. Copilot: can we get him with the arm? Captin: we could knock him into the atmosphere. Kam: hey guys, i think....i think my oxygen is running low. Captin: hang on Kam, will get you back don't worry. as they debated on what to do, Kam saw a comet passing by. he watched the stream of light pass and he held his hands out to it. Kam: man, it be cool to tough that. as he reached for it in play he began to float in its direction. Tsu: captin! he's going out further! Captin: What! thats not good. Kam got closer to the oncoming comet inch by inch, until the comet seemed to come to him to. the two got closer to each other and closer. Seth: hey, what would happen if that comet were to hit him? Pilot: we wouldn't need a rescue plan. Captin: KAM! don't get near that thing! KAM! the comet and Kam collided, but to everyones surprise Kam was holding on to it. Pilot: holy ******* Tsu: yeah, what he said. the comet flew towards the ship then vanished. the momentam carried Kam to the ship air lock door. Captin: open the doors! the doors opened and Kam crawled in. he had something in his hand though. the outside doors closed and presurised. the inner ones opened and Kam walked out with a huge smile. Kam: hi guys, did you see what i did? Captin: yeah, and i still don't belive it. Tsu: whats in your hands? Kam: i'll show you when we land. the crew landed back in Houston and decided to keep there space walk a secret from the public. the three thanked the men at NASA and went back to there hotel. there Kam showed them what he got fromthe star. he help out a ball of light that then turned into a spear. the blade was starburt with a very long point at the end. then Sara appeared. Sara: very good Kam, you found your tool. i think you figured out that your element is of the stars. plus, since all of you have spacely elements you can breath in space to. Kam: that explains it. Tsu: what? Kam: when i said my oxygen was almost gone i meant it, but forgot about it. when i was heading to the star i looked at the gage that show my oxygen, and it said i had none. i kept that information to myself though. Seth: good idea, or we might have a bunch of dead astronauts from trying to breath in space. Sara: now, go to this location and meet with the others. there is only one more person who has to find his tool. Tsu: well tell him to hurry up. the three got on the next flight to there location, and now only Aorashi had to find his tool before Kain found him.
  17. the two talked until Sango saw a big black figure in the sky. she pointed to it and Falco looked close. Falco: that could be another one of those Ginyu geeks again. the figure began to flost down and soon came into sight. Falco: Wolf. Wolf: hi Falco, whos the lady? the lady walked over to the eight foot wolf and put her hand out. Sango: if you know Falco then i guess your ok. i'm Sango. Wolf took her hand and kissed it. Wolf: pleased to meet you, i belive my friend has already said my name. Sango blushed Sango: wow, your very polite for such a large creature. Wolf: well i try, being polite helps people get over my looks. Falco: so, are you stumped like Sango Wolf? Wolf: i got a good idea whats going on. Goku's trying to explain it to everyone, and be the peace maker as well. Falco: that won't last long. Sango: lets go see if anyone else ran onto a pokemon thing, or anything else.
  18. Wolf and Sayuri walked down the markey street, and were joined by Ken. Ken: is it just me or do you feel were being watched? Sayuri: i get that all the time, but in my line of work it pays. Wolf: Ken's right, we've been followed for about a day now. we picked him up after the twon battle. not sure what he's up to, but if he wanted us dead he would have tried at night. Sayuri looked around and let her ears listen freely. she could since something around them. Ken: tell me Wolf, what way of the samurai werw you taught? Wolf looked at Ken then into nothing. he thoguht to himself awhile then decided to tell them enough. Wolf: my original school was the one were going to attack. Sayuri: ok, that explains the reason for this. you feel they have disgraced your school. Wolf: right, but thats not the whole thing. anyways we were raised by a new form of samurai. one that trained not just on the mind, body, spirit, and sword but also nature. we were taught styles and techniques that went with our inner spirit. i don't think its hard to know what mone is. so my hearing and since of smell is better than most. i also have a quicker slash then most, but its still slower than one i know. Ken: who? Wolf: i shall not tell anymore, maybe once we get closer to the base. Wolf and Sayuri decided to forgo Ken's ideas of these places and go to a resturant. good food would be nice at this point. Ken simply wondered back to his bush and keep a sharp eye out for there tag along.
