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  • Birthday 09/27/1960

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  1. User Name


    Name: Stephen Age: 18 Hair Color: Dark Auburn Eye Color: Hazel Height: 6'6" Weight: I don't know . . . Wardrobe: Jeans and jumpers and shirts and long sleeved things. Personality: I'm a messer. Plain and simple. If I weren't so lax, I'd actually amount to something. Hair Style: Very long. And messy. Favorite Music Type: Easy Listening, Rock Favorite Bands: Queen, R.E.M., Radiohead, The Eagles, The Beatles, Thin Lizzy Hobbies: reading, listening to music, basketball, exploring chaos theory, baking
  2. [COLOR=darkblue]Remember Superted? And Spotty? Superted ruled. I used to have a superted teddy, that unzipped from him in the nude to him in his costume. And cockleshell bay was another one. I have loads of old episodes taped off the telly. Now THAT was funky! And of course, the homegrown hero - "Bosco". I'll never forgive RTE for taking that off the air[/COLOR]
  3. I din't like it. Ten is even worse than nine! (let's not say things we can't take back . . .) Seriously though, the loss of the world map was a bit of a downer and that little Metal Gear Solid-esq map in the corner really took away from a lot of the exploration during the game. I didn't really like Tidus - his character was irritating, and it bothered me that he had almost no feelings about being taken from his home to a strange new world, 1000 years in the future. I mean, if that were you, wouldn't you show some sort of emotion? Otherwise, it was really, really, really good (if not a tad bland). But I was expecting a lot more from the first FF game on the PS2. A LOT more!
  4. So . . . I guess that means I'm dead. Thanks a million!
  5. I'll be Luke Tomuchfatrunner
  6. Name: Twitch Smiley :twitch: Afiliation: Flame Smiley Background: Twitches with the combined compression of three "other" smilies in its cyber brain. Actually - its a scitzophrenic. Rarely used in any forum, but there none the less ! Likes cows and gnus.
  7. [COLOR=GREEN][I]Kief woke up in the uncomfortable heat of the usually cool Oriental Hotel bedroom. He lay there for several moments wondering why the room was so warm. It took him several more moments to realise that the although it was well past midnight, the room was unusually bright. And finally, it took yet another several moments for him to notice the choking smell of smoke and burning. He slowly got out of bed and dressed, walked over to the window, and witnessed the remains of the once great town of Wutai go down in flames. Then, he fully woke up, recovered his sences, and jumped with terror. He had to get out of this death trap! He grabbed all his valuables, being careful not to forget his book, and darted out of the hotel. He dodged blazing infernos, fleeing locals and tourists and falling debris. It wasn't until he was actually out of the town when he remembered Boy. The kid wouldn't be able to take care of himself, and besides, Kief needed a ride of the island. He hid his luggage behind a rock and ran back into the doomed locality. Boy was standing by the Turtles Paradise Inn, looking mighty terrified. Kief started towards him, but his route became blocked by a fat man, temporaraly insane by the prospect of near death which faced him. The fat man wielded a long sword and swung it in the direction of Kief. As quick as a flash, Kief removed his pike from its scabbard, and in one swipe, removed the mans head from its resting place on his shoulders. Kief smiled with satisification, and admired his work, before grabbing Boy from the wreckage and fleeing the scene with him safely tucked under his arm.[/COLOR][/I]
  8. aww, you waited for me ? How lovely ! Name Warren Worthington III aka Archangel Height: 6' Weight: 150 lbs. Powers: Extreme ability in flight. Bio: Warren Worthington III entered Xavier?s School For Gifted Youngsters as the happy go lucky Angel, gifted with fluffy white wings and a winning personality. He was the heir of a powerfull man, owner of a great company. When the new X-Men showed up, he left the team. Passing through the Champions, Defenders, using his wealth to build headquarters, and a brief return to the X-Men, the Angel helped form the X-Factor by request of former teammate Jean Grey.He kept as a hero with a bright mind and few problems. His life started to get troubled when he trusted Cameron Hodge. Cameron used to be Warren´s best friend and assistant, but with time, he revealed his plans: he took over Warren´s company and organized a group called the Right. Things got worse when the Marauders took off Angel´s wings. Then, he was kidnapped by Apocalypse, who transformed the rich playboy into his Horsemen of Death, with razor sharp metal wings and toxic "feathers". He managed to return to X-Factor and was later named "Archangel" by his fellow Beast. When Cameron tried to kill him, Archangel decapitated him, but Hodge had already made a pact with the demon Nastyrth, that gave him imortality. Cameron moved to Genosha and started to help the government. Warren later formed the X-Men Gold Strike Force when X-Factor and X-Men bonded. He came to learn how to deal with his wings regaining the control of his life. He also started a romance with Psylocke and saved her when she was wounded by Sabretooth. Some months ago, his original wings returned after a battle with Sabretooth, but why and how are still a mistery. After his struggle with the Crimson Dawn soldiers, he and Psylocke went back together to the X-Men. Warren also have some rights in the Hellfire Club, since his father was a member there. Recently, as Warren and Betsy try to get a hold on their relationship, both of them left the team, to deal with their personal problems Appearance:
  9. [color=green][i]Kief and Boy arrived in the town of Wutai three hours after they set off. Kief was astounded, he was making amazing progress. If this continued, he'd be over the ocean in no time, on his way across the East continent. Wutai was a huge tourist resort, and it had loads of history. Kief would stay a while, and enjoy the beautiful place. He'd relax for a while, have a drink and mingle with the locals. He didn't know what Boy would get up to, but frankly, Kief didn't care about the kid too much, he was a handy companion, somebody to fill the lonely voids.[/color][/i]
  10. Alright then, lose Sabertooth's abilities. (although you didn't specify)
  11. My favourites are Angel, when he was Death, with the blue skin and killer wings Bishop and Wolvie
  12. Name: Bourne Creed Alias: Psi-Claw Age: 17 ( 18 in October ) Nationality: Canadian / Americal Power: Telepathic & telekinetic powers, keen animal senses / strength, advanced healing factor. History: Love child of one Sabertooth and Jean Grey, during a drunken one night stand in a sleazy motel in Canada. Lived in the Xavier mansion all his life, becoming a regular member of the X-men. Description: Slender body, covered in long, wavy red hair. A mix between Jean and Sabertooth. Personality: Torn between animalistic rage and the calm understanding of a telepath.
