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Everything posted by Manic Webb
Why does nobody remember Jim's single greatest and campiest movie? Once Bitten. It was a dandy vampire flick, about a vampiress who had to drink the blood of male virgins to stay young. Why male? Because she had to bite them in the [oh my!] 3 times. Jim played a teenager-- the only man in Los Angeles she could find who was still a virgin. Jim's character was looking to get some, the vampire was looking to drink his phallic blood, and there was a girlfriend somewhere getting in the way. It was funny, because with each bite (each bite happening on a different night), Jim would become a little more vampiric. He started wearing sunglasses, drinking pigs blood from the butcher, and wearing a lot of black. He went to his high school's Halloween Dance without a costume, and won best costume for dressing up as a Vampire. Funny stuff. One of my all-time favorite movies starring Jim Carrey.
I remember watching Superman (and even those old Superfriends cartoons) and yelling at the TV, because Superman never used his heat vision. I mean, why stand there and let someone walk to the other side of the room to grab the kryptonite? He could kill somebody just by looking at them. Then he fried Doomsday's brain. Yep. Maybe that was a little more cruel and unusual than I thought it'd be. The first time I saw that episode, I was shocked. I thought exactly what Lois said. That was [i]very[/i] out of character. I'm looking forward to the season finale TV-movie. I heard it features [spoiler]Hawkman, and some kind of conflict with Thanagar and Earth.[/spoiler] Of course, those are just rumors.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dan L [/i] [B]I hate the whole "replace Christ with an "X" thing". It demeans and even blasphemes the name of God. ...... Yeah right. Don't take me seriously on that one :p My main reason for saying that is to point out that that's actually the way a lot of people think. However what these people fail to realise is that "Christ" in greek, is spelt "Xristos", where the greek "X" is pronounced like the "Ch" at the end of bach, loch (in scotland), etc. In fact the Ichthus (the fish thingy) usually has written on it "IX(-)US" (the "(-)" is my poor attempt at a greek theta, and the S actually looks like an E, but at the same time there is an E, so I can't put that :p) Pronounced "Ich-thus"- which is an anagram. The first two words of which are "Iesous Xristos"- Jesus Christ. So there we go. The early Christians replaced Christ with "X", so I don't see how theologically uncorrect it can be.[/B][/QUOTE] I was gonna explain all that, but then I was too lazy to go through the whole "Replacing Christ with X is almost as old as the Christian religion itself" thing. But you cleared that up nicely. Still, I wonder if people call Christina Aguilera "X-Tina" because of the whole "X" abbreviation thing, or because she's so X-rated. You be the judge. :therock:
If my future wife/baby-momma and I get into an argument over what to name our kids, I'll ask to make the same compromise that my parents made when they named me and my brother. That being: the father comes up with the son's first name, the mother comes up with the son's middle name; the mother comes up with the daughter's first name, the father comes up with the daughter's middle name. That said, I never give any thought into my potential kids' middle names. BOYS [b]Xian:[/b] It's basically another spelling for "Christian." Just like how you can say X-Mas instead of Christmas or X-Tina instead of Christina. Only I wouldn't say "X-Ian." I'd pronounce the X like in "xylophone." Maybe call him "Chris" for short. [b]Sean:[/b] What can I say? It's my middle name... sorta. [b]Kenan:[/b] My dad has this thing about giving his kids names that start with "K." I think it's a pretty good one. GIRLS [b]Kennedy:[/b] Continuing the trend of giving kids names that start with "K," I think Kennedy is a really nice girl's name. Actually, it's unisex, but I think it suits a girl better. [b]Andromeda:[/b] I know what some of you are thinking, but girls can get away with weird and long names without getting beat up constantly. Besides, I recently found out that the character of Andromeda in Greek mythology was actually African. Ethiopian, to be exact. This means Andromeda (look up the story of Perseus) was an Nubian Princess. How freakishly Afro-Centric is that? Besides, I can call her [b]Andee[/b] for short.
