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Manic Webb

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Everything posted by Manic Webb

  1. A link I found: [url]http://psy35.1accesshost.com/xmens-z/spike.html[/url] Ladies and gentlement, we have Spikeage! From what I can see, Spyke in X-Men Evolution is based off of a mutant named The Spike (I thought I'd heard that somewhere) who appeared in X-Force comics from issues #121-128. I haven't found anything about The Spike being related to Ororo Munroe, so I guess his relation to Storm was just made-up for Evolution.
  2. I have like a couple of accents. First is like some kind of like Californian accent. Like... yeah. That's exaggerrated, but I really do say "like" quite a bit. In high school, I had a drama teacher from New York who kept making fun of the way we all spoke. He pointed out that we said "hella" a lot and the word "like" between every other word. He dared this one girl to say a sentence without saying "like" once. She lost the dare. I moved from Da Hood to The Suburbs when I was around 12, so I tend to get a little Ebonic at times. It all blends really well. I could talk to somebody in da hood or the suburbs back-to-back, and not have to change my tone of voice so they won't stare at me. Gah, stereotypes. I live with my grandparents (who grew up in Louisianna and Arkansas), and when I talk for a really long time, I notice that my accent goes completely South. I even start to say "yall." Thanks to constantly watching shows like Red Dwarf and S Club 7, I can fake 3 different types of British accents. I can do the posh kind, a more working class kind, and that one accent where you don't pronounce D's or T's. I can almost pull of an Irish and Aussie accent, but they always drift right back into British, mid-sentence. I also have a nice little French/Puerto Rican combo that I use whenever I try to sound artsy.
  3. Since there's already an X-Men movie thread, I'll just merge this thread into that one. [color=green]Threads Merged[/color]
  4. Ack! I sorta lost track of this thread and had to catch up. Obviously, it's gone to spam-like hell. Nothing but a bunch of short lists of band names, and a bit of redundance. [color=green]Thread Closed[/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Silent [/i] [B]I am a little irked about Shadowcat's character though. . .She'd always been super intelligent and stuff. . .Now she's kinda. . .airy-fairy,with the word "like" in every other breath.[/B][/QUOTE] They made her one of those "smart ditzes." Shadowcat may talk like she's an airhead, but she acts pretty intelligently. [quote][b]By the way. . .Does anyone know if Evan was a real character in the comics. . .?I'm almost positive that he wasn't(I can't recall there ever being a mention of Orroro having a sister.. .),but it still bugs me because I don't know for sure.. . [/B][/QUOTE] I remember reading an X-Men Encyclopedia, and there's a similar character named The Spike in one of the X-teams (not the X-Men), but he's not related to Storm as far as I know.
  6. Actually, ever since their powers were exposed and everybody at school started treating them differently, the show's been pulling a little bit more toward conflicts with Magneto and Apocalypse. In fact, I don't think they showed the high school at all in the 3rd season. It was all "Magneto betrays his own team" and "we found Apocalypse's tomb" So far, this season has taken on a much more serious tone than ever before, with Rogue killing Mystique and Magneto blackmailing Colossus into working for him. The show may have started out with a bunch of teens trying to get a date and throw a party in the mansion while the adults are away, but now it's more like the X-Men... give or take a few made-up plot lines.
  7. You know, I've been planning to audition for the plays at my school, but I keep missing the auditions. Last spring, auditions were during the first day of school. I completely missed them. This semester, auditions were during my math class. I've [i]got[/i] to learn to schedule my classes better and get in the loop. Anyway, back when I was in high school, I did a lot of backstage work for the plays. Then during my senior year, I auditioned for the musical [i]Little Shop of Horrors[/i] and got casted as Audrey II and a hobo. I also got to say the prologue. Unfortunately, [i][b]NONE[/b][/i] of my friends went to go see me on any of the nights the show was open. *bludgeons Rico with guilt* Eh. I'll probably take another acting class or two and take on some of those local theatre groups I've heard about.
