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Manic Webb

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Everything posted by Manic Webb

  1. This is a parody I wrote late one night while I was writing an entry on my myOtaku account. It parodies the song "Frontin' " by Pharrell Williams from the hip-hop music producing group The Neptunes. Man, I was [i]so[/i] sleepy/bored when I wrote this... [verse 1] Don't mean to sound full of myself or odd But you ain't lookin' at no other blogs 'Cause you love me. So you think you're gonna stay. Find yourself readin' 'bout my day. Maybe 'cause you love me. [hook] So then you tried Sending me instant messages, but they got to be too much. If I'm not online Send me an email or private message and such and such. [chorus] I know that I'm carrying on But you just keep reading along 'Cause I'm just bloggin' (it's just me rambling) And if you want in on This trend with the web logs You should start bloggin' (it's just you rambling) [verse 2] Tryin' to be the best writer you should be Still you give my blog a peak And I love it. Then you try to copy my blogging style Knowing that your day might take a while But that's why you wrote it. [hook] So then you tried Sending me instant messages, but they got to be too much. If I'm not online Send me an email or private message and such and such. [chorus] I know that I'm carrying on But you just keep reading along 'Cause I'm just bloggin' (it's just me rambling) And if you want in on This trend with the web logs You should start bloggin' (it's just you rambling) HO! [rap] Was the only thing on the internet I wasn't working on, except for buying stock. Like it was just a quick trend that will have come and gone. But, uh, truth be told, I'm inot bloggin' now. It's old. I've been online too long to just now get a blog Acting like they're really boring Well, they are. Acting like our lives aren't boring. Well, they are. Well at least they're still fun, they are. [chorus] I know that I'm carrying on But you just keep reading along 'Cause I'm just bloggin' (it's just me rambling) And if you want in on This trend with the web logs You should start bloggin' (it's just you rambling) HO!
  2. Manic Webb


    If you're into R&B, hip-hop, and spoken-word poetry, then you'll love the group Floetry. I bought their album [i]Floetic[/i] earlier today, and I can't get enough of it. You might remember them as those two women who sing "Say Yes," where the chorus consists of them saying "so so so" over and over, and one of them seems to stop and have sex half-way through the song. Don't let my description of the song fool you; it's actually a good song. Floetry are two women, both from the UK, who moved to the US (Atlanta, Georgia to be exact) and began a career in spoken-word poetry. The "Floacist" is the more rap-oriented member of the group; often speaking songs in a poetic tone of voice or sometimes rapping. The other member is the "Songstress" or singer, who provides many of the melodies to each song. Their songs aren't the typical "rap a verse, sing a chorus, rap a verse, sing a chorus, sing a bridge, sing a chorus" format, although their first single "Floetic" might lead one to believe that. Both of them might speak/sing in unison or alternate every couple of lines. Sometimes, the Floacist might sing in the background. They blend spoken-word with R&B in a way that's not normally found in mainstream music, especially in the US. Before releasing their album not-too-long-ago, they wrote songs for some of the top names in music. Anyone ever heard "Butterflies" by Michael Jackson? Yo. Their demo version of the song is even included in their album. And if you're wondering about the lyrics, don't. You won't find any songs about violence, being materialistic, or demeaning either gender/sex. They also aren't going to preach to you about what they think of those songs (I just find songs criticizing other songs to be annoying. I don't know about you) or how there's a single mother/stripper struggling to make ends meet. So if you're looking for something deep, but not in-your-face deep, you might like this album. Well, I'm just rambling. What do the rest of you think of Floetry? Love? Hate? Indifference?
  3. Actually, I don't think a phoenix would mate at all. The way I understand the myth, there has been and always will be only one phoenix. I know I've never heard of there being more than one at a time. While we're on the topic of sex, let's talk about the succubus(female) / incubus(male). A creature that swoops down on you in the middle of the night and [boing]s you. Sounds interesting, to say the least. With crimes like that happening out there, it really makes you wonder if succubi are real.
  4. The Phoenix is also one of my all-time favorite mythological creatures. I was a big fan of fire-birds, and X-Men's Phoenix just clinched the deal for me. It's so majestic. A symbol of power, but not a symbol of fear. It's something that just seems so respectful. A bird that rises from its own ashes. Something that cannot be destroyed. A giver of life. Everytime I've seen the Phoenix represented in some form of media entertainment, its always made fire look more beautiful than dangerous. My other favorite mythological creature is the mermaid. I've always felt somewhat attached to water in some way. I love swimming, and the thought of living among the fish and other creatures of the see seems so... You know, I can't describe it. I just want to live at the bottom of the sea without breathing apparatus or getting the bends. Water is life. What can I say? Although the idea of "sexual intercourse" involving my mate dropping off her eggs and me fertilizing them after she leaves is a real turn-off. And who can forget the elf? Roughly 1000 years of life, all those gnarly skills you find in Tolkien stories. I especially liked elves the moment I heard that they were normal size and not gnome-sized.
  5. Manic Webb

