Wolf Maximas13
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Everything posted by Wolf Maximas13
if you don't mind i'd like to join, i've been gone for awhile and would like to start up again. hey DA, hey Mist Name: Wolf Maximas Age: 150 (50) race: werewolf class: warrior Bio: a prince from a land not known to many. he travels the land trying to do good in the world. appearance: 7 foot tall werewolf, silver and gray fur. he's main hair goes down to he's feet and is held with a black cloth. he wears a pair of dark blue pants cut off at the end of the knees. he's belt carries he's two swords. personality: very honor bound, has a very furm set of morals he lives by. belives in chivalry weapons: two black straight blade swords. short to him but long to a normal person. other: has a slight understanding of holy powers. nothing that can do anything yet, but he's working on it.
as karina walked out of her room the others were standing there, waiting on her. Vahn: so, we going on the quest now or what? Ari: come on, we can't wait to get started. Karina: you know there's more to this then a fun adventure. Wolf: yes, there are lots of paraless dangers and life threatening situations. Valen: it's not some joy ride you just skate along and end up winning. Vahn: we know, its just we want to have a adventure. we want to go on one like you guys had. Karina: the "adventure" we had was not one to repeat. there were to many sad memories in that one. ones we thought we could forget. Wolf: but you never forget something like that. this is a quest were one of you could die. Vahn and Ari just looked at each other then looked at the three. the smiled, Vahn: we know the risks, we still wan to go. Wolf, Valen, and Karina looked at each other and sighed. Wolf: i got it! if they really think there ready then they should have no problem dueling one of us. lets see what you guys can really do, and if you can impress all of us you can go. Vahn and Ari looked at each other again and smiled. Ari: sure, will take you guys on. who fights who? Wolf: i said impress all of us. you each fight all of us one at a time. you don't have to win. all you have to do is show us you can defind yourselves. they thought for awhile and talked amoung themselves, the others could hear small frases and words, but nothing to make out what they were talking about. Ari: o.k, we desided.... Vahn: were going to kick your butts! Wolf, Valen, and Karina smiled at each other and walked out side. Karina: what gave you the idea to do this? Wolf: well, i was trying to think of some way for them to prove they could go as well as showing us what there full potential could be. it will also be a way to warm us back up. Valen: like the beast at my grave wasn't a warm up Wolf: you know what i mean. the three began to stretch and get ready. they went over spells and counter spells. attack styles, combos, and ideas. while they warmed up Wolf taped Valen on the shoulder. Wolf: so, what happen in the basement? Valen: oh right, you let them do that to us? thanks alot Wolf: hey, i just went along with it. i brought the blanket and opened the door for you guys. just tell me what happen? Valen: nothing we just.....fell asleep Wolf: really, thats cool. you don't have to hide it from me you know Valen: hide what? Wolf: you know, how you fill Valen looked at Wolf with a confused look, but this was hiding the truth. he was playing dumb so not to antagonise Wolf more. thre two "challengers" walked out and looked ready to begin.
name: wolf maximas race: werewolves, can turn into a human when needed. class: warrior alignment: nutral weapons: two twin falkatas, a staff he uses to walk with but makes for a good fighting staff as well, and he's hand to hand fighting ability. description: a 7 foot tall werewolf. dark blue pants torn at the knee. reasts and ankles wrapped. a cloak flows over his whole body only leaving his head to be seen upon first meeting. silver fur and a long pony tail that reaches the ground. his human form is about 5 10 and has long blonde hair also in a pony tail. he wears dark brown pants with a white under shirt and a black knee length coat. Bio: he's your ordinary traveling stranger. does odd jobs for people with a far price, and dabbles in the bounty bit. keeps quit and says almost nothing, but knows when to speak and what to say when needed.
