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[i]It was hard going. Not because of the nurmerous hostile meetings with muggers and patrolling soldiers, but because of the unfavourable rain that bore down on them from the Heavens. God was not in the mood to make their trek any easier. By Bishop's calculations, they should be at the X Mansion in at the most, four days, without interruption. They walked close together, engaging in much small talk and plesantaries, although he could sense that she was not really in the mood to talk. The reality of her families death was finally sinking in, and it was begining to show on her face and in her tone of voice. Four days, he thought, and all the questions would be answered. But what if they weren't? What would happen to the questions then? What if they were, rather than answered, intensafied? Four day . . . For now, all he could do was walk.[/i]
[i]Marcius was dieing for a crap. He went into the bathroom and sat down. He was nervous. What if something got messed up? What if one of those @$$hole terrorists got in a lucky shot? He din't want to think what would happen if they did, his comrades were like family to him, and although his machoness would always forbid him from admittiny it, he loved every single one of his teammates, and would gladly give his own life for them. But he hoped nothing would ever come along to have to put him in such a situation. He closed his eyes and clenched his fists. Something else was bugging him, gnawing at his brain like some God forsaken tumor. Something bigger than a simple trading spot was going on, things were always complicated when dealing with scum like the Valkyries. Damn b@st@rds always had some new ace up their ill-gotten slieves. He cursed to himself. He grabbed a roll of toilet paper and flung it viciously across the room. He was agitated. To him, the whole goddam operation stunk to high heaven, and he didn't like it one bit ! [/i]
Name: Marcius Capricorn Codename: Mississippi Age: 27 Height: 6"1 Weight: 194lbs Appearance: Messy black hair and brown eyes are juxtaposed to his pale skin. Weapon: Silenced pistol Gadget: Termoles Personality: Keen optimist, always sees the best of a bad situation. Can be as stubborn as a mule at times, and whatever he wants, he won't rest until it's in his posession. Always looks for the safest possible course of action.
[i]They had stopped to rest for the night in an abandoned theatre. Maria was asleep. Bishop closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. This was a lot to take in. He was used to drastic situations being suddenly thrust in his face, but this was too much. From the information he had squeezed from Maria, he was somewhere around the years 2080 - 2090, she wasn't even sure anymore. Mutantkind were hunted and killed by this "Herald" figure and his followers. Whole teams of X-Men had tried to topple his reign, but each were killed. Nobody even remembered the legends of the past, great men and women like Jean Grey aka Phionex, or Piotr Rasputin, otherwise known as Colossus. The only feeling of relief was the fact that his friends would have been long dead by the time The Herald had shown up. But there was something else, something small yet somwhat significant, tugging at the back of his mind. Why was he here? He was supposed to be finally heading back to his own time, after using Skrull technology to create a jump in the universe's continuety. But he had ended up in this God forsaken place. It wasn't an accident, he was sure of that. Something had intentionally brought him here. Something or someone. He knew it. Xaviers mansion ! He had to go there. He could find whatever information he needed in the X-mens case files. Maybe he could find something, anything that would help him. But help him do what? Did he really think he could take on The Herald, after all he had heard about him? A man who had effortlessly disposed of all mutantkind, and had divided up the earth to suit his own ghastly desires ! He shuddered. Not even Apocolypse had accomplished anything on such a scale. He opened his eyes. He could wait no longer, it was time to go. But what of Maria? She was a mutant, for sure, if she believed it or not. That would make her a target for the Herald. But he could hardly bring her with him, she'd slow him down. He weighed up the possabilities. He shook her.[/i] [b]Bishop:[/b]Mrs. Lee, wake up. [i]She stirred and opened her eyes. It took her a moment to recognise the face in front of her. She smiled. She would be eternally grateful to this man who had saved her life, and would repay him, however she saw fit.[/i] [b]Bishop:[/b]Good, you're awake, now get up, we've got a long journey ahead of us. [b]Maria:[/b]Where are we goin'? [b]Bishop:[/b]Winchester !
