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Everything posted by Manic Webb
I don't own this game (because I never got a Gamecube, mostly), but a friend of mine has it. Whenever the whole lot of us would go to his house, he'd pull out SSBM. My 4 best characters are Peach, Pikachu, Pichu, and Ness. Peach is such a fun character, and it's easy to use her to lure people over the edge. Her moves pack very little power (with the exception of that hip-move), but she handles weapons like a master. Once I get ahold of a bat or beam sword, I'm keeping it until I die... which won't be anytime soon. I also enjoy turniping people to death. The fact that it doesn't make you fly across the screen makes people forget how high the turnips increase their damage. Plus, during free-for-alls, I tend to jump as high as possible, whip out my umbrella, and watch my opponents beat each other senseless. Pikachu was my #1 character in the original SSB for N64. He was quick, had a sneaky zip move, and I got the hang of using that thunderbolt move of his. Naturally, I also play as Pichu. I think I'm the only person I know who likes playing as Ness. I mean, the kid comes with his own cracked bat. I can blast people from across the screen, thrust myself as a weapon, and dazzle my opponents with deadly yo-yo tricks. Not to mention energy blasts heal him.
Three Favorite/ least favorite Teen Movies
Manic Webb replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Noosphere
In risk of going against the subject and theme of this thread, I'm going to name a lot more than 3 movies I liked. Anything by John Hughs. That includes [i]The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Ferris Bueller's Day Off[/i], and to a lesser extent, [i]Pretty in Pink[/i]. I'm sorry, but PiP was ruined for me when [spoiler]she didn't end up with Ducky. I mean, come on! Ducky![/spoiler] I also like movies starring John Cusack, like [i]One Crazy Summer[/i] and [i]Say Anything[/i]. His roles as Hoops and Lloyd really set a standard for "unlikely hero" type leads in teen movies. Moving on to the 1990s... [i]Ten Things I Hate About You[/i] was not only a creative way to put Shakepeare in a modern setting (unlike a certain Baz Luhrmann film which shall remain nameless), it was as funny as all get-out. I loved it. [i]Can't Hardly Wait.[/i] I know what some of you are thinking (Jennifer Love Hewitt movies bite). I just loved the way this movie shifted through several characters' stories. You get an entire graduating class at a party, and you get to see what some of them are there for. Some for revenge. Some to confess their feelings. Some simply to get their yearbook signed. A couple of characters end up finding themselves by the end of the night, and some you realize are just screwed. -
[quote name='natetron46']if im not mistaken, the "green goblin 2" is called the hob goblin.[/quote] You're mistaken. Green Goblin 2 is Harry Osborn. Hob Goblin is some other jerk.
[quote name='Shy][size=1']I have also heard that they are basing the F4's origins off of the "Ultimate Fantastic Four" comic, as opposed to the original. I'm not a big fan of Ultimate F4, in fact I never really sat down and read it until the second story-arc began. Could someone point out the differences in their origins to me?[/size][/quote] With spoiler tags, just in case the rumor is true and this ends up being the movie plot... First of all, their origins are almost nothing alike. Also, I'm not sure if I have this entirely correct. Long Version: [spoiler]As with every Ultimate book except for, well, The Ultimates, the Fan4 are in their late teens and early 20s. Reed is a child prodigy, like always. Ben is Reed's childhood friend and bully-protector. At the age of 11, Reed discovered a dimension parallel to our own. Using everyday household appliances, he constructed a device that could send objects into the dimension and back, only coming back at an unspecified location. In short... he made a teleporter that works exactly like Nightcrawler, only he doesn't know where the objects keep teleporting to. He showed off the project at his school science fair, where he was recruited to join a school of young geniuses. The school itself is the Baxter building. There, Dr. Storm was working on the same thing. Thus, Reed studied under Dr. Storm and met his genius daughter, Susan, and very average son, Johnny. Also, fellow student Victor Van Damme (note: they changed his name to Damme instead of Doom) was there. Skip to about 10 or so years later, and Reed and Victor are ready to teleport their first organic object, and send it to an exact, specified spot. They set up a huge demonstration, to which Reed invites his best friend (Ben) and girlfriend (Susan). Susan isn't involved in this project because she's a biologist. Johnny tags along to watch. The five (Reed, Sue, Johnny, Ben, Victor) are standing right next to the teleporter, which is about to transport an apple. Due to a miscalculation (either Reed or Victor's fault... never specified), all five of them are caught in the light of the teleporter and disappear. They each reappear in random spots, with new powers.[/spoiler] Short Version: [spoiler]Reed built a teleporter, but it wasn't designed correctly. When they went through it, they came out with their respective powers.[/spoiler] Personally, I hope they use the original story, and change it around slightly. Like instead of being motivated by the space race, they could get hit by cosmic rays on the maiden voyage to Mars. But that's just what I'd so.