wolf watched the two head off to bed. then he went and unlocked the door for in the morning. he could see the two were...well, we won't say it, yet. but he was also there friend, and knew better then to let this prank drag until morning. he walked off and went out side. he found a grass mound and sat down to think. first thing that came to mind was Lena. he saw the way Karina and Valen were laying together, and it reminded him of him and Lena. he remembered from when they meet tell his death bed. he also remembered the story his grandchild told him of. he would find this thing and avenge Lena, but for now he focused on the happy. he also began to think of Karina and Valen's situation. he mentaly hit himself for not seeing it earlier, and letting Ari and Vahn take care of it. he knew he would be hearing this tomorrow, "why didn't you stop them", "how could you be apart of this" would be the basic remarks. Wolf laughed at the thought then smiled. he was glad to be apart of a group of friends with such love and carring for each other. he only wishes that they could find the others soon. he looked at the moon and relized how late it was. he walked into the house and couldn't help but look at Karina and Valen one more time. he went down without a sound and looked at them. the darkness didn't affect him so he saw perfectly. he smiled then found a blanket to put over them. Wolf: my prayiers go to your hearts, and hope that you find happiness with in each others. Wolf bowed, and went up stairs and fell asleep on the couch. his legs drapped over the end put it didn't bother him. his dreams were happy and humoris. he began to dream of the happy times that could be, and that might be.
Wolf walked up to Xion and pulled out a pokeball. Wolf: don't worry man i got your back, but from what i hear you won't need much back up. Xion: thanks man, the help is always good. so, what pokemon you got in there? Wolf: this? this one is my Tyranatar. i save him for speacial accasions. he does well as a partner with my Dragonight. Xion: yeah, i'd say they would make a pretty good team. and i think we will to. Wolf: hope so, well shale we begin heading that way? Xion: if David thinks we should.
as the group headed for Ari's cottage Wolf came up behind Valen and Karina. Wolf: well, if that wasn't a good way to warm up from being dead i don't know what is. the two smurked but didn't respond. they seemed to be thinking very hard on a matter. Wolf: Valen, hey don't be so glum my friend. i belive your on our side and will never think otherwise. Both: What!! Karina: what...but how did you... Wolf: these ears aren't just for show you know. next time Karina, get alittle further away from us then you did, but don't worry your my friends and friends keep secrets for each other. Valen: thank you Wolf, you are a true friend. Wolf smiled and put his arms around the two. his large arms almost covered the two warriors. Wolf: just from now on, please try and let me in on things. for if i can help in anyway you know i will. Karina: yeah we know. now, could you get off us please!? Wolf laughed and took his arms off the two. just then Ari called out that they were there.
Sign Up Dragonball: Battlefield - Post Apocalypse
Wolf Maximas13 replied to Flash's topic in Theater
hey shinobi, you can bunk with me man. i could use a friend to help me get threw this thing. although i didn't say which dorm i'm in either, but i think flash can take care of that. -
Sign Up Dragonball: Battlefield - Post Apocalypse
Wolf Maximas13 replied to Flash's topic in Theater
HELL YAH!!! oops sorry. been waiting for something like this for along time. Name: Wolf Maximas Age: 245(45) Race: Labrian( i know it's nothing you've heard of, but this has been my character for years. i really want him to be the same here) Height: 7'5" Wolf is basiclly a seven foot tall werewolf, but not acually a "werewolf". call him more of an huminoid wolf. he has silver/gray fur all over his body. his main is in along pony tail that touches the ground. he has dark blue pants on that are ripped at the knee. he wears a black sash around his waste. he has black fingerless gloves, and his feet are bare but there tapped up tight. his tail is very bushy and can easily wrap around Wolf one time. Personality: he mainly keeps to himself and doesn't talk much bout his family(which will come in later). he has a very stron since of right and wrong, and hates watching people get hurt i any way. he'll step into a fight even if he thinks he can't win to back someone up. History: most of this can be told later, but for now Wolf is the best fighter on Labrina do to his parents. one was his father a strong powerful Labrinan, and his mother was a Dradonion( don't hit me for this. i have made up to complete races. one the Labrinans and the other the Dradonians. i think you can guess what the Dradonians look like) strength:25 defence:25 speed:25 ki:25 -
