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Manic Webb

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Everything posted by Manic Webb

  1. Manic Webb


    Yes, this thread will be closed. In fact, it's closed now.
  2. After people kept comparing this show to different anime, I thought I'd hit Google and do a little research... The original Teen Titans comic book was made in the 1960s. Starfire, Raven, and this current incarnation of the Teen Titans came about in the year 1980. Yuu Yuu Hakusho wasn't made until the early 1990s, and Trigun was made in the mid/late 1990s. If anything, Hiei and Millie are copying Raven and Starfire. But nobody is copying anyone. These are all coincidence. Dark, brooding characters & ditzy airheads have been around since Shakespeare. Get over it. The animation itself is inspired by anime in some ways, but the show in no way attempts to be an anime in itself. The frame-rate is much too smooth for it to be an anime. :p I like the show. They don't try to be too serious, but they know when to get the job done. Sure, they're superheroes, but they're still a bunch of teens. I think it's a good show, and I can't wait to see how they'll deal with the blue stuff growing in their fridge, and what romances may bloom between Raven & Beast Boy and Robin & Starfire. P.S. aYokano, Changeling and Beast Boy are the same person. It's another one of those cases where superheros change their names.
  3. We were talking about cases like this in my Mass Communication class just a couple weeks ago. The media will present the case to the public, news-watchers will make their conclusions, and people will argue about whether or not he's guilty. The problem is, the case hasn't even gone to trial yet. The name and history of the allegedly raped woman hasn't even been revealed yet. There is absolutely no evidence proving or disproving either side. In short, nobody knows but Kobe and the woman. Our guesses are based off of nothing but our ways of thinking and unfounded stereotypes we have about Kobe, women who point the finger, and atheletes in general. The problem with this is that the public has already come to its own conclusion before a jury can be formed. Once a jury can be assembled for the actual trial, each member of the jury will already have his or her own theory of what really happened, and it's going to be difficult for both the Prosecutor and Defendant to change their minds. So I can't really say whether or not I believe he's guilty or innocent. I have no proof.
  4. I did a few plays in Middle school, but I did a lot more backstage work and less acting throughout High school. My senior year, however, I tried out and got a part in the musical-comedy "Little Shop of Horrors." I puppeteered the plant (Audrey II), played a hobo/wino, and played a shop customer. I was also part of the chorus. I took an acting class last semester (college freshman), and the teacher said I had the best comedic timing in the class (yay!). My dream is to become a voice actor for original animation. No dubbing. People can be real arseholes when dealing with voice-over dub actors, so that's totally crossed off of my list. I might want to go inot live-action acting, but that would involve having "the right look" for a part in addition to the right voice.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GoKents [/i] [B]Note: I consider hippie to be an insulting term... if your a hippie, come here and meet the hippie killer. (look in sig :D ) [/B][/QUOTE] Meet the new "Manic" version of hippie, Hippie Lite! I support non-violence, believe in free love, and like listening to Jimi Hendrix and the Monkees. However, I don't believe in imposing my views on others in the form of a loud public display, or taking LSD. The way I see it, there were the political activists who held up a tight fist in the name of "justice" and did wild & odd displays of protest. I, however, support those long-haired, poncho-wearing, bus-riding, sitar-playing, pot-smoking, Woodstockin' hippies who were all about having a good time and trying to abandon the confines of society. Sure, the former turned into tree-hugging Liberals and the latter got over it and turned into yuppie Conservatives by the 1980s, but it looked like a fun faze to go through... except for the drug part. People are having acid flashbacks to this day. That's just a little too dangerous for Hippie Lite. And here I go disgressing again. [quote]On the contrary, someone does win... The man who reaps the benefits of humanitarian progress always wins.