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Manic Webb

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Everything posted by Manic Webb

  1. Manic Webb


    I've been a fan of the Peanuts gang for as long as I can remember. Gotta love that crazy beagle. Whenever I hear the piano-jazz theme song, I do the Snoopy Dance (looking straight up and running in place). Yeah, I know. I'm a geek. One thing I noticed recently is how depressed those kids are. You never find them in a good mood, especially Charlie. He's always got something to complain about; their losing baseball team, Lucy pulling the football, the meaning of Christmas, Snoopy not acting like other dogs, his best friend holding a security blanket, the little red-haired girl, school, his sister, ect. Personally, I think he's manic-depressive.
  2. Manic Webb

    Big Fish

    I love Burton. He has this interesting way os using colors in his movies. I noticed it when I watched Edward Sciessorhands a couple years ago (pay attention to how bright the houses are, and how colorful the people are compared to Edward). Big Fish is going on my list of movies to see this winter. A definite must. I'm looking forward to the remake of Willy Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. At first, I was like "oh no, not another remake of a classic film." Then I realized Tim Burton was directing. When you look deeply into the story (past the musical numbers, annoying little orange men, and the fact that everything was made out of sugary goodness), you realize that everything those kids went through was just disturbing. If Wonka hadn't promised Charlie that they were all back to normal in the end, I would've thought all of those kids were dead. Hell, I'm half-tempted to read the book, just to see if they all really did make it out of the factory alive. Now imagine Tim Burton (the master of dark/noir film) getting ahold of a movie where a handful of kids almost die in a chocolate factory. Should be quite interesting. And delightfully eerie. Yes, I am a little morbid.
  3. I'm writing a web novel (well, it's technically not on the web yet). Its taken me a year to come up with and reshape one small idea into a full fledged 80-chapter story. It started with me imagining a man flying. Then he was carrying a sword. As I get ideas, I jot them into wordpad or notepad. I've only briefly outlined 80 chapters in writing. I've got at least another 20 in my mind that I need to write out. I just started writing out the actual second chapter a week ago. My point is that all you need is one idea. If you really want to make a story, it'll come to you with time. It might take a few minutes, or it might take a year bit-by-bit. It shouldn't matter, because if you really want to draw this online manga, you can wait however long it'll take you to extract a decent story from your mind. You're not drawing this manga professionally, so you don't have to rush yourself into making it. Fred "Piro" Gallagher (maker of MegaTokyo) is probably the internet's most popular web manga artist, and he admits that he doesn't have the self-discipline to do this professionally. Writing and drawing a comic is tough. That's why Japanese manga artists have no lives, and Americans need at least two people (one to write, one to draw, and sometimes one to color everything in). Just give it time. You'll find your story.
  4. Let's not forget that the person in the car is controlling a weapon on wheels. Some drivers would actually have the huevos to run down someone crawling across the street. Even if it means they'll serve life in jail for killing you, at least they'll get to their destination in time.
  5. Disney has explainations for all but one of these myths. Whether or not they're telling the truth and it's just your dirty minds at work, or if there really is something nasty going on-- no one can be sure. Disney claims "SEX" in the dust is actually "SFX"-- the Special Effects department tossing in a self-tribute. They also say the phallus on the cover of the Little Mermaid movie is just your dirty little minds at work, and you wouldn't see a phallus if somebody hadn't told you about it. The only folly Disney admits to and apologizes for is a scene in The Rescuers. Bernard and Bianca (two mice) are riding Orville (a seagull) past a building. If you look in the background in slow-motion, you can see a painting of a naked woman in one of the windows. Somebody in the studio decided to pull a prank, and it wasn't discovered until long after the film hit video.
  6. You know what? No. There's a thread for this stuff in the Anime Lounge. Putting another one here is being redundant.
  7. Manic Webb

    Clay Aiken!!!!

    ClayAikensbabe, try putting more effort into your posts. Try saying why you like Clay. What is it that makes you a fan? The poll is a joke, and not really the funny kind. I'm locking up the poll. However, I'll let this thread stay open, but only if I see some good posts. Otherwise, this thing shuts down faster than an MSNTV trying to read javascript.
