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Manic Webb

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Everything posted by Manic Webb

  1. Everyone, please put a little more behind your posts. Discuss the show a little bit more. And try to say more than just a handful of words.
  2. Follow Nomad's link. [color=green] Reprise the theme song and roll the credits. This thread is CLOSED[/color]
  3. Well, I used to live in two homes. One was in Oakland with my mother (in the hood). The other was with my grandparents in the suburbs. I stayed with my grandparents sometimes, so I could go to school in the suburbs. Anyway, I was sleeping at my grandparents' house while my mom was out-of-town, leaving the house in Oakland completely empty. The next day, we discovered that the entire house had been pilleged. My TV, half of my old toys (they left the Power Rangers zords, strangely), and my video games were gone. What's weird is that they took all of the Sega Genesis games, the controllers, and the adapters, but left the Genesis itself. Strange thieves.
  4. Yeah, they made a settlement and TNN officially changed its name to SpikeTV. Took them long enough. I don't really like this show. The original voice actor who both Ren and Stimpy's voices was fired. Something about the voice actor saying he essentially created the characters, and the actual creator getting made at him. So Ren and Stimpy don't have as much dialogue, or really good dialogue anymore. The sad part is, the restrictions that Nickelodeon forced them to put on the show is what made the original Ren & Stimpy good. SpikeTV's lack of maturity limits lets the writers of the show go so far, it's just not funny anymore.
  5. Comic or not, Clark's glasses are frustrating. I can understand that not everybody knows who Clark Kent is or that people who meet him may not pay attention to what he looks like, but Lois and Jimmy should know exactly who he is. Especially Lois. She's a highly acclaimed investigative reporter who works with and talks to Clark Kent everyday. She should have a pretty good grasp on what he looks like. Also, she's one of the few people who see Superman up-close and personal on a semi-regular basis. She should have a pretty good grasp on what Superman looks like, as well. But she doesn't. Not much of a reporter, if you ask me. Robin and Nightwing, on the other hand, are different. The Batcrew mostly comes out at night. Nobody ever really gets a good look at Batman, Robin, or Nightwing. At best, the people probably know that Nightwing is a caucasian male with long black hair. I mean, how well can you see his face in the dark? Dick is/was the ward of an under-exposed billionaire. Bruce Wayne rarely makes public appearances, and he rarely brings his wards out with him. I don't think anybody really cares what Dick Grayson or Tim Drake look like. Well, there's my 2 cents. This is about comic books, so I'm gonna move this thread over to the Literature forum. [color=green]Thread Moved[/color]
  6. Generally, I like names that aren't [i]too[/i] common. I know about 100 Michaels, Johns, Jennys, and Tiffanys. I just couldn't see myself naming my kids those. [Boys] [b]Kevin[/b] It's my name. [b]Cyrus[/b] I don't know why, but I just like this name. [b]Sean[/b] Part of my middle name is Sean. I like it. [b]Hendrix[/b] After Jimmi Hendrix. It's difficult as hell to get a decen nickname out of that (Drix, Hen, Hendy) but I still like it for some reason. If I had a son (and my wife approved), I probably would name my son Hendrix. I'm weird like that. [Girls] [b]Cameron[/b] My neice's name is Camryn (same name, different spelling), and it's a really good name. [b]Jordan[/b] This [i]was[/i] going to be my neice's name. They decided against it, so now it's up-for-grabs if I ever have any kids. [b]Tina-Marie[/b] During the 1980s, Teena Marie was the "Queen of Soul." A singer. I'd never name my child Tina, though. I have nothing against people named Tina, but the name has no meaning. It's a nickname taken from names ending in "tina" or "tine" like Christina or Satine. Look it up.
  7. There's already a thread about favorite actors/actresses right here: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=26906[/url] [color=green]Thread Closed[/color]
  8. Yes! I love Rave Master! It's the second manga I ever picked up and read. The first was No Need For Tenchi. So far, those are the only manga I read. I have one more volume of Tenchi left to read, and Rave Master is still being translated to English. I can't wait for the Rave Master anime to go on sale in the US next year. I find it really strange that No Need For Tenchi the manga has twice as much action as the Tenchi Muyo anime. Twice as much comedy, too. In fact, the manga has stronger doses of everything I love about the anime. I've been thinking about picking up Love Hina. I heard it's not so bad. There's a couple other manga I've seen in the store that look pretty interesting. If it didn't take me roughly an hour to read an entire manga volume, I'd read all of them. Sadly, there are only 24 hours in a day, and Borders book store is only open for 12 of them.
