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Manic Webb

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Everything posted by Manic Webb

  1. Let's see... I have about 20 store-bought CDs, 10 of which I still listen to. Then I have about 7 burned CDs. I used to have a lot more CDs, but one of my brothers had a habit with borrowing and selling my stuff for cash. I still hold a grude for when he "lost" my Fugees CD.
  2. Well, I haven't really listed anyone yet. I was afraid that listing favorite rappers would errupt into a flame war... again. Yeah, I like The Roots. I've liked them ever since they did "You Got Me" with Erykah Badu some odd years ago. They're a really unique band, and I can't see why more rappers don't turn to using live instruments like they do. I know that most producers have a more-than-basic knowledge of musical theory. I also like Outkast. They're ginuinely good rappers, and they can write a song with a message in it without boring the hell out of you. Missy Elliott. I know that a lot of people think she's some crazy producer-turned-rapper, but she really deserves more credit than that. She writes and produces her own music, and does the same for many R&B singers. Monica's and Mya's latest albums were done by Missy. Aaliyah (rest her soul) was using Missy and Timbaland as her main producers and writers since her second album. Missy is really talented, and her style of rapper has a lot of old school flavor to it that very few people use anymore. Floetry is good, although the "rapper" of the group is technically a spoken-word poet. We don't get very many hip-hop/R&B acts coming to the States from the UK. Floetry is a really good group, and I hope there are more out there where they came from.
  3. When you get right down to it, every genre of music is pretty redundant. Whether it be materalistic thugged-out rappers who talk about their money and sex life, or quasi-punk pop-rockers who take one failed relationship and turn it into an album of concentrated teen angst. The question is: Out of every genre of music (not just the 2 examples above), which message do you want to hear over and over in slightly varying styles? Fans of mainstream rap prefer to listen to rich people talk about how much money they have. You prefer to listen to... whatever message is constantly regurgitated through your favorite genre of music. Whatever genre that may be.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sharpie [/i] [B]I stand firmly by my "you can't spell crap without rap" solgan. I hate rap. [/B][/QUOTE] Heaven forbid you should give a valid reason why you don't like rap. What about it do you not like? It's okay to not like rap, but at least discuss [i]why[/i] you don't like it.
  5. Ow. I get hurt just reading some of these injuries. They also reminded me of 3 previous injuries I had... in order from least painful to most painful. I was in my 6th grade PE (Physical Education) class, and we were doing a unit on gymnastics. That day, we were doing headstands. I had never done a headstand before, and I'll never do one again. I sprained my neck that day. I couldn't turn my head for the next two weeks. Christmas Eve, 1992. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth (sounds safe enough, right?). I couldn't open the toothpaste tube. While struggling to open the tube, I somehow accidentally hit the right side of my head against the sharp, sharp corner of the bathroom sink. I had staples (yes, like the kind you put on paper... only thicker) in the side of my skull for the next couple of months. My most painful one is the earliest. I was 5 years old, and still riding my bike with training wheels on the back. I wanted to go to the park with my grandfather, but I didn't want to ride my bike there. So I sat on the little rack on the back of my grandfather's bicycle. He warned me to keep my feet away from the wheels, but did I listen? My left foot got caught in the back wheel, and I was rendered one-footed for the next few months. My foot works just fine now, but the scars remain. Buttercup: "He has scars that never heal." Bubbles: "Bunny-Bunny could heal them." Blossom: "No he can't! He's not even a real superhero!" Buttercup: "And they [i]never[/i] heal!"
  6. Yeah, a seeming majority of you are right. I should just let it go. It's not like it's harming anyone. I just don't like being lied to for extended periods of time. I feel that it insults my intelligence for someone to tell me something that isn't true, and continue that lie for over a year. Unchecked. And I think it's all in a sad effort to impress us. There are certain other things he said he had that I've never seen. I'll spare you all the details. Anyway, I'll just let it go. I'm not going to go out of my way to expose the truth. I might be wrong and end up looking like an idiot. However, next time he brings up the mysterious Usagi, there will be no saftey, no sanctuary from my wrath. Ok, not really wrath. More like my obnoxious questions. But still, you get my point. I won't ask about Usagi unless Kenshin brings her up first.