  8. Continuing where I left off... [b]Outkast - The Love Below[/b] Normally a duo, rappers Big Boi and Andre 3000 of the group Outkast have decided to each record a solo CD, and combine them into one 40-something track double album. Big Boi's hip-hop centric album "Speakerboxxx" exudes all of the lyrical flow and hard-hitting basslines that Outkast has been known for, while Andre 3000's "The Love Below" uses all of their R&B/soul influence (with the hip-hop influence, of course) and pure cartoony wackiness-- which they are also known for. Because I've been listening to "The Love Below" non-stop, I'll just review that half for now. I'll get to "Speakerboxxx" at a later date. One thing that amazed me as I listened to The Love Below was how each song and skit were written and arranged to tell a story. A love story, no less. Because nearly every track is critical to the story, this will be a very long post. "The Love Below" is the introduction. It uses nice ballroom music, and Andre sings a few lines. Nothing more than an intro, really. "Love Hater" sets up the whole story. A jazz song, Andre uses goofy lines to describe how everybody needs somebody. Then he says that [i]somebody[/i] is a love-hater (a hater of love). [quote]Everybody needs someone to rub their shoulders And scratch their dandruff. And everybody needs to quit acting hard and **** Before you get your *** whooped Everybody needs somebody to love Before it's too late It's too late... Love hater Love hater Hater of love Love hater Love hater Hater of love[/quote] "God" is a spoken skit where Andre prays to God (who he discovers is a woman) to send him a good woman. You never heard God's replies, but Andre thanks her in the end with an "alady." "Happy Valentine's Day" is one of the funniest songs on the CD. Andre is Cupid. His job is to run around and shoot people with his arrows of love (or his bullets of love, if he needs to crack the pistol). He complains about how the other holiday mascotts get more attention, at first. Then he addresses a "playa" about how he can run, but Cupid will eventually catch up. I can only assume he's chasing after the Love Hater. [quote]Now when arrows don't penetrate Cupid grabs the pistol And shoots straight for your heart And he won't miss you That's alright, 'ause yall won't believe in me You won't believe in me But you would fancy leprechauns Or groundhogs No thank you, Easter Bunny There's all this talk about Santa Claus, but love will rule supreme[/quote] "Spread" is about meeting a girl, and taking her home for a one night stand. A good portion of the song is pretty graphic, but there's a funny bunch of sound effects after the first verse where you hear a car speeding, it brakes, people get out of the car and run [i]really[/i] fast, open a door, and zippers unzip. Not very deep on its own, but it ties in to the skit that comes on afterward. "Where Are My Panties?" is a skit where you hear the thoughts of Andre and woman the morning after. At the end, Andre asks himself if she's "the one." "Prototype" is where the story gets into full swing. Continuing from the end of "Where Are My Panties," this is a slow song where Andre contemplates the woman being the one for him. If she isn't "the one," then she's probably the prototype. Nice play on words, there. [quote]I hope that you're the one If not, you are the prototype We'll tiptoe to the sun And do the thangs I know you like I think I'm in love again[/quote] "She Lives In My Lap" features spoken vocals by actress Rosario Dawson. In this song, it seems the "one night stand" girl is engaged to him, or at least going steady. [quote]She stays alone Never sheds a single tear She stays in the coolest moods Clearly woman of the year She and all her girlfriends, they go out dressed to win She comes back to the cooler side of town But she lives in my lap But she lives in my lap But she lives in my lap (forever my fiance)[/quote] Next comes "Hey Ya" which I'm sure some of you know. However, beyond the goofy music video where Andre plays an entire band, is a message. It's a song about breaking up, probably meaning that the "love hater" and "prototype girl" are splitting up. [quote]If what they say is "nothing is forever" Then what makes--what makes--what makes Love the exception? So why-oh why-oh Are we so in denial When we know we're not happy here?[/quote] "Roses" is also one of the funniest songs on the CD. This one is about an ex-girlfriend. It also features vocals by Big Boi, who took time out of his half of the CD to do a little rap on Andre's half. [quote]Caroline She's the reason for the word "b***h" I-hope-she's-speeding-on-the-way-to-the-club-trying-to-hurry-up- and-get-to-some-baller-or-singer-or-somebody-like-that-and-puts-on-her-make-up-in-the-mirror-and-crash-- crash-- crash Into a ditch[/quote] "Good Day, Good Sir" is a funny skit featuring Bentley Farnsworth, better known as Puffy's/P. Diddy's manservant. Andre is listening to violin music, when Farnsworth passes by. The two have a classic conversation involving a confusing sequence of words where Andre has no idea what Farnsworth is talking about. The incredibly fake British accents add to the humor, as they try to sound dignified the whole time. A woman passes by them both, leading to the next song... "Behold A Lady" is the search for a nice girl. A lady. Not like all of these heffers you normally find. In the end, the CD has no conclusion. The final track "A Life in the Day of Benjamin Andre" is a summary of Andre's life up to this point. He starts just before he and Big Boi began their career as Outkast, moves on to his relationship with soul singer Erykah Badu, and ends it on an incomplete note. After all, his life isn't over yet. And now that I've wasted a few minutes out of your day (and at least an hour of mine going over this CD), I hope at least one song sounds appealing to you, as this is probably the single best compiled piece of hip-hop released in mainstream America.
