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Everything posted by Manic Webb
While I like Spider-Man, there's one group of villains I don't particularly like; the Goblins, green and hob. I don't know, but the trend of "death, new goblin, death, replacement, new goblin, death, resurrection, death, new goblin, new goblin, death, resurrection, death" makes it sounds just [i]a tad[/i] over-done. If I were Peter, I would've quit for the simple fact that I was tired of meeting new villains named Goblin. I mean, exactly how many people have either been the Green Goblin or Hob Goblin? That's the only villain(s) I have any gripes with. Other than that, Spidey has some of the least campy villains in the Marvel Universe. The 1990s animated series is possibly the best animated adaptation of Spider-Man. Mainframe's CG Spider-Man had excellent animation, but the stories lacked a little. If those two shows could be combined, you'd have one hell of Spider-show. Take the older one's stories and designs, and the newer one's voice acting and animation-- and there you have it. Because let's be frank; the CGI show had some of the best animated action scenes this side of the Marvel Universe, and the 1990s show had sub-par acting. Some say the new show's acting felt flat and monotone, but it still wasn't as choppy or campy as any show before it.
"Put me down," Manic screamed. "Put me [i]down![/i] Put [i]me[/i] down! [i]Put[/i] me down!" "No," Shinmaru replied. "We need you to calm down smokey." Kat simply smiled and walked along side Shin. "Do I look like his dealer to you?!" Manic thought about that question... "Forget I asked that. I'm [i]not[/i] his dealer!" "I'm still not putting you down." Shin maintained his grip. "Oh, how I hate you all..." Manic gave up and let his body go limp as he began to cry softly. "Well, we all [i]love[/i] you!" Thus they had found and retieved Manic. However, none of them were aware of the disaster that had struck Maison Otaku while they were gone...
Little did they all realize Manic had grabbed all of his books, and started running toward the library. Surely he'd be able to study there. "Bunch of crazy, out of control, lazy direction-lacked mofos!" Manic shouted while walking the street. "They'll all see. I'll get some work done tonight, tackle my SATs when they come, and I'll be the only person in that entire apartment with a future! I'll show them! I'll show them all! Nothing can stop me, now! Noth--" Manic paused just before passing by a candy store. His mouth began to water as he imagined the soft, squishy feeling of gummi bears in his mouth. He could almost taste the artificial fruit flavor. "Mmm, gummis. Awwwauauaua..." A puff of smoke remained where Manic once stood. He was in the candy store, riving in gummi goodness. However, one of his books was very old and had been falling apart at the seems. Thus a trail of trigonometry provided a path to Manic's whereabouts.
I'd like to remind you all that you should only post in the actual MO thread if I send you a Private Message saying so, and if you see your name listed in the cast list. I'm speaking specifically to Gir Kon.
I'm going to have to ask you to put more effort into your posts, Eva Unit 01. Try talking about [i]why[/i] you think they're the best.
ss3-brolly, watch the grammar. Check your punctuation, plurals, ect. Transtic, take a chill-pill. For real. :)
Just recently, I picked up Douglas Adams' first novel in the hitchhiker series, [u]Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy[/u]. Frankly, I think it's hilarious. Given, some of the jokes are a little era-specific (such as the fscination with digital watches), but the characters themselves stand out. Maybe it's just the way I read it, but Ford seemed so calm throughout some of the most urgent parts of the book. Zaphod is such a politician. And it's fun imagining their reactions to the ship's computer. What I liked most was the way Adams explain everything. Some chapters would just consist of meaningless backstory over something the reader isn't going to care about. The book is so randomly put together, you simply think some of the points brought up in the story are irrelevant and used only for the sake of humor. However, everything comes together in possibly the dumbest (yet somehow clever) way possible. Not the greatest novel ever written, but I don't read many humor-driven books. It makes a for a fun read when you don't have anything to do, and I'm waiting for the movie to come out... but that's for a different forum.