As much as I hate Dracula constantly being remade and revamped (no pun intended), I'm looking forward to Van Helsing. I heard about it a month ago, while searching through Yahoo Movies (which I do way too often). Hugh Jackman will make an interesting Van Helsing, especially since Anthony Hopkins was the last person to play that character.
I'm with anatema. Ryoko comes off as pushy and slutty, but she's a whole lot softer on the inside. Here's someone who was basically programmed for violence all of her life. Everything she's ever done has been blunt and forceful. Of course she's going to be a little slutty. However, when worse comes to worse, Ryoko turns out to be the most emotional one there. In "Midsummer's Eve," you get a really good look at how Ryoko feels toward Tenchi. Here's someone who has been shot at and cut up by the best, but she was never more hurt than when Tenchi slapped her. Hell, I had a cathartic moment when he apologized to her on the roof. I always get this feeling that Ryoko would sacrifice anything for Tenchi. She'd kill for him, die for him. She gave up crime the day she met him. Come to think of it, she does deserve better. Ayeka has her good qualities, of course. She gave up her duties as princess numerous times. She stayed by Tenchi's side, even though her father obviously doesn't like him. She's a princess. People wait on her hand and foot all of the time, but she learned to be an Earthly housewife. She also seems to have fallen in love with the Earth. While it seems Ryoko wants to sweep Tenchi away, Ayeka is content with just staying on Earth with him. She'd rather give up her home than take him to Jurai. But what can Tenchi do? Just as sure as they love him, he probably loves them both equally. As annoyed as he gets with their fights, you can tell he wants both of them to stay around. If he chooses one, the other will most likely leave. We get to see a lot of Ryoko and Ayeka's fights, but we never get an idea of what kind of struggle Tenchi is going through in his own mind. For all we know, he could be a lecher who just wants to be surrounded by as many women as possible. Who knows.
The first movie was alright. The second movie sucked. Badly. The story of Mortal Kombat isn't too difficult to understand. It's a pretty good story, but not impossible to sum up in movie form. The first movie was done nicely. Could've been better, but it was still pretty good. The second movie, however, was so poorly written, I had nightmares for weeks. Visions of "writers" crapping scripts out of their feces-holes. The second and third games shouldn't have been that hard to put into movie form. Especially since the second movie was basically just the third game.Shao-Khan breaks the rules and the worlds begin to collapse onto one another. That's all they had to do. What could've possibly gone wrong? Cameos. Pointless cameos after pointless cameos. The movie would've been fine if they had just stayed with Liu, Katana, Sonya, Jack, Raiden, and maybe (MAYBE) one other character for the sake of introducing someone. However, they crammed every character they could into this movie-- and for reasons looser than Christina Aguilera after a couple of beers. Scorpion came back for five seconds, before being beaten by the second Sub-Zero... who also only appeared 5 seconds before running away for no reason whatsoever. Jade showed up and flirted with Liu for half of the movie, leading them to a false profecy she couldn't have possibly known was false, but knew anyway. Nightwolf told Liu how to learn a finishing move. Heaven forbid he should join them or something afterward. Mileena popped up, got killed by Sonya, and we only assume it's Mileena because Sonya called her Katana when she first saw her. Katana never bothered to explain who she was. Frankly, I'm not so sure I want to see a third film.
In one episode, the Planeteers were discussing some of the more important parts of their lives pre-planeteering. Each of their stories had to do with their ring's power-- even if vaguely. Kwame and the African "people of the Earth" thing... okay, that was basically it. Wheeler moved out on the street and spent a lot of cold nights setting fire to trash bins to keep warm. Gi used to swim with dolphins as a child. Linka lost an important member of her family to toxic air in a mine shaft. Mati is just an emotional person. A good portion of their backstories were flash-backed in the two-part episode about Captain Pollution's return. The main villains trapped the Planeteers in a mine, while the captains fought. The kids had a lot of time to talk. You know, I remember way too much about this show for my own good. Don't even ask me what else was on TV from 1990-96.