  19. Rayn and Mike had reached there distanation. well almost, they were at an off sea bardge. they needed to reach the Mariana Trench, but were both clueless on where it acually was. they talked to the bardges captin and found something very enteresting. Captin: the trench, well you floating over it. Rayn: we know its underwater but where underwater? Captin: i know what ya meant, and the answers the same. the things not really small. let me show you a map of this thing. the captin layed a map on the table. Captin: ok, were here, and the Mariana Trench is all of this. the captin circled a large protion of the map. Rayn/Mike: oh my God! Captin: yep, thats about the normal reaction. Rayn: anyone ever been to the bottom? Captin: i thought you said you were a sailer. good God son, no one has ever been down there and probally never will. the presure alone would cruch even a navy sub. Mike: thats great, so how are we suppost to get down there? Rayn: well, i didn't think you could punch through ice but ya did. Mike: good point. the two chatted and left the captin in the dust with talk about Sara, and there elements. Rayn: maybe....i got an idea. Rayn ran out to the aft deck and took his shoes and socks off. his keys and all other loose items. Mike: what are you gonna do? swim to the bottom? Rayn just smiled and jumped into the water. hey dove and kicked his way down. Mike: well its official, he is a moron. Captin: did he just do what i think he did? Mike: dive into the Mariana Trench? yeah, so what you got food wise on this thing? Captin: you not worried about your friend? Mike: Rayn? he'll be fine. he'll relize he can't make it and come back up. he's half witted but the half he's got keeps him alive. the two went to the mess hall and grabbed a bite. all the while Rayn was going deeper and deeper. until he couldn't hold his breath anylonger. he started for the top but knew he wouldn't make it. half way up he gave and let out his air, but he didn't die. instead he continued to breath underwater. Rayn: BWOW...bhis is bool. (he's under water, give me a break) Rayn dove farther down and even farther down. he started thinking there wasn't a bottom, but he was proven wrong again by a gleam of light. he swam over to it and put his feet on the bottom of the trench. the light looked like a wooden shaft with a cresent blade on the end. not like Mike's syth it was shorter, and seemed to have a chain attached to it. whan Rayn pulled on the chain he saw it had a blade at the end. Rayn: Bwow, bow thats bwa bweapon! Rayn took the weapon and headed back to the top. funny though, the captin said the presure could cruch a sub, guess he meant a sandwitch kind. Rayn poped up and waved at Mike. Rayn: HEY! i found it! Mike: found what!? Rayn held up his weapon and smiled. Mike just noded and brought him up. the captin came to check him out, for he was down for a long time. before he could though Sara appeared in her bright wonder. Mike: hi sara, look numb nuts found his "tool". the captin fainted from seeing Sara. Sara: what happened to him? Rayn: don't worry, probally hasn't seen a girl like you in a while. Sara: sweet, anyways guess you figured that you control water. Rayn: the breathing underwater thing kinda gave it away. Sara: yes, you breath underwater as a fish does. you use the oxygen molecules in the water to breath. Mike: wow, there's a science to this!? Sara: acually no, waters the only one we got figured. Mike slapped himself and Sara gave them there last letter. it told them where to meet everyone else. Mike: what is it with you and letters? can't you just tell us like a normal person? Sara: but i'm not normal, am i? with that she vanished. Rayn: she got ya there bud. Mike smurked and the captin was wakeing up. he looked around and then at Mike and Rayn. Captin: wasn't there...? Rayn: looks like someone had one to many rum shots. the two deboarded on the main land and got a plane to there next location. mean while Lee and Jared where in Florida. which still confused them. they were looking for tools of the elements in Florida. they reached a place that Sara had designated. Lee: what could be in Florida that is important to the fate of the world. Jared: Disney World? Lee just slapped his comic friend and walked to what looked to be a tour group. tour guide: now, i fact that most people don't know is Florida is the biggest lightning hot spot in the world. Lee and Jared just looked at each other. Lee: you don't think? Jared: maybe, lets find a tree. the two walked around tell the found a tree tall enough. they sat near it and waited. Sara had put a time on theres as well. as the time past a storm could be seen rolling in. the lightning struck like the rain did. almost eer few seconds a flash went out. Jared: i have to say, i think this could be it. Lee: i guess, but i still don't get it. then for some reason Jared felt the need to get up and walk to the tree. he raised his hand up high. Lee: Jared don't do that you could get struck by... then lightning shot down and hit Jared's hand. Lee: JARED! but Jared was fine, infact he was better than fine. he was holding the bolt that struck him. the bolt faded and in Jared's hand was an odd looking thing. it was in a circle but had a handle at one end to be help. the edges were clearly sharp, but there seemed more. Jared flicked his wrist and the thing opened. it was now curved like a bow but no string. Jared: wow, thats cool. then Sara did her thing. she appeared and prepared herself for the drooling. Lee: hey, its Sara again. i never get tired of seeing her pop up. Jared: hi Sara, look at this thing. Sara: yeah, the lightning weapon was always the one that confused me the most. anyways congradulations Jared. Jared: hey. you think i could get a congrats kiss? Sara: doubtfull, now hurry and get Lee's weapon time is growing thinner as to when Kain learns of are plans. Lee: ok, ok were going. atleast you could give him a kiss. Sara: tell ya what, you find your weapon within the next 48 hours and i'll kiss both of you. the thought was enough to get them running to the airport. Sara: well, atleast there the only ones like that.