  9. A couple of weeks ago, I asked a friend to let me borrow his FFIX. He said no. Never. Ever. Instead, he met me borrow another Square game, Brave Fencer Musashi. I have no idea how far along I am in the game (how many chapters are in this thing, anyway?), but it's pretty fun. I haven't played very many RPGs, and very very few were action RPGs. I like the freedom of action RPGs, but other than Musashi, the only other one I've ever played was Zelda. Anyway, fun game. I was just wondering if anyone else has played it, and what you think of it.
  10. This thread is so off, it ain't right. [color=green]Thread Closed[/color]
  11. There's another Johnny English thread on the first page of this forum. Post in that one. [color=green]Thread Closed[/color]
  12. You realize, of course, that there is another thread about Pirates of the Caribbean nearby. If you have any questions, post them in the other thread. Don't start a new one. [color=green]Thread Closed[/color]
  13. Superstar (Ho Sung Pak) from WMAC was the character model for Liu Kang and Shang Tsung in the Mortal Kombat video games, not the movies. Robin Shou was Liu in the movies. I don't see why they didn't just cast Pak, but whatever. I remember watching this show way back. Now that FoxBox is showing reruns, I realize that the acting on that show was only out-done by the writing in terms of "poorness." The same 3 or so characters did all the talking in each episode. I swear Ho Yung Pak never said a word, even though he was clearly one of the better fights on the show. I still love it, though. Nice show to watch. No more campier than pro wrestling, although more fake. What really got me was the battles where each fighter would get a "lifebar." I used to grab my SNES controller and pretend I was playing a videogame on those parts.
  14. I'm not much of a techno fan. Most types of techno are great to listen to at parties, where they're played with the volume full-blast, but I don't see any point in ever listening to a techno song any other time. Great for parties, but I'm not exactly gonna listen to a DJ Sammy song while I'm doing my homework or lounging on the couch.
  15. I think the animation is pretty good. It's a little cartoony, but Mainframe (the people who made ReBoot and Beast Wars and nearly every other CGI TV series) never go for the most realistic look in their work. On top of that, CG is very expensive, and Spider-Man has very good animation for an all-CG TV series. Movies get the full fluid-motion treatment, but you only get so much time and money to make an entire series. The cel-shading is new for Mainframe, but they're the same as they ever were in terms of quality. It doesn't follow the comic book much, but this series is more based off of the live-action movie than the comics. The stories focus more on Peter's college life, so with that in mind, the story is pretty well done. Everybody is partying, but Peter is struggling to make his way through school, work, and fight crime while trying to maintain something resembling a social life. An okay show. Better than Spider-Man Unlimited.
  16. Ok... you guys are [i]barely[/i] (if at all) talking about the commercial. And you're side-tracking way too easily. And because I know this'll turn into a plain ol thread about McDonalds, rather than the jingle, I'm closing this thread up. [color=green]Thread Closed[/color]
  17. I loved all of 'em. Piggy was an insane love-sick sow who kicked everybody's arse. Statler and Waldorph had a joke for everything. And Rolph had that smooth jazz image to him. He wasn't the only piano playing muppet, but he was the only one who played piano jazz. The only thing that made Fozzie funny was the fact that he tried so hard, but his jokes were just... sad. I think Fozzie was played by Frank Oz, which would explain where his name came from (F. Oz, Foz, Fozzie). I've had a grudge against Elmo for some years now. There was a time when my 2 favorite S. Street muppets (Big Bird and Grover) got all of the attention, but in walks that damn Elmo with his own tickle-me doll. Now, nobody but me even remembers Grover or his alter-ego Super Grover. btw, the vampire's name (from Sesame's Street) was Count Von Count. Or "The count" for short. --EDIT-- Adding something in... Does anybody remember Dr. T & The Electric Mayhem? It was the band Animal played the drums for. They had that stoner chick playing the guitar and the blue guy on sax. Dr. T was the pianist, with a gold tooth.