  7. No offense, but Kevin Smith should've known better than to distribute the show to ABC. How many mature animated series do see on Disney? I think Jay Sherman (from "The Critic") put it best: Jay: I used to have a show on ABC... for about a week. Anyway, I saw an episode a few months back on Comedy Central. It was the courtroom one. "The honorable Judge Reinhold." :) Classic.
  8. Ah, the big West Coast blackout of 1996. The entire Western part of the United States was without power for like a day or two. This reminds me a lot of that. Which is why I can say "tough it out!" You'll get my sympathy when the riots start! Hahaha!! j/k :p Seriously, I can see why NY is so upset. I mean, 30 years. That's a long time. In California, we're lucky to go one year without a brownout happening somewhere. I hope this problem gets fixed and all turns out well in all of the effected states and cities.
  9. [BEGIN: Pathetic excuse to turn a "I need help with personal issues" thread into a general discussion that everyone can relate to] So, does anybody here have a friend or relative you believe may be lying to you about an important part of their life? [Oh yeah. Very subtle.] :rolleyes: Like, is there somebody who tells you about something over and over, but you don't believe them? You have no proof it's a lie, but you're just convinced that it is for whatever reason? For example, I have this friend (let's call him "Kenshin"). Kenshin has claimed, for nearly 2 years, that he has a girlfriend (let's call her "Usagi.") None of "Kenshin's" friends (including me) have ever seen this "Usagi" girl he talks about. Whenever I go over to "Kenshin's" house, his siblings never mention any girlfriend. "Kenshin" claims to talk to her on the phone, but he never thinks the phone might be for him when it rings. "Kenshin" says he went to our senior prom with "Usagi", but none of us saw them there. "Usagi" went to a different high school, so we never got the chance to see her back when we were in school together. "Kenshin" has been bringing "Usagi" up less and less in conversation, now that I've been talking to "Kenshin's" siblings a lot more. So should I confront "Kenshin" about whether or not his girlfriend exists, or should I leave things be and hope the truth reveals itself in time? But that situation is entirely beside the point of this thread. Really. Do you know someone who you think may be lying to you?
  10. I used to be a really big fan of rap, but lately it's been lacking in... what's the word? Quality! Some hip-hop acts today are just horrible, in my opinion. The whole thing with southern rappers saying "err" instead of "eer" in their songs was fine and dandy the first couple of times, but I'm getting sick and tired of southern rappers' entire career depending on how much they say "right therr" in one song. And no, I don't like Chingy. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a Missy Elliott CD to listen to...
  11. I played this game for the first time last summer. It was the first original RPG I ever finished. After I had finished, I downloaded a few other Square games for the SNES, all of which fell short of my expectations. The visuals were great, and the battle system was very fluid. I can see why CTrigger was said to have pushed the SNES to its limits. No other SNES game I've ever played has come close to that kind of quality in the overall realm of gameplay, graphics, story and music. Oh, and you gotta love the story. I couldn't wait to see what happened next. Everything unraveled just nicely. I didn't get all of the endings, and I stopped caring after I got the ending where [spoiler]I met the game's production team[/spoiler]. I haven't played Chrono Cross yet, and I honestly don't know if I ever will. CTrigger was so fun for me, I don't want to be disappointed by the story of CCross. Eh, who am I kidding? Bring on the Chrono Cross!
