Wolf Maximas13
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Everything posted by Wolf Maximas13
Wolf growled as he locked up with the griffin. Wolf was strong but in a few minutes that thing could snap his arms. Wolf: AHHHHHH...VISOR COME ON MAN!! it's occupied with killing me. you got a chance NOW TAKE IT!!!!! Visor gathered his strangth and made his fists tight. Visor: I...CAN...DO.IT!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Wolf and Shale discused the items for awhile, until the curiosity of each others dueling style got to them. Wolf: all this talk is getting boring. how about a friendly duel?
ooc: i'm back guys!!!. sorry for being gone. my girl friend got back then school you get the idea. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Wolf ran over and kneeled next to Karina. he looked into her eyes and didn't dee the same person. Wolf: Guys! she can't fight like this. we need to get here out of here. does Tyron know how to get out of her? Valen: i don't know, and you think you could even make it to the exit if there was one? Visor: he has a point, i don't think this monster is going to let you walk right out of here. Wolf: we have to get her out of here. I'll take her and then return to help. i'm the fastest here so i have the best chances. the others nodded and Valen waited to here from Tyron.
i got your back suru. name: Wolf Maximas age: 17 apperance: long blonde hair in pony tail, silver eyes, wearing a white shirt with black leather jacket and kahki cargo pants. Bio: origanly from earth, Wolf decided it best to join the fight against the evil. is drive for honor will pull him to the edge and back. faction: omni Gundam name: Wolf fang Gundam Gundam apperance: gives a death syth look to it. silver rib bars cover the arms,chest, and legs.wings come from the back pack and slide out to make a dragon wing look. gundam weapons: twin heat falkatas(need discription ask) with twin arm chain guns. power: 13 defence: 10 speed: 15 flying: yes special weapons: a cloaking devise the turns off when it attacks
a figure in the distance walks over and sees the slumbering shale. he tightens his glove(i thought i'd take the other glove) and walks over to the sleeping duelest. Wolf: you're a duelest? Wolf asked with a loud announce shale awoke quikly to see the person standing over him. Shale: yes, why are you looking for a beating? Wolf: later, i was wondering about your millinium item. how did you find yours?
alright, i'm back( kind of) but i'm ready for some good role playing, and Yu-Gi-oh is one of my favorite games and shows. Name: Wolf Maximas age:17 number of cards in deck:58 deck theme:wolves and dragons 3 most powerful cards in deck:black skull dragon, red eyes metal black dragon, and silverfang. millinium item: give me whatevers left
she's back!!!! my girlfriends back!!!, which means that i won't be on for awhile.
well calumon, you were going to join mine so i'll join yours. i understand how frustrating not getting anyone to join your RPG gets. name: Wolf race: merman-fin silver hair: long blonde hair in a pony tail height:5'6" weight: 213 weapons: twin falkatas armor: (sorry, i'm not the type to go around shirt less. Wolf is an exception his a werwolf)arm gauntlets and chest protector. made out of silver. protector has a wolf engraved in it. short bio: a stray warrior, just trying to help personality: quite and series, but knows when to have fun. o.k. this water thing isn't really me, but i'll give it a try. call it a friendly curtacy.i wonder if any more guys are planing on signing up.
well, there are quite a number of guys talking about there girls here. which one are you talking to my good man.
well seens no one seems to be posting. i'll just ask people. so what about you HyperShadow? are you in a relationship, and if so how is it?( if i'm being to noise just say so)
Wolf continues his walk on the road, and can see the temple from here. Wolf: finally, i thought i'd never get here. Wolf got to the steps and looked around. he diddn't really see anything very off setting. Wolf sat down against a pillar and opened his bag. he looked at what the owner had given him. about six potions, food, water, and some other tid bits the owner threw in there and didn't charge Wolf. he smiled and proped his bag behind his head as a pillow. he figured the others would arrive soon. who ever they were, and it would give him a chance to meet his new partners. Wolf feel asleep and waited for the others.
if starlight doesn't PM me soon i'll make a character.
the movie dosen't come to memory. well any one else have an interesting relationship story, that they need some help with.
RPG pokemon adventures 2: travel thourgh johto
Wolf Maximas13 replied to angel_sepiroth's topic in Theater
i figure stood on a hill watching the sun come up. his cloak waved in the morning breeze and another figure walked up with him. ???: come on in hun, you need to make your rounds and check the gym. Wolf: thanks hun, and katie. do we have any trainers on there way? Katie: Elm just sent a e-mail to all gym leaders. it said he just sent about 13 to 15 new trainers out. Wolf: good, i was hopeing for a challenge some time this week. Wolf and Katie walked to there house which sat infront of the gym. Katie's growlith ran out to see them. Katie: hey, Stripe. did you miss us? Stripe: growl! Wolf smiled and called for his houndoom. it ran out of the house and sat next to Wolf. Wolf: good boy Silverwolf, ready for are rounds? Silverwolf: hooound! Wolf: o.k hun were off, see you at the gym. Wolf kissed Katie and walked off to make there rounds. -
i have an airsoft pistol and they do hurt. i'm not a real gun person but i do believe it's modeled after a 45. the only down side to it is i have to coak it to shot each time, but it looks cool it even has a clip.
Wolf arrived in a small town, he thought he'd try and gather more supplies. he didn't exactly carry equipment for this kind of thing, but as he found out, it wasn't that easy for a seven foot wolf to appear friendly. Wolf: hello there i was wondering.... before Wolf could finish they would walk, or most of the time, run away. he finally found a store were upon entering he got the usual faces. Wolf: i was wondering what you sold here sir? shop owner: we...we sell...herbs and general....equipme....equipment. Wolf: please don't be afraid. my intent is not to hurt anyone here. though my appearence is menacing that is not my attitude. store owner: your not going to kill me and take my stuff? Wolf: of coarse not, i intend to buy everything i want. so i'll take whatever you think i need on a long journey. store owner: o.k. i'll get started Mr.... Wolf: my names Wolf Maximas, but you can just call me Wolf. store owner: o.k Mr. Wolf. the store pwner started getting basic equipment ready for Wolf when the wolf's ears picked up something. Wolf ran out to see men herasing a women. thug one: come on, how about a kiss. thug two: maybe something else to. lady: get away, leave me alone. thug one: if your not going to be nice then will have to get ruff. Wolf: i believe the lady said no. now walk away please. the two thugs failed to notice Wolf standing behind them. as they turned around they got a surprise. thug one: who do you think you......are... thug two: who...who are you?? Wolf: just a passer by, but i do believe the lady needs an apology. now apologize! the two thugs apologized and left town, Wolf smiled and walked back into the store. the owner was there with Wolf's things. Wolf: so how much my good man? owner: it's on me, it's the least i can do for what you did for my daugther. Wolf: dauther! will your welcome but i'll pay the price please. Wolf paid and left for the dark temple.
i'm in, and i'll be a gym leader. seens you don't seem to have any yet. name:Wolf Maximas age: 18 description: long blonde hair in a pony tail, white t-shirt, black pants. a cloak covers him until he battles then he trows it over his shoulders. first pokemon: hounder-now hounddoom.flametrower, fire blast, hyper beam, and crunch. history: lives in a small town known as Willow Town, it's about 10 miles outside Goldenrod. Wolf lives in a house infront of his gym with his girl friend. Wolf runs one of the few dark gyms, with the fang badge as it's reward. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OOC: i have all six of my poks if you need them now.
good luck my friend Uriel 5. i wish you the best, in your quest of love.
Wolf saw a strange creature come up to it. Wolf: may i help you? Vixiy: you speak normaly, my friend would like to speak with you. Wolf smiled and walked over to were the owner of Vixiy was standing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OOC: you do know Wolf stands on two legs right. he looks like a werewolf. just checking.
first off breath.....then compose your self and think. can i see myself being with this person for the rest of my life? if the answer is yes then heres what to do next. find out were she is, if you can get to her do so, personal apperances mean more. if not e-mail her, write, fax, do what you have to. then tell her how you fill, diffenitly tell her that sun and flowers thing. that really got to me.( your good at that by the way) if she says yes then there you go, if it's the other then do not fret. if you truly love this girl then keep at it, but don't over do it. if it is true love it will happen. i hope this can help you my friend.
Wolf: LOOK! Tyron's loss was a blow to all of us, but we can't fall apart now. if Tyron said not to bring him back until we have done all this. then i think we should honor his last request. Karina: i guess so, but Tyron was like the leader of this group. so who makes the calls now? Wolf: no one, we are a team and will work through anything as a team. now lets go get us another beast. Visor: sounds good to me. Karina you ready? Karina: yeah, lets go. Valen: this sounds like the old group finally. maybe we can pull this off after all.
Wolf walked along a road wiich lead to a small town. he had heard of the gems bestowed to 4 people to fight the oncoming evil. he thought he might be of some help to them. as Wolf entered the town he got the same looks he always got. for most people seeing a gaint wolf walk through town isn't very comforting.
your welcome, it's kinda cool that the thread i made thats doing the best is this one.as you can see in my sig only 4 days to go. which means less time on the boards, but i'll still be on every now and then. so i guess i'll make this open discution about anyone elses "girl" or "guy". i seem to be fairly good at this advise thing.
deep in a forest were trees make there own roof top, and the fallen leaves make for a soft carpet leaves Wolf Maximas. as the sun peers out over the horizen it hits a foot. the foot, belonging to Wolf, is deep rooted for it's under strain. as the light flows up Wolf his scares and silver fur can be seen. Wolf thrusts his right arm out hard then his left, and back and forth. the gaint wolves eyes glimer as the light hits them. his red scarf flows behind him as a gust of wind picks up. then a arm is put around his chest, and another. the silky smooth touch relaxis Wolf as he hears the voice of his wife talk to him. he turns to see his red headed wife smileing at him. Wolf: Lena, what are you doing up so early? go back to bed hun, i just couldn't sleep. Lena: how can i sleep with out you? Wolf smiled and went inside with his wife. the two didn't look like they went together. a gaint werewolf and a beautiful human, the thought to most was evil. but, they loved each other and thats all they wanted. as they enterd Wolf found a note on the table. he picked it up and read it's contents. Wolf: *out loud* the jewel of elements must be put back together. you and a few chosen others will travel to the elemental temples to collect the gems. returning finally to the temple of life a mage shall resurect the jewel. you must then enter the pits of hell and kill the dark lord Lucifer. Lena: your going aren't you? Wolf: yes, i must. if i have been summoned to help then i must. i'll be fine and i'll come back to you and Angel safely. Angel is Wolf and Lena's second child. the first, Lupus, was off training. Wolf got his gear together and got ready to leave. his swords straped to his side and a bag thrown over his back he kissed his wife and little girl goodbye. Lena: were will you go first? Wolf: the closes temple is the one of the dark gem. i'll go there first. hopefuly i'll meet some of the others on the way. i love, and i'll see you both soon. Wolf walked off and started on his quest. a tear grew in his eyes but it went away. he knew he would see them again. Wolf: *to himself* mystic gems, the jewel of elements, these others that were summoned to help as well, and this battle with the dark lord himself. this is going to be one amazing adveture i can tell. i'll see this storm through. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OOC: sorry just had to through that storm thing in there. i'm a Fatal Fury fan.
will, i agree and disagree.yes DBZ is hard to follow but for a true fan it's not. you have to really watch the show to get evrything, and majin buu(the final form) isn't stupied he's quiet maniakle.so if your not really into watching carefully you won't get everything, and yes the plot has lost something i'll give you that.