[quote name='Shy][size=1']why not The Incredible Hulk? Halle Berry want larger role! Halle Berry Smash![/size][/quote] You know, it's comments like this that make me giggle and nearly get me caught surfing the net at work. As for the Storm/Halle Berry thing... What I would've done, if I were a writer or director, is give Storm some leadership skills. While Storm rarely has anything to do in the comics, she has this majestic presence and comes off as a very strong leader. The Storm of the movies has no leadership qualities. In the end, she contributes slightly more to the team than Nightcrawler. If Berry would've shown some authority, then that's all the attention Storm really needs. And if even that couldn't satisfy Halle... well T.S. Then again, I also would've casted someone else as Storm in the first place. Perhaps even someone who [i]looks African.[/i] I'm reserving all judgement on the new Batman film until I see some footage. Then again, I take that back. I'm passing judgement on the new batmobile. Last time I checked, the batmobile was a modified sports car... not a racing cart with monster truck wheels. Other than that, I'm waiting until I see something. On a different note... What does everyone think of Jessica Alba being casted as The Invisible Girl/Woman in the Fan4 movie? I have reservations. Sue Storm has always been a fairskinned blonde. Jessica Alba is... well... partially Mexican, Spanish, and Indian (I looked it up). Her skin is so dark, she looks very strange with blonde hair (she played Jessica Simpson in a MadTV sketch). Then again, I'm just being picky and a little upset because I wanted Alba to play another superheroine.
[quote name='ScirosDarkblade']Well, I saw it, and it was better than I expected. I thought it would have a lot of nonsense and some ridiculous plot twists, but it wasn't that bad. It was also a lot more entertaining as an action film than I expected.[/quote] [insert awkward stare here] [quote]But the film is fun enough to watch that I still liked it.[/QUOTE] Sweet Mother Gaia, you actually liked this movie? It's not that I disagree with you, but that I normally expect you to dislike, well, every Hollywood blockbuster. You have a slight reputation about being very critical with most movies. The fact that you liked this movie to any extent gives it some sort of credibility in my book. Now I almost have to watch it. :rolleyes:
[QUOTE=DeathKnight][color=crimson][font=tahoma]Here in San Antonio, TX you don't have to search around too long to find a place with a 1.71/g rate or maybe a bit lower if you are patient. That isn't too bad compared to some of the prices in this thread. Ugh, some of these prices from around where you guys live seem pretty bad. Gas is, as you can imagine, usually pretty cheap here.[/color][/font][/QUOTE] Curse you, you oily Texan! (j/k) Here in California (San Francisco bay area, specifically), we pay $1.99 at the really [i]really[/i] cheap stations, but most stations average at about $2.19 for unleaded regular. I go to Valero stations, and pay $2.11. I'm driving a rickety, old, smaller than today's models, Honda accord. So it takes me around $22 to fill my tank up from being near-empty. My grandfather drives a Dodge Ram (a very large van), so his tank takes at least $40 to fill up. It's scary.
The butler's name was Geoffrey. I'm almost sure it's Geoffrey (and not Jeffrey), because Will always called him "G." He was a great character. He loved that family, but he had a ton of criticism packed in that feather duster he carried around. His scenes with Hillary were a highlight of the show. Oh, and he had a comment for everyone. Fat jokes for Phil (and Viv while pregnant), brat jokes for Carlton and Hillary, mannerisms jokes for Will. He never said anything about Ashley, though. She was the least neurotic or otherwise crazy person on the show.
