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Everything posted by Manic Webb
Actually, that's a common misconception. Not all dubs edit things out for no reason. That's usually the result of an edit for American television. Dragonball Z, for example, is dubbed with the intention for it to be shown on North American television. So, the dubbers (FUNimation) go all-out to make the dub as Americanized as possible and to edit out or alter certain scenes to make the show marketable to young teenagers. On the other hand... A couple weeks ago, I picked up Excel Saga on DVD. This show was not dubbed for the purpose of it to be shown on American TV. As a result, I can switch between the subtitled and dubbed versions of the show, and none of the scenes will be edited out or altered in any way (except for the title of the show during the opening, which was re-written in English). If you believe that all dubs edit out parts of the show, then I ask you to please name 5 anime you've seen both dubbed and subtitled, and have never been shown on television in North America, where scenes have been edited or altered for no reason. Don't get me wrong. I like subtitles. In fact, I owe my reading speed to watching subs. I just happen to like dubs just as much. That's why I prefer to buy DVDs with both languages. I defend dubs because a lot of people seem to be under the impression that all dubs are meant for American network television and are subject to severe editing. I can recognize a bad dubbing voice actor when I hear one *castofsailormoonanddragonballz* but I can also recognize a good one when I hear one, which some people are under the impression don't exist. I guess I'm a little touchie because I want to be a voice actor one day. I try to respect good voice-over actors, but they aren't enough of them out there.
what genre of music do you dislike the most and why?
Manic Webb replied to soundwave2x's topic in Noosphere
I smell a flame-fest in the makings. Seriously, a thread about what type of music one likes least... it will eventually bring about debates, which will grow into flames. It's happened before. [color=green]Thread Closed[/color] -
My cousin has nearly all of her albums. She's entertaining, to say the least. I don't exactly love her songs, but I don't hate them either. Her music is really unique, and her music videos are amazing. I have no idea what Icelandic sounds like, so I have no idea if she's rambling incoherently or singing in Icelandic half the time (I hear she does both randomly).
For goodness sake, there's already a St. Anger thread, and on the first page no less. Post in that one. [color=green]Thread Closed[/color]
Yup. I'm 19. I like the humor they've been adding to the show lately. It's like as soon as finally established all of the rangers, the writers decided to take a break and dish out some funny (or potentially funny) episodes. Is it me, or did Cam leave Ninja Ops only [i]once[/i] before he became a ranger? Now that he's the Green Ranger, he seems to be up and about like the rest of the gang. There was a time when Cam wouldn't have even been involved in an episode involving a love potion. Mara and Kapri add enough cheesy and annoying humor to the show. I don't know why the writers thought it necessary for Lothor to be almost as goofy as the rest of his peanut gallery.
I know they wouldn't be able to get away with blood-spray. I'm just saying that instead of slicing everything in half and it turning out to be a robot, Jack could go against a living creature and scratch it up pretty badly. They get away with [i]way[/i] too many nose-bleeds, punched-out teeth, and bloody mouths on "Powerpuff Girls" for Samurai Jack to only be able to fight robots.
After thinking about it, I agree with users starting off as Members, rather than Newbies and Junior Members. However, I think we should keep the higher user titles beyond 1,000 posts. I [i]so[/] want to know how high they go and what their names are.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zeh [/i] [B]I remember a pretty neat idea. Replace post count with member number.[/B][/QUOTE] I don't know. OB currently has 4,900+ members. I wouldn't want other members to know that I'm Member #5,001 while other members have really low numbers like 2 or 7.
Actually, James, Charles, the Super Mods, and the Mods already do all that. There's usually a discussion made whenever somebody thinks a member should be banned. I'm not too sure how mods are selected (I have no idea how I got this job), but if memory serves me, nearly all members of OB discussed the removal of the Newbie Lounge. And right now, quite a few members are talking about the Video Game forums in a nearby thread.