  9. Imagine getting a job to pay for college, and getting shot by a British secret agent on the first day. That'd suck. I just wanted to say this story is hilarious. Also, I like how only dialogue is used, and it's not difficult to follow, even though you're never told which quote belongs to who. Each character is addressed bit-by-bit, so you have to pay attention to figure out who everyone is. I like it.
  10. Interracial relationship too controversial? What decade are you living in? What country? In Batman Beyond, Terry's girlfriend was Asian-American. In X-Men Evolution, Nightcrawler was dating a black girl. Trust me, it doesn't get any more interracial than a German mutant with blue fur and an African-American human. It's not very frequent, but it's in several cartoons.
  11. I recently started reading the No Man's Land arc of Batman. Crazy stuff. I know it's old and everything, but I'm really enjoying it. It's interesting to see how fast a big city can turn into a lawless battleground when no one's allowed to enter or leave, resources are limited, electric power has been cut off, and there's no communicating with the outside world. Aside from the idea of the US federal government completely abandoning a once prosperous city and not allowing anyone to leave, the situation doesn't seem too unrealistic. I know I'd be tagging my turf, hording food, and trying to find a way out. The mine field by the harbour seems kinda excessive, though. Being the Bat-Family fan I am, I also read some Birds of Prey. Apparently, a little waist-down paralyzation isn't gonna stop Barbara Gordon from kicking *ss. Even if it means she has to get some other superhero to do the kicking for her. The paperback volume I read was pretty interesting. When Black Canary met Lois Lane, I didn't expect Lois to kick that much butt.
  12. I was going to name all of the albums I bought this year, but then I realized that most of them were released in late 2002. So here's a list of the two CDs I bought in 2003 that were actually released in 2003. To overcompensate, this post will be incredibly long. [b]Dwele - "Subject"[/b] At first, this CD seemed really slow. Then I realized that I liked relatively slow music, plus it wasn't [i]that[/i] slow. It has a blend of comtemporary R&B, Neo-Soul, and smooth jazz. The smooth jazz made the CD seem slower, but it also gave it a really nice mellow feeling. "Truth" is an interesting song. It's about getting into a relationship, telling someone you love them and they're "the one," but you know you don't mean it. You're only saying it because you don't want the relationship to end. The song is an apology for lying about ones feelings. [quote]If what we said was fact We probably still wouldn't have love But we would love what we had But we don't Reailty is we lied Now you and I must say goodbye Can't you see the Barenaked start to speak? I'm a young man The world is mine I should've been Straight with you from the beginning[/quote] In "Subject," the title track of the album, Dwele talks about what goes into writing one of his songs. He thanks a certain girl for the inspiration for most of his songs. The lyrics and his singing are good, but the production just... lacks. Sounds like the music was made with a xylophone. [quote]I studied your curves 2-fold Like an artist to sculpture, I hold A creation derived from you You're welcome, lady. Thank you. All I ever needed was a subject. All I ever needed was a subject. All I ever needed was a subject. All I ever needed was a subject.[/quote] "Kick Out of You" is all jazz. The music consists of light drumming (just the symbols, I think), bass, and a piano. It's a very general love song, but I find the smooth jazz element most appealing. [quote]Trust me baby I confide In your love Time away makes me come back to... You can't deny Anyway that we coincide is love All we know is to love with our souls While dripping love's liquor I get a kick out of you.