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Manic Webb

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Everything posted by Manic Webb

  1. My parents separated when I was 2 years old and the divorce was finallized when I was 4. It sounds like an ungodly long divorce, but the last two years were mostly a debate over what amount of child support money my dad should send my mom. However, I'm completely de-sensitized to my parents' divorce. For as long as I can remember, my dad has been married to my step-mother and my mom has been dating. I grew up living with my mom and brother, then splitting my weekends with my dad and step-mom and step-brother. My step-mom was also recently divorced from a previous marriage. She had a son just a couple years older than me. When she married my father when I was 3, I gained a new brother. So I'm completely used to it. The only things I had to actually deal with was deciding which weekends & holidays to spend with my dad, and my step-mom giving birth to my half-sister a few years ago. I'm sure my step-brother didn't take his mother's remarriage too badly, but my oldest brother went through pure hell. I was only 3 when my dad remarried. My step-bro was only 5. My oldest brother, on the other hand, was 9 years old. He hates my step-mom to this day (nearly 17 years later), and he refuses to talk to our dad. I'm alright, though. I don't know why my mom insists on talking to me about the divorce, like I have issues with it or something.
  2. I remember when I was a tender lad of 4, my mom took me to get my ear peirced. What's with the semi-shocked facial expression? You mean you don't know many moms who would take their pre-school children to get a piercing? My older brother had just gotten an earring, and I wanted one too. I don't know why she went along with it. Anyway, I only have one piercing on my left ear. To me, it didn't hurt. In fact, I barely felt it. I was too busy preparing for the pain, that I didn't feel it when it came. That's probably about all of the piercing I'm getting. I heard everything else hurts 10x more when it's pierced.
  3. I was just about to bring this up. As shown in Red's above link, I posted in a thread and my post showed up [i]above[/i] the thread starter's. I tried to delete my post, but the board said I didn't have permission. o.O On top of that, did anyone else notice that all of the posts that this happened with all happened at 6:03? Actually, I posted that message at around 10pm (PST), but it said that I posted at 6:03.
  4. All this (and more) was discussed in a recent Matrix thread. If you're going to talk about the end of the movie, talk about it in the other thread. Link: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22715[/url] By the way, please check the second page of this forum before starting a new thread. Someone else probably started the exact same topic not so long ago. [color=green]Thread Closed[/color]
  5. I think Leno has the funniest monologue on late-night television. When there's usually very little in the news, he takes the same bit of news and re-writes it into a new joke. It's not always as funny as the first time, but I still like his monoluges best. Conan does have better segments, though. In fact, his show seems to consist of 90% segments, as he seems to usually only get one guest per night (as opposed to people like Leno and Letterman, who might shuffle through 2 or 3 guests in one night). I agree with Semjaza about Carson (Daly, not Johnny) on "Last Call." He does have the best interviews. He doesn't just say "Well, tell us about your lastest movie for the next 15 minutes straight." He actually dips into their personal lives, and not in a hard-hitting Connie Chung sort of way. I just can't sit through a whole episode of Letterman. The only thing I like about Kilborn is his 5-question segment where he asks the guest 5 quick trivia questions. And that only lasts about a minute. Am I the only person who misses The Magic Hour? It wasn't a very good show, but it was the only talk show that other talk shows made fun of :)
  6. I'm not so much complaining about having sex in songs (I'm an R&B fan. And that genre is 80% sex), as I'm complaining about how the sexual message is usually hidden behind a child-friendly image. Britney Spears (and certainly not Christina Aguilera) don't hide their lyrics behind child-friendly images anymore. When Christina did the video to "Come On Over," she was dancing in confetti with bright and light-hearted imagry everywhere. Nowadays, she's telling people she wants to get dirrty while having grinding up against everything that walks. There's nothing wrong with that, because's actually shedding her kid-friendly image. She went to a few extremes that even made a porn-star say "she could teach me a few things," but at least she's being real. There are some singers and groups who give off this image of their music being for kids. If your lyrics aren't for children, don't make your music videos and image appeal toward them. Britney, Justin, and Christina have, believe it or not, matured in both their images and music. S Club, on the other hand, is the most kid-centered pop group still around (although I'm sure only about a dozen American kids actually watch their show), and up until this point, their hidden sexual messages have been much milder than "Gangsta Love."
  7. Please clarify what this thread is about. So far, it's just a thread that links to an article that says Vin Diesel plays Dungeons & Dragons. There's not really much discussion one could get out of this without it (most likely) just turning into a topic about [u]either[/u] Diesel or D&D.
  8. Yeah, that image you uploaded didn't really serve any purpose. And if you did that to use OB as an image host, that's just plain not right. So because it holds no ground in this conversation, I'm deleting it.
  9. I'd donate my flexibility. Not physical flexibility, but my lack of stuborness. I can adapt to almost any everyday situation. I'd also donate my teeth. People tell me I have nice teeth... a lot. It's like they've never seen a clean, straight set of choppers before.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i] [B]Why are you guys saying you can drink at 18?You have to be 21...[/B][/QUOTE] In some countries, the legal drinking age is 18. In a few other countries, it's 16. I think there's a couple of countries that don't even have legal drinking ages. Makes me wanna emigrate or take a vacation real bad...
