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[FONT=times new roman]Yeah, it's been here ages too. Dom Jolly and the like. It was hilarious when it started aboot 2 years ago, and I never missed an episode, but he never came up with any new matherial, and it was basically the same joke over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.[/FONT]
[FONT=times new roman] Name: Lab sample #0932 "[i]Hal[/i]" Race: Bio warfare genetic experiment Age : 10 years Weapons: a/ Random toxin injector b/ Nuclear detonators c/ Sattalite link - Alpha Gamma Laser Spells: N/A Discription: Human is appearence. Minor growths in several points on it's body. Dark black hair. Physical body resembles that of a young, fit man. All weaponary is grafted into his body and has been covered with a temporary skin which fixes itself when broken. Bio: Sazuel Haynes was a scientist for "[i]Intech Biohazard Recearch[/i]" back in 1982. When the initail threat of Ghazaboron was realised, the U.S and Russian governments secertly formed Intech, the latest and most hi-tech facility of it's kind at the time. Using their most brilliant minds, began working on a weapon that could distroy the deamon. However, on November 24th 1982, Intech was infiltrated by a terrorist group "[i]The Messiah's[/i], whom believed that a brighter future lay in the hands of Ghazaboron. Sazuel was vegetabalized. However, instead of treating him, his mind and body were placed as a host to the latest type of "human vessel assault" equiptment, and his family were told he had been killed. In June 1984, the project was shut down, after speculation that in theory, Sazuel could prove a greater threat than Ghazaboron himself. In January 1987, the project was re-opened. In an effort to control Sazuel, his mind was wiped of all abilities, and a sattalite link was placed, to be controlled from the Intech HQ. By the beginning of the year 1990, all initial work on the greatest weapon was completed, and a test run began. The power was switched on. However, his mind had been completly distroyed, and Sazuel proved to be useless. The project was again scrapped. However, as a side project, a personality was downloaded into Sazuel's body, and so HAl was born. Having completly forgotten his past as Sazuel, and having no idea of the ultimate power inside of him, Hal befriended the scientists and settled into life in a special cell at Intech. But, two years ago in September 2000, Intech was once more infaltrated, and the destructiveness of Hal was apprehended. This time, the break in was not the work of terrorists, but of Ghazaboron himself, who wished to use Hal against the people who created him. And so, after much brainwashing, Hal believes Ghazaboron to be a God, and himself to be his chief "angel". He waits by his saviors side, ready to sacrafice himself for what he believes to be right. [/FONT]
Dancing's fun. So very fun.
[SIZE=4]Jeeze, you really do LOVE to show off, don't you? Righty then, history question - What were the major factors contributing to WW2 ? [/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]Oh well, [i]"he's[/i] gone now, what a pity. But from the ashes of [i]"his"[/i] departure, we must rejoice and look to the future, it's what [i]"he"[/i] would have wanted . . .[/SIZE]
[b]-incoming message-[/b] My friend, congratulations, you are now a man. Or a woman, if you wish. Medical science is an amazing thing these days. [i]For, he's a jolly good fellow, He's a jolly good fellow, He's a jolly good fellow, And so say all of us, And so say all of us. Hip - hip - HOORAY ! Hip - hip - HOORAY ! Hip - hip - HOORAY ![/i] [b]-end of message-[/b]
EXACTLY third most popular person in the year? How the hell did you work that out? Anywhoo . . . I'm popular in the sence of that I can drift from social group to group happily and be welcome anywhere. I have nothing against the footballer / cheerleader social rank, cause I get on well with them, same with the other end of the chain - goths and heavy metalers. I'm well aware of the boundries that exist and that it's near impossiable to mix these groups, so I don't try. But for whatever reason (i'm soooo great, i guess), I'm an exception to the above rule. I have aboot four close friends that know me almost as they know themselves and vise versa. And when it all boils down to it, I'd put everyone else in the entire world after any one of them. To me, they're what matters, henceforth, to me they're what's popular. But that's in real life world. Online is a majorly different story. It's so hard to have a proper conversation using a keyboard and a monitor, that I always refrain from doing so. These days more so than ever, nothing intresets me online, that's worth my opinion anyway. Give this and the fact that you can write for pages and pages and still never get your full opinion across. Because of this, nobody here knows me. And everybody who's in their elitest community who have been her for a long time won't recognise my screen name, see I've got hardly any posts and skip right over my post looking for somone they know and get on with. So really, you're all giving out aboot how you all "hate" "popularity" and how "popular" people react to you, when right here, right now, if you don't [i]have[/i] to, you won't read this post, which in my opinion is the biggest hypocracy of all.