[/quote] I love "Lady At Mahogany." It starts off with a spoken skit where Dwele (after a recent break-up) goes out with his friends to a jazz/soul club named Mahogany. Then Dwele starts singing the rest of the skit. There, he meets a young Lady poet, and tries to avoid his exgirlfriend. The song gets interrupted by the Lady, who goes on the stage of the club and does spoken word poetry directed toward Dwele and his intrusive ex. The song has no set format. No chorus. No bridge. It's just a 4 1/2 minute skit sung to high-bass jazz/soul music. With a poem in the middle. [quote]Lady of Mahogany I'll do for you Why is it that my ex girl's all up in my grill? Must be that new Colgate No, wait. I feel some jealousy. While she's getting a soda, I'm gonna slide To the sofa And proceed To kick monopoly to lady of Mahogany[/quote] [b]Black Eyed Peas - "Elephunk"[/b] Taboo, Apl, Will.i.am, and new-girl Fergie. This is one of those hip-hop groups you wonder how it got into the mainstream, because it sounds little like most mainstream rap. For one thing, this CDs seriously lacks negativity; sort of. Their songs sound more like rap before the "gangsta rap" craze hit in the early 90s. Think MC Hammer, only with an updated sound and money. They can get very stupid or very serious, depending on the song. I'm sure you all know "Where Is The Love." It's the anti-war, anti-violence song featuring Justin Timberlake. It's basically about how there's way too much violence in the world, and we need to remember to love one another. It also touches on the war, questioning its purpose. It's basically a plea for gangs, cults, nations, and individuals to stop killing one another. [quote]Whatever happened to the value of humanity? Whatever happend to the fairness and equality? Instead of spreading love, we're spreading animosity Lack of understanding leading us away from unity.[/quote] "Hey Mama" is a dance song, as well as a type of intro. Even though it's the fourth song on the CD, it where the members get the chance to tell you who they are, and their style. They also get the chance to tell the ladies to get on the dance floor and shake it. [quote]Y'all know Who we are Y'all know We the stars Steadyrockin' hard On yalls boulevard And lookin' hard Without bodyguards[/quote] "The Apl Song" is Apl's ode to his native land, the Philippines. I have to mention this song, because all but a handful of my friends are Filipino. Plus it was just plain good. The chorus will be completely impossible to follow if you don't understand Tagalog, but there's still a good reminder of how some people live across the world. Apl recounts his living in a hut and moving to the US when he was 14. It's also worth noting that if you have the heart and talent, you too can make it in the music business. [quote]How would you feel If you had to catch your meal Build a hut to live and To eat and chill in Having to pump the water out of the ground The way we put it down You'd like what was around Like land for farming Water for fishing[/quote] BEP call on Papa Roach for a angsty punkish type rap song named "Anxiety." It's a general vent for frustration. Its rock sound makes it seem out of place toward the end of the CD, but it works out if you don't mind hearing one angsty song amidst several party/dance song. It's a lot more vague than most angsty songs by other artists, as this is BEP's only one. So it's good in a general sense. [quote]Shackled and chained My soul feels stained I can't explain Got an itch on my brain Lately my whole aim is to maintain And regain control of my mainframe My bloods boiling, its beating out propaine My train of thoughts more like a runaway train I'm in a fast car driving in a fast lane In the rain And I'm might just hydroplane[/quote] And that's the two best albums I've listened to all year... well, out of the ones that were actually released this year. In fact, those are the only two. Period. I bought Outkast's new double album, but I haven't gotten around to listening to the whole thing. What I've heard so far is good. I might reply later, after I've gotten a good listen.
  13. [b]Katsuhito Masaki/Yosho[/b]-I will reveal to everyone that I look younger than my son-in-law. [b]Kiyone[/b]-I will stop complaining about Mihoshi, and get a hobby. [b]Washu[/b]-I will keep track of how many exact copies I made of Ryoko. [b]Sasami[/b]-I will turn into Tsunami and kick butt the next time we get into a fight. [b]Tenchi Masaki[/b]-I will stop being so indecisive, and ask both Ayeka and Ryoko to be my wives. Hey, my great-grandfather has two wives!