I have the best friends in the world. There are times when I hate them for that. There are time when I hate myself for liking them. Cause they're gonna leave. They always do. There are times when I don't leave my house for days on end because if I do, things might change. My house will always be the same, I will never let it change. When you leave school and go off to college, you say you'll keep in touch, but - yeah, right. There's going to be new friends a college, everybodys gonna go their seperate ways, you come back in en years, nobody knows who you are. It gets worse as you go on. You get married and have children. You [b]settle down[/b], goodbye life. You become your parents. I don't know about you, but my parents only friends are their families. And then you die. And that's it. Wormfood. Afterlife? Yeah, sure, whatever. I try not to think about it, because it puts me on a huge downer, but as you can see, it's inevitable. I have no advise. All I can say is live with it. Some days you won't even think of it at all.
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User Name replied to Mnemolth's topic in General Discussion
I'm Wrist Cutter . . . That's [i]nice[/i]. . . -
It's what was asked of me at registration . . .
. . . You're good . . .
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shadowdramon [/i] [B] Its their decision, whether its self-expression or a money-making scheme. [/B][/QUOTE] I couldn't have put it better myself ! The fact of the matter is the look sexy to attract a male fanbase. If you don't like it, nobodys forcing you to pay any attention to it. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]So they watch people like Spears, and they see half naked girls rubbing up on things. Like it or not, people look up to them. Little girls seeing that cannot lead to good things,[/B][/QUOTE] They don't [b]JUST[/b] watch people like Britney. In case you hadn't noticed, the tantalising, slutty tennie bopper is on the out ! These days the popularity is heading towards more tomboyish figures - Avril Livagne, Pink, Gwen Steffani etc. These girls are not nowhere near as slutty as the aforementioned ladies in question. These rough, loud women are what is respeceted now. But, if we were in a time zone where such sluttiness can't be tolerated, then we'd have to go back a few years, as far back as the time when women didn't work, because they had to take care of the baby. Then they're bad role models too, women, out for themselves, as independant as, if not more than men. Whoever heard of such a crazy notion? What's next? Gay singers influencing our sons? DEAR GOD NO ! ! ! But, if you're still woried, remember, that the music industry is fickle. Like a fad, whats popular this year, won't be in another two. So sit back and enjoy the ride, cause chances are, you mightn't see another one like it ever again . :laugh:
Now , now, no need for name calling. The fact of the matter is, in todays society, it IS okay to have sex before you get married. And looking like a whore doesn't actually mean BEING one. The point of videos like that is to . . SHOCK HORROR ! turn guys on, which means more guys want to see it, which means it gets more air play, sending it shooting up the charts, and selling millions of records in the process, so they can, guess what? Come on, somebody? What is it the music buisness is built on these days? Talent? No, that's not right, guess again. There we go, it's MONEY ! They make lots and lots of money. Now I'm not saying I think eight year old girls should go around tramping themselves in slutty outfits, but I'm sure it's the PARENTS job to moniter what their kids watch and wear, not Christina Aguliaras ! She is doing what human nature makes us all do, use our best assests to get ahead in life, hers being that she is so goddam hot ! Hypothetical situation, you're trapped in the jungle, with an eight year old, and you're cornered by a hungry lion. You're naturally strong and know how to kill the animal. Do you A - Save yours and the kids life ? B - Die, because you might encourage the kid to kill pretty little kittys ? Now, I could continue to totally obliterate every single arguement you throw at me, and fight your views of innosence and purity with the of gritty realism, and then retort to name calling, as you yourself have done, or I could just calm down and think that everybody has their own opinion, and just because it doesn't match mine, I shouldn't think of them as [i]"sad, sad people"[/i]. Ranting done .