    The OC

    Wait a minute... I thought the characters in that show were supposed to be in their 20s. I only saw the commercials, so I had no idea they were supposed to be teenagers. I've never seen a group of teens look that old in my life.
  6. Manic Webb

    jesse mccartney

    Please improve your post quality. Try writing a little bit more. For example, who is Jesse McCartney? Why do you love him?
  7. Manic Webb


    Because I couldn't add your attached image when I deleted your other post, I've re-attached it in this one.
  8. Actually, I'm not interested in doing dub work. I have respect for them, but I'd like to do some voice work where hundreds of rabid purist anime fans aren't making websites dedicated to my demise.
  9. 5 things I want to do... [b]I[/b] To become a voice actor, auditioning for roles across the animated world that require my voice. Living from cartoon to cartoon! Working several cartoons and animated movies at the same time! Spending hours in a recording studio, knowing that there's a staff of animators out there who will try their best to make some cartoon character who looks nothing like me sound like me. Oh yeah. Voice acting. [b]II[/b] Acting in live-action films and television. Preferably both at the same time. Working on a popular television series, getting paid thousands of dollars [i]by the episode[/i]... while simultaneously filming one or two movies, so casting directors know I'm a flexible actor when the TV series ends and I'm out of the job and need a new role. [b]III[/b] Radio personality/DJ. Somebody once said that I had a good voice for radio. Somebody else said I had a good voice for announcements and sports commentating. If I want to do anything in radio, it's being a DJ on an R&B radio station (like "The Quiet Storm" or soemthing). I'd want to do hip-hop radio, but the people who run those places want someone who sounds more "urban," and somebody like me "doesn't sound black enough." [b]IV[/b] VJ or talkshow host. I could be like Carson Daly... do a radio show, get a job with MTV hosting videos I don't like, and get a late-night talkshow that comes on so late, fans of [i]Conan[/i] are alseep. [b]V[/b] I want to make my own animated series. I've been jotting down ideas for this kick-arse action/comedy series, and it'd be tyte if I could get it picked up by somebody like Warner Bros. I'd probably test it out as a movie, hope it does well, and move on to the animated series. I'm majoring in Broadcasting, and I'm thinking of minoring in either Theatre Arts or Film. I really want to entertain people.
  10. Well, at least the third movie didn't make them swim. Then we'd have some kind of a Tremors/Jaws looking piece of work. [i]That[/i] would be bad, to say the least. I likd the first movie. The second one was okay. I never saw the third, but I heard about the general plot. Tremors was a lot of things, but it was hardly trying to be scary. I think it was supposed to be campy. Nothing about it gave off of "we're trying to scare you, Oooooh" vibe.
  11. I understand that some of you have been giving reasons behind your favorite songs and bands, but the majority of posts here are just spammy lists. [color=green]Thread Closed[/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tical [/i] [B]Its even worse in Japan so quit complaining [/B][/QUOTE] Exactly. You think you're tired of seeing Pokemon merchandise in American, try going to Japan. The way I hear it, it's even more commercial there than it is here. All anime is. Anime is still trying to reach its peak in North America. In Japan, it's been popular for years, and nearly everything is made into an annoying product. Half of the stuff you see in America just has a new English label on it.
  13. Craig McCraken (creator of PPG) was the art director of Dexter's Lab back in the good 'ol "middle stuff" years. That's why the animation for Powerpuff Girls looks so much like the older animation for Dexter's Lab. Lately, for whatever reasons, McCraken has stepped down and some new guy is the art director. Needless to say, nobody likes the new art style. On top of that, Tartakovsky is barely (if at all) working on the show, so episodes are completely odd and uninteresting. However, I do like a few of the newer episodes. The Mom cartoon where she beats the crap out of the other housewife in the store was funny. And the story of how Mom and Dad met was a nice 80s flashback. The Dad cartoon where he was home alone was kinda lame, but I cracked-up when he started copying Flashdance.