[/quote] I didn't mean that [i]nobody[/i] wins, I meant that those who advocate human rights but don't support violent means, those are the people who half-lose in the end. The people who don't believe the ends justify the means feel like losers for having their ideals come about in ways which they don't support. Well, they may not feel like "losers" but they pretty much had to sacrifice one belief for the other. "I believe these people should have human rights, but I don't believe violence is ever the way. Violence seems to be working, however, and I'm conflicted." That's what I mean. I know that the rescued gets to reap those benefits, but those who weren't sure how to support the means don't get to eat that cake. Did that even make any sense? --EDIT-- Had to omit/rewrite something, out of respect for another member.
  6. The way I understand it, the hippie lifestyle advocates the solving of conflicts through non-violent means, not to avoid those conflicts altogether and complain about them at the same time. Given, most hippies don't seem to get that, but a real hippie (if one even exists) would promote negotiation. That said, I half-way support our current involvement in the middle-east. I seriously wish that somebody could've found another way to work through this, but there was little choice. Either way, the conflict in Iraq is almost over and I'm hoping the UN's humanitarian group can head in there for clean-up in there soon. But I digress. There was a question to be answered in there somewhere. [b]Should an individual's political pride out wiegh his/her support for the implimentation of the ideals he/she allegedly holds?[/b] Of course not. It makes no sense to put politics before ethics. However, if a person's ideals involve solving problems through non-violent means, then said implimentation would have to be non-violent as well. It's not so much hypocrisy as it's somebody not being able to have their cake and eat it. It's all one big dilemma that has to be solved with one ideal being sacrificed for the other. For some people, it's a no-win situation.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AzureWolf [/i] [B]Yeah, not to butt into your future or anything, but I've noticed that Comp Sci seems to rely more on logic than math. In fact, the only math you seem to need is simple algebra. If you've got common sense, you can have a future in computer science. Why don't you take like one course of comp sci and see how it suits you?[/B][/QUOTE] Well, [i]they[/i] want me to major in Computer Science, not me. I'm just not that interested in it. My heart belongs to entertaining people or helping entertainers look good.
  8. Officially, my major is still listed as Undecided. Unofficially, however, I'm majoring in Mass Communications. Right now I'm taking the Intro classes, and I'm hoping to get into full-swing Spring Semester. I'm thinking about concentrating in TV/Radio Broadcasting, but I'm still not sure. People do tell me I have a voice for radio, though. My mom and grandparents keep telling me to get into Computer Science, but I have the math skills of a mentally challenged goldfish that mates like a rabbit and needs to fill out its tax forms without the aid of an accountant. I'm currently attending a Community College, and I'm hoping to transfer to a 4-year state school after my Sophomore year.
  9. The thread in the PC/Mac forum that Randleman pointed to seems to be in full-swing, so I'm gonna have to ask everyone to post there while I close this thread up. [color=green]Thread Closed[/color]
  10. Frankie J (Francisco Javier Bautista) of the Latin-American R&B group Kumbia Kings. As a group, they had a few hits throughout parts of California, other parts of the South-Western US, and Mexico. Frankie J left the group a couple years ago to pursue a solo career. Frankly, I think Frankie is better solo than the Kumbia Kings ever were. He was the most talented member of the group. I heard a few samples off of Amazon of his album "What's A Man To Do" and it sounds pretty good. I've been thinking about getting it. He pulled off a good R&B album without the aid of big-name producers like The (currently over-used) Neptunes or Missy Elliott.
  11. Manic Webb