note: I'm gonna have to shrink my font to "1" for this one... [size=1][b]Avengers? Bah! We Want Ultimates![/b] Let's be honest, Shy. You want [i]The Ultimates[/i] made into a movie. You want Thor, but Ultimate? You want Sam Jackson to play Fury? You like Cap America's backstory in Ultimate form? Wasp and Giant Man more interesting? Scarlet Witch? Black Widow? Let's not fool ourselves by using titles like [i]Avengers.[/i]. You know, I could really go for an Ultimates movie, now. ;) [b]X-Men 3[/b] Ah, the troubles of the Phoenix Saga. I think the direction they went in the [i]New X-Men[/i] book would work better in the movies than anything else. Her mutation is advancing, she tapping into a cosmic force, and she's [spoiler]prepping to make The Judgement of the Phoenix.[/spoiler]. I'd like to see hints of the Phoenix's presence throughout the movie, followed by Jean making a grand entrance and saving their lives. Halle Berry has been complaining that Storm doesn't have a big enough part in the movies. Funny, I don't see Mr. Marsden complaining about his collective 3 minutes of screentime in X2. [b]Catwoman[/b] I've come to the conclusion that, despite the name, this does not count as a movie based on a comic book. Why? Because the only thing this Catwoman has in common with the famed comic character is a whip. Her name is different, her origin is different, even her purpose for being Catwoman is different. I refuse to see this movie, simply because it will only encourage the writers who wrote this thing overnight. I would, however, be tempted to see it if it simply had a different title. If Halle Berry were starring in "Femme Feline," I'd be all over it. [b]Spider-Man [#][/b] Or shall we say $pider-Man? I hope any involvement of the Green Goblin in the next movie is really played down. Harry (in the movies) lacks ambition. He'd likely turn into the Goblin for 5 minutes, fail at killing Peter, and whine about it for the rest of the movie. Play on it right, and we might actually feel his torment and the horrible dilemma of killing his best friend. Okay, why are all of these rumors going around about John Jameson becoming Venom? Seriously. The third movie hasn't even been written yet. I think fans are just a little [i]too[/i] anxious to see Venom in the third movie, realize Eddie hasn't shown up at all in the second movie, and are looking for the closest person to make into Venom. "Hey, Jameson was involved with the black suit in the cartoon, and he's likely to hate Peter in the next movie, and Eddie Brock is nowhere in sight... let's all assume he'll be Venom." I find this logic flawed for the simple fact that it's stupid. But I mean that in a good way. [b]Hulk[/b] I always thought this guy was overrated, even as a comic book character. I found the animates series interesting for the first 3 episodes, but I think the Hulk is overall boring. The only way I ever liked the Hulk was when all of his personalities were fused together, and the Hulk was an intelligent, smart-alec (and still green, mine you). [b]DC[/b] While Marvel has been capitalizing on the movie front, DC has dominated the animated series medium for a few years, now. Since Marvel's late-90s bankrucy, the only series they've made is X-Men Evolution and a CG Spider-Man that MTV cancelled. DC doesn't have many movies on their roster, but with the right writers (ie. people who don't write Superman's comic books), we could be looking at some decent movies. Here's some of my preferences... [b]Black Canary/Birds of Prey:[/b] Put a woman on a motorcycle and watch her kick some butt. Throw in a nice sound effect for her canary-cry, and we may have something. Meanwhile, the identity of Oracle could remain a mystery throughout most of the movie. [b]Flash:[/b] Barry Allen, specifically. Wally's backstory is too complicated for one movie (Barry accidentally re-creating the same accident that made him the Flash around young Wally... oops). Barry had a decent personal life, so he's definitely movie-worthy. [b]Joker:[/b] That's right. Imagine a movie about the Joker and Harley, with almost no trace of Batman. It could be a movie about dishonor among criminals, and the Joker has to get back at someone who double-crossed him. It would be freaking hilarious.[/size]
I liked the first Aunt Viv because she interacted with her sisters better. Phil and Viv grew up in a lower-class environment, and worked their way to the top. The first Viv knew how to get ghetto when the kids misbehaved. Basically, she acted more like her sisters than the second one did.
It's rare enough that I actually [i]post[/i] in Play It (I don't play many games), but I'm actually starting a thread. I think that's one of the signs of the apocalypse, but don't hold me to that. I don't know if it was playing my friend's copy of the game, watching the movie, or playing my friend's copy and watching the movie in the same day, but I violated my "wait for prices to drop, and then buy used" policy by buying a crisp, new copy Spider-Man 2 for the PS2. While I didn't like the mission-based gameplay of Grand Theft Auto (I think that game's just a little overrated), I liked it in this game. It really gives you a feel for Spider-Man's depression, as you stop a crime, realize there's another in progress around the corner, and you still have to make it to work. I'm starting to hate little girls with balloons, so that shows the catharsis is really kicking in. This game also had something the movie lacked. Spider-Man's lip. He has a comment for everything. I've only had the game for about two days, so I've only just escaped [spoiler]Mysterio's funhouse of corniness and campy tragedy.[/spoiler] Thoughts? Opinions? Notes?