OOC: i joined late. hope that won't be a problem. ------------------------- as the three trainers worked hard to try and make there plan work. another trainer had been watching them from a distance. he stood 5'10" and had long blonde hair put in a pony tail. he had kahki cargo pants on, a white under shirt, and a plack over shirt. he watched in the shadows with his trusted pokemon Silver(Houndoom). he arived on the small place on his Dragonight acouple hours before the others. he decided now was the time to make his precense known. he stepped out of the shadows and let one of the three see him. David: hey, over there you guys. i think it's another trainer> Bremma: yah, i think your right. lets go meet him. the group ran over to meet there new commrad. the all stopped when they saw the Houndoom standing beside him. ????: fear not, Silver only attacks when i tell him to, and he likes most people. it's nice to meet all of you. David: yes, well it's nice to meet you as well. please tell us your name and we will tell you ours. ????: oh, sorry how rude of me. my name is Wolf Maximas, and i'm a gym leader from a small island gym. i got this letter that asked me to come here, and from your speech now know why. David: Wolf, got it. my name is David... Wolf stooped and shook David's hand ...this is Xion... Wolf did the same with Xion ...and this is Bremma. Wolf grabed Bremma's hand and kissed it. she looked shocked from the act. Wolf: don't take that od, i am a man of chivalry and always great a lady that way. Bremma: a trainer with manners, now theres a rarity. David and Xion fell back and glared at Wolf. He smiled and asked what he should do to help. David: well, with your gym knowledge your going to be helpful in making Raikou and the others help us. Wolf: well, i don't know how useful i'll be there, but i'll give it my best shot. David: and if we have to attack you'll be useful there to. Wolf: now there's something i can be helpful in. well, lets get to work guys. we shure have alot of it. with that the group began to start there tasks. still hoping for more help.
hey, i'll help you guys out. name: Wolf Maximas Age: 16 Pokemon: Houndoom/flamethrower, crunch, faint attack, fire blast Tyranatar/eathequake, hyper beam, crunch, dragon rage Joltion/pin missle, thunder, quick attack, thunder wave Kabutops/hydro pump, slash, rock throw, harden Sizor/metal claw, slash, steel wing, fury cutter Dragonight/hyper beam, dragon rage, body slam, fly legendary: Suicuin Specialty: taining
as the beast laughed he felt a sharp pain hit his back. as the beast turned to see Wolf. the creature smiled and laughed again. YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN BEAT ME LITTLE PUPPY? Wolf smiled and threw off his cloak. his sword shethed and his camma in his left hand. Wolf: i'm not as powerful as Karina and Valen, but i do have my own suprises. some that the others haven't seen yet. the creature smiled and walked towards Wolf. Karina: Wolf, have you lost it? you can't take that thing on. Wolf: i know, but until Valen gets better, hint hint, this thing probally can't be stopped. for i have this feeling that only he can cast this thing away. with that Wolf lept back as the beast swung at him. Karina took the hint, and began attending to Valen. the creature chast Wolf for awhile until he lost site of him. WERE ARE YOU HIDEING LITTLE PUPPY? ARE YOU TO SCARED TO COME OUT, OR DID YOU JUST RELIZE YOUR NO MATCH FOR ME? then Wolf lept over the beast and began to chant. Wolf: try this, you big ox! LUNAR CANNON!! with that a bright light left Wolf's hands and struck the beast in the back. the creature slumped forward and then turned. the blast angered the guardian who in turn blasted at Wolf. Wolf lept up and away from the creatures site. Wolf may not be the strongest, but he's not dumb either. Wolf thinks if he can keep up this blast and move thing long enough it should give Valen time to do what ever, and it gets the beast away from everyone else. Wolf landed and began to charge another move. as the beast came into site Wolf smiled. Wolf: here you go big boy, i never really got to test this one out, so you should feel honored. with that Wolf lept into the air, crossed his arms, and began to glow. then he thrusted his arms open and yelled. Wolf: LOVE CANNON!! the beam shot out in a bright red and struck the beast hard. the beam exploded with trumindas force. sending the creature to the ground with a hard thud. Karina: what on earth..? that was from were Wolf is. oh, come on Valen, Wolf needs us. as the smoke cleared Wolf stood panting and waiting. then he saw the guardian stand. it had a huge burn mark on it's chest and blood coming from it's mouth. it walked slowly on brused legs towards Wolf. Wolf: well, at least it did something, but i'm out that was all i had. i hope the others hurry up.
