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Wolf Maximas13

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Everything posted by Wolf Maximas13

  1. as the group sleep Wolf stood against a tree and thought. he knew this was going to be hard in the first place, but maybe with this group he could do it. he looked at the three and could see they were all talented, but were thye enough to do this. what of this all back fired and they all were killed. he could live with his death, but to have the lives of three strangers was something he didn't know if he could deal with. he thought about leaving the group and going off on his own. he was the only one who knew where they were going. he began to walk away from them not knowing if he should or not. then he saw a shadow infront of him, it was Sayuri. Sayuri: your not leaving us are you? i still need to get paid. Wolf: i don't know. i'm having trouble beliveing we can do this. Sayuri: come on, this will be easy. all those fools have guns, and we have skill and blades. Wolf: yes, but the men at the house are not like the refraf we have fought so far. these men are acually tained with there guns, and can hit just about anything. i've heard talk about a group of five riflemen who have takem out ninjas trying to do the same thing were doing. Sayuri: that could hinder are attack, but none the less i think we can do it. i know Ken and Kyp would agree with me. if we get killed its from are own accord not yours. the wolf thought for a minute and decided to stay. Wolf: what the hell, maybe we can do it. Wolf sat against a tree and went to sleep. as did Sayuri in a tree above them. the next day they would get closer to there goal.
  2. the group waved bye to Arus and began there travels to the samurai house. there they could end this evil called the gun. the trip would take several day however on foot, and seeing no town with horses to rent or buy that was there mode of travel. the travelers stopped in a forest for the night. they had covered much ground from when they left and were in need of sleep. Wolf: this spot looks as good as any. Ken: how much further would you say we had to go? Wolf: well, i'd say about three more day of good walking. Kyp: man, i'm gonna need no sandels after this. Sayuri: how many of these samurai with guns are there at this place? Wolf: well, the house were going to is one of the larger samurai families, and with the gun as there sword now they've probally doubled what they used to be. so, i'm gonna have to say...atleast...200 to 250 men. Kyp: are you series? thats alot of men with guns. Wolf: yes it is, and some are also well trained in the sword and other weapons. there master is one of the best swords men i know. it may take all of us to bring him down. Sayuri: how did you plan on doing this if we didn't help you? Wolf: well, luck i guess. Ken: well guess thats better than nothing. the group laughed and layed down for the night. they needed to cover as much or more ground tomorrow in order to get to the house the quickest.
  3. the wolf smiled at the women. Wolf: well, if you help us i can make it worth your wilds. my house is well indowed and will reward any who help me. Sayuri: well then, you have a buisness partner. tell me just how much are we talking here? the wolf leaned over and wispered a number into her ear. the women's eye grew wide, as did her smile. Sayuri: that many zeros? well i think we have a deal. Ken laughed at the two as did Arus. they now only had to wait for Kyp to get done. which they were all starting to get impationed with.
  4. Aorashi: and besides we need him to pilot his mech. we need everyone we can get now. Trance: thats true, damn. Kazuma: glad to know i'm loved. Trance: you know it. the four laughed and enjoyed this time off. they all needed it for as hard as they had been working. they had done more in recent days then they ever had. it was clear the mechs were getting smarter. Kazuma: well speaking of which, i'm headin to the showers. Aorashi: take a knife with ya. Kazuma: i might have to now. Aorashi: well, i'm headin to the hanger. i have to go over my mech before my next patrol. Arus: i'm going to get some rest myself. Trance: yeah, i need to run by the medical center real quick myself. the group said there goodbyes and went there own way. all the time wondering, when this war or whatever you wanted to call it end. when could they go outside and accually live instead of fight.
  5. would you like me to edit my Bio? and sorry bout the Jaburo thing, i've been slacking in my UC timeline.