Meet Manic... [color=darkblue]"Hello"[/color] Manic is an emancipated minor, currently living in The City and attending Local High School. [color=darkblue]"What's its name?"[/color] Pardon? [color=darkblue]"What's the name of the local high school?"[/color] Local. Local High School. [color=darkblue]"..."[/color] I don't make this stuff up, people! [color=darkblue]"Fine, fine. Finish your narrative."[/color] Gladly. *ahem* With graduation fast approaching, Manic searches frantically for a good college-- but will the colleges accept him? With his history of poor marks and less-than-acceptable attendance, his only option is to score well on the SAT's. But will he find the time to study with constant interruptions from his neighbors and the beautiful new building manager? Will Manic's test scores survive the walls of... [center][size=4]MAISON OTAKU?[/size] [b][u]CAST[/u][/b] (sign-ups still open for new tenants) Manic as [b]Manic D'Presse[/b] Shinmaru as [b]Shinmaru Lestrange[/b] Unborn Lord Xion as [b]Xion Megalomana[/b] Boba Fett as [b]Al K. Seltzer[/b] Cyriel as [b]Valerian "Valerie" Pietrangelo[/b] starlight as [b]Ayumi Akuma[/b] Avalon as [b]Celestrial "Cela Femme" Duvet[/b] sublime2004 as [b]Smokey Nag Champa McBurnout[/b] Balinese as [b]Katerina Tabitha "Kat" Felin[/b][/center] [b]Notes: [/b] This is a comedy, so feel free to let your characters get a little crazy. Most comedies are fairly fast-paced, so don't feel bad if your post is only one or two short paragraphs. However, once this RPG gets going (after your character's inital introduction), I urge you to squeeze as many jokes as possible into your posts. Just don't get [i]too[/i] random. :) ------------------------ Manic had flung the door open as he walked through the front door of Masion Otaku. In a fit of drama-queen-like excitement, he quickly spun around and dropped himself on the bottom steps of the building's staircase. "I'll never score well on those damn SATs," he cried. He then started punding on one of the steps with his fist. "Why?! For what reason?! Is there some kind of cosmic joke that won't allow me to succeed? Am I destined to sell bootleg CDs out the trunk of my car for the rest of my days? Okay, so maybe I don't have a car-- or a way to make bootleg CDs..." "Chill out, Manic," said the voice of another tenant. "You know what you need to loosen up? A party!" They said this in a way almost menacing. A frightened look came upon Manic's face.
Maison Otaku is going to start Monday night. I'll send everyone who got in a Private Message, as well as list the cast of characters in the actual thread. Until then...
Meet Manic... [color=darkblue]"Hello"[/color] Manic is an emancipated minor, currently living in The City and attending Local High School. [color=darkblue]"What's its name?"[/color] Pardon? [color=darkblue]"What's the name of the local high school?"[/color] Local. Local High School. [color=darkblue]"..."[/color] I don't make this stuff up, people! [color=darkblue]"Fine, fine. Finish your narrative."[/color] Gladly. *ahem* With graduation fast approaching, Manic searches frantically for a good college-- but will the colleges accept him? With his history of poor marks and less-than-acceptable attendance, his only option is to score well on the SAT's. But will he find the time to study with constant interruptions from his neighbors and the beautiful new building manager? Will Manic's test scores survive the walls of... [center][size=4]MAISON OTAKU[/size][/center] -------------------------- As you may have already guessed, this is a parody of the popular Takahashi manga/anime Maison Ikuko. For a change of pace, this RPG will be a comedy. I'll be playing the lead role of Manic (duh). All you guys have to do is sign up as the rambunctious cast of wacky characters. Building tenants, classmates, relatives, ect. Just make sure that your character tries desperately to make mine feel uncomfortable. Also, feel free to sign up as the attractive building manager my character will probably never become fully involved with. "Unleash the obligatory sign-up form!" Name: Make up a name or use your own. Your choice. Gender: Male, female, and anything else you can think of Age: Be creative. Kids, elderly, whatever. Description: Describe your character. Pictures also accepted. Life Story: What makes your character who they are? [b]Name:[/b] Manic D'Presse [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 17, and loathing it [b]Description:[/b] Roughly average height for anyone his age, Manic has short brown hair, brown eyes, white teeth, and a single strand of grey hair that may, one day, expand to the rest of his scalp. [b]Life Story:[/b] Manic was born the second of three children-- forcing him to grow up with a lack of attention from his parents, siblings, and practically everyone else. After reaching the age of 16, Manic asked his parents if he could leave home and go to school in The City. Without really paying attention to Manic's request, his parents signed forms allowing him to rent an apartment in the inner-city and live legally without guardianship until he reaches 18. The recession hasn't been treating Manic kindly, as he can never keep a job. In fact, conflicts with his work schedules usually cause him to miss his classes. Normally, the government would come into play to deal with such child labor issues, but this is The City-- this type of thing goes on all the time. Doesn't it? I'll be accepting players based on sense of humor, post quality, and all that good stuff. I haven't decided how many characters I'll allow yet, but I guess I'll let in however many qualify.