When it comes to the Universe series, I can't begin to choose a mate for Tenchi. However, when it comes to the OVA, I choose Ryoko, with Tsunami and Washu tieing in second place. In the OVA, I always got the impression that Ayeka wanted to be with Tenchi because it was more convenient for her. Her fiance was Yosho, who she believed to be dead. Tenchi was Yosho's heir, and is much better than the suitor her father had waiting back on Jurai. Ayeka didn't really show any sort of affection (or respect) toward Tenchi until she thought about Tenchi's connection to the royal family. He was courteous to her that entire episode, but she didn't respect him back until she thought to herself that Tenchi was her brother's descendant. In Universe, it's a toss-up. Really, it could be either one (Ryoko or Ayeka). In Tokyo, I choose Ryoko again. She's the only one who trusted Tenchi not to visit him everyday. Plus she was the only one to ask him out on a proper date.
Post quality, everyone. Explain your whys and reasons for your opinions. I don't want essays (God, no). Just put a little more effort into your posts.
As an actual mod, I should tell you to post more than one short sentence. You didn't explain anything. Please read our Information Center for the rules and our policy on SPAM. Also, it's posts like that that'll get threads closed. I'm leaving this open, in hopes that something decent will come from it. If not, this thing closes faster than the cap on a year-old bottle of milk.
If you want to talk about your favorite bands, do so in this thread: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35133[/url] Please read our Information Center forum for the rules. [color=darkblue]Thread Closed[/color]
There's nothing wrong with discussing HIM, but afiage, please try to make your posts clearer. I wasn't sure what this thread was even about until I read the first few replies.
[size=1]It was much darker in the forest than the plains of Salus' farm. The large, fertile trees blocked out the light of the sun, making it difficult to navigate through. He wasn't quite sure what compelled him to enter the forest, but he has learned to follow his intuitions when it comes to magic. There was a rustle in the distance. He could hear it, and he knew that whoever or whatever it was, it knew he was there as well. "Whatever you are, I am just a simple human farmer wandering the forests." It was partially true. Salus was a farmer, although he was obviously much more. He held his ankh-shaped staff higher, just in case he needed to defend himself. A man emerged from the bushes. He had a suspicious look on his face.[/size]
This thread is a year and a half old. I'm gonna have to ask everyone not to bring back really really REALLY old threads like this. [color=darkblue]Thread Closed[/color]
Warning: This is going to be very long and essay-like. I just have a lot to say... Captain Planet. He's our hero. Quite a few of us grew up watching this show. It's surprising how well they actually managed to make an educational cartoon that didn't even feel educational. We started each episode wanting to see the Planeteers use their rings to summon a superhero, and we walked away knowing at least 7 new ways to recycle our old garbage and make the world less polluted. How clever is that? Looking back, this show was incredibly cheesy. If we were to watch it today, we wouldn't give it the time of day. Right? Or perhaps this show was just a little deeper than we remember. Looking back in detail, [i]Captain Planet and the Planeteers[/i] had some amazing character development and delt with some serious issues. This was actually a lot for a show geared toward pre-teens and kids. It started out like any epic tale. Gaia, mother nature herself, was growing tired of the constant mistreatment to the Earth. So she forged 5 rings, each controlling a different element, and gave them to 5 young people in different corners of the Earth. Kwame, a man from Africa, was given the ring of Earth. This allowed him to cause small quakes and reshape landscapes. Wheeler, a man from North America, was given the ring of Fire. With this, he could generate flames and set objects around him ablaze. Linka, a woman from Europe, obtained the ring of Wind. She could control the direction and intensity of the wind. Gi, a woman from Asia, held the ring of Water, which allowed her to control any body of water she was near. Mati, a boy from South America, used the final ring: Heart. This was a unique ring that allowed him to feel the presence of others, communicate with animals, and feel the strong emotions others were giving off. When they united their powers, a being with control over all nature was created. His name was Captain Planet. Alright, then things got really cheesy. Some corporate exec wanted to cut corners by dumping toxic waste. A nuclear mutant wanted to cover the entire Earth in radiation. A sociopathic eco-terrorist wanted to see the world destroyed by her hands-- even if it meant going back in time and selling Hitler a nuclear warhead. The villains