  8. I used to really like the show, but now I find it kinda... sad. I always thought there was something subliminal about the show, because both me and my older brother (we're 19 and 21 years old) like the show, but can find no real reason why. Anyway, I don't think anybody ever really gets too old for cartoons. Depending on the level of humor, some people might outgrow certain 'toons. For example, I grew out of Arthur a while ago, I'm starting to out-grow Spongebob, and I probably will never ever out-grow Animaniacs or any other WB cartoon made in the 1990s. They're each on different levels of humor.
  9. Despite its decent character development and new twist on a classic group of heroes, this animated series receives a lot of criticism for not following the original comic book. That's always bothered me, because I know that if X-Men Evolution were made into a comic book first, it'd be no different from Ultimate X-Men (in the sense that it's a complete re-telling. The stories are completely different), which nobody seems to have a problem with. I like this show. You get to see different sides of each character. Some characters are given a completely new image, which still seems to work for them. The X-Men and Brotherhood aren't shown as complete opposites. There are times in the show where they've gotten along, particularly when Magneto replaced Mystique's original Brotherhood (Avalanche, Toad, Blob, Scarlet Witch) with his New Brotherhood (Pyro, Gambit, Colossus, Sabertooth). On top of that, the animation quality for this show is really up there for a TV series. The action sequences are smooth and the character designs are pretty good. What are your opinions of X-Men Evolution?
  10. Both Berry's and Paquin's accents disappeared in the second film. It's better than Halle didn't use it in the second film. If you pay attention to the first one, her accent shifts between different parts of England, Africa, and a few other accents I'm just not sure of. For the third movie, I'm looking forward to thm bringing a few background characters to the front, like they did with Iceman. Bobby only had a few short scenes in the first film, but became a more important character in the second. I hope that the third movie let's us see a little more of Colossus, Shadowcat, and Jubilee. Not to mention the conflict with Pyro, and (of course) a little bit more Nightcrawler. Gah, it's gonna be tough to fit any other characters in a movie that centers around [spoiler]Phoenix[/spoiler]. She takes all of the attention in every mission she does.
  11. There was a show exactly like this that was syndicated on different broadcast channels a while back. I forget what it was called, but it was hosted by Christopher "Kid" Ried from Kid 'n Play. This show was on only about 3 or 4 years ago. Then it got cancelled. But yeah, it's nothing but glorified karaoke. But look on the brightside... at least it's not MTV's karaoke show. *shudder*
  12. 1. Japan copied American style first. Japan and America have been copying each other's art and animation styles for years. I don't see you complaining about how Japan "rips-off" America with Big O and Astroboy. 2. This thread is already being done in the Anime Lounge. Take it there. 3. This thread is closed.
  13. Megumi, please put a little more effort into your posts. Try explaining why you like this website so much. By the by, I guess I can let this thread stay open. From what I heard, this site is a lot like watching TV.
  14. Well, I'm not a fan of country, but I can respect the different bands and singers. Every now and then, I hear a country song with deep lyrics. A girl in my Broadcasting class said she got her philosophy on life from a country song... then my teacher kicked her out for liking country music. :p j/k Being somebody raised on the blues, and with country reminding me of the blues at times, I can see why some people like it. Still, I just don't [i]feel[/i] it like some people do. The only country singer I can honestly say I like is LeAnne Rimes. Oh, and that Billy Gillman (or whatever his name is) kid is very talented.
  15. I really enjoyed the recent episode. I know a few people who wished the show would go more into the characters' past, and this was a pretty good take on Raven and her demonic heritage. You also get a look into the more hidden sides of her personality, such as her insecurities and sense of humor. This show could definitely go into more depth, but then we'd have to deal with full-hour episodes split into halves, like Justice League. And I really hate seeing half of an episode per week.
  16. No offense in any way, but I'm merging the threads. [color=green]2 Threads Merged.[/color]
  17. Manic Webb