They're obviously talking about an eMachine. They don't make computers crapier than that. It took a good month for mine to crash. No reason, either. Just collapsed under its own shotty workmanship. The best thing you can do when buying electronic equipment (computers included) is find a decent combination of low price and high quality. Don't get the cheapest computer you can find, because those are usually of poor quality. Very poor. I refer you once again to the eMachine. Super-High-Quality is good, but those'll go far, far beyond any reasonable price range. So like my momma told me: "You better shop around." Just look at as many computers as possible, then decide which is just cheap enough, but still good enough to buy.
[quote name='Hells Fire']I have been through 7 cars in my life span. Most of them have had short lives because of negligence on my behalf. Right now I only have 3 cars and motorcycle that I can't drive. I have a 2000 Jeep Wrangler Sahara(In the shop), a 1998 Nissan Infiniti(Wrecked), and a 2002 Audi S4(In danger).[/quote] *immediately spits out his soda* 7 cars?! You're only 18! That's a car for every year of your life since the age of 11. At this point, I honestly don't think you need to worry about your sister ruining your Audi. Your Jeep will come out of the shop soon, and $5 says you'll be given another new car by 2005. I mean, honestly. My mom hasn't owned 5 cars in her entire lifetime. (Pinto... Camaro... Probe... Mustang...) She's only on her 4th car. Heck, I'm planning on keeping my '89 Honda Accord for as long as it'll run. However, at your sister's current rate of destruction, your family won't have any vehicles left. So for the time being, keep trying to make your sister a safe driver. And keep an extra $30 around for a bus-pass. Just in case. ;)
She stole your car? This is when you keep your car keys attached to your hip at all times. Take her driving. You drive, you tell her what you're doing, and she pays attention. Quiz her, too. Say something, and immeditately ask her what you just said. Turn the radio off, too. If she turns it on while you're driving, turn it off. If she doesn't pay attention to you, threaten to stop teaching her. Do this for a couple of days, then let her take the wheel again. Otherwise, you're better off paying for driving school. Hopefully, a professional might be able to get through to her. Heck, the price of driving school is nothing compared to the collateral damage. If she fails driving school, don't pay to send her back. Buy her a bus pass and wish her good luck, because she obviously isn't meant to drive. And with that said... how many cars do you have?
I just got Comedy Central last month, so the intense craziness of Chappelle's Show totally caught me off guard. I love it. Dave Chapelle is completely insane. I had a feeling his show would be good, though. I've seen clips of his R. Kelly sex tape/music video sketch, plus I've been a semi-fan of his since Robin Hood: Men In Tights. My favorite sketch would have to be the Charlie Murphy's True Hollywood Story of Rick James. Dave had his Rick James impression down, and the real Rick James' input was icing on the cake. I also like the Negrodomas sketches, and the WacArnold's fast food worker. "What did the five fingers say to the face? SLAP!"
Don't get me wrong, I like Spider-Man, X-Men, Batman, and Superman. However, I can only read so much before I become legal insane. This is why I limit myself the Ultimate books, and one normal Marvel title (those being back-issues). As for Bats and Supes... I only read back issues, anyway. Hey, I have a lot of catching up to do. I am looking forward to the upcoming X-book about mutant detective stories, though. My local bookstore really is flooded with popular American superheroes. Oddly, though, their manga section is larger. So whenever I get tired of spandex-clad people with extra apendages shooting optic webbing from their minds-- I grab a Takahashi book. It's very difficult to get ahold of an American book about everday people-- especially since my local Borders decided to separate all American graphic novels into either DC or Marvel. Very difficult to find the other titles.
I stopped watching Toonami a while ago-- even before DBZ finished its run. I barely caught the ending. It doesn't help that I'm now at work or school weekday afternoons. I think some of you are making too big a big deal out of this, though. Miguzi sounds exactly like Toonami, with a different line-up. I don't think you'd be complaining as much if Toonami stayed on weekdays and simply changed its line-up to the Turtles, Spies, Titans, and Lyoko. I'm just looking forward to Rave Masters and Megas XLR (which, if I remember correctly, used to be titled LowBrow).