  14. I find it funny when some elitists talk about how anime and american animation shouldn't mix, but have no problem with shows like Astroboy or Big O. Anyway, Totally Spies probably would've been more popular if it came out around the time [i]Clueless[/i] was popular. Unfortunately, the makers of this 'toon were like [i]so[/i] last century.
  15. People say Starfire is some kind of a ditz, but I don't think she is. If you think about it, she knows exactly what she's doing all the time. She just isn't from this planet (hence why she thinks mustard is a drink) and barely speaks English. Whenever they're in a fight, she's one of the people who get smacked around the least. Like in the Thunder/Lightning episode: Beast Boy thought she was burried under all that rubble, but she apparently moved out of the way a long time ago. OtakuSennen, you seem to forget who's leading the Teen Titans. Robin. As in "Batman and Robin." Batman doesn't kill his enemies... not often, anyway. Robin was taught to send the bad guys to prison, not finish them off in an R-rated bloodbath. Deaths of badguys happen more often in anime than Western cartoons, but this is still Robin's team we're dealing with. When was the last time you saw Robin take out one of Joker's henchmen in a pool of blood?
  16. You know, if I got a dollar for everytime somebody thought my screen name was a reference to manic depression or a manic-high caused by bi-polar syndrome, I'd finally be able to afford a new PC. Anyway, I'm one of the 3 people on Earth who enjoyed watching [i]Sonic Underground[/i]. Manic, Sonic's brother with super-fast hands, was my favorite character. He played the drums, had piercings, and used to be a pick-pocket. A few years ago, I started using the name Manic-Hedgehog in chat rooms. Then I started using Manic-Webb. A few months ago, I changed my OB name to Manic. My MyOtaku name is Manic Webb.
  17. Wanna hear something funny? The FCC doesn't even regulate cable television. The FCC only regulates free broadcast programming (ie. the radio and non-cable broadcast television). Like Xai said, PG-13 programming is intended to be viewed by young teens, and 13 is a young teen age. If you don't want children [i]under[/i] 13 to view certain programming late at night, up the settings to include PG. Besides, PG stands for "Parental Guidance." Every now and then, you gotta check out the PG programming to see if it's appropriate for children. Um... does anybody know if this woman even has any kids?
  18. From what I understand, the makers of the cartoon decided not to use Kid Flash and Wonder Girl (pictured above) because of conflicts with the Justice League cartoon. For starters, the Flash found on the animated Justice League is the guy who used to be Kid Flash. They couldn't use him. And I think Wonder Woman has the more fluctuating back-story in DC history, and something about it stopped the makers of animated TT from using Wonder Girl. Aqualad (Aquaman's sidekick) is supposed to be a Teen Titan, and they're going to give him a cameo in the cartoon at some point. I love the Teen Titans cartoon. It's crazy. You gotta love Raven, too. Despite how crazy every other character acts, Raven remains the most normal... which is strange, because the girl is the least human.
  19. I don't think you should be asking for links to commercial sites in here. Just try searching Google.com or something.
  20. Well, this thread is totally unrelated to this forum. Ok, it's about music, but this isn't the place to talk about anime music. I think there's some thread about that in the Anime Lounge.
  21. I doubt Power Rangers will be going anywhere. Japan has been making these exact same shows (called Super Sentai) since the 1970s, and they don't seem to be tired of them yet. My guess is that as long as masked people wearing spandex and piloting giant robots is marketable, Super Sentai and Power Rangers will be around. The current PR show, Ninja Storm, is based off of a Japanese show called Hurricanger (or Hurricane Rangers). From what I hear, these Super Sentai are just as corny in Japan as they are when they're made into Power Ranger shows. Somewhere around Power Rangers Turbo or Zeo, I got really tired of the show. I stopped watching. I'd occasionally watch an episode to see what the new Rangers look like, but none of them interested me. That is, until I saw Ninja Storm. There's something about Ninja Storm that I just like. I think it might be the fact that this series is more like Mighty Morphin' than the past few have been. They don't try to be serious, their arsenal is huge, and the fight scenes are just really wacky. I know I won't watch next year's Power Rangers, Dino Thunder. It's one thing to do the ninja thing twice, but I wasn't all that fond of the robots from Zyuranger (Mighty Morphin'), so it doesn't seem all that interesting. Plus they're bringing Tommy back with a different actor.