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Emme888 [/i] [B]Anime is the best and you can tell it by the quality in animation...American Anime is Hacky...ugh... [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, it's almost the opposite in terms of animation quality. The typical anime uses less frames of animation than the typical cartoon. If you watch a cartoon and anime back-to-back, you'll notice that the American (or Canadian) show is just a [i]little[/i] smoother. Of course, you don't want to compare movies to TV series, because movies are always smoother than TV series. Try switching between Cartoon Network's Toonami and a Nickelodeon Nick Toon. Check it out. Don't get me wrong. I find the art styles in anime more appealing, and Japanese animators are really good at doing scenes without actually animating anything (ie. a character having a conversation with their back to the "camera"). But truth be told, American shows have a better frame rate in their animation than anime.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]I noticed that when american shows due try that, its never as mature or beutiful, or action packed as Japanese anime.[/B][/QUOTE] This isn't specifically aimed at you, Double B... There's a stereotype running around that says all anime are well thought-out, deep, and meaningful. Well, for all people who believe that, I have 2 words for you... Tokyo Pig. That said, I like the anime-style themes currently being used in some American shows. Teen Titans, for example, uses the famous facial expressions of anime, with the smooth animation more commonly found in America. And that's all it usually is, really. Facial stuff. Characters react facially like in an anime. Their faces are drawn more anime-like. And half the time, with shows like Dexter's Lab or Poowerpuff Girls, the creators are just really big anime fans who like to throw in odes to their favorite anime. The guy made Dexter's Lab is obviously a fan of old school Mech anime.
  20. First of all, I don't want this turning into a flame war. If it does, I will turn this thread right around and close it. ICP is quite mainstream. Given, they're not multi-platinum selling artists, but that doesn't make them any less exposed. In most cases, when a band gets exposure on television and in radio, they're mainstream. ICP got a lot of airplay on MTV late at night, and on MTV2. They plugged their albums on pro wrestling shows so many times, it was ridiculous. ICP claims to be against mainstreaming, but they've done everything to expose themselves [i]except[/i] commercials. And let's face it, 1 out of every 10 mainstream artists actually advertise their albums on TV commercials. We've all heard of them. Obviously, they're not that underground, are they? I've heard some of their songs, and those songs were either self-involved or rebelling against something trivial like *ahem* mainstream music.
  21. What Transtic said... [color=green]Thread Closed[/color]
  22. This thread has no place here. I'm moving it over to the O Lounge.
  23. 10 years? I doubt I'll still be listening to rap in 3 years. I used to be a reall big hip-hop fan, but recent trends have really turned me off to it. All of my favorite rappers have either retired or will retire soon. It's gotten to the point where if someone cashes in on his Southern accent while talking about meaningless sex and car rims one more time, I'm going to go insane and take BET down with me! I'm tired of it. I'm thinking about heading underground, but I'm just too lazy to make the trip. 10 years from now, rap will be dead to me. Unless, of course, someone really good and original comes out. R&B will always be with me, though. The blues in in my blood (my father is a blues musician), and I'll always be able to appreciate a good singer. I'm especially starting to get into Neo-Soul. I'm an on-again, off-again rock fan. Every now and then, I'll find a rock band I really like, but sooner or later I'll lose touch with all of rock's different genre and find myself listening to 80's rock again. So 10 years from now, I'll probably be rocking with one good band, and will have no idea who the rest are.
  24. I had heard about the internet for years, but I didn't get to experience it for myself until I was about 13 years old. I was at my cousins' house, and they gave me a screen name on their AOL account. I'd log on every now and then, but I had no idea what I was doing. Then when I was 14, I got a WebTV (it's called an MSNTV, these days) for my birthday and began surfing the internet everyday. I started my first websites in those days. That's was back in 1998. Then in 2000, I got an actual computer for my 16th birthday. No longer limited by the basic abilities of a WebTV, I learned the joy of downloading, and re-learned how to use a mouse. All I've ever really done is look up song lyrics, read news, visit anime websites, chat, and work on my websites.
  25. 4 Tentcles + 2 arms + 2 legs = 8 limbs. I gotta admit, though, "Amazing Spider-Man" needs some good actors [i]badly[/i]. Willem Defoe was way over-the-top as Goblin. [i]Way[/i] over the top. I heard Felicia Hardy would be in "Amazing" but not as Black Cat. I'm hoping this movie digs into Harry Osbourne's hatred of Spider-Man, and leads him to the truth; his cold-hearted corporate father was actually a cold-hearted super villain.
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