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Everything posted by Falco

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by outlawstar_14 [/i] [B] That explains me too. An extremely well informed dubbie is better than, well.. a dubbie Most of my info comes from the net, most of it from here actually. I still really want to see them in their origional glory though. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue]I don't know about extremley but for the steryotype "dubbie", I think I know quite a bit. I have seen a few subs just not enough to get me off the title dubbie. But I am ok with that. Anyway, the only difference I have notice, is american name changes, such as The room of spirit and time, changing into the hyperbolic time chamber, and if I remember correctly, in the subs when Gohan was getting really mad and when ssj 2, they played a really long song, the american version just showed the bird flying for like 5 seconds and then stopped. If that didn't make any sense then just ignore me.[/COLOR] Edit: Juuthena, what you see on adult swin, aren't subs. Maybe you knew, it just didn't seem like it.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ZeroG214 [/i] [B]I've heard a Megaman game in in the works. God I hope they don't kill this series.... It deserves to be a great movie.[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue]A Megaman movie?? Has that been confirmed or is it just a rumor? If it's not most of my hopes and dreams have just come true. Unless, it isn't faithfull to the Megaman tradition (or style whatever you call it....). Have they been discussing any possible release dates? Who will be playing who? Or any other crucial information? I am very curious about this because I have been a follower of the Megaman series since I was around 5. Any information would be really helpful.[/COLOR] :twitch:
  3. [COLOR=blue]I saw some screenshots of this game in my latest GI, and I must say they look quite impressive. The 2nd best cel-shaded graphics I have ever seen, ( 1st being the Legend of Zelda, for GCN). So basically, yea I am looking foward to it.[/COLOR] ;) :twitch:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jabroni3:16 [/i] [B]The first anime i remember would be Speed Racer, there may be some befor this but it's the first i remember that kicked major butt. I mean common Spead Racer and Racer X, it's been so long since i've seen that show, i really need to see it again... I started watching that when i didn't know the difference between Anime and cartoons, but over time i was introduced to Akira and then a BlockBuster came to town i was able to rent alot of other greats like Ghost in the Shell (well it's a "great" IMO). Now-a-days ijust buy any anime i think might instrest me, i did this with Jin-Roh... I still don't know what to think of that movie. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue]Yes, Speed Racer was my first anime as well. Racer X was the coolest char. in the show. But, yea I watched that for a while, then the Dragonball Z bomb hit. After that I saw Gundam Wing, then various others and now, I am hooked![/COLOR] :twitch:
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ZeroG214 [/i] [B]Whoa...a Star Fox game made by the Ace Combat team. I'm excited already:excited:[B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkblue]I agree, Ace Combat 2 was one of my favorite air combat/shooter games of all time. Another Star Fox shooter! That is the best new's I have heard since the new cell-shaded Legend of Zelda. It really sucks Falco won't be in there, you can see by my name that I really like him. Oh well, I can always take out my old 64 to see him. In other words, I simply can't wait for this game.[/COLOR] :twitch:
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