were completely one-dimensional and their plots were asinine. It got to the point where they were each polluting the planet just to spite the Planeteers. This show got corny. Fast. However, at some point, the writers of the show managed to get their acts together. The Planeteers were given some excellent backstories, and their missions became more serious. Even in the most ridiculous of situations, you felt like you knew the characters. You knew about how Gi used to play with dolphins as a child. And how Ma-Ti was mixed with Native American and European, and how is parents' people never got along. And how Wheeler ran away from home as a teen to avoid an abusive relationship with his father. Beyond the fancy rings and corny conflicts, you knew them. Then one day, Gaia sent the Planeteers to battle something new; pollution of the mind. Drugs and gang wars. You started seeing less and less of Captain Planet, and more of the Planeteers. They were getting involved with conflicts between African villagers and industrialists; Irish Catholics and Protestants. We saw how Wheeler's old friends had become addicts and violent ravers. One episode that I'll always remember is the one where the Planeteers split up and joined two opposing inner-city gangs. That episode in particular had different artwork, more violent themes, and an instance or two of gunfire. Yep. Educational television. We learned to recycle, solar energy is an effective source of power, stay away from drugs, gangs are more complicated than you think, what problems can't be solved with magic, and aliens should clean their own polluted planets instead of moving to new ones. This classic animated series lives now only in syndication, but those six years it originally aired will hold a special place in our hearts.
Watch the post quality, everybody. Try talking about your favorite parts of the show. What are some of your favorite episodes? Why? You know, stuff like that.
I admire the Marx Brothers from what little I've seen of them. I've downloaded quite a few Groucho sound wavs in my day, and Harpo made a few appearances on some of my favorite classic TV shows (ie. I Love Lucy). I've also gone to a few Marx Brothers websites. I've yet to see a full film, though; just a few clips and snippettes here and there. Now that you've named a few titles, I might actually get around to seeing one of them.
[size=1]Salus gazed into the sky, as a cool breeze blanketed him. His staff, which he had been using as a walking stick, had been rattling on its own for some time now. The farther Salus ventured away from Talisov, the more the rattling settled. Eventually, the rattling stopped. That is how he found himself on this very spot. However, he had no idea what this was all about. He asked himself questions he knew he couldn't possibly answer himself, as he just stood there. Waiting. [i]What is my staff trying to tell me? Why did it lead me here? Am I being summoned by a greater force? Is something coming? What [b]is[/b] coming? What am I-- What am I-- What am I-- What am I waiting for?[/i] After a few moments in an intoxicating daze of questions, Salus sat himself on the grassy knoll he was standing on, and placed his staff upon his lap. In his experience, the answers to unknown questions revealed themselves in time. He began to meditate, knowing all would come together soon. A soft voice whispered in his ear; the voice of a child. "You know what's to come," the voice said softly. "No," Salus replied. "I don't." "Yes you do. The Dark Lasin is coming." "Dark Lasin? It sounds familiar." "That's because you've done this all before. Or rather, I've done this before." "You are... a part of myself." "I am the part of yourself that once was." The child-like voice began to take physical form. Salus opened his eyes to see a much younger version of himself standing directly in front of him. "I am of the White Lasin. Many, many years ago-- long before the oldest of today's elves were born-- myself and the others defeated a great evil, and saved this world from ruin." "The others? Wh-- why are you just a child? Why are you me?" Salus took his staff off of his lap and placed it at his side. He then got on his knees and began to lean forward. "I have chosen to come to you in a form you'd recognize. As odd a form this may be, I found yourself as a child appropriate. And as for the others? They were the followers of the Sun, the Moon, and Gaia. Together, we select few saved this world, just as you shall do." "Surely, not alone." "Of course not," the child giggled. "You are a follower of the Sun. You know this, for the stars are the source of your power. You will meet the others soon enough." "How will I know them?" "You'll know them." The child faded away, and Salus awakened from his trance-like state. The cool breeze that had covered him earlier was dieing. Slowly, Salus stood up-- using his staff to aid him. He knew what had to be done. He had to search for the other. Whoever they were.[/size]
Writing Even God Doesn't Throw Dice [Another Angsty Poem! Yay!]