Yes, we are wasting space. This topic doesn't really promote any kind of real discussion. Closed.
Ah, hell no. First of all, TN, nobody is upset because you voiced your opinions on the FCC. We got upset because in the process, you called somebody an idiot, told them to kiss your ***, and accused them of intentions they didn't have. The fact that you don't take that back makes me [i]sick[/i]. Your issues with political views on gay marriage has [i]nothing[/i] to do with the radio. Don't you dare bring your frustrations here. I would say you know better, but you obviously don't. The FCC does more than just tell stations what they can and can't play. Believe it or not, they try to improve the quality of some programs. Look at kids programming. The FCC ruled that all kids programs have to educate as well as entertain. That's why even the dumbest cartoon characters (ie. Spongebob) learn a lesson at the end of each episode. Maybe you're not offended at the idea of kids watching [i]completely[/i] meaningless programs, but a majority of Americans want kids to at least get some kind of vague message at the end of their shows-- even if it means Spongebob learns not to curse, or the Teen Titans learn not to pull mindless pranks on others.
Pardon any rude undertones in my writing, but what is it with you and attacking other people for absolutely no reason? When you wrote that reply, did it ever occur to you that, perhaps, it was over the top? With that said... There's a distinct difference between a parent controlling what a kid watches on TV and what a kid listens to on the radio. If a kid is watching TV, there's a good chance they'll watch it indoors where a supervising adult can see them. Radios, on the other hand, are more portable. You can tell a kid to only tune their walkman in to Radio Disney, but they can easily change stations and walk away. A kid can listen to the radio during recess at school, if they want to. Like James said-- what's considered "decent" is subjective. Half a century ago, it was indecent for a man to shake his hips on national television. Today, a hip-shaking man would be lucky to turn a head in his direction. See Also: Ricky Martin's dieing career.
Oooh, this thread won't be pretty. The thing you have to realize about mediums like radio and broadcast TV, is that they're free to the public. Any kid can turn on a radio at any time and it'll cost them absolutely nothing (not counting the purchase of the radio itself). The FCC exists to censor the content of broadcast radio for the protection of children from mature content. Adults may not agree with those policies, but that's what Internet Radio and Satellite Radio exist for. Believe it or not, the FCC has very little control over cable TV, and no control over satellite-aired programs. Cable networks censor themselves based on sponsers, target audiences, and local policies. This is why Comcast Cable just doesn't offer my town Comedy Central at all. Local. The FCC does set out the regulations cable networks are supposed to follow, but cable networks can violate and bend those rules more often and with more potency than broadcast networks. Howard Stern and whoever else had it coming. They were violating FCC rules and laws. If you want uncensored radio, go to satellite or internet. You already have internet access, and nearly all net radio stations are free. Some of the stuff the FCC does is over the top, but let's be honest. Howard Stern.
[i]Angel[/i] has been [b]cancelled[/b]. Yes, cancelled. Canned. Put to sleep. Thrown into the realm of syndication and reruns. This will be the show's final season. On the bright side, WB will air the rest of the episodes. Whether or not they'll keep them in the same timeslot is beyond me... [quote=Joss Weadon]Some of you may have heard the hilarious news. I thought this would be a good time to weigh in. to answer some obvious questions: No, we had no idea this was coming. Yes, we will finish out the season. No, I don't think the WB is doing the right thing. Yes, I'm grateful they did it early enough for my people to find other jobs. Yes, my heart is breaking. When Buffy ended, I was tapped out and ready to send it off. When Firefly got the axe, I went into a state of denial so huge it may very well cause a movie. But Angel... we really were starting to feel like we were on top, hitting our stride -- and then we strode right into the Pit of Snakes 'n' Lava. I'm so into these characters, these actors, the situations we're building... you wanna know how I feel? Watch the first act of "The Body." As far as TV movies or whatever, I'm not thinking that far ahead. I actually hope my actors and writers are all too busy. We always planned this season finale to be a great capper to the season and the show in general. (And a great platform for a new season, of course.) We'll proceed ahead as planned. I've never made mainstream TV very well. I like surprises, and TV isn't about surprises, unless the surprise is who gets voted off of something. I've been lucky to sneak this strange, strange show over the airwaves for as long as I have. I don't FEEL lucky, but I understand that I am. Thanks all for your support, your community, and your perfectly sane devotion. It's meant a lot. I regret nothing (except the string of grisley murders in the 80's -- what was THAT all about?) Remember the words of the poet: "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." See you soon.[/quote] Link: [url=http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~hsiao/media/tv/buffy/bronze/20040214.html]The Article[/url]