  20. i think i'll give this a try, could end up being pretty fun. Name: Wolf Maximas Age: 13 eyes: light blue almost white Hair: long white hair in a pony tail sex: male wand: 13 inches, wolf fang and dragon's tooth. house: don't know yet, but i would like raven claw. year: first Personality: a queit boy for the most. he keeps to himself but will halp a friend like they were family. his parents studied werewolves so, besides his name, was raised with a wolfish demener. most of the time he's loyal to anyone and everyone, but wrong him or a friend and you'll wish a real werewolf was attacking you, cause he'll inflict far more pain. luckly so far no one had crossed him or his family. Bio: his parents study werewolves and have put that into raiseing Wolf. there studies have been published in every magazine and paper. there work has given Hogwarts dark arts a real helping in the field of werewolves. not many people dare face a werewolf for fear of the unknown, but niether Wolf nor his family are scared. they have acually run inot a group of werwolves and found them to be quiet civlisted. Wolf has spent his last two years preparing to go to hogwarts. he has practiced his spells everday, and gotten quiet good at them. pet: well, if you couldn't tell i would rather bring a wolf cub, but if that can't be done then a black owl works. Broom: it was my understanding first years didn't get a broom.
  21. the wolf stood thinking about the plan that had been presented. he knew most of the men at that base, and knew a trick like that wouldn't work. most were like him, they could care less about a naked women. but, the men he didn't know could be more likely to fall for it. Sayuri: well, we can't wait all day. Wolf: acually we can, because we still have three days of travel ahead of us. Sayuri: well, just give us your thoughts then. Wolf: well, i think the ideas fifty fifty. Sayuri: it had to be better than that. Wolf: tell me, do you think i would fall for a trick like that? Sayuri: we could find out. Wolf looked at Sayuri with unhumoress eyes. Sayuri: ok, ok, so it wouldn't work on you. whats your point? Wolf: i know most of the samurai there. most are like me, but the new ones could be more like normal men. it would all depend on who was guarding at the time. plus it is something i would see a ninja doing not a samurai. the group started moving again and put the idea a side for now. they would figure out how to get in when they got there. if it looked like Sayuri's plan could work then they would try it. thankfully there was a town coming up and they could all do for a pit stop.
  22. Naito just laid back and watched the show of the group hitting on each other. Tsu was sitting next to him watching as well. Naito: all we need now is popcoen and a few drinks. Tsu laughed and the two watched as each person seemed to be drooling over one person or another. Tsu: i'm glad your not like that. Naito: same here, i'd probally throw myself into the sea if i did that. the two laughed and continued to watch there show.
