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Manic Webb

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Everything posted by Manic Webb

  1. I didn't go anywhere until I got my own car, which was just a few months ago. So because I never went out anywhere, I never got a curfew. Now that I do go out, my mom told me "I don't care. Just be back before your grandmother gets home." Which is usually around 12:45am. When I'm staying with my dad and step-mom, there's no such thing as a curfew. My step-brother and I have come home at almost 4am, and nobody cared.
  2. Hm. At first, I was like "Oh, God. James just repeated a thread also on the current page (title: Most Anticipated Day of the Year: November 5). Now I gotta close a thread by [i]James[/i], of all people." But there are a lot of images posted in this thread, and it'd be kinda tedious to ask you to post them all again in another thread. So... [color=darkblue]Threads Merged[/color]
  3. Slappy the Squirrel has always been my favorite Animaniac. She's a bit more realistic than any other character on the show. She has this attitude that you'd expect from an old retired actress. Give her a contract with Pepsi and a few wire hangers, and she's Joan Crawford gone squirrel. You know, only she directs her aggression toward everyone else in the forest instead of Skippy. I just find her funny. To this day, I still say "Now that's comedy" occasionally. I think one of the reasons some people don't grow out of Animaniacs is because they start watching it as kids, and watch it later for nostalgia, but realize that some of the verbal jokes were directed toward more mature audiences, and end up watching it again. It's a common practice in Warner Bros & Merry Melodies cartoons, and it's why Animaniacs is always going to be a classic.
  4. I'm pretty tempted to go find and read the Kill Bill book (also by Tarantino, I believe). I read that it was released earlier this year. Yeah. I think it looks interesting. The previews I've seen make it look intense, as well as a little funny. Lucy Liu had a clip when she was on Leno the other night, and I can't wait to see what her character can do. Most of the cast seems pretty well picked-out. Not all of it, though. I'm a little worried about Vivica A. Fox being in it. If you're a reader of [i]The Boondocks[/i] newspaper comic like I am, then you probably know the myth that every movie she's ever been in has been a really bad African-American comedy. Everything she touches (numerous movies, TV series, ect.) tends to be bad. The mystery is whether she herself drags them down, or whether she's just really bad at picking roles. Of course, the ensemble of this movie (under the watchful yet very strange eye of Quentin Tarantino) couldn't possibly be pulled down by her performance. It's just an urban myth, anyway. Anyway, the only thing I'm looking forward to more than Kill Bill 1 is Kill Bill 2, which should be coming out early next year.
  5. Family Guy is hardly a rip-off of The Simpsons. I don't know [i]where[/i] you're all getting that impression. The only characters between both shows who are similar are Homer and Peter. Lois actually finds half of Peter's antics funny, while Marge does nothing but nag Homer. Lisa comes off as an unpopular super-genius, while Meg is just unpopular without being all that smart. Bart is a rebel who gets low grades because he simply refuses to study, while Chris is just an idiot. Maggie and Stewie are [i]nothing[/i] alike. Brian is more human than Snowball & Santa's Little Helper will ever be (also more drunk). Homer doesn't have any perverted friends like Quagmire. Lois has a job (teaching piano lessons) and Marge doesn't. Just because both shows are about disfunctional families with idiotic dads, that doesn't mean one is a rip-off of the other. That's like saying That 70s Show is a rip-off of Happy Days. The basics of the show are similar, but they're pretty different when you actually pay attention.