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nomad [/i] [B][color=darkblue][size=3]So many opinions, heh. My opinion is I hate her music, although she can somewhat act. I don't hate her music because it's pop or whatever you wanna call it. I hate it because of the sound of it. I don't like songs such as "I love you so much, blah blah blah" and "We should be together and we can cuddle yadda yadda yadda."[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] This is funny. Hilary Duff has two singles. The first, "Why Not," is about being impulsive (not love). Her second single, "So Yesterday," is about breaking up with somebody and holding a grudge. Now, I'm not one to judge, but I think people should actually listen to a song before they decide to hate it. Anyways... Something that bothers me is when people claim to dislike a certain artist/band for certain reasons (which can even be valid at times), but refuse to see if that band has ever made any improvement. At first, I had little or no respect for Britney Spears because she didn't write any of her own songs, she sang the same 'ol love song, and her music sounded the exact same everytime. Then, in her most recent album, she actually wrote her own songs, hired new producers, and changed the subjects of most of her songs. They weren't love songs anymore, but songs about her growing up and gaining some respect. I know what you're thinking, but even in "I'm A Slave For You" she talked about growing up and how she didn't want to be seen as a kid anymore. See, nobody ever pays attention to that stuff, because her first 2 albums sucked. That's why I see things on a song-by-song basis. I have a friend who hates NSync, but likes the new Black Eyed Peas song "Where Is The Love." Even though he likes the song, he refuses to listen to it or get it because Justin Timberlake sings the chorus. I can accept that he doesn't like any of NSync's songs (I know I don't), but should he refuse to listen to a song he likes just because NSync's lead singer is in it? This is why I see things on a song-by-song basis. If I like the song, I like the song. If I don't, I don't. It [i]should[/i] be that simple, but there are some people who see an image before they hear a song. Think about that next time you watch MTV.
  13. LOL You seem bitter. Relative to her age group, she's an okay actress. There are plenty of better 16 year old actors out there, but Hilary Duff isn't really that bad, compared to some other teens. Given, her voice acting leaves something to be disired (ie. Animated Lizzy), but she's still on my top 10 list of actresses I'd want to be in a live-action Sailormoon movie. Her singing isn't really that good, but the songs she sing don't really require that much talent... sorta like J.Lo. I think she can and will improve with time... at both. A lot of pop acts have been picking up guitars lately, and if Hilary really commits herself, she's be a decent singer in a few years. She's only 16, and there's still some time left to improve her voice. On that same note, all she has to do is work at acting some more and she'll be a good actress when she's older. In the meantime, if you don't like her songs, change the channel.
  14. Ok, I'm gonna have to ask you all to either start saying [i]why[/i] these songs fit you, or get a closed thread. Let's make this a discussion, not a long list.
  15. I love this anime! It's the most funny anime I've ever seen. I makes fun of everything from popular anime genre to popular American films. I mean, when you can squeeze parodies of Gundam, Titanic, and Journey To The West alltogether in only 30 seconds, that's comedy. I only have the first 2 volumes. From what I can gather, the plot doesn't seem very thought out at all. Of course, I've only seen the first third of the series. I can't wait to see where the story goes, and how many other jokes they can possibly throw in there. And like WW2 said, Excel's voice is supposed to be high and squeaky. In Japan, her voice is done by the actress who plays [i]the[/i] magical girl, Usagi. In North America, the dub actress got so worn out trying to make Excel sound crazy, that she strained her voice and had to be replaced before the dubbing was finished. It's all intentional. Also, Excel Saga is the only anime I've seen where a character's dub voice is better than the original. Pedro is supposed to be a Latin foreigner, but speaks broken English in a thick Japanese accent in the original version. The dub actually made him speak Spanish.
  16. Manic Webb

    anime movies

    This is not the place to talk about anime. That would be the Anime Lounge. Please start a Princess Mononoke thread there.