[b]Favorite Episode:[/b] After some thinking, I've decided to go with "Restless." It wasn't the best episode to see the first time, but it's great to see in reruns. If you watch it after seeing the entire series, you realize that one episode predicted a lot of the events from seasons 5 to 7. Dawn's introduction, Willow's personality issues, the true origin of Buffy's powers. Plus it was completely random-- as most dreams are. [b]Favorite Charater:[/b] Anya. I just love her blunt honesty with little regard for tact. Whenever the rest of the characters are afraid to say something in fear of hurting someone's feeling, you can always look toward Anya. She'll tell the truth, because, frankly,it's the truth. And it's fun to watch her re-integrate into humanity. 1,000 years of immortality and smiting an entire gender has to take its toll on your social skills. Plus there's her wealth of demon knowledge. There were times when she put Giles to shame-- mostly because she knew half of the demons personally. [b]Favorite Big Bad:[/b] The Trio! Just kidding. I'll have to go with The Mayor. He had to be the most polite evil man to ever walk the Earth. Frankly, I think the 100+ years of life had driven him a little mad. He was completely unkillable in human form, yet still had a fear of germs. He smiled at all times. He was at his least scariest after he turned into a giant snake. Gotta give him credit, though. He was Faith's anchor. He may have turned her against the Scoobies, but he's also the only thing that kept her from going completely berserk. He's the first kind person she ever responded to. He wasn't very menacing, but he was still fun to watch. [b]How long have you liked Buffy?:[/b] Since the original movie. [b]Have you seen a lot of episodes?:[/b] It's strange. I've seen every episode except "First Date" from season 7. [b]What seasons have you seen?:[/b] All of 'em.
[b]First Reaction:[/b] Um. It's pretty good. It's maybe a little blurry and orangy. And I'm almost sure there's something in the background. It's grainy, too. If I were going to get a painting of Jesus to hang on my wall, I'd probably choose something with a less intense hue. [b]After Reading On:[/b] I'll never get modern art. A statue in a jar of man-water? I just don't get it. [b]Beautiful?[/b] Given, I'm no art expert. Nope. Not me. No freaking way. But I do know what I like. And I don't like statues in jars of urine-- regardless of who the statue is of. You know, someone once said that Jesus was nailed hand-and-foot to a giant cross-- what makes everyone think he wants to see one of those around everyone's necks?
This thread is spam. Plain and simple. No discussion is even set up. And you're not allowed (legal to otherwise) to link to a song around here. Thread Closed
[QUOTE=Luminaire][color=crimson]I saw this anime for sale during Christmas on disconutanimedvd.com. Now that it has been brought up, I would like to know what it is about. How many episodes are there? What are the characters and story like? I really would appreciate if someone could answer those questions. ^_^ ~Lumi ^_^[/color][/QUOTE] Here's the basica setup. It's not really a spoiler, because this all happens in the first episode. Still... [spoiler]A teenager named Ataru Moroboshi is picked completely at random to save the Earth from a hord of space oni (or demons from outer space.) If he can catch the Oni's princess, Lum, by the horns on her head within 3 days, the Oni will leave and that'll be that. Ataru fails for the first two days, but the words from his girlfriend, Shinobu, encourage him to try harder. If Ataru succeeds, Shinobu will agree to marry him. On the final day of the challenge, Ataru catches Lum and triumphantly announces that he will marry Shinobu. Unfortunately, Lum misunderstood Ataru's announcement, and though he proposed to her. Now Ataru is engaged to the alien princess Lum, who lives with him and his family in Japan.[/spoiler] And then the weird stuff starts to happen. It's a really funny series. One of my favorite comedy-centered anime. The situations they get into are insane, and the characters themselves are crazier. My local PBS affiliate used to air subtitled episodes every weekend. I don't think they ever finished showing it. I don't know exactly how many episodes there are, but I can tell you there are a lot of them.