  14. Surprisingly, I've had quite a few nicknames in my day. Most people just call me Kevin (I know that's what I refer to myself as, when not online), but there are always people who like to play around with my name for the sake of playing around with my name. [b]Kev:[/b] A nickname I'm sure I've been called a few times, but not as often as some of the rest. [b]Kevo:[/b] My mom's boyfriend calls me this. [b]Kevi-Kev:[/b] A cousin of mine always called me this. [b]K:[/b] For people online who're too lazy to write "kevin." [b]Webster:[/b] Various people have called me this, and most of them thought it up on their own. Once some people learn my last name is Webb, Webster just seems to come to mind. [b]Kevin WebTV:[/b] Back when I used to have a WebTV... [b]Webb:[/b] My last name. Some add "Mr." [b]Spider-Webb:[/b] A pun on the name Spider-Man. [b]Webbhead:[/b] Another Spider-Man themed nickname. [b]Kevin Arnold:[/b] Wonder Years had recently started airing on Nick At Nite, and somebody started calling me Kevin Arnold (the name of the character played by Fred Savage). [b]Voice:[/b] I did the musical "Little Shop of Horrors" back in high school. Some of the cast called each other by our characters' name, rather than our real names. I did the opening prologue, a role listed as "A Voice Not Unlike That of God's." I remember being called Voice once or twice. I don't really mind being called any of them. You could call me Al, Webster, Space Cowboy, Jim, whatever. Just don't call me late for dinner. ;)
  15. I'm not sure, but I think it'll air commercial-free (although it might have one short intermission) on MTV, Sunday December 21 at 9:00pm Eastern/Pacific. It's going to be dubbed by famous hip-hop/R&B artists and Pat Morita. It goes without saying that the voice overs won't be exceptional, but I'm sure it's going to be a hilarious dub. I think bad dubbing of live-action films is hysterical, plus those of you who've seen it subtitled say it was funny. I can't wait. If you miss the MTV version on the 21st, you can count on it airing again and again until the next commercial-free MTV movie. This could be months.
  16. It's like they can read my mind. Creepy. A good portion of the Joker's play-by-play in tonight's episode was exactly what I was thinking... (Harley punches Batman) Me: "Wow. Didn't see that one coming." Joker: "Didn't see that one coming." (Green Lantern gets attacked while defusing a bomb) Me: "Even I knew that was a trap." (Joker proceeds to say GL should've known it was a trap.) (GL and HG have a quick argument) Me: "They are so into each other." Joker: "I wonder if there's something going on between those two." I love the Joker. He's one of the greatest super villains of all-time. Not only can he cook up a near-impossible scheme, but he'll make jokes throughout the whole thing. He's a crazy mofo who really enjoys his sociopathic work. Gotta respect that in an evil madman. I'm glad we finally get something definite on the whole Hawkgirl/Green Lantern thing. I was getting tired of those two beating around the bush. We were also given the first sight of Hawkgirl without her mask, which was good. A friend of mine thought it was her face. :rolleyes: I guess that's what happens when you draw a character with their mask on too often. The writers are damn clever to write a relationship like that. Anyone else remember when those two hated each other? By the way, did anyone else notice the animation quality suddenly increase during the kiss scene? I can't wait for the xmas episode. It looks like it'll be hilarious. It'll be interesting to see what a half dozen superheroes do during the holidays. I'll be a little disappointed if they don't include gratuitous cameos by their families and friends (Robin, Supergirl, ect.)
  17. In a recent episode where Wonder Woman (being a type of diplomat from her island) attended a formal party in a small made-up European country, she danced with billionaire Bruce Wayne, who just happened to be attending. Diana was being mobbed by reporters, and Bruce pulled her out of the crowd and asked her to dance. In another episode, Hawkgirl was giving Green Lantern a pep-talk, and slapped him on the rear. They didn't actually show the slap, but you saw HG reach behind GL, GL reacting, and a loud slapping sound. There was also another episode where HG and GL were holding a conversation. Maybe I just have a dirty mind, but I interpreted a sexual reference... Hawkgirl: Do you sleep better at night? Green Lantern: (smiling) You know I do.