  13. [color=green][i] Kief woke just as the night darkness closed in around him. Of course he was still in the abandoned launch site, in Rocket town, Cid would be gone for days yet. Kief had dreamed the whole flight. It had seemed so real and fitting at the time. He was having a lot of strange dreams recently. Mostly about people he didn't know, or things he didn't understand. If only it would have been reality, he could have rushed to the aid of whatever misfits were in need of his services elsewhere. After buying extensive supplies from the midnight shop, he left town to continue his journey, still alone. Gosh, he was starting to feel lonely. It must have been fate, but just as he was wishing he could have a companion, he happened along a small boy, at the mercy of five strange bird like creatures. Kief checked his adventurers handbook for a reference on his new foe, but found none, whatever these creatures were, they were not in any book. Kief sprang into action, and took out the threat with a beautiful display of style and finese. They dropped to the ground, dead. He helped the boy to his feet.[/i] Kief - What's your name, boy ? Boy - I have no name sir, or at least, I do not recall one. Kief - But what will I call you ? Boy - You called me "Boy" before, that seems sufficent. Kief - Boy ? Boy it is then. What are you doing all the way out here, Boy? Boy - I do not know, sir, I cannot recollect many memories, only small fragments of the past. Kief - You speak mighty strange for such a young child ! Boy - If you don't mind me asking, sir, may I come with you, as I am without destination. Kief - Yeah, alright. But I my next destination is over the water, and I don't know how I'm going to get there. Boy - Do not fear, sir, as I have the unique ability of flight. I can transport us there. [i]Kief smiled. The kid was wierd, but he was interesting, and Kief was lonely. Besides, the kid could fly, and Kief needed a lift ![/i] [/color]
  14. [color=green][i]It had been a long flight. Cid's constant swearing and disregard for any political correctness interested Kief, like not many people could. Cid had been, and still was a friend of Cloud, and was going to see him, as it happened. Unable to let an oppertunity to meet the man his uncle spoke so highly about pass, Kief strapped himself in, and sailed off into the skies. Although the flight stretched on for hours, Cid kept Kief entertained with stories of how a band of eco warriors (himself included), brought to an end the reign of the Shinra corporation, the threat of Meteor and the man responsible for it all, Sephiroth. Sephiroth - the ex-Soldier who's tainted life and twisted ideals hurt many people beyond recovery. The expert swordsman, whose origin's were shrouded in mystery. The man whose impossible ambition had been within his grasp, only to be taken from him by outside influence. Oh yes, he had heard a lot about the fabled Sephiroth, and he intreguied Kief more than any other person. The man was a monster, yes, but Kie respected him, and admired him - he was a master in his art, his goals far surpassing any other mans, much like Kief himself. How could he loath such a great man? Yet he did. And so, Kief fell asleep miles above the air, on his way to an adventure he never would have dreamed of. [/color][/i]
  15. [color=green][i]All the way on the opposite side of the glode, the sun beat down on Kiefs back. He had reached the town two days ago, and was trying to track down some old pilot by the name of Cid. He had spoken to a woman claiming to be his fiancee and had learned that he the pilot was off visiting some friends. He was expected back in a few hours. Kief had had spent the last two days wandering around the town, gathering stories and healing his battle wounds. He had just escaped Mt. Nibel with his life after being attacked by a huge dragon, when a pack of wolves thought they would enjoy a nice dinner of weary man flesh. They hadn't been too hard to kill, it was the week long trek to the nearest town that wore him out. And now, as he sat on the old rocket launch site, waiting for Cid, he thought he could really use some help on his travels. It had taken him over a year to get to where he was, and he had only just managed to cross the continent with his life still intact. Still, he had seen a lot of interesting thing and had met loads of amazing people. All his encounters had gone into the book he had started writing when he had told his uncle Dio he was going to travel the world. Dio had told him to write down his adventures and one day, he'd have a bestseller (if they lived through the treat of Meteor). His uncle had also told him, that should he ever meet a boy called Cloud, that he should talk to him. Cloud had had lots of adventures, his uncle had said.[/i][/color] "And say hi from me!" [color=green][i]Dio had shouted after him as he left. He had met a lot of people who had met Cloud, even one of his old friends, a wolf by the name of Naniki. He had liked Naniki, and had dedicated a whole chapter of his book to him. Cloud used to call him RedXIII, 'cause of his unbelievable red fur. RedXIII had been training a young woman in the art of combat. Lethe had been her name. Kief had had a thing for her. It was one of the reasons he had stayed in Cosmo Canyon for two and a half months. Cosmo Canyon was beautiful and mysterious, and Lethe had fitted in perfectly. She was in his book too. As Kief began to slip into a doze, a small biplane soared overhead, turned and landed on a small airstrip just outside town. Kief sat up. Cid was back! [/i][/color]
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