  6. Ken was now standing next to Wolf and Sayuri. he introduced himself and awaited the others to finish there areas. Wolf: so, i think we left them a message to give there masters. Ken: oh, was i suppost to leave some alive, sorry. the wolf smiled and listened to the screams of more men falling to the blade. Sayuri: men are so stupid with there ideal dreams. they belive this gun will let them control the world. when there weapons are stripped from there hands they have no way of fighting back. Wolf: yes, it is sad to see men fall victum to such evil. these men were probally the town rufion, and now there killers. without this weapon they could have just lived on only causein small mistchief. Ken: where is the homor in such a weapon? killing a man with raw lead and fire. an arrow is one thing but these are pure evil. at least an archer has to have some skill with his bow before he can truly do anything. Wolf: at leats they only get one shot before they have to reload. that gives people time to run away. what i can't belive is a samurai house would allow such a weapon. Ken: i've heard those rumors. you mean to say there true? Wolf: yes, and thats where i'm heading. i'm out to stop this weapon from getting into real evil's hands. Sayuri: well inthat case i might tag along. we seem to hate the gun with the same passion. who are we waiting on? Wolf: Kyp and Arus, are there names. once they get here will be off.
  7. i'm in Name: Aorashi Age: 18 Gundam: blade gundam(thats the one i would want) Alliance: E.S.N Bio: Aorashi joined a mobile suit camp. where they saw what it was like t be a pilot and opperate one. they did this by useing virtual based simulators and passed battle data to make the battles more real. through this camp the teachers noticed Aorashi to have amazing reaction time and able to preform monuvers like none other. they gave his name to the E.S.N, and he was sent to the base in Jabro. Mech disign: well, the Blade gundam. since the colors are not set i'd say...black and silver with a hint of blue on the detaled parts.
  8. the wolf walked in and saw the group fireing inot a crowd. he saw what he figured to be the leader. strangly enough, he had a sword. Wolf: he must be one of the samurai. this is the brake i've been looking for. the wolf walked to the gun fireing men and stopped about 5 yards from them. they all turned to laugh at him. gunman 1: whata you want? get lost were busy! gunman 8: yeah, unless you wanna join these poor saps! gunman 3: lets just kill him anyway. he's the only one standing still! the men laughes and pointed there guns at Wolf. a light came out and went by the guns. afterwards the wolf could be seen with his sword drawn. gunman 4: hey, how did you... then the barrels of the guns fell off, as did the powerder. the wolf smiled and raised his sword. Wolf: now, lets see if you can fight without those weapons. the eight gunman looked at each other in fear and stepped backwards tripping over each other. Wolf: you should really train your men better. samurai: well you can't expect low life scum to be able to fight. there just cheap labor. what may your name be? i see your familiar with the sword. Wolf: you will just know me as the wolf, and may i get your name before i send you to hell. samurai: my name is Itsarugi, but i'm afraid you have that backwards my friend. the wolf smiled and reshethed his sword. he turned to one side and awaited the mans attack. Itsarugi: what in the world are you doing? you can't fight me like that. your already dead to me. Itsarugi charged and drew his sword. he swung but his attack was stopped. a light flashed and the wolf stood behind Itsarugi. Itsarugi: how...can it be? Wolf: you must not be well versed in the sword, or you would have known that a blade from the sheth is the fastest attack style. the poorly trained swordsmen fell with his head falling to his side. Wolf looked around to see that the other gunmen were still fighting. Wolf: well so much for loyalty.
  9. the strange man had been walking for awhile now. he did however know he was being followed. he knew he was there since he left the village. he continued now and was nearing a bamboo forest. he overheard gun fire and redirected his walking that way. Stranger: you can help me if you wish. the guy following him fell out of a tree with surprise. he walked over to the man and smiled. Kyp: hi, i'm Kyp. whats your name? Stranger: i have no name, but i'm called the wolf. you can refer to me as Wolf if you wish. everyon eelse does. now, you seem to be a samurai, so you feel like a run? Kyp: sure, we going to the gun fire? the wolf just noded, and took off. Kyp followed him through the forest of bamboo. Kyp could see the man dodgeing the trees like they weren't even there. when they stopped they could see a village being ransaked by men with guns. Kyp: what a horrible practice, guns are surly evil. Wolf: glad we agree, and were not the only ones it seems. the wolf looked over to see a man coming out of the forest and another from a road. Wolf: you hear the guns as well! man from forest: yes! and you are? Wolf: call me Wolf, and this is Kyp. and how bout you over there? man from path: i'm Arus! Wolf: well then, since we all seem to be in the same rights...lets show these scum what the sword can still do. the others grined and smiled. they skid down the hill and went different directions to cover more ground.
  10. the man in white had come to a women wearing a green coat. he walked over and introduced himself as he did before. Aorashi: my name is Aorashi, what might your's be malady? Namida: um...i'm Namida. Aorashi took her hand and kissed it as he had done with trance. she blushed and Aorashi smiled. he walked off to meet the others.