  23. Aorashi and Sean had arived at the place Arus told them. they found Arus and asked him what the deal was. Aorashi: why would they try a stealth attack after a big battle like that? Sean: maybe......maybe it was a diversion. to make us lax our patrols. Arus: see thats what i thought. Aorashi: ok, i'll check ahead. if anythings stealth out there i should be able to tell. stealthing is what i di after all. Aorashi walked around the downed bulidings and forested areas with caution. he keep an eye on his radar, but a closer eye on his view screen. if they were hideing radar couldn't help them any. Aorashi couldn't tell if what he was looking at was alive or just ghost movements. he opened his hatch and got a better look. as he searched Sean and Arus keep a sharp watch on his back, but no one was watching there backs. as they sat a creaming sounds burst out. Aorashi turned to see a missle hit Sean in the back. Aorashi closed his hatch and took off at full burners. Arus turned and fired at nothing. a round bounced off of nothing and a mech appeared. Arus rushed it but was knocked down by another mech. then two more appeared, four in total. Sean stood to Arus's back. by now Aorashi had jumped in and pulled both beam sabers. he cross slashed one and jumped back for the explotion. Arus and Sean were fireing at the remaining three. Arus blew off ones leg and Sean followed it up with taking out the head. two left and Sean rushed them, as he did Aorashi rushed from behind. Aorashi pulled his buster pistols and fired at the dark mech's feet. the two turned to attack Aorashi but forgot Sean. who slashed both from the waist. the sighed heavly but it was all short lived. another, who must have been waiting for this chance, appeared behind Arus with a large axe type weapon. Arus turned but couldn't get his saber up in time. when the axe feel it didn't hit Arus, but instead came down on Aorashi's left shoulder. Aorashi: fool, i got you too. the mech pulled back and a hole could be seen in its gut, and the thing exploded. but Aorashi's left shoulder also blew. which sent his mech into a building. Sean: Aorashi! hang on man. base come in! we have a downed pilot in sector 13! a retrival team came and brought Aorashi and his mech back to the base. neadless to say trance was thrilled, but put that aside when they carried Aorashi in on a stretcher. they rushed him to the emergency room where the worked for what seemed hours. when Aorashi came to he was in his room with an iv in his arm. Aorashi: wow, guess that mech got me pretty good too.
  24. Aorashi noticed the women with the Cd player, but not many couldn't. he walked up to her and watched her sing with her song. the women started to feel someone watching her. she opened her eyes to see Aorashi. Aorashi: excuse me mamma i... Isiona: i'm not turning it down. Aorashi: oh, i was acually going to introduce myself. my name is Aorashi. Isiona: thats a interesting name. Aorashi: that it is, might yours be interesting as well? Isiona: depends, its Isiona. Aorashi: i would say it's interesting. nice to meet you Isiona. Aorashi kissed her hand as he had the other women and bowed out. he went wondering around the rest of the boat to meet everyone else.
  25. Kazuma ran in and sounded the alarm. Aorashi was in the mess hall when he heard it. he ran to the hanger where Trance was helping Kazuma out of his mech. Aorashi: Kazuma! what happened? Kazuma: there's an army...out there. Aorashi saw other pilots heading out to confront the oncoming force. Trance: well, get moving, there gonna need everyone out there! Aorashi: right, take care Kazuma. Aorashi leaped into his mech and started it up. he left th ehanger to see most of the forces pinned behind rubled buildings. Aorashi went over to see what was up. Aorashi: commander! whats going on!? Commander: theres a large force coming from the forested area. they have us pinned. Aorashi: give me a squad and let us get around them. i'll take however you can spar. the commander sent Aorashi with a three other mechs, Sean, Arus, and Aerow. they went around a group of downed buildings and found a squad of mechs fireing on there armies forces. the group split into two groups and surronded them. they jumped the dark squad and caught them in a cross fire. the four mechs took them down farely easy, and headed off to another. by now the dark forces had advanced and were taking out mechs left and right. Aerow: we have to stop them from advancing or the base is done for! Arus: the force seems to be coming through a street of buildings! Aorashi: great idea! me and Aerow will go to the other side and get ready to bring that side down. Arus and Sean you guys got this side. Sean: alright, we get to crush these Bas****s and good. Aorashi and Aerow snuck around to the other side and awaited the coming forces. when most of them were within the street, the group fired at the buildings bases. the buildings fell onto a good number of dark units, and the defending mech fired on the rubal to make sure they were down. Aorashi and the others returned to the defenive area and helped push the forces back. Commander: good job guys! i'll see you four are rewarded, and Kazuma too for giveing us the heads up on these things.
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