  6. There's no point in saying the name of an AMV when you don't even describe it, none of us have seen it, and there's no mention of how any of us can watch it. I try to give favorite threads a chance, but there's nothing that can be done here. [color=darkblue]Thread Closed[/color]
  7. It's ok to check out the first couple of pages for a thread about something you want to talk about, but please don't bring back month-old threads. And don't bring back month-old threads that weren't even doing that well. [color=darkblue]Thread Closed[/color]
  8. I'm still reserving my opinions of this season until it gets into full motion. In other words, I'm waiting for them to explain why Spike [i]didn't[/i] remain a pile of ashes after the Buffy finale. I thought this episode was okay. Had a few funny moments, like when [spoiler]Angel was choosing a car[/spoiler]. I'm also liking the necro-tempered glass windows they've got going everywhere. If I were a vampire, the windows in that office building would be my dream come true. I knew there was a reason why I call the show [i]Angel[/i] "The Buffy Obscurity Refuge." Whenever a character from [i]Buffy[/i] disappears into obscurity, you can bet that they'll eventually turn up on [i]Angel.[/i] Cordelia, Wesley, Faith (for a few episodes), and now Spike & [spoiler]Harmony[/spoiler]. When she showed up, I knew this season was going to be crazy. So I'm really waiting to see where this season goes. My predictions? I see [spoiler]the gang of Angel Inc. leaving the law firm by June, an unbelievable amount of cameos from other Buffy alumni, and Cordy waking up from her coma and finding some flimsy excuse to leave the gang.[/spoiler]
  9. The [i]really[/i] frsutrating part is that DC Comics is [i]owned[/i] by Warner Bros. You'd think Warner Bros. Studios would hire a writer who follows the comic book. Or better yet, hire an actual comic book writer. I bet Catwoman's writer could think up one hell of a movie script. It's not like hiring the guy for the movie is gonna take all kinds of effort... "Ed, you've been transferred from the DC department to the Warner Brothers Studio department. Do exactly what you've been doing, only write it in the form of a movie script."
  10. My best characters would have to be Peach (what's everybody laughing at?), Pichu & Pikachu, and Ness. Peach has some relatively weak moves, but I kick much arse when I get ahold of a weapon. Especially a sword, which she handles better than anyone else in the game (in my opinion). Those crazy turnips also come in handy when it comes to throwing them at close range (throw it, catch it after it bounces off of your oponent, repeat). And if I had a dime for everytime that umbrella saved me in the moving stages... I started loving Pichu and Pikachu once I finally mastered zipping/teleporting with them. Plus I had that huge thunderbolt attack down to a science. There are only a few times where that attack actually works: when your opponent is foolish enough to come at you from above, when you and your opponent are jumping toward one another (requires exact timing), when they're standing on a platform just above you, when they forget that attack altogether, and when Jigglypuff puts itself to sleep. At one point, I had almost mastered controlling Ness' PK Thunder. I'm a little rusty, though. Still, there was a time when I could weave his thunder around platforms, between objects, and around opponents I wasn't aiming for. The only thing I could never do was hit myself with it properly. Instead of saving myself from falling off of a platform, I usually just lunged myself off of the screen faster. I'd have to say Roy is a very cheap character. Roy has the largest sword in the game, and there's no point in going hand-to-hand with the guy. He'll knock you away before you have a chance to smack him with your umbrella.
  11. Scoff scoff scoff. Actually, it's about a lady-friend of mine who wouldn't date me. She was Asian, I'm African-American. People who knew us said that we looked good together, but she refused to be more than just friends. Somebody told me it was probably a racial thing. Apparently, some older Asian adults don't like black people, and there could've been some conflict with her parents. Our friendship even started to suffer at some point. I write what I like to call Incomplete Poems. I'm really scatter-brained when it comes to poetry. I open myself up, and it gets hard to keep track of all of my thoughts as they rush out. Thus, my poems end up incomplete. Those few lines I wrote only took me about 5 minutes to think up, but then I became stuck. Either I could've saved up that poem to finish for another day (which I do way too often. And those poems never end up getting finished), or I submit it as-is.
  12. I'm gonna have to agree with Mitch on this one. You do a lot of complaining in this forum about how nobody listens to your favorite bands and how way too many people listen to bands you don't like. It's like you're just a little too bitter about it. Nobody here listens to Neo-Soul or ever replies to my threads, but that doesn't mean it's my duty to go to every Linkin Park or System of a Down thread and complain about my issues with the general taste in music found in this forum. You [i]could[/i] just not post in threads about bands you don't like. That's what a lot of people do. Maybe a good majority of the people who post around here could be a little more open-minded in what music they listen to, but you complain about that [i]often[/i]. And I wouldn't have even said anything if your ranting hadn't completely disrupted this thread. The entire second page is made up of you and a handful of other members (Mitch, Semjaza, ect.) having dialogue about musical taste. Now, I'm not saying that what you're saying is wrong. I'm just saying that what would've been a half-decent thread is closed.