I loved this show. Watched it from beginning to end. In fact, it was one of the few shows my mom had us watch as a family. In my opinion, the show went down hill after Viv's (or was his aunt Vi? Or was his mom Vi? Oh well) pregnancy. After the actress gave birth, she was let-go from the cast either because she couldn't lose the weight fast enough, or because she had to take care of her new-born baby. I'm not sure. Either way, they replaced her the following season. And because [i]heaven forbid[/i] the episodes involve a baby on the set, Viv (or Vi) and Phil's baby miraculously transformed to the ripe age of 7 the following season. They pulled a "Family Ties." Ashley finally got some screen time with her "being ignored" issues, and they completely wipe that away by setting the show half a decade into the future. I think Balmon was referring to the old episodes where the house has a different design and Will Smith had no idea where the camera was. Will's character was a lot more "urbanized" in those episodes, and everyone else was (for contrast) ten times more proper and uptight than in later episodes. Plus they played up on Ashley's "wannabe badgirl" image a lot more back then. The show got better after the actors became more comfortable with their roles. So I'd say the show was at its best somewhere between the first and last couple of seasons. By the way, whatever happened to Lisa? I remember they were going to get married, but then she seemed to have disappeared.
I'm glad to see nobody is ignoring my Sticky threads. Closed.
Okay, that entire post is a total mystery to me. It made no sense. I had no idea what you were talking about. If I can make a suggestion... take a grade school writing class. And with that said, this thread is closed.
[quote name='Wolfman']Black Eyed Peas have a good female singer...[/quote] Please put more effort into your posts. Try going into a little more depth than one sentence.
[quote name='Dan L']Actually, in the case of stuff like this, the general rule is not to post it at all, because it's blatant advertisement.[/quote] Thus, this thread is closed-ville.
I have one piercing on my left ear. It's pretty standard. I got it when I was 4. My mom took my older brother to get his ear pierced, and asked if I wanted to get mine done while we were there. I kid you not. My mother asked [i]me[/i]. So really, I've had this one piercing for as long as I can remember. I'm not getting anything else, though. I like having to buy only one earring when I go jewelry shopping. That way, if I do buy a pair, I'll always have a spare lying around. Plus I only really wear my earring on special occasions. Holidays, parties, ect. I don't wear it to work, because my manager has enough earrings in his ears for the whole staff. :)
[QUOTE=Balmon]Hahaha - I've been one of those jerks... I didn't last long. I coudn't stand.. um.. standing all the time. Radio and television broadcasting... that's awesome! What are you hoping on moving on to? Thanks for sharing. Balmon[/QUOTE] Luckily, I have a sparkling, irresistible personality... I don't think the only person who knows me in real life posts here anymore, so I'm sticking to that lie. Actually, the only reason I still have my job is because I'm the only employee they have left. So it's either fire me, or the manager goes out there and does my job. Ha! Originally, I was concentrating on radio. But then I realize the radio and TV equipment at my school is older than I am, so i'm thinking of holding out on any major-specific courses and tranferring to a different school.
This thread fell off of my Personal Mod-Radar (or P-Modar), so I should really remind everyone that this thread is dangerously close to getting closed. Please post explainations for your choices of bands. Discuss your posts a little. Don't be afraid to tell the board what you really think of your 5 favorite bands.
I spent a good bulk of my childhood TV time watching Nickelodeon. This means I usually watched shows like [i]Inspector Gadget, The Lost City of Gold, Welcome Freshmen, Salute Your Shorts, You Can't Do That on Television,[/i] and the original [i]Double Dare[/i], back when Marc Summers hosted it. This means I also got around to watching a good portion of Nick at Nite back [i]before[/i]it was filled with nothing but Roseanne and Bill Cosby. That's right. I'm talking about [i]Dobie Gillis, Dick Van Dyke,[/i] and [i]Get Smart[/i]. Oh, how I loved [i]Get Smart[/i]. It was weird being the only 9 year old around who knew Inspector Gadget and Maxwell Smart were the same person. Or, you know, knowing who Maxwell Smart is at all. I watched Bob Denver as Manard G. Crebbs before I saw him as Gilligan. It's weird, growing up watching TV shows that are at least 3 times older than you are.