You're new, so I'll explain things to you. Whenever you start a new thread, make sure there isn't already a thread with the same subject on the first two pages of the forum. For example, there's already a thread about your favorite types of music on the first page of the forum. Click Here: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=25114[/url] This thread is closed.
There's a Power Rangers thread a page back. You can post in that one. It even discusses next year's Ranger show. Follow The Link: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=25268[/url]
Yeah, the robot thing is kind of annoying. Even mutants that don't even come off as robotic suddenly spew oil the moment Jack cuts them. I've always admired the animation of this show. The usage of wide-screen and narrow-screen on certain shots, the way none of the character designs use black outlines (every other Cartoon Cartoon uses really thick black outlines). I heard that the written scripts of the show are incredibly short, because in some episodes nobody even says anything. I think it's primarily story-boarded, as opposed to scripted. I've been hanging around way too many animation experts...
Samurai Jack was created by the creator of Dexter's Lab, Gendy Tartakovsky. It was made by an American, written in America, and animated in Korea. The only thing Japanese about the show (aside from the character "Jack" being the Emperor's son) is the voice actor who plays Aku. The show does have quite a few anime elements. Tartakovsky is a big anime fan, and really likes to throw in a few tributes to his favorite anime every now and then (pay attention the next time you see Dexter pull out one of his giant robots). He says that he made Samurai Jack to satisfy his need to make an action cartoon with more action than any of his past shows. While he does admit that anime has a strong influence on Samurai Jack, I don't think I've ever heard him call the show an actual "anime." So, no. I don't think Samurai Jack is an anime. It's a pretty good show, though.
I remember reading somewhere why some characters are dubbed with Southern accents. (I don't know if this is true, though)... Much like how different states in the US speak in slightly different accents from one another, people from different regions of Japan speak Japanese in slightly different accents. So when a Japanese character speaks in a different accent from the rest of the cast, American dubbers usually translate that accent in the form of a Southern accent. I can't understand Japanese at all, and like Semjaza, I can't tell if any of the actors are any good. When I watch a DVD, I usually don't bother to switch to the Japanese track until I've watched it in English first. It's much easier for me to follow the story when I don't have to read it. I watch the subtitled version out of curiosity. I don't have anything against subs or dubs. I go with whichever one is provided on the VHS or TV. I prefer bi-lingual DVDs, anyway.
I understand why you would put this in the Music forum, but if you intend for people to discuss [i]more[/i] than just music, then this belongs in the Lounge. Although I do get my high off of music (especially when I listen to 60s rock.), other people might get their "high" off of other things (painting, exercise, actual drugs, ect.). This thread is getting moved. [color=green]Thread Moved[/color]
I remember visiting another online forum that used an RPG hack. Your EXP would increase with your post count (after the bar reaches max, it starts over again and you gain a level... naturally), HP increased with the number of threads the user actually started (rather than just replied to), and MP increased with the post-per-day count. I don't know if it would just make the Author column look kool, or cause more SPAM when some users try to increase their stats. User-specific default font settings! Yes! I've been meaning to switch to green colored text, but I'm far too lazy to type it in everytime. Quick-attach. Can't go wrong there. And I have the same problem as Solo with spelling. Sometimes I notice a typo, edit it, notice another typo, edit it, notice that I only made the first typo worse, edit it again, ect. Who was it that suggested embedding mp3s in user profiles? Shinobi? Don't you know that there are still people out there using dial-up connections? I honestly don't want to look at somebody's profile for 30 minutes straight just to know what mp3 they have playing in the background. Sound bytes would not only be annoying, they'd freeze my computer (damn eMachine). I'd probably [i]stop visiting Otaku Boards[/i] if that happened.
Anime Which Animes Are Dubbed Best/Worst?