  18. A lot of people (myself included) seem to have problems with the Justice League not being powerful enough in the animated series. Sometimes the limits of their powers vary from episode to episode. These are quotes from Bruce Timm (the guy who created the animated Justice League, Batman, and Superman series) I collected about certain characters' powers... [b]Flash[/b] [quote]He's so fast [that], if he was just a little bit smarter, he wouldn't need a Justice League. Anytime anyone fired a gun at him, he could run across town to the police station, pick up a Kevlar vest, come back, and let the bullet bounce off his chest. He's that fast. You've got to figure out a way [to make him work]. He's got to be fast, but you've got to be able to see him. You can't make him so fast that he doesn't need the Justice League. He's difficult to write action scenes for [but], otherwise, he's a fun character to play with. All the characters have their own strengths and weaknesses that can be difficult to work into a story[/quote] [b]Martian Manhunter[/b] [quote]The tricky part about J?onn was trying to limit his powers because, in the entire history of DC Comics, he?s had every power imaginable?we said, ?Okay, which ones do we want to give him?? And the thing is [that], at times, he?s been presented as being like at Superman-level strength, [plus] he?s telepathic, and he does all this different stuff. So, basically the powers that we settled on: he does have telepathic abilities and he is still a shape-shifter, but we?re trying not to overdo that because it?s like [in a mock Wonder Twins voice] ?Size of an elephant!? And he passes through things?he can alter his density, so he can move through walls and stuff. And he?s strong, but he?s not quite as strong as Superman. He?s not nearly in that class. And he does fly. Oh, heat vision. That one never made sense because he?s afraid of fire. So, he has no heat vision[/quote] [b]Superman[/b] [quote]By the time the first couple of episodes started airing we were almost done with the pre-production on the First Season. So, by the time we realized there were some problems we had, it was too late to fix them. There was almost nothing we could do. One of the things we had gotten the most critical hits for on the First Season was that supposedly we de-powered Superman and made him a big wimp. It wasn't a conscious decision on our part?it was literally because we had already done his own series and we had all these new characters to introduce and focus on?we felt [that] Superman could take care of himself. We didn't feel like we needed to give him any special attention, but what happened was [that] we fell into a rut of Superman getting knocked down and then not getting back up. It wasn't something [that] we realized was happening until we started getting the episodes back and the fans on the Internet started saying, 'Hey, wait a minute, Superman can't take a punch anymore!?' And we were saying, 'Oh my God, they're right!' But by that time we only had two or three episodes left on the First Season, so we tried to fix it as quickly as we could. He's a tough character?you don't want him to be too powerful, but you don't want to make him too wimpy. The trap we fell into on Justice League was, again, we have seven of these guys and whatever villains they go up against have to be big, powerful villains. So we used the easy trick of saying, ?Okay: the villain walks into the scene and takes Superman down with one punch.? [That way], we automatically know that he's a bad guy and it's going to take the entire Justice League to take him down. We didn't handle that with enough finesse.[/quote] All above quotes were taken from ToonZone's [url=http://jl.toonzone.net/]The Justice League Watchtower[/url]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NorykoAngelcry [/i] [B][COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I don't really think you should bash on nightwingfan because he was curious about something on the show. You all seem to be Justice League experts, all you had to say was "Nope, he hasn't been in the show at all" There is no need to just bash the guy. . [/SIZE][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Okay... what thread have you been reading? I'm the only person who replied to nightwingfan's question, not all of us. Even then, I didn't bash him. All I said was: [color=darkblue]"No, Nightwing has not shown up in JL. No one from the Bat-Family has. Some of them might make a cameo some day (Lois Lane and Jimmy managed to get a couple of cameos, so far), but none of them have appeared."[/color] Please don't victimize certain members and spin perfectly normal replies into something harsh and coarse. ANYway, I think the interaction between Green Lantern and Hawkgirl is... interesting. Last season, they had a deep conversation or two, but the relationship didn't really present itself until this year. We've already experienced a few sexual references, their tendancy to work together more often than most others, and HG slapping GL on the ***. However, their relationship isn't nearly as curious as Wonder Woman and Batman. It started with Batman being a little [i]too[/i] concerned for WW's wellbeing in one episode (something the writers of the show didn't even intend to expand upon), and continued with WW bringing out BM's sense of humor, a couple kisses, and a dance. It took them a few tries, but the writers have finally made Flash more useful in each episode. He even took on Superman, which wasn't nearly as one-sided as it sounds.