I'm from the general San Francisco bay area in California, United States. I'm currently a college sophomore studying radio and television broadcasting. As a change of pace, I'm taking this summer off of school to concentrate on my job and relaxing a little. I work as a Market Research Recruiter/Interviewer for Cunningham Field Research Services. Basically, my job is to find random individuals who live in the local area, and get their opinions on certain products so we can send the info back to the companies. This involves showing incomplete movie trailers for feedback, taste tests, fragrance tests, and the like. You might've seen people with my job around. We're those jerks in the mall who ask "would you like to take a survey?"
For Calliope's sake, this would have to be the 3rd time I've written a review for this thread. The first time, I had to leave before I could finish. The second time, I was at work and was accidentally logged out when I tried to submit the reply. Okay, so here's my opinion... Toby Maguire may not be the definitive Spider-Man (I think Neil Patrick Harris may have been a little better), but he's one heck of a Peter Parker. He really pulled off Peter's angsty, pathetic demeanor very well. He [i]is[/i] supposed to be like that, right? Right? Well, I still liked Maguire's Parker. My only real gripe is his inability to show real [i]passion[/i]-- particularly when dealing with Mary-Jane. The writers really need to work on how they write Mary-Jane's dialogue. In fact, her overall role in the movie was a little sad. I don't blame Dunst. She did what she could with what they gave her. Bruce Campbell and Ted Raimi creep their way into yet another Sam Raimi project. Believe it or not, I actually like a little nepotism, so long as you get it in cameo form. I remember watching a VH1 special where Bruce Campbell claimed [spoiler]he defeats Spider-Man in the second film.[/spoiler] He claim close enough. ;) Hal Sparks kicks much a**. The [spoiler]montage was funny. So funny, in fact, I might even say it was the best part of the movie. Of course, I'm just a comedy nut, so I usually like a good laugh a bit more than a good action sequence. This was a good scene, though. I was laughing from the moment he tripped mid-strut, to eating the hot dog as criminals ran away, to that corny freeze-frame that had the whole theatre in stitches.[/spoiler] Stan Lee [spoiler]saved a life.[/spoiler] Is there anything he can't do? Now, I'm almost willing to forgive the falling trolly in the first movie, but [spoiler]the train was taking Spidey's superstrength too far. I expected him to wrap the webs around the train, not hold on to them and do something that would otherwise tear his arms off.[/spoiler] Ah, the special effects. Doc Oc's arms were great. I actually had a hard time figuring out which shots used the CG arms and which were the puppet arms. The writers in this movie forgot Spidey's greatest superpower... his Spider-wit. None of his famous smart-alec wisecracks were in this movie. And here I was looking for some good quotes outside of "do you love me" and "there's a hero in all of us." I had my doubts about Octavius' motivation for being a villain, because the movie made him so humane in the beginning. But lo and behold, [spoiler]his arms were speaking to him. He didn't [i]want[/i] to rob those banks or molest those Japanese school girls, but the AI in his tentacles made him do it. Not exactly the best setup for a supervillain,[/spoiler] but still better than Osborn's "wam, bam, I have acute schizofrenia now." Surprise, surprise, Mary-Jane [spoiler]walked out on her wedding. Who here can honestly say they were surprised? Thought so. Frankly, I was expecting Peter to be waiting at the church, pounding on a window, and ready to hop onto a nearby bus. Seeing MJ run across New York city in a wedding dress wasn't quite as dramatic, but had the same cheesy effect.[/spoiler] Of all the scenes that most likely got left on the cutting room floor, does Sam Raimi expect us to believe [spoiler]Peter and the landlord's daughter eating cake[/spoiler] was worth keeping in? J. Jonah Jameson was, by far, the best character in the movie. JK Simmons was great. His best moment was either the when he [spoiler]fired Peter 99 times in a row, or when he hung Spider-Man's costume on the wall as a tribute.[/spoiler] Does anybody else think he's gonna fire Peter once he finds out [spoiler]Mary-Jane left his son, John, for the photographer he just loves to fire?[/spoiler] Please, God, if you're there... [spoiler]don't let the Green Goblin be the main villain in the next movie or give Mary-Jane "policeman's wife syndrome."[/spoiler] Overall, I liked this movie. Much better than the first, in my opinion. "I'm back! I'm back! [...] My back! My back!!"
I'm at work right now, and I'll be going home at the end of the day, eating dinner, and sleeping. Basically, it's an average day for me. It's also my grandfather's birthday, if that counts for anything. I'm from the US and all, but I-Day lost all of its flare with me after my family stopped coming by and I got tired of lighting fireworks by myself.
There's already a thread for this. Post in that one. Closed.