[i]She ran for her life. Well, what was left of it anyway. The Herald had sent troops to her home to kill her. She hadn't been there, so instead they killed her husband and three year old son. Then they waited. She had been out to buy food for the family. No she wouldn't have to worry. The two imperial foot soldiers who had been waiting for her were hot on her heels. She didn't quite know how she had escaped from them at her house, all she could remember about that little incident was a blinding flash that had extruded from her very hands. It was baffeling. She would have believed to be a mutant, if she didn't know this to be completely absurd. There was no history of genetic mutations in her family. Well, not to the best of her knowledge, anyway. It would explain a lot though . . . A shot of energy flew past her, grazing her left arm. It bled, they were firing not to stun, but to kill. She ran faster. A though formed in her head - if she closed her eyes, she could run faster, and they'd never catch her then. She was wrong! As soon as she closed her eyes, she tripped over a jagged piece of debris. She curled up in the feotal position, and prayed for a miracal. He wasn't exactly what she had been hoping for, but he came just in time. Seeing the situation in front of him (the [b]ONLY[/b] situation he had seen since he had arrived, as a matter of fact), he lept from the top of a low disused building, landed on top of the larger soldier, and cracked its skull of the ground. Then the stranger turned to face his other foe, who was aiming a rather dangerous looking weapon in his general direction.[/i] [b]Man:[/b] Do your worst ! [i]The soldier sneered, and pumped round after round of pure energy into the strangers face. But the stranger wasn't having any of this ! He raised his arm with amazing speed and precision, and seemed to [b]ABSORB[/b] the blasts coming his way. Now it was his time to sneer, and as the soldier gawped at him in total disbelief, he fired what appeared to be the same energy back the way it had came, tearing the soldiers body to shreads. He turned around to face his damnsel in distress and walked over to her.[/i] [b]Man:[/b] You can get up now. [i]On hearing the gruff male voice, she just curled up tighter and squeezed her eyes tighter shut, as if she could dissappear in she just managed to pull herself into . . . herself. It wasn't a though that made a lot a sence, but she did it anyway. This great idea, was as successful as the last - nothing happened ! He was getting impatient.[/i] [b]Man:[/b]I said you could get up, I'm not going to hurt you, I just want some answers! [i]She looked at him. He was a big man, musles bulging out of his ragged clothes. He had a tatoo of the letter [b]M[/b] across his right eye. And he was black. Long ago her mother had told her not to make discriminations because of skin colour, but that was before The Herald had split humanity into sectors depending on race. Whites were locked away with other whites, blacks with blacks, Asians with Asians and of course, Muties were killed. Everybody was imprisoned in their own continental hell hole, where they laboured day in, day out for "The Glorious Herald". She stood up.[/i] [b]Man:[/b] Good, we're getting somewhere, now, whats your name? [b]Woman:[/b] M . . . Maria ! [b]Man:[/b] Good, now whats your last name? [b]Maria:[/b] Lee . . . Maria Lee . [b]Man:[/b] Excellent, now Miss Lee, I wondering if you could help me ? [b]Maria:[/b] O . . . okay, just don't hurt me . . . [b]Man:[/b] HAH ! I'm not gonna hurt yuo, I just want to ask you some questions, that's all ! [i]He turned around and was going to start walking when she pulled his sleeve. He turned back to her.[/i] [b]Man:[/b] Yes? [b]Maria:[/b] It's just . . . who are you? [b]Man:[/b] People tend to call me . . . [SIZE=4]BISHOP[/SIZE]
Who cares? She's sexy ! Case closed !
Damn . . . I gotta post more. Nobody cares aboot little old me? [immaturity]Well, I've gotta list, but I'm not gonna post it, cause nobody said me. SO HA ! [/immaturity] Seriously, I respect about 5 people - 5. Mnelemoth 4. Safer sephiroth 3. Nerdsy 2. Vodookanaka 1. Myself ( cause you gotta RESPECT yourself ! ) I don't have any reasons for these people, aside from the fact that they strike me as people who know what they want and how they'll get it, and that they're genuinelly out to help the people around them! ( except me ) And then there's James. James desearves a special pat on the back for the fine work and dedication he's put into this fine establishment. Kudos to you James, Kudos . . .
Name: Gorky Dolphinson Gendar: Male Age: 17 Car: mmmm . . no, hitchhiker
Name:Bishop Mutant Name: Bishop Age: Sex: Male Mutant ability: Bishop can absorb most energy blasts and convert it into bio-energy, which he uses as a blast. Bio: Just before Apocolypse took control of the Earth, Bishop, beleving all to be well, travelled to the future, arriving in a barren land, ruled by The Herald. He is lonely and confused by what he sees, and has no means of returning to the past to reverse this monstrocity.