  17. I don't want to close this thread, but I have to. Lack of discussion and all. Sorry, everyone. [color=green]Thread Closed[/color]
  18. Ohhhh, so someone merged two threads? That would explain why half-way through, everyone started talking about famous relatives. Well, I don't have any relatives here, and none of my family members are famous. However, there are rumors floating around that my mom's family is vaguely related to James Brown. My dad is a blues musician who travels and performs all around California in a band called Tattoo Blue, but who's ever heard of a famous blues musician? I think there's a bishop on my dad's side of the family. I hear he showed up to a family reunion in Nevada a couple years back. I didn't go to the reunion, so I didn't see him.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Meteora [/i] [B][color=green][size=1][i]No I'm serious I want tobe those things. I have wanted to be a football player and Sceintist since forever. And it has never changed once.[/color][/size][/i] [/B][/QUOTE] You could probably be one, but not both; at least not at the same time. Both are full-time careers. As a professional football player, the only time you'd have to be an astronomer is when you're not playing, on the road, or training. You could only pursue a science career between seasons, and that just wouldn't work out. On the other hand, you could get your degree in astronomy, and when you're too old or injured to play football, concentrate on a career in science. You could do both, but I doubt you could do them at the same time. Have you ever heard of a pro football player with a second job? And doing soup commercials doesn't count.
  20. I'm currently studying radio and TV broadcasting, but I really want to be a voice actor. Acting is my dream, and if I can't do that, I want a career to fall back on that will still allow me to be in the entertainment business. I currently have no job, but I'm hoping to get hired by somebody in the near future.
  21. Actually, I think American women did start fighting for the right to be drafted a few decades ago. When I filled out my selective service card, there was a checkbox for gender. Women aren't required to sign up for the draft, and I think the military disregards female draft forms sent in. Tw34kY, there are girls who smoke weed, too. Guys just get caught more often. :rolleyes:
  22. Ok, this thread is going absolutely nowhere. [color=green]Slap me around and call me Suzie, this thread is closed![/color]
  23. I think men and women were created to correspond to each other. They're two sides of the same coin. They complete one another. Women have the egg, men have the fertilizer. Men are generally stronger than women, but women have a generally higher tolerence for pain. This is why an average woman needs a man to open a pickle jar, and an average man could never hope to survive the pain of childbirth. There are certain things one can do that the other can't. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. In fact, it's not even a rule. This stuff is pounded into our heads partially by inherent traits and organized religion/society. We can rebel against them anytime we want. Society became male-dominated because of religion. Religion teaches us how to treach the opposite sex. Some of the most popular religions today teach women to be subservient, and men to be dominant. Because this is written as religious law, people learn to follow it. They may not accept it, and that's when they rebel against it. Ancient Sumerian culture, on the other hand, treated the average woman like a treasure. Their beliefs called for women to be respected in some ways. If the Gods created all life on Earth, then women must be godly because they too can create life. But still, certain inherent traits call for women and men to instinctively be treated differently. Men are usually stronger, so they go out and hunt dangerous animals. Women have higher endurance, so they gather things for endless hours. No sex is better than the other. Society might teach us one thing, but we, as individuals, rarely fit into the categories and ideas mentioned above. This is because we have choice, and exceptions. So what am I trying to say? It's an individual thing. Once you get past the stereotypes, whether or not you treat a person of the opposite sex as an equal really just depends on the person they are, not the sex on their birth certificate.
  24. Personally, I never thought Arnold was stupid. I have no knowledge of him speaking in public to base that kind of a guess off of. I don't think he's incapable of running the state because he's an actor. I just don't know if he'll do a very good job with pulling us out of debt, because (as far as I know) he's held no prior political office. This is his time to shine and prove to the world that a former bodybuilding, nationalized immigrant can hold state legislative office in the US and do a good job at it. I mean, I don't think it's ever been done before. It'd be kind of fun if Arnold ran for president, but that'll never happen.
  25. OtakuSennen, US president Ronald Reagan was an actor. Governor Jesse "The Body" Ventura of Minnesota used to be a pro wrestler (which is close to an actor). Anyway, I'm more than sure Arnold Schwarzenegger will pull us out of our cripling debt that's ruthlessly raising our community college prices. Oh, but I'm not bitter. I just want to make sure that whoever governs our state is somebody that won't make me pay double tuition.
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