  22. Watching the reruns, it's interesting to watch how some of the characters grow out of certain typical phases. Topanga used to be a highly spiritual person who channeled her spirit guide to get straight As in Junior High school. When she got to high school, her personality leveled out. One thing that disappointed me is when Eric became dumber every year. The moment he graduated high school, he went from Cory's conceited older brother to a wacky moron to a wackier goof with a heart of gold. I've never seen a character on a TV show reveal a new haircut in such a stupid way in my life. When Matt Lawrence joined the cast as Shawn's brother Jack, it was kinda weird for a while. But then he became Eric's best friend, something he hasn't remotely had since he graduated high school. Jack, for a while, was the most normal person in the cast. He played the straightman to Eric's goofball. When Angela joined the cast, I thought it was about time they played into some tokenism. It took them forever to add a black person to the cast of that show (if you don't count that one teacher). Now, what reallu upsetted me was when Cory became insane. At first, Cory was your average 12 year old kid. But when he and Topanga broke up, he became obsessed (almost in a creepy way) with getting back together with her. And when Shawn and Angela broke up, Cory was even creepier when he got all pushy about being Angela's friend. And let's not forget the episode when Cory was diagnosed with hypochondria (it's not really a disease. It's just when somebody thinks they're sick all the time for some psychological reason). Shawn and Cory are just... odd. If Cory weren't so obsessed with his love for Topanga and Shawn wasn't gravitated toward Angel, you'd think those two were in love. They'd have these moments where they'd talk about their friendship in such a serious tone that it sounded like they were a couple. Ever see the episode where Shawn was dating a girl who dated Cory? Cory and Shawn had these secret conversations on the telephone where Shawn said how much he missed the sound of Cory's voice, and Cory was cooking this large meal that he wouldn't let anyone eat but Shawn. Topanga complained about how much more Cory loved Shawn after they were married. Obviously, I loved this show. [i]Saved By The Bell: The New Class[/i] just wasn't any good, and [i]Boy Meets World[/b] was the only show I could watch that was about teenagers.
  23. Well, considering there's a live-action Sailormoon super-sentai in production in Japan, I figure it's only a matter of time before somebody like ABC (who are currently in charge of Power Rangers) re-make the show using an all-American (or all-Aussie, as has been the case lately) cast. If that should ever happen, I think Hilary Duff would make a decent Usagi/Serena. She already has a lot of experience playing a kind-hearted goof who can't walk to her next class without tripping over her own two feet. I'm not saying it's a good thing. I'm just saying "what if."
  24. I was thinking... Punk fans like to sub-genre punk music by saying that all bands who call themselves punk and play more pop-like music aren't punk at all, but are pop-punk. By that logic, I say that artists like Ja Rule, Nelly, 50 Cent, and Puffy/P.Diddy are [b]in no way hip-hop.[/b]. Their music is all some form of "pop" that vaguely resembles [i]real[/i] hip-hop artists like Mos Def and Run DMC. Hip-pop, I believe it's called.
  25. Well, considering I'm going to "High School: The Sequel" (aka Community/Junior College) and I'm still living at home, my life hasn't changed that much. The only difference is that now I have a car (because there are no school busses, duh) and I have a lot more freetime because of the ability to arrange my own class schedule. Not that I use my freetime for anything, anyway. Anyway, I like college better. Whenever I have to go to the bathroom mid-class, I don't have to raise my hand and ask for my teacher to give me their stapler with their name written on it in silver-colored pen. I can leave the campus for lunch. I can wear hats. Half of my teachers want to be addressed by first name. My only real gripe about college is that I have to pay for it.
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