Yeah, I've heard it, I would have thought everybody did. And yeah, I like it. Tis funky ! Come on, come on !
My Wolverine model's missing a claw ! Dang-nammit !
[i][b]Chapter I[/b] A long time ago, there was once a society of people who possesed great magical abilities. They were called the Rummi Tribe. They used their magic for good, and lived in harmony . . . for a while. However, even though they were peaceful in nature, they were feared and hated by mankind, and were hunted and killed. The last few survivors sealed their powers into a mystical crystal and embedded it deep into the earths crust, and then they dissappeared from existance. Over the place where the crystal was buried, a giant mountain began to form. But with great good, there must be great evil. It is the law of the universe - everything must have a counter balance for it to exist. At first this evil took the form of humanity, who were evil in nature, no matter how good they thought. But soon, it became apperant that something much worse was lurking in the shadows. In an attempt to equal the powers of the great Rummi, the universe also created a race of unimaginable hatred, far worse than humans could ever comprehend. They were the Wareot. They had the power to summon fearsom deamons with incredably destructive abilities. It wasn't very long before they had control over the entire planet, and transformed it into a desolate wasteland, ruled by the single figue of all evil. Bavartzauron! If the God and the devil did in fact exist, they were too afraid to comfront him. Bavartzauron ruled for a total of three thousand years straight. Three thousand years of unimaginable horrors and terror. All technolgy and science and poltics were distroyed. Realising what it had done, the universe made the Wareot tired, and Bavartzauron eventually passed into a deep sleep, leaving his empire to his children, his childrens children and so on and so forth. However, as time and generations passed, the Wareot got lazy. The current ruler of Earth, Creed, while still the most powerful being on the planet, is but one tenth the power of his mighty ancestor, Bavardzauron. It was around this time the universe seized the chance to erase it's error, and recreated the powers of the Rummi. On the 31st of December 16,034, 6 babies were born with the same destiny, using the long forgotten powers of the Rummi, they would topple the Wareot, and all the other races who had decided to follow them, and once again bring happiness and hope and all the other emotions of joy back to the suffering people of Earth. 18 years later, the children are now mature enough to set out on their quest, and take down the evil Creed for good. Having never met, the universe sends them each a guardian to inform them of what lies ahead, and to keep them safe from harm. And so, they set out, fully aware, but in no way understanding what had been place on their young shoulders. They know the will meet others, but do not know how, when or where their paths will cross. They know what they have to do and they're as ready as they ever will be. The course of history is about to be changed - are you brave enough to take part ? ? ? [/i] ----------------------------------------- Right - we need 6 heros (the children) and some bad guys. If someone would be Creed, that would be cool. [b]Name: [/b]Character name [b]Hero / Villian:[/b] One of the Rummi or Wareot [i](or you could just be some random companion to either group.)[/i] [b]Age:[/b] All the Rummi are 18, anybody else can be watever age they want. [b]Race:[/b] The year is 16,042, there's a lot more races than humans. [b]Weapon:[/b]You can have a weapon if you want, but there's no real need for them. [b]Top 3 spells:[/b] Aside from basic magic (fire, ice, thunder,earth, water, wind) every character has 3 super spells. Even though they are more powerful, they take a lot more energy from the character. [b]Discription:[/b] Apperance of character [b]Bio:[/b] Character history [b]Guardian:[/b] Only the 6 Rummi have a guardian. The guardians a small entities with no actual powers, so to speak. They're sort of like a conscious good luck charm. ------------------------------------- name: Cotter Swing h / v: Rummi Age: 18 Race: Human Weapon: Clawed gloves Top 3 spells: 1) Exor - Momentarally distorts reality 2) Opium - Overwhelms all within range 3) Rochet - Non elemental power blast Discription: Tall - 6"4, dark hair. One green one blue eye. Wears a pair of loose black jeans and a white t-shirt. Bio: Cotter lead a relativly normal life with his adoptive parents and his older step sister until he was approached by Slurm (his guardian). His real parents died when he was 4 when his home town was apperently distroyed by Creeds minions. He was taken in by the Swings, and has no recollection of what happened in his past. Guardian: Slurm - a small , blue imp with a silver tint and lime green hair. We'll start when we have at least 10 people, and signups can go on for as long as people want to join.