  20. You do realize you shouldn't be driving over 90mph, right? You were practically begging to get pulled over. Besides, it's like I always say: "You're not pulled over for speeding. You're pulling over for getting caught." Still, 93mph was really pushing it. You say you had your little sister in the car? Don't endanger her. Stick to the speed limit. What kind of car do you drive? If you're driving a really fast car, the police might still pull you over, even if you're going roughly the speed limit. I was driving 70 in a 65 zone earlier today [i]in the rain[/i], but the police passed me up for a newer, facier car. I drive a champagne-colored car made in the 1980s, so the last thing anybody would expect is for me to speed. I've gotten away with driving 5mph over the speed limit around cops a few times. Luck, mostly. I haven't gotten a ticket yet. I say "yet," because I know it's only a matter of time. I stick to the flow of traffic, but that usually involves me speeding. I try to avoid tickets by dropping to the exact speed limit whenever one comes by, but I can only be so lucky for so long. I know what some of you are thinking, but you'd be really naive to think a lot of people don't take 5 or 10 mile-per-hour liberties every now and then.
  21. Moving to the Square-Enix forum...
  22. I [i]don't[/i] think he was being sarcastic... Anyway, in an attempt to stop people from posting the same stuff over and over, I suggest you post in this SoaD thread... [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=31441[/url]
  23. It may sound cruel and stupid to celebrate a holiday where a mass of innocent people were killed, but as it's been said earlier, this holiday has lost all meaning. For the longest time, the public wasn't told the darker side of the story, and ate like pigs without a care-- give or take some health problems. Then the truth surfaces, and everyone finds out the natives were slaughtered on that night. Is the holiday abolished? No. It's another day off and has become traditional in many households. So nowadays, this holiday has no real meaning. Much like Valentines Day, no one wants to know that they're indulging themselves on a day where people were killed for reasons that make absolutely no sense by today's standards.
  24. I guess it's about time I post in here. I've always been a sucker for a good love song. Sometimes even a bad love song. I'm gonna have to go with "Emotion" by the Bee Gees. Let's face it, they put out some good love songs, and "Emotion" is one of their best. It's not just about heartbreak. It's about how the heartache remains, even after a long time. Okay, so maybe the relationship is over in the song. The singer is still in love. I think Destiny's Child did a nice cover, by the way.
  25. I thought the 70+ officers were a little excessive. I mean, what did they think? Michael was gonna turn into a rocket or force everyone in the room to dance to "Smooth Criminal"? Then the media proceeded to say Jackson was on the lamb, with him and his children missing. The next day, they found out he was in Las Vegas shooting a video. Good to know some news sources don't do anything stupid, like jump to conclusions or put a spectacular spin on an otherwise dull case of somebody stepping out of the house. Or in Jackson's case, stepping out of the ranch. I'm with QA. The child's testimony is questionable. If enough kids at school accuse you of doing sexual acts with Michael Jackson, and you hear stuff about that kind of stuff all the time in news and comedic/satirical entertainment, then you'll probably force yourself to take even the smallest thing out of context. Did Michael Jackson sneak you a shot-glass of merlot just for fun, or did he spike the punch with Russian vodka to get you hammered? Did he give you drowsy cold tablets, or did he slip you a mickey? Jackson may not be the most "normal" person on Earth, but a changed skin color, plastic surgery, and a theme park based around a children's story book in no way prove that he molested a child. There's nothing illegal about getting plastic surgery. There's nothing illegal about coloring your skin to cover up a skin condition. There's nothing illegal about owning a ranch named after a fictional location in a storybook. It's all a bit weird, but it's no reason to lock anyone up in jail. By the way, Baron, the average television newscast gives each story an average of 30-90 seconds of continuous coverage before moving on to the next headline. I say "headline" because watching the 6 o'clock news is like reading the headines and first three sentences of 1/4 of a newspaper. The average news show totals up to 3 columns in a newspaper. The exceptions would be all-news cable channels, like CNN and Fox News, who will sometimes dedicate a full hour to one news story. And they laughed when I told them I was majoring in Broadcasting. Back on topic, I don't think Michael Jackson did it. I won't be convinced otherwise until he's actually convicted and sent away (or in his case, given a restraining order and put on probation). Innocent until proven guilty, you know.
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