Wolf: spread and search you guys. there probally knocked out some where. we need to find them before something of the night does. as the group surched they began to discuse everything that led up to this point. Wolf: thats one wild story. it's always amazing how things seem to work out. Vahn: so, what about you Wolf. were is your family? Wolf stopped and didn't speak. Rajaah: Vahn!! he probaly dosen't want to talk about that. Wolf: no, it's o.k. Rajaah. Well, Lena lived longer then me thats what i know for sure. what i've heard from my grandaughter is what happened after that. she said the house was attacked by.... Vahn: by what Wolf? Wolf: by,....a vampire. she says Lena and the others fought well and did a good bit of damage to him before he.....before he won. thats what i was doing before i found you guys, looking for that thing that did that. once i do i can bring them all back and we can all live one more life together. Wolf stopped and continued to look for his friends. Vahn: were is your grandaughter now? Rajaah: enough, don''t make things worse Wolf: it's o.k. really, she's went away after she brought me back. i have no idea were she is. Wolf paused then snaped out of it. Wolf: alright guys enough chit chat, lets get back to work. the group went back to looking for the other two members in there group. Vahn to everyone but Wolf: he realy is alone, thats kinda sad. to bad we can't do anything about it. the others nodded then went back to looking
dosen't sound familiar, i'll give it a try
name: Wolf Maximas course study/skills: small weapons training, melee weapon training, covert ops training, learned to fly in his spar time. Branch/symbol and location of symbol: operations, a sycth inside a pentagon Nationality: from Luna, but born on earth Assignment: VoVE Owned equipment: two small laser pistols, a small sword and camma.(if you don't know what a camma is I'll tell you later),a small frigat. Bio: just turned 19 and is ready to get outninto the world. he stands 5'11", and is physicaly well off. he has long silver hair in a pony tail. he wears black cargo pants, a white shirt and a black bomber jacket with silver fur around the coller. his guns are around his waste, his sword lowered to one side, and his camma behind his back. he's pretty much a silent guy until you get to know him. he does what he thinks is right and hates seeing any kind of misfortune befall someone(who dosen't deserve it) there I think that should do it. just PM me when you start.
i've tried there already, but thanks anyway.
as the two explorers were looking in the tunnel the others were out side getting to know Wolf. Ari: so, whats your story? Why are you with this little bunch? Wolf smiled then answered Wolf: well, if you must know. they found me under a pile of ruble. I had no memory and just my weapons and clothes on my back. they helped me remember who i was. so in that i'm forever grateful. they also.... Wolf paused, he thought he heard something. he turned to the little entrance and consintrated. then he heard it, what he wasn't sure but it didn't sound friendly. Wolf: you guys get back now! the others looked confused then Wolf yelled again, this time with a growl behind it. the three took to the trees and watched as Wolf stared motionless. after awhile his eras purked and he heard it again, and this time he thought he heard Karina. Wolf: dang, this dosen't sound good. Wolf got in a defecive stance and threw his cloak over his shoulders. he pulled out a new sword. it had dragon wings as the guard and a dragon head on the pamel. the blade curved slowly to the point. he then pulled out a camma. the shaft was long enough to put two hands around, and the blade curved like a sycth. he prepared himself for what ever was to come.