  11. the wind blows through a small village. it blows in a strange man who is on a quest. the sun is on its way to rest, but the local low lives are just now walong up. two of these men have found a restraunt which is run by a mom and her daughter. needless to say there not out for a meal. the men have with them the new weapons which the oncoming stranger hates. the men have pulled the two women out into the town square to do as they wish, but they had not counted on the strange man. Man 1: come on lady, i want my dinner! Man 2: your mom isn't very helpful. maybe you'll be better. Man 1: lets just get this over with. we have other things to do as well. Stranger: let the women go, and you'll live to see the next sun rise. Man 1: who in the hell are you? Man 2: just some moron who dosen't know no better. he must not see that we have these. the man hold up his gun and waves it around. he points it around and the people watching duck. he puts it to the women head and smiles. Man 2: unless you want there blood on your hands you'll leave now. the man smiles and turns his back. the two laugh in joy, and the second one poinys his gun at the mans back. Stranger: wrong idea.. a bright light comes from no where at blinding speed. now the stranger is faceing the two mwn again. he smiles again and wals toward the second one. Man 2: i said....ahhh as he speaks blood comes from his mouth and he falls over with a cut from his right side up. almost enough to sever his whole right side. the first man looks on is terror. he thriw the mother to the side and points his gun at the man. Man 1: what...did you do to him? Stranger: if you can't tell, he's dead. and you will be too. the stranger pulls his sword and holds it to his side. the man pulls the trigger and hits nothing. he looks up to see the man leaping at him. a flash of light goes throw him, and the stranger lands behind him. the man falls over in half as the stranger walks off. Stranger: tell me, where did these men come from? the mother points in a direction. the man walks to her and gives her something. he walks in the direction he was given. the women opens a small bag, and find gold coins. she smiles and shows her daughter. the quest of the wolf has begun.
  12. WOW! i can't belive i acually got a good set of people. i guess i'll start it now, and leave the sign up sheet for anyone else. well, have fun and here we go.
  13. Aorashi was still going through his usual work out, and laughing at the men pulling joints and other things watching Trance. Aorashi: i have to say, you are good at what you do. Trance: i try. at this time Kazuma walked into the room and sat down close to the two. Kazuma: whats up guys? i'm bored to death. Aorashi: it fun in here. most of these guys act like theve never seen a women before. Kazuma watched another fall and couldn't help but laugh. Kazuma: wow, you bring them down faster than the mechs do. the three laughed as Aorashi finished his work out. Aorashi: its been fun guys. Trance, it would probaly be best if you left soon as well. we do need our pilots in working condition. Trance: and there goes my fun. guess i can see if another person has beat there suit to death again. the three walked out and Kazuma followed Aorashi to the mess hall. the two talked about mothing and just sat back and relaxed.
  14. the white haired man waled over to where the man and lady had spoke. he smiled and introduced himself. first to the man looking out into the water. Aorashi: hello, my name is Aorashi, and you are? Corey: my names Corey, nice to meet you. Aorashi smiled and turned to the lady sitting down. Aorashi: good evening mamma, i'm Aorashi. and you might be? Trance: call me Trance please. the man with the white hair put out his hand and the women wen tto shake it. instead Aorashi bow and kissed it. Aorashi: don't be alarmed, it is my nature. i belive chivalry isn't dead. Trance: well, i guess that is comendable. Aorashi smiled and walked off the introduce himself to the rest of the group.
  15. as Sean rounded the corner to the hanger he saw the good doctor hard at work on his mech. he also saw Aorashi just coming in form night patrol. the white haired pilot jumped from his cockpit and saw Sean. Aorashi: hey, how was the rest? Sean: good, and well needed. Trance: well, i'm almost doen with this thing. i'm begining to think Aorashi is the only one who comes in with out half his mech. Aorashi: thats only because of my patrol times, and with how i fight. i don't let them keep me in there sights for to long. Sean: hey, that was out of my control. i hit the blasted thing and it didn't fall. Trance: whatever you did, don't do it again. the gel packs should help you from making my life harder. Aorashi: your gonna love the gel pack system. my reaction time has been cut in half, and it runs like a dream. Trance: i know, i designed them. the doc finished Sean's mech and headed for the cafeteria. Sean hoped in his suit and checked it out. Aorashi: oh, like we have been told. don't push any buttons tell you get a feel for the thing. we don't want you blowing up out there do we. Sean: oh thats good to know. oh well, patrol here i come. Sean left the hanger and Aorashi stayed in the hanger to give his controld a looking at. then it would be off to the rech room. he needed to do more than eat, sleep, and patrol. he was going to were his body down if he didn't stay in shape.