    50 vs. Shady

    As much as I would like to go into extreme detail about how overrated 50 Cent is, and how his entire mainstream career is supported only by the fact that his album was produced by Dr. Dre, I think I summed it all up nicely in this sentence. With that said, I'd like to remind you all that if you don't watch the quality of your posts, I will shut this thread down faster than the FDA at a tuna factory near Sea World.
  18. Conna, sk8tertotheend, ect. Quite a few of you are slacking on this thread. Watch the post quality. Try describing why you like certain things on the show.
  19. You all seem to be forgetting one very important cartoon... Gargoyles. That show is one-of-a-kind. It has action, unbelievable character development, social commentary, elements of mythology, and ties to classical literature. Thanks to that show, I knew the story of Macbeth before I'd even read the actual play. Every "bad guy" on that show had a whole 'nother side to them that made them seem less evil. Everyone from Xanatos to Demona was very 3-dimensional, and you could see that each of them had good reasons for doing what they did. The romances between certains characters were present, but they didn't take over the show. Very classic. One of the best cartoons ever made.
  20. The thing is, Disney has lost nearly all of its artistic integrity. There was a time when Disney would make a hit animated movie, go all-out on the animation, and end it right then and there. Understandably, they'd market a few toys and books and whatnot to go along with the movie, and then they'd release it on video a while later. Lately, Disney has been making sequels for the all-mighty dollar. That's it. They only make these sequels because they're still making money off of them. Older audiences like us can't stand them, and I'm sure they know that. However, there are little kids out there getting their parents to buy these sequels, and Disney will keep making these cheesy sequels until kids stop buying them. It may look like movies today aren't as good as they were years ago, but that's not really true. Lilo & Stitch was a good movie, but the fact that they made another cheap sequel makes it only look like a bad movie. Truth is, Disney only makes these horrible sequels out of their really popular animated films. Treasure Planet was a really good movie, but I wouldn't count on a sequel comng out any time soon. It didn't do that well in threatres, so there's no point in making a sequel to it. It's always about money. If Disney thinks they can squeeze a few extra dollars out of a sequel, they'll do it. It's their primary motivation.
  21. I think this movie is supposed to be a quick prelude to the upcoming Lilo & Stitch TV series, which also centers around them finding the other experiments similar to Stitch.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]THIS IS MY OFFICIAL CHALLENGE! HOW CAN YOU TELL IT'S OFFICIAL? WHY, I'M TYPING IN ALL CAPS, THEREFORE IT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANYTHING YOU HAVE READ OR TALKED ABOUT TODAY. (drip, sarcasm, drip) I SERIOUSLY CHALLENGE ANYONE TO A PM LOTR QUIZ, COVERING ALL OF TOLKEIN'S OFFICIAL WORKS (THE TRILOGY, HOBBIT, AND SIL). IF ANY OF YOU HAVE THE GUTS TO FACE ME, WELL , PM ME. I'M GOING TO END BEFORE I START GETTING REDUNDANT, SO IF ANY OF YOU HAVE THE GUTS TO FACE ME, WELL .... [/B][/QUOTE] 1) Please try not to type in all-caps. One or two words in CAPS might catch somebody's attention, but an entire paragraph in CAPS makes people [b]not[/b] want to read it. It's just too gaudy and distracting. 2) You can hold your quiz over PM if you want, but I think the quiz would be more successful if you made a LOTR Quiz thread in the Literature forum. Just a suggestion.
  23. Manic Webb

    Mickey Rooney

    Nobody seems to know the answer to your question. If you really don't know who he is, I suggest trying out Google.com. [color=green]Thread Closed[/color]
  24. We can't talk about the movie's details, we have no idea what the name is. Uh.... yeah. No discussion can come from this. [color=green]Thread Closed[/color]
  25. My my my. Aren't we all getting confrontational? Poison, try to keep it down a notch. I understand that you think Drix was wrong to assume [i]Tremors[/i] attempted to be scary, but did you honestly find it necessary to insult his intelligence? And if that jab at Drix was related to a prior conversation from outside of this thread, then keep it outside of this thread.
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