Manic Webb replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Otaku Central
Bebop and Trigun have already been mentioned about a dozen times already, so I'll just skip those... One of the better dubs I've seen is [b]Excel Saga[/b]. Jessica Calvello did a really great Excel. The character is completely [i]insane[/i], and she did a great job of keeping up. Unfortunately, half-way through the series, she did such a good job at Excel's voice that she strained her vocal chords and had to be replaced. My one gripe about the dub is the voice used for Hyatt. She's too quiet. I have to turn my TV up to hear her, but then every other character sounds way too loud. The [b]worst[/b] dub has to be [b]Cardcaptors[/b]. Sailormoon and DBZ might have left out a few episodes here and combined a few episodes there, but the Cardcaptors dub completely skipped over Sakura's origin as the cardcaptor. [i]No other dub has ever skipped the first episode entirely[/i]. Of course, I may just be talking about the episodes shown on TV by the WB. They probably dubbed more episodes, and the skipping of the first few could probably just be Warner Bros. Television's fault. I honestly don't know. -
How did you celebrate your graduation?
Manic Webb replied to G.D. Ryoko's topic in General Discussion
Well, my graduation was last year, but me and my brother went to a bowling alley that had some kind of a late-night bowling party going on. We bowled until about 3am, then we went to the International House of Pancakes and... ate pancakes. -
cowboytai, please put a little more effort into your posts. It's alright that you think the movie is funny, but it'd just be nice if you could type a little bit more.
Which is better The Matrix or The Matrix Reloaded?
Manic Webb replied to Neoclone-7's topic in Noosphere
Verus threads are not allowed, as they usually don't involve much discussion. Besides, Matrix Reloaded is hardly a finished movie. It has no real ending, so it's incredibly difficult to compare it to its more complete prequel. If you want to discuss the difference between both movies, please search for the most recent "The Matrix" thread. [color=green]Thread Closed[/color] -
Anime so many live action movies from anime..
Manic Webb replied to kiddy_phenil's topic in Otaku Central
The live-action Sailormoon show is being made in Japan and the creator of the original comic series will have some say in its production, so that shouldn't be too big of a problem. But if they decide to dub the show into English ala-Ultraman Tiga, that would suck eggs. The best way they could ever bring the show overseas is to do it Power Ranger style and buy the costumes from the Japanese show and hire new actors. And I really don't see how badly anyone could screw up a live-action Lupin III movie. There are some decent movies out there about thieves & larcenists, and that's all Lupin II really is... a series about a grand larcenist. They didn't make a DBZ movie years ago, Hong Kong made a Dragonball (no Z) movie way back. It was really bad. They didn't even get the full rights to make the movie. The characters had to collect "dragon pearls." -
I'd say the formula in DBZ is more like... Hero - Goku Hero's Best Friend - Krillin Quiet One - Piccolo Smart One/Cute Kid - Gohan Tough One - Vegeta But yeah. If the characters were all alike, no one would watch the show. If they were all quiet, nobody would ever talk. If they were all smart, they'd probably spend all of their time talking. If they were all tough/strong, they'd probably all die from attacking without a plan. If they were all ultra-heroic, they'd be competing with one another over who gets the girl at the end.
Writing Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix
Manic Webb replied to Queen Asuka's topic in Creative Works
Okay... I know I've been preoccupied the last couple of days, but I'd think someone else would've noticed by now that this is a literature thread in the "boob tube" forum. [color=green]Thread Moved[/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DarK DeatH [/i] [B]A friend of mine saw it... He said it is just a piece of crap mixed with some ****... So I'm probably not gonna see it... Anyways, I believe there was a thread about Hulk before wasn't there? [/B][/QUOTE] I was thinking the same thing, but that other Hulk thread has to be at least a month old by now (not to mention at least 2 pages back). There's really not much point in bringing it back now.
Ah, man. I remember this movie. That was back when Fred Savage was still famous, wasn't it? It was an ad for Nintendo, wasn't it? Everytime I see the movie, it only makes me want to play my old NES (it still works) or download a rom. Just talking about the movie makes me feel like playing Ninja Gaiden.