  16. ok, i'm going to try my first RPG. i figured i have a good number of post under my belt, si maybe i can do this right. a area a Japan had become peacful. no blood, no war, no need to worry. however peace is said to be the reasting period between wars. the peace was not to last. a company came into the area promising power. which for most was a dream, and others a nightmare. the wealthy would get this power but the weak would have to see it with eyes filled with tears. for this power was that of the gun. this new weapon could kill a man before he could draw his sword. the rich bought almost the whole stoke for there protection, but some of the low lives also got these weapons. a group of Samurai noticed this power and decided to change there ways. with the substatution of the guns from there swords they grew into a great power. there hired the low life rats to rob the rich of there weapons, so only they would have the power. another Samurai group also noticed the gun, but saw it as a curse upon the land. they also saw the Samuais with guns traitors to the code. one man wanted to stop the traitorous group, but could not get permission to lead an attack. the man hade no name but went by the wolf. for his blade was seen as a fang that would dive into its pray faster than anyman could see. the Samurai left the house in anger. he decided to take this group of gun wielding samurai on himself. but, he wasn't alone. for many other people have seen the actons of the gun samurais and have set out to stop them as well. if these people can come together then they can cleance this area of the filthy samurai. ok, heres what i need. name: make it good, Age: keep it within 18-55. the old guys can fight to you know. weapon: this is the main focus. sword, staff what ever but give it a history, and discribe it. Description: Bio: include reason for wanting to take out the samurai. heres mine Name: the Wolf, called Wolf for short. Age: 25 Weapon: katana. the sword was his father and his fathers etc. the sheth is black with a silver dragon wrapping around it. the cloth wrap is silver as well. the handle of the sword is wrapped in black cloth with silver inlade. the accuall handle is white with a silver wolf carved into it. the guard is of a wolf and dragon chaseing each other. Description: wears black samurai pants( think Kenshin style pants) with a white top much like kensins with a silver sash. he wears a glove on one hand, the one that can wield his sword alone. he has white hair that touches his back, its held by a black cloth. his eyes are a light blue, almost white. he had two scares, each above just outside his eyebrow. no one know where he got them, but there called his fang scares for that what they look like. Bio: born into the samurai way of life. he was raised on the old ways of sword fighting. he has been toying with new techniques that can beat a gun. his since of honor is stronger then his own sword. ok, i really hope this goes over well. i'm gonna wait tell i have about 4 or 5 people then start. then i'll leave the sign up page up for anyone else who wants to come in. have fun :D
  17. Aorashi noticed the good doctor walking into the cafeteria. she got her coffee from the cook and drank it where she stood. it was clear putting those bio things in was hrad work. everyone here worked hard not just the pilots. from the doc and the cook, to the care takers of the civilians taking shelter in the base. Aorashi sat there with his tray empty and just thought. he thought about what they were doing and why. why someone would do what the drakness was doing. he guessed that something like the drakness wouldn't have morals. about that time Trance noticed Aorashi staring into nothing and snuck up from behind him. she put her hot cup of coffee next to his check. he jumped and saw her behind him. Aorashi: that wasn't very nice. so, hows the bio packs coming? Trance: done thank God. those things take to much to put in. Aorashi: but they save our butts out there in combat. i just wish we could be on the attack for once. Trance: we all do, but until we get enough info on them we can't do crap. Aorashi: i guess so. well i'm off to bed. ny next shifts in five hours so i need to be rested. night doc. Aorashi waved to the doctor and walked off. he still was thinking about what they were doing. he couldn't help thinking if they were just delaying fate longer.