I thought they were both excellent. They were exactly what I was looking for - gore and violence, and one bad-assed mother hero ! But I'm gonna agree with the majority, 1 was better than 2, but the idea of the Reapers was fantastic. I've heard [b]rumors[/b] on Blade 3 supposed to be featuring one Gambit from the X-men, and a possible X-Men / Blade crossover movie, and maybe a Spiderman & Daredevil one too. A complete Marvel-fest ! I've dismissed these as complete bull myself (as much as I wish for them to be true), because for the time being, it's soooo far fetched but I thought I'd post so if anybody wants to look it up . . .
[b]Name[/b]: [i]Human[/i] [b]Category[/b]: [i]Robot[/i]
Name: Josh Hartnett Age: 17 Card in deck: 57 Millenuim item: Bloodstones --------- What are these cards? What game? I don't understand . . .
Name:Guile DOB: December 23, 1960 Height: 6'1" Weight: 191 lbs. Blood Type: O Nationality: American Fighting Style: Advanced military training. Special Moves: Flash Kick Sonic Boom Knee Bazooka Bio: After all that has happened in his past, Guile has left the lifestyle of fighting behind, and has tried to settle down to a normal life with his wife, Jane and daughter, Amy. He has moved to a rather large country chateau in France, where he still works out in his gym and makes a life teaching self defence classes. When his old friend, Chun Li, told him of the rumors about Shadowloo's activities, he was tempted to return, but eventually decided not to. However, Shadowloo, who had been keeping tight survelance on Guile, believed that he knew more than he did, and while he was out, the killed his wife and child, and set his house on fire. Guile was distraught and furious. With nothing but vengance on his mind, he contacted Chun Li, and set out to take down the Shadowloo forces, once and for all !
[b] / / /SCANNING LANDSCAPE / / /TARGET LOCATED : RYAN SCHEZAR[/b] [i]To anybody else, the sight of a small bald man flying towards them followed by six winged deamons, would have been a strange and somewhat scary sight. But not to Ryan Schezar. He followed the same path as these beings, and as they landed in the small clearing beside him, he pulled himself up to greet them. He was still a bit groggy. Perhaps he should have stayed at the hospital a while longer. But things had to be done . . .[/i] [b]Ryan:[/b] Hal. [b]HAL:[/b] Greetings Ryan Schezar. [b]Ryan:[/b] I take it this isn't a formal visit. [b]HAL:[/b] You are correct, Lord Ghazboron has dispatched us to aid you in your search for vengence against the ones whom have mortally wounded you. He believes them to be a threat to His very existence. [b]Ryan:[/b]It is not like Him to be worried. [b]HAL:[/b] He does not tremble in fear like mortals, and it would do you well to remember that. He has [i]other[/i] plans for these lowlives, and requests the one called [i]"Siren"[/i] be taken, alive, to the castle. [b]Ryan:[/b] Siren . . . ! ? ! [b]HAL:[/b] Affirmative. He has also placed these lowly gargoyles at our disposal. [b]Ryan:[/b] Pfssst ! Gargoyles ! They're good for nothing brutes ! [b]HAL:[/b] None the less, we must seek out Siren, and distroy all that get in our way. We leave at sun up. [i]Ryan smiled. He was a violent and vicious fighter, as was HAL. This was going to be one gory mission. He liked gore. The gargoyles were asleep on top of each other in a pile under a tall oak tree. HAL sat himself down on a small rock and closed his eyes. For a moment strange images flased across his mind (or what was left of it). HAL unknowingly stored these in a file in his subconsiousness, in a small subfolder labeled simply "SAZUEL". The he shut down . . . [/i] [b] / / / /SHUT DOWN / / /END OF MESSAGE[/b]