anyone who has good sold cheats for "hunter the rekoning" please post them here, and I mean ones that give you health and unlock secrets. thanks in advance:D
the two travelers looked down a path to see were it might lead. Karina: well, lets try this one. Valen: o.k I guess that will work. ????: you sure you want to go down there? the two turned to see a tall figure with a cloak covering himself. they stood ready to defend themselves. ????: you don't want to do that. Karina: give us one good reason why we shouldn't? the figure threw back the cloak and reaveled his face. Karina and Valen grew wide eyed then smiled. Both: Wolf!!! Wolf: hey you guys, whats been going on? Karina: not a lot Wolf, how did you get here? Valen: yeah, you were dead like us. Wolf: well, it seems my great great great granddaughter did it. she seems to have taken after Lena and Angel. so, here i am in the fur. Karina: it's good to see you again Wolf. so, why shouldn't we go down there? Wolf: because that leads to danger and evil. Wait a minute i guess we should go down there. Wolf laughed and so did the others. the group walked down the path and talked about old times. knowing that any minute they could be attacked.
Hey, I'm up for it. I'm going to play my usual character Wolf. If there's a problem with me being my gaint wolf character PM me. Name: Wolf Maximas Age: 425 equipment: twin falkata blades,white cloak over the shoulders Bio: a wondering stranger who travels the globe looking for work or someone to help.(the original goody-goody)His masive wolf like body is always conceled by his cloak until he fights. His form has made him an outcast, but he dosen't care. Wolf basiclly is a swordsman with alittle magic to back him up. the only two magic spells he knows are a cannon that works off the moon, and a holy flame that engulfs his swords when he needs an extra punch of power.
I give it 2 thumbs up( although I might be alittle bias) This was the most fun i ever had( for what i was apart of) see you guys in the sequal.
you said the right two words WOLF PACK. hell yeah, i'm in for shure!!
As Karina did her best to stay awake she didn't notice Wolf near by. As Wolf walked over Karina jumped. Karina: it's not your turn yet is it? Wolf: no, i just couldn't sleep. just had alot on my mind that i couldn't think about laying down. Karina: your thinking about Lena right. Wolf smiled and nodded Karina: it must be nice to have someone who loves you all the time. Wolf smiled then looked up at the moon. Wolf: it is interesting how the cards get delt isn't it. who know mybe you'll find someone like that one of these days. Karina gave a huff laugh and the two kept talking until it was Wolf's turn. Wolf: o.k, go get some sleep Karina. tommorow is going to be fast paced and wild, so get your rest. Karina rent to sleep and Wolf began his watch. after awhile he shook his head out of bordum. Wolf: i'll never stay awake like this. Wolf smiled and took off on all fours at break neck speed. he raced around the area of camp. as the sun began to rise Wolf got an idea. he ran up a hill that over looked the camp site. he jumped to the end and reared up and howled his loudest howl. the group awoke with a shock and ready to fight. they looked up at Wolf standing ontop the hill smileing, with the sun behind him. Wolf: thought you guys could use a wake up call. the group gave Wolf cold glares and Wolf just smiled, and looked at the riseing sun
i'll take the red eyes black dragon. so what are we going to be doing in this guild?
Wolf: well, then i'll do this. i lay this monster in face down position with a attachment, and lay a magic card in face down position as well. your move.
as Fenix flys( very slowly0 to his distanation a blip appears on his consul. as he presses the button to check the blip a voice comes over the scratchy entercom. voice: Fenix, long time no see. seems your not alone on this one. Fenix: Wolf, what are you doing here? Wolf: i'm your back up, say hi to your new partner. Fenix grinnes with sarcasm attached. the two transports head to there objectives on a slow but advanceing pase. about 4 hours later the two ships land and the Blaze and Wolf Fang gundam step out. Fenix: you still pioliting that thing? Wolf: you bet, i gave it a few upgrades as well. the two suits walk on with all sences alert.