  18. my normal character for something like this is my 8 foot werewolf. i'll post his stuff, and just tell me if you want something diffrent. Name: Wolf Maximas Age: 150(50) Descripton: 8 foot werewolf, with silver and grey fur. his main hair is pure silver and hangs to his feet. it's tied back in a black cloth from his love. he wears Kahki colored pants with a black sash for his belt. a white cloak covers him when he's not fighting only his head can be seen. which for most people is enough. he carries a katana forged by his races top smith. the handle is wrapped in black cloth with a silver dragon under it. Bio: he is a prince of his race, but decided to give up his title and wonder the earth in search of new fighting styles and people to help. his race has always been seen as monsters, he wants to change that.
  19. Naito and Tsu watched from a distance Fate getting in to all kinds of trouble. going from girl to girl getting slapped. Tsu: if he comes over here i'll give him more than a slap. Naito: don't worry, i won't let him get to you. Tsu: well, how kind of you. but you don't have to do me any favors. Naito: i know, but were partners remember. which mean we look out for each others. no matter how odd or dangerous it may be. Tsu looked at Naito with an odd eye. he was watching the other cut up and laugh at each other. she noticed that he didn't talk to the other much. he said hello then that was it almost like he didn't like being around all those people. guess the dark stone did go to the right person. not dark in morals but in how he lived with other people. Naito: don't you agree Tsu? Tsu: what? i'm sorry i spaced. Naito: about what i said about sticking together. Tsu: oh...yeah. thanks..
  20. Aorashi arrives at the buliding. the company that asked said there rival company had hired a Raven pilot to attach them, but so far no sign of the pilot. they've delt with a few MT first waves, but it looks like the pilot turned them down. they also have it that the company never pays its AC pilots. they always blow up in the end doi to,'internal malfunctions',but its clear its sabatage. Aorashi gets cleared to leave and returns to the bar. he walks up to the keeper... Aorashi: Sr? your pilot that rents a room here, do you know him? Steve: Sheal, yes i do. he's a good friend. why do you ask" Aorashi: do you know about his missions? Steve: yeah, i always give him my opinon about them. i've even kept him from going on suicide missions. Aorashi: like the one tonight? Steve: how do you...? Aorashi: i got a call from the rival company to defend themselves from Sheal. they told me the company he got the job from has a habbit of loseing piolts. Steve: yeah, we found a self destruct program in his mission disk. Aorashi: don't wake him, but tell him if he needs help getting them back i'll be more than happy to help. i'll even let him take the larger half of the pay. Steve: thank you, he'll be happy to hear that Mr... Aorashi: just call me Aorashi, and no problem. always looking out for a fellow Raven.
  21. Name: Seijin Age: unknown Alignment: good Race: Archangel Bio: one of Gabrel's head angels. he was sent to add the humans willing to fight back. Weapon: cresent sword of light spells: judgement call, holy flame.
  22. he said he would Pm the murder, so were not suppost to know. it'll make it like a real who done it.
  23. Naito saw the new memeber of there group and decided to be poilite. Naito: hello, i'm Naito and this is Tsu. Eclecis: i'm Eclecis and this is Anis. Naito: which element did you get? Eclecis: pyhcic, and you? Naito: mines dark. Eclecis: dark, well i didn't think the dark on would be polite. Naito: hey i'm enteresting, right Tsu? Tsu: you are that for sure.
  24. Aorashi saw the half awake doctor waling into the mech bay. Aorashi: well good morning sleeping beauty. did you get enough rest? Trance: yes i did thank you, and i think it was well diserved. Aorashi: ok, i'll give ya that. hey hose gel things work great. my mech has never run so smooth, and my reaction time is cut in half. i took out a mech yesturday and it felt like i wasn't even trying. it didn't even get off a shot. Trance: good, glad you didn't blow yourself up. tried any of the butons yet? Aorashi: no, i'm to scared to. i'll wait for someone else to explode first. Trance gave him a half cocked smile then went on to work. Aorashi walked himself to the mess hall where he ran into Aerow. Aorashi: got enough food there? Aerow: some of its for the doc. shes hooking my gel pack up next. Aorashi: i see, paying in food. thats about what i did. think shes getting the better deal out of this in the long run. Aerow: could be, later Aorashi. the two split and Aorashi sat down to eat himself. the bio gel packs really put a work out on your body.
  25. Naito: alright, so what can i do? Tsu: well, you can see in the dark like you where in the day time. Naito: alright, guess i have to wait awhile to test mine out. so can you do anything special? Tsu: i'm your guide and not much else, i do have a few abilities but not many. Naito: ok. so what about the rest of ya. what powers did you get?
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