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Everything posted by ShadowTrunks

  1. Oh, ok now I get it. ONce again you have proven me wrong, the sad thing about that is, I just joined, earlier today.
  2. Well, I don't think she meant that she actually wanted that to happen in the series, she was just pointing out what she though was worth pointing out. :p
  3. There is a difference between being an immortal, and a god. But, whatever I see where youre going but I am not exactly sure. In any case, I believe you. :p
  4. o.O But even with nobodys it could still be a real bummer, (Translation, that would freakin suck man). I just hope they make a movie worthy enough for the series it's based off of.
  5. I beg to differ, the dragon radar, can tell goku where all the balls are and he can instentaniously move (Instant Transmission) to get all of them. :D
  6. I don't think that Shenlong has enough power to do that, I mean in the saiyan saga, he said that he didn't have the power to stop the saiyans, if he can't stop the saiyans I doubt he copuld turn someone into a higher being than him. If I am wrong don't get mad at me, it's just what I think.
  7. Well, yes that would be a good method. But they are good wholsome people, Goku wouldn't want to cheat and make a wisk everyday, if it wasn't that important. Maybe if he had to wish some people back one-by-one it would help, but otherwords, I dunno.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i] [B][color=red][size=3]Of course, the obvious DBZ quote... "Darn it Frieza!" Yeah, the toughest guy in the universe screams Darn You! in the heat of battle...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I know what you mean, d*** Funi and their crappy dubbing abilities.
  9. I can't remember that actors name, the guy who played Morpheus in Matrix, he would be perfect for Piccilo. Other than that I am stumped, I don't know who would play anyone else. Sorry.
  10. 1. Not just for a boyfriend, for the "perfect" boyfriend. 2. I would wish for.......probably like world peace or something. I am generous like that. But if it was a selfish wish, probably like every anime product ever made anywhere to be in my pocession. Heh....
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