Manic Webb replied to Mitch's topic in Creative Works
My, but that was erotic. A little angry, but mostly erotic, it seemed. Or maybe my mind is just in the gutter. Hm. You'll have to excuse my lack of actual critique. I don't know a lot about poetry, but (in risk of being cliche) I know what I like. And I like this poem. -
If you like the Beatles, talk about it in this thread here: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=33258[/url] [color=darkblue]Thread Closed[/color]
Take this conversation to an existing WWE thread. [color=darkblue]Thread Closed[/color]
[b]Name:[/b] Braddock The Welsh [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Weapon:[/b] The Bow of Unpronouncing-ness. Plus an assortment of arrows. [b]Appearance:[/b] Has long, back hair that covers his eyes. Not exactly a good idea, considering he's an archer. Because of his hair and height, people often mistake him for a little girl. He is also quite frail and tends to exhaust very quickly. He wears a lime-green tunic, mostly because the last chainmail armor he wore pinned him to the ground for a full fortnight. Partially because he's fond of the color lime, for some reason. [b]Bio:[/b] Braddock comes from the far, distant land of Wales. You know, just a couple of kilometers that-a way. No, West. No, you've gone too far when you reach Ireland. It's that small patch of-- yes that's a country! You can tell, because even the British think they sound funny. Upon reaching the age of 15, Braddock's parents sent him off to find a better life in a better country. So he moved to Otaku Kingdom. There, he became one of the most famous archers the country had ever heard of. Not because he had good aim. Heavens, no. But because he made the best kabab and omlettes this side of Eden. For a brief period of time, Braddock served as a chef and soldier for The Knights Who Say "Mmm, That's Good Omlette." He also helped name them. However, shortly after someone switched his basil seasoning with Highly Poisonous brand poison powder, the Knights Who Say "Mmm, That's Good Omlette" died of unknown causes. Braddock wants to join the Knights of the Formerly Square Table that is only Round because some of the Edges got Filed Down so that his skills as a chef may one day improve. Also, he wants to prove he can fight. It comes with the job, you know.
Sign Up The White Lasin [PG-13] {For Violence, and the such}
Manic Webb replied to Dmitri_Dragoon's topic in Theater
[b]Name:[/b] Salus Galen [b]Age:[/b] 49 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Class:[/b] Fighter/Sorcerer [b]Weapons:[/b] A staff with a cross across the middle, and a loop on top. It forms the shape on an ankh. [b]Affiliation:[/b] Sun [b]Personality:[/b] When he was younger, Salus was ambitious and full of unrestricted anger. However, time and his travels have humbled him. While he may seem at peace most times, he often expresses his frustration under his breath. [b]Description:[/b] Shedding the robes and gowns typically worn by wizards, Salus wears a white cloth shirt, boots, and a brown leather jacket. He also wears a necklace that ties a smaller ankh around his neck. [b]Bio:[/b] Salus grew up in the human city of Talisov, dreaming of becoming a great fighter. Throughout his childhood, he trained himself to be one of the greatest fighters with a staff in his age. However, at the age of 15, his parents were killed by an evil wizard named Deshu. Seeking revenge, Salus left home and pursued a life of magic, so that he may one day kill Deshu with the very spell he killed his parents. 31 years later, he returned to his home in Talisov victorious. With Deshu dead, Salus lives the rest of his days in peace as a farmer. He keeps his power secret from most of the nearby villagers, but he remains a very powerful sorcerer and a fairly decent fighter. -
So let me get this straight. Sign-ups are closed, and all answers are going to be sent through private message. Is there anything you'll be needing this thread for? If it's just to post questions and scores, I'm gonna have to ask you to do so without double-posting. Of course. :rolleyes: