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Wolf Maximas13

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Everything posted by Wolf Maximas13

  1. oh, thats fine. i didn't realize that, but sure thing.if SSJ4 dosen't mind.
  2. Wolf: right then.HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! HOLY FLAME!!! a greenish blue flame shoot out from Wolf's fists and hit the tiger.
  3. see DOC you have plenty of people to talk about this to.trust me Mist is a great friend to have.
  4. Wolf and Katie watched until Wolf's name was called.Katie gave Wolf a good luck kiss and went to watch from his cornor with Ligermon. Wolf: who's are first opponet? Akamimon: a darkAgumon. Wolf: lets do it budy!! Akamimon rushed the other digi and began trading blows.until darkAgumon fired. DarkAgumon: blacken pepper breath!! Akamimon leaped behind the digi and fired himself. Akamimon: MOON SHINE!! the ball hit darkAgumon and sent him to the ground. Tamer: thats it now it's my turn.digivolution activate DarkAgumon: darkAgumon digivolve to darkGreymon. Wolf: ah, Akamimon can you do that? Akamimon: yes but it's up to you to make it happen. Wolf opened his D-comp, looked at it, then had it.he typed in Akamimon's name and his program came up. Wolf: got it. Akamimon digivolve now!! Wolf pushed a few buttons on the comp and Akamimon began to glow. Akamimon: Akamimon digivolve to WereAkamimon. WereAkamimon: FULL MOONS GLARE!! a blue beam hit darkGreymon and knocked him to the ground.
  5. will i think i have my team together.i see they haven't posted yet, i'll have to PM about this.
  6. no problem my friend, i'm sorry it didn't work out for you, but who knows maybe one day it will.
  7. yes this is true, like she said she'll probally tackle me when she sees me.i told her not if i do first.right now she's probally paragliding or trying to learn to surf.
  8. OOC: thanks and my PM is back up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wolf charges up and fires his own spell Wolf: LUNAR CRUSHER!!! a bright blue beam leaves Wolf's hands and spirals towards the tiger.the beam hits and engulfs the beast in a blue light.Wolf closes his hnad fast, and the light colaps in on the creature.the expotion slides everyone back. the beast still stands but scared and burned.
  9. i would like to join, a hero of coarse(sorry can't do the evil thing) name: Wolf Maximas race:Labrian(werewolf) gender:male age:445(looks 25) height:7 foot 6 inches eye color:right-silver, left-red(do to his scar) hair color:body-silver, head-light gray, hair(hair)silver.braided to his feet. bio: Wolf heard of the stones and wanted to help any way he could.he hates evil and will stop it by any means needed. stone:they seem to be taken.so i'll choose a scroll.earth will work. placed:will.....just in his belt. spells 1.quack wave(fires a blue energy wave threw the ground) 2.love cannon(my classic move, Wolf can only use it in rage.fires a pure beam of energy from his chest) equipment/gear weapon:falkata armor:leg and arm guantlets gloves:black fingerless gloves boots:none just rapped feet. partner:(does size matter)white, angilic winged dragon. with a unicorns horn on his head.name pearl.(if size dosen't matter he's about 4 stories tall, if it does 3 foot 5)
  10. really, but call it thanks for at least talking to me about it.that goes for the rest of you guys, and ladies. i thought i'd stick a count down on this thing. she will be back in my arms in 6 days,10 hours and 26 minutes(not including today)
  11. hang in there my friend, if she loves you she'll respond.if you believe in your love then never let it die, and trust me three days dosen't mean anything.after about a week if she hasn't responded send another and another.make sure she realizes how much you care.
  12. thats what she said, and i know that.we've been together almost a year.we have been together 8 mounths 15 days.it will be 1 year on december 1st.i think thats pretty cool myself.are first date was on the first day of december.i remember every thing about that day.what we did, what we talked about, and that first kiss.sorry guys it's alittle mushy i know.
  13. i think i fixed my problem. now DarkOrderKnight, you hang in there. if she means that much to you then it will happen just make sure she knows before she leaves.
  14. o.k off subject real quick, HOW DO YOU CLEAN OUT YOUR PM BOX. i've deleted evrything in there what more do i do????
  15. Wolf and Katie entered threw the gates at infinity mountain. both were scanned and let though.there they sought medical attention for ligermon.Wolf and Katie waited in the main courtyard while they helped Ligermon.Akamimon laid at Wolf and Katie's feet.then an Augumon cam out and said Ligermon was better than ever.the small tiger digimon came out on his two legs and ran to huge Katie. Katie: Ligermon i'm glad your o.k. Ligermon this is my boyfriend Wolf.him and Akamimon helped us. Ligermon: i am in your debt, both of you. Wolf: no need to thank us, were just to guys willing to help.right Akamimon? Akamimon: of coarse, so are you guys ready for the tourny? Katie: we sure are, i just hope we don't have to fight each other.although if we do you know will kick the snout out of you two. Wolf: is that so? will have to see won't we Wolf smiled as did Akamimon and Ligermon.they went to see who there first opponets where.