  13. Oh, it's Downtown, alright. Down on Skid Row! *snaps fingers 3 times* Alright, seriously. This movie doesn't seem that interesting. A Catwoman who isn't Selina Kyle. That just doesn't sound too appealing. I don't care how hot Halle Berry is, she's coming off as an Eartha Kitt replacement. And she's about 40 years too late for that.
  14. I'm confused, too. If your band isn't sticking to one genre, and you're not going to base your decisions on what we say... your poll seems pretty pointless. [color=darkblue]Poll Closed[/color]
  15. I love Jazz. Ok, maybe "love" is too strong of a word. I don't listen to jazz regularly, but I think it makes incredible background music. It's the kind of stuff I love listening to when relaxing in the car, or just sitting around the house. My grandfather keeps his car on a jazz radio station all the time, so I learned to really like it. It's funny that you mentioned jazz in [i]Hey Arnold![/i] That cartoon was saturated in jazz. Not only was the background music jazz, but Arnold himself (a boy no older than 10 years) only listened to jazz. It was different, but not totally unbelievable.
  16. I have a high tolerance for country. I'll say that much. Well, maybe I'll say a little more. I don't listen to a lot of country. I don't even know what the local country music station is. However, I can respect country music and there are a few songs out there taht I like. I remember really being into LeAnn Rimes a few years back. I listened to a few Dixie Chicks songs before all of the political hype. I heard maybe one Tim McGraw song, but I saw his [i]Driven[/i] on VH1. There's also that little boy. I think his name is Billy Gilman or something. He's very talented for someone barely in his teens.
  17. This is a little food for thought. Food not taught But food that ought To teach us the differences In our existences. 'Cause I don't know what this is, when I can't live in blissfulness I said I don't know what this **** is Because we were separated by my blackness You cannot deny this Though you denied the feelings And all the appealing Things That pull us closer together So although the spiritual pulls us The visual will keep us apart. Forever.
  18. Ludacris is very articulate, compared to most rappers today. His lyrics are original, but they're still easy to learn. He speaks clearly, so you understand every word he says. Plus you can tell he's somebody who likes to have fun with his songs. You know he could get as serious as the next person when it comes to his lyrics, but he chooses to joke around. And he does it all without being too cliche. It takes talent to say a word, find 8 or more words that rhyme with it, and integrate them all into one verse without going off-topic.
  19. Please don't bring back threads over 6 months old. [color=darkblue]Thread Closed[/color]
  20. shibatku, Transtic Nerve knows what he said and he said it on purpose. If this "they suck, no they don't, yes they do, your grammer sucks" hoo-ha keeps up, I'm closing this thread up faster than Britney Spears' restaurant for health violations.
  21. Outkast is one of those groups that their fans don't abandon. If you liked one of their songs, you're likely to like all of them. I love their idea for a double album. It's like they each went solo, but you don't have to worry about them breaking up. And their styles are so fantastic that it should be great to hear what their songs would sound like without the other's direct influence.
  22. Who says your band should only play one type of music? If your band can't decide between those 4 or 5 types of music, then you should play all of them. Blend them all together, maybe. If your band's vocalist(s) can pull off all of those, then I don't see why not. You shouldn't even have to decide, if you like all of them. Given, you might alienate a good portion of your potential fans if your songs sound completely different. If you're good, there should still be people out there who like you. Try writing a few songs that you think will sound good. However those songs come out will decide what kind of band you become. And just to keep me or someone else from closing this thread, how about you tell us all a little bit more about your band and we discuss that?
  23. Manic Webb

    Like Mike

    Meteora, don't bring back old threads. It's been a month. Nobody has replied. It wasn't going very well when it was active.
  24. This thread doesn't really promote discussion so much. Sorry. [color=darkblue]Thread Closed[/color]
  25. Well, I changed my mind. I'll be going as an "Urban Genie." Basically, I'll paint my face and hands blue, wear street clothes, and carry around a replica of the bottle from "I Dream of Jeanie." And if that doesn't work out, I can just strap on a tail and call myself Nightcrawler.
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