    [spoiler]When I gave my theory of going back in time and stopping J-Day, I said so under the assumption that anyone who goes back in time exists outside of the normal rules of causality (ie. I go back in time, stop my parents from meeting, I still exist physically in the past, and will vanish from existance once I return to the future.) Think of Biff in Back to the Future 2. He changed the pass, but it didn't effect him until he returned to his own time. However, now that I think about it (after reading a couple of your posts), far too many things loop around themselves in the Terminator movies. While they might be able to change the past in minor ways, like Charles said, it's fate. The events of all of the movies had to happen. The only way for John Conner to exist is if Judgement Day occurs; linear. And time travel can't switch between linear and branching-paths.[/spoiler] I get it. I wish I didn't just read it 77 times in a row, but I still get it.
  12. Manic Webb


    I was thinking about it, and while [spoiler]they couldn't stop Judgement Day[/spoiler] at the end of the movie, there's still a small chance that they still can. Let's reflect... [spoiler]Toward the beginning of the movie, T-800 (or whatever model Arnold plays) stated that while they didn't stop Judgement Day, they delayed it. This proves that they can alter the future. If they can alter the future to delay Judgement Day, then they should be able to stop it. At the end of the movie, they couldn't stop Judgement Day because they didn't know how. They delayed it, so there must be a way they could've stopped it. Unfortunately, there was no central computer to shut down, and John & Kate figured everything out only a few hours before Skynet went insane and killed everyone. Obviously, whatever they did during T2 wasn't enough. In fact, I'm not so sure they knew what exactly they were doing. If they had known in T2 what they figured out in T3, I'm guessing that they could've stop J-Day. So here's my theory: Send a robot back in time to stop Judgement Day. I know what you're thinking ("they did that in T2 and T3!"), but it's never actually been done. Think about it. They sent robots back in time to protect John Conner. Those robots were never actually programmed to stop Judgement Day. The human characters were the ones trying to stop Judgement Day, not the robots.[/spoiler] They should send a robot back in time whose primary mission is to stop Judgement Day. Things would probably be done a lot more efficiently, and the job would finally get done.
  13. DigiFan - "Bring Me to Life" by Evanescence. OtakuSennen - "A Complicated Song" by Weird Al. Don't worry, it's fine by me. I can't believe you had the nerve to say the things you said They hurt so bad that they ended our relationship I can't believe it, four years gone down the drain How I wish things would have happened so differently I tried to save it so many times, but still you couldn't see You kept insistin' and resistin' that you would not fall again And now you're tryin' to tell me that you're sorry And you're tryin' to come back home You're tellin' me you really need me; crying, beggin' Both knees are on the floor But baby I...
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crisis Analogy [/i] [B]Hmmm... [i]"Phoenix"[/i] by Breaking Point. [/B][/QUOTE] That's nice. Would you like to talk about it? Please join in the actual discussion, rather than simply naming a song.
  15. The Worker of the Week award went to a plain carbon rod. And I think Snowball I was run over by a Chrysler driven by the mayor's brother. [b]Question:[/b] How did Ned Flanders' wife die?
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Musahi [/i] [B]The only song that has ever [i]caused[/i] me to show/feel emotion is that one country song. I think it's called "Have You Forgotten?", it's cool. It's talking about all the bitches that are protesting the war, and have they forgotten what happened Sept. 11. [/B][/QUOTE] First of all, I have to ask you to watch your language. Let's keep things on Otakuboards strictly PG. And while you might support the conditions of our current war, calling those who oppose your point of view the b-word is inappropriate. Just try to keep the language down. And just a note: When replying to this thread, please give a reason to the songs you list. If simply listing a few song and band names becomes too frequent, I may have to close this thread. --EDIT-- That note was addressed to everybody, not just Musahi.
  17. Bart dated Jessica Lovejoy. I asked for the name of the girl who secretly dated Milhouse.
  18. The C. Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Exellence. [b]Question:[/b] Milhouse fell in love with the new girl at school and, because they weren't allowed to see each other, dated secretly in Bart's treehouse. What was the name of that girl?
  19. Another common misconception. Cartoon Network does not dub Sailormoon. It only airs it. If you have complaints with the dubbing to Sailormoon, take them up with DiC and those idiots at CWi. Likewise, if you have problems with the way Dragonball is dubbed, take them up with those idiots at FUNimation. Cartoon Network doesn't dub anime. They only air dubbed anime and sometimes edit them (other times, the edits were pre-made by the actual dubbers.) CN makes Cartoon-Cartoons and probably 1/3 of their Adult Swim block. Everything else they show, they buy from someone else. You're shooting the messanger. It's [i]very[/i] unfair to assume that there are no good American voice actors. There are plenty of voice actors the America who are trained actors. Sure, none of them are dubbing anime. They're all doing original work, like original TV shows and Disney movies ect. I'm sure the voice actors in Japan are great and all, but that doesn't mean that I'd rather watch a Japanese dub of "The Simpsons" or "Scooby Doo" (nobody does a better Shaggy than Casey Cassem. Nobody). So while there may not be many good voice-over actors out there doing dubs, don't bash the [i]real[/i] voice actors of America.
  20. I know this is a little off-topic, but I can't seem to get into the chat room. I don't know if it's Opera or if my computer just can't handle it, but the applet crashes everytime I try to use it. Is there a server name and channel I can use mIRC with?
  21. I really don't want to have to close this thread, so I'm going to have to ask everybody to please clean up your post quality.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Panzer Dragoon [/i] [B]See it depends what we mean by dub. The dub anime shown in the US is always edited due to TV censorship. The other dub is the english version of the anime you get in the DVDs. For example, take GTO. The dub is exactly like the sub only its in english of course. [/B][/QUOTE] That's [i]exactly[/i] what I've been trying to say. Screw half of the dubs shown on TV! I'm defending the dubs you get on DVD. Those are usually the exact same, aside from obviously using different actors. Anime dubbing has come a logn way these past decades, and it's just now starting to get the treatment it deserves. The more people out there that watch & buy anime, the better in quality the dubs become. And dub quality now is higher than its ever been.
  23. You still haven't named any edited anime dubs that: 1. You have seen both subtitled and dubbed 2. Have never been shown on American TV I know good and well that dubs shown on TV can be edited badly or even slightly, but that's not even what I'm referring to. If you can come up with proof, then do it. If you're just guessing, then stop.
  24. Thank you, Dayday. Everybody, please talk about Adult Swim and the black/white cards they use during breaks. Take Family Guy to a new thread.
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