  16. you know the one thing i don't like is people who belive there not the commitment type.as i say to everyone who tells me that i'm lucky and they wish they were to.this might sound corny but i belive it's true on my honor, and i don't lie about honor.there is someone for everyone.they my not find you now but you wait and see.true love is a joyful thing, it's worth the wait i promise you, and like i said before i have yet to brake a promise.this is set for Mist, but it's also for anyone else out there who thinks the same.this counts to, Mist don't you ever say your not the commitment type.when you find your love you'll see your more commited then you think.
  17. wow, thats tuff. i wish you the best of luck with that.because not many people gave me simpathy.they joked about it and did joke about me cheaten.that made me mad because i would never dream of that.to me no one else is more beautiful or better.thanks to everyone who has posted, it really does help.
  18. thank you SSJ4, i hope i didn't sound mad.i just wanted to make that clear.i'm sure they'll put there info in when they can.(i'll go ask them right now :)
  19. OOC: if you don't mind i would also like to introduce a new character.just to make the story alttle more interesting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ before the four took another step Wolf heard a noise.it was a yell for help. Wolf: i know that voice, it can't be?i'll see you guys at the tourny i have to check this out.bye! Wolf and Akamimon took off down a tree ladened hill and then found the person yelling. Wolf: it is her... ???: get back, ligermon wake up! Wolf: i'm coming hang on! Wolf and Akamimon ran to see what was attacking her.it was a garbgemon with a bad temper. Wolf: Akamimon get that tin can! Akamimon: you bet, MOON SHINE!! a silver ball of light came from Akamimon's mouth and struck the enraged digimon.it ran off like a coward, it really was only half menasing. Wolf: are you o.k? ???: yes i'm....Wolf! it's you! Wolf: hey hun, did you get stuck here to? ???:yeah, and my digimon was knocked out. Wolf: by that thing? ???: no it was a much bigger one, it left him to finish me off.i'm so glad your here to. the girl huged and then kissed Wolf. Wolf: i'm glad your here to Katie.i'm guessing your here for the tourny to.so lets go. Wolf picked up Ligermon and walked with Katie to his right and Akamimon leading the way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OOC: sorry i like to put my girlfriend in if i can, and so now people know here name.
  20. thanks munkey, james and kai. i have talked to her evry day but this last week she's on the beach with her sister and relatives so the only way i can talk to her is when she calls. so far she's called every day. she misses me as much as i miss her.and baby girl if you can forgive that then thats great, you don't find many people who could forgive that, and those instincts can be hard to control be we seem to.neither one of has had sex yet, we told each other we wanted to wait. we know will be together forever so theres no need to rush it. and sorry about the spaces munk, i just get to typeing and forget some of the small things.
  21. i asked them personaly to be on my team.i figured the others could find members like i did.i asked them because there my friends.if it comes down to it i'm sure they won't mind going to another team, but until then i would like you to consider them on mine.
  22. anyone who's seen mt sig knew this was coming.heres the thing, my girlfriend has been in south carolina for about 4 mounths now and she still has one week to go.it's killing me not being able to see her, and my friends think it's strange that i haven't cheated on her while she's away. i can't cheat on her she's the love of my life.i'd be a moron to cheat on her.i just need some consoling before i go nuts with her gone, and after she comes back i probally won't be on the boards very much.
  23. corssed, i think you got to typeing to fast, i do that to.yeah i forgot you were the leader of the dragons.if SSJ4 dosen't mind i don't see why not.if not i hope to see you in battle later.
  24. as Wolf and Akamimon walk though the digital, Akamimon tells him about it.then the lab top Wolf found next to him started beeping. Wolf: whats this? it says were invited to a tournement.what do you say Akamimon, shall we go. Akamimon: yeah, lets go.oh, thats your D-comp. it's how you keep track of everything, and i suspect it's how you make me digivolve. Wolf: digivolve right....well lets go to this infinity mountain. the two don't start walking long when they hear someone in the distance. Wolf: finally another human, maybe they can help us. as the two rounded the corner they saw Kitty and Labramon. Wolf: HI THERE! did you get sucked here to? Kitty turned to see Wolf and Akamimon. Kitty: another digimon and his tamer.you want to battle? Wolf: why? don't you wanna wait until we get to the tournyment? Kitty: i supose we could.but why wait? Wolf: because it's pointless to fight for no reason.i mean i don't dilike you and were not at the tourny yet, so whats the point? Kitty: thats what you do with digimon, fight. the two talked for awhile and finally desided to wait until they got to the tourny.they walked along the road and Labramon and Akamimon started talking.Wolf and Kitty continued there conversation about fighting and continued on there journy to infinity mountain.
  25. oops, sorry Starlight.i knew i PMed someone else.i'm so sorry Star.your the second person to say my box is full.theres nothing in it though.but i would like you to join mr to if you don't mind.
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