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Everything posted by CrimsonDragon

  1. Ok, that was kind-of hard to read. But, anyway this belongs in the Final Fantasy board. You can fint it [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=16]here.[/URL]
  2. Ok, well the no stars thing could be because of crappy cameras and other things. But the weird thing is, if there is no air on the moon, how could the american flag be waving? Pretty freaky, huh?
  3. CrimsonDragon


    It's 5:49 in the morning here, and I had stayed up all night, I knew that if I went to sleep, I would miss the awesomeness of the saturday cartoon block. So I just decided I would stay up the rest of the night. About 15 minutes ago I was despratley searching for something to watch besides my usual infomercials. Then I stumbled upon thw wonderful world of Alf, man it's soooo funny!! Someone called Alf a "Hicupping hairball from hell" Now that is comedy! Has anyone else seen it? What are your thoughts?
  4. No, it's coming to all 3 consoles. Not just X-box and pc. Guess you miss-heard something, I am looking at it right now.
  5. Sorry, I like giving nicknames. I agree, I don't beleive in aliens, but, what if they were? They would be smart enough to avoid us wouldn't they?
  6. Wow, I don't know what to say. I find that quite strange. But seeing as how this is your 2nd space thread, I dub you Space Boy! But a skeleton on the moon, wow, never would have thought of that.
  7. Wow, thanks alot for the info, D-man. Can I call you D-man? Too bad that's your new name. But thanks to you I finally know the story, and now it is a definate buy, thank you very much. :D [color=indigo]D-man? Umm, I guess so... :twitch: - Desbreko[/color]
  8. Finally, someone is posting in my threads. Alot people just say, This game is cool, your thoughts? and get like 40 replies. I put a good 5 to 10 minutes into this and I get nothing. Yea, I can't wait for it to come out, I just hope more people post in this thread.
  9. I am not the keeper of all knowledge here, I just know that some weapons/gadgets will be new. I dunno what they are.
  10. My favorite series would have to be The 08th Ms Team. Bah! Even the dubs were amazing, I was suprised at how well it was brought over. 0083 is following very closey though.
  11. A link to the past is my favorite Zelda game as well, but I have only played 4. Ocerina of Time, Majoras Mask, A Link to the Past, and Oracle of Ages. I personally like the cel-shaded graphics better. They too, remain me of way back when, Desbreko.
  12. I got 82.4%. I love being pure. I actually thought I would score lower, thus my score makes me happy! :hippy:
  13. I didn't count G-Saviour because I was trying to forget about it. Bleh! It was the worste thing ever having to do with Gundam.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ZeroG214 [/i] [B]I agree with Hunter and Seph. Gundam and Marcoss is OLD, and is still be best shows around. Some of today's counterparts don't compare to the originals. [/B][/QUOTE] Even though I haven't seen much of Macross,(I have only seen Macross 7) I agree. But Gundam wins, it has been around as long as any anime I can remember. From the Original Mobile Suit Gundam in (I think) 1979, to Turn-a-Gundam in 2000. I bet many veiwers would have never thought it would last this long. :toothy:
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jabroni3:16 [/i] [B]I don't know how that could be true, i own all the DVDs and have watched most of the episodes subbed and i don't see how the subbing could be [i]so[/i] much better... Which episode did you watched subbed? [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, I agree. I have watched most of both animes and well. They did a pretty good job. Almost every aspect of this series was carried over right, and Rick Hunter I agree, the dubbed Dragonball episodes are terrible, but I heard Blue Gender was better though. Anyway, Cowboy Bebop is one of my favorite animes ever, regaurdless sub or dub. But like Rick, I prefer subs, but I can't always get my hands on them. :p :toothy:
  16. I don't have alot of info on this game, so it wont be that much of an in-depth thread. Ok, this game is being developed for the GBA by the same team that developed the old Metroid ventures, such as the amazing original for the NES. You will be givin new weapon, new gadgets, and new actions. The graphics are nice and crisp for a GBA title. Anyway, it's slated for release, sometime in November, so get ready for another Metroid adventure.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rainy [/i] [B][COLOR=crimson] This is kinda pointless[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] What is that supposed to mean? On to th subject, I agree. Suzuka has strong feelings for Gene, but I don't think it would be like her to admit something like that. She is a warrior, besides if she didn't love him, don't you think she would have kept her vow to kill him, and sliced his head off, while he was asleep or something? But, Gene being with Melfina would prevent anything from ever happening. Kinda sucks for Twilight don't it! :p
  18. No, I have not seen this anime. Can you give me a little information about it, so I can find out if it's worth the cash? It would be really appreciated if you did. Thank you
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by outlawstar_14 [/i] [B] Oh Rose, I couldn't stand her. Remember tthe lady who tried to sing opra style. :nervous: ...scary.... [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, that was very, very funny. But at the same time, very, very scary. *shudder* The thought of it just makes me want to cry. :(
  20. I was looking through my Game Informer earlier today, when I cam across a very interesting game, that game, is called, Splinter Cell. First off, I would like to state it has some of the best visuals, I have seen on any console........ever. :eek: They say it's going to be the next Metal Gear Solid 2, and it might even bump MGS2 off of the top spot for stealth titles. As a recent episode of Extended Play, made very clear, there will be some awesome features included in this game. First, you will be doing lots of shimmying (sp?). Light, Sound, even your own shadow can give you away in this game. Another feature is peeking open a door. You will be able to just slightly crack a door open, and peer inside to see what's going on. Somehow, they did all this with the Unreal engine. That just baffles me. Well, it should be out March 2003, and if it's half as god as it looks, I'll be getting it! :toothy:
  21. In no particular order, my favorites are 1. Outlaw Star 2. Gundam Zeta 3. Dragonball Z 4. Kenshin 5. Coyboy Bebop :stupid:
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by outlawstar_14 [/i] [B]I've been watching that show, its kinda cool, and funny. Simon: Do you take singing lessons? Girl: Yes Simon: Do you have a lawyer? Girl:No....... Simon: Then get a lawyer and sue the person who gave you singing lessons! Other quotes by Simon: "THAT, was horrid" "You were extrodinary,... extrodinarly BAD..." You get the picture:D [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, I remember that, it was extremly funny. Remember that one girl, (I can't think of her name) that claimed she wasn't trying to sing all the right notes, and she couldn't believe that she didn't get picked, when she sucked tremendously? Now, that is comedy!
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