I think this might've been done before, but......OtakuFound.
User Name replied to Genkai's topic in General Discussion
Here's a great story - I was lookin for DBZ a while back and I ended up here. Isn't that totally original? I was hooked for a while, but I've recently lost my flair of the whole message board thing. But that doesn't matter, I never made MUCH of an impact anyway. But yeah, I wanna hear the history too. Oldies, tell us ! -
[color=deeppink] I wish I was special. [/color]
[color=deeppink] I've done a lotta "bad" stuff in my time, but I'm glad I did, cause it builds character and all that jazz. But, on the other hand, there are some things I regret [i]not[/i] doing. Carpe Diem and the like.[/color]
[color=deeppink] Is there any way to "break" the curse, so to speak? I recall a similar item in FF6 and you have to fight 255 battles and the curse is broken, do I not?[/color]
[color=deeppink] While we're discussing problems, here's something thats been bugging me for a while. The Curse Ring. What's the deal?[/color]
[color=deeppink]And nobody said [i]Happy Days[/i]. Tut tut ! [i]Happy Days[/i] was my most favourite-ist programme ever. When I was aboot 6 I wanted to be the Fonz. Wow, that was a l[i]oooooooo[/i]ng time ago . . .[/color]
Radiohead. Anything from pablo honey to Ok Computer. Can't say the last couple of albums were great.
"Don't stop me now" by Queen "Nightswimming" by REM "Superman" by Lazlo Bane.
What does your sig/avator/user name mean?
User Name replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in General Discussion
User Name: I was strapped for good ideas, and I was bored, and I needed a name that might be remembered, nothing like DBZGoku4531, like so many others. 'Cause ya gotta be remembered, if it's good or bad, cause if you're remembered, your legend will continue forever and you've done something so great, you've touched peoples lives in such a way, they'll [i]NEVER[/i] be able to forget you ! Avitar: I can't remember what my avitar is, I picked it at random, I think it's a chocobo, cause they rock ! *kweh*. Once it becomes custom, it's gonna be the Queen emblem, cause Queen are the greatest. Sig: hmmm . . . my sig sucks, all [b]sigs suck[/b]! I'll think of something . . . -
Has a funky beat though.
George Michaels new "[i]protest[/i]" song. What y'all think?
I thought lucid dreaming was where you knew you were dreaming, nothing to actually do with control. Show's how much I know . . .
Freindhip item? What the hell is THAT?
[COLOR=deeppink]The last good song he did, was it [i]Blood on the dancefloor[/i] or [i]Murder on the Dancefloor[/i]?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=deeppink]I just got the Michael Jackson Greatest Hits a while ago, and I have to say it blew me away. I wasn't a fan before, and I think his new stuff is crap, but most of the songs on this were just so funky I actually found myself dancing on the road at midnight with my discman on full volume. T'was great. My favourite songs are either - [i]The way you make me feel[/i] or [i]Black and white[/i]. Just wanted to see what anyone else thinks of him. [/COLOR] :whoops:
Jedi First Name The first 3 letters of your real last name. + The first 2 letters of you real first name. Jedi Last Name The first two letters of you mothers maiden name + The first three letters of your hometown. [b]Doyst Duash[/b], ooooh, sounds foreign.
You think yours are scary . . . What They Don't Want You to Know In order to understand what life is aboot you need to realize that everything is controlled by a Rocky Horror Picture Show made up of people with the bodys of chickens with help from ugly fat people called Simon. The conspiracy first started during The Great Cheese War in Yemin. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including The Swiss Cheese Battle. Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by licking hippo's ears. They want to throw explosive mushrooms at the Laughter Crowd and imprison resisters in Yemin using big hairy yaks. In order to prepare for this, we all must play russian roulette. Since the media is controlled by the Buddy Holly Fan Club we should get our information from a small woman who works in a shop.
I'm not American, what are you talking about?