  11. *looks around the thread* Well, now that people are [i]finally[/i] talking about the actual bands mentioned, I can talk about that Step Daddy song. :D Very funny song. I nearly die laughing everytime I hear it, which isn't such a good thing when I'm in the car. If memory serves me, the music sampled in that song came from the 1970s classic "Double-Dutch Bus" song, which would be the exact same song rapper Snoop Dogg learned to speak from, and rapper/producer Missy Elliott got the chorus of "Gossip Folks" from. Still, the lyrics to "Step Daddy" are very funny. [Kids] You ain't my daddy [HSS] SHUT-UP! I'm with you on the whole confusionon rock sub-genre. I have no idea what I'm listening to half the time. If I hear a rock song, I'm afraid to tell some fans what kind of genre I think it is, in risk of getting lynched. That's why I only name bands (both of them) nowadays.
  12. I support a local blues band called Tattoo Blue. My dad plays the bass guitar, so I kinda [i]have to[/i] support them. :rolleyes: Actually, the name of the band is [b]Kathleen Cairns & Tattoo Blue[/b]. As far as blues bands go, they're really good. The lead singer, Kathleen, does a great cover of a Janis Joplin song (can't think of the name right now). Another local band I liked was called Nexus (or something like that). They were a rock band started by a few people from my high school graduating class. I only saw them playing during the Senior Talent Show and the Senior Class Skit (a short 30-minute play the senior class wrote and performed). I don't know what happened to them after graduation, but I'm willing to bet they either broke up, or somebody just plain left the band.
  13. I don't think I've changed that much over the past year. I had already joined another message board similar to OB a while back, and they had nearly the same anti-SPAM rules. In fact, I think they were more strict. Aside from finding out that one of my friends was a mod here, I joined OB because it was a message board with actual rules. I can't stand message boards where people double or triple post. I think my posts have become longer, though. And I'm spacing my paragraphs a lot more, these days. But most of all, I'm posting less frequently. I hated having to reach 250 posts just to become a Junior Member. I went a little post crazy for a while, but then I finally reached Member. After that, I started to calm down, because I knew it'd be a long time before I reached my 1000th post (which took me a few weeks short of a year to do).
  14. Clay may not have won the recording contract promised to the winner of American Idol, but that doesn't mean a record executive didn't sign him anyway. Kelly won the first American Idol, but Justin (who got second place) is releasing an album soon.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]And for all the fanboys out there,[b] Lady M, Jenna, and myself[/b] aka [b]Adam's Angels[/b]. I'm sure LOADS of people would enjoy that. :angel:[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Can I get to be Bosley? :cool: *hears snickering in the background* Oh, like [i]Bernie Mac[/i] would make a better Bosley. :rolleyes:
  16. Cue the Barry White music! *speaking in deepest voice* Oohhhhhh, baby. When I think about you, I think about me. And then I think about me loving you, and you loving me, and us loving each other, and making... [color=purple]LOOOOOOVE[/color] *natural voice* I don't see very many romances brewing around here, either. The only actual couple I knew about on OB, I heard broke up. (Man, if it's true, I'm sorry to hear that).
  17. Here's a true story. It was my Junior year of high school, and I was in the drama club as part of the technical crew. The cast was currently working on a musical called "Kiss Me Kate." The director decided to make a few re-writes to the script for their performance... During the first scene of the show, somebody's cell-phone rings... loudly. And interrupts the entire flow of the scene. The actors peer into the audience, point out the guy whose phone rang, call for Security, and have the man thrown out of the theatre. It was all planned and added in by the director, the sound guy (who provided a loud phone ring to play over the speakers), a stage hand picked to play a security guard, and a stage hand picked to play the audience member with the phone. Very funny stuff.
  18. Yeah, I read about that at Ranger Board a couple days ago. I was hyped up when I heard Tommy would be coming back, but now I don't even think I'll watch, since Jason David Frank isn't returning to the role. And really now, the dinosaur thing has been done. And Cam turning into the 6th ranger was NO surprise to anyone. From the very first time I saw the show, I knew the 2 evil rangers I'd seen in the commercials would turn good, and the sensei's son would turn into some kind of a sixth ranger. They'd better not kill him, either. Cam is the only 6th ranger I've liked since Jason returned as the Gold Ranger.
  19. There's something I've been wondering about. When there's a black person of African origin in the US, we call them African-American. What do you call a black person of African origin in, say, the UK? And are black Canadians still called African-American, because Canada is still in North America?
  20. I don't know what I'd have to do to get kicked out of my grandparents' house short of murder. My oldest brother really raised the bar on "getting kicked out" when he committed armed robbery, and gets to come back after finishing his sentence next year. He's done it all, too. Tattoos. Drugs. Verbal arguments with parents. Physical fights with parents. Did I mention that the man committed a crime and gets to come back home when his sentence is done? There's no getting kicked out of this house. Piercings don't even register on the parental scale around here, because my brother and I have had earrings since we were 10 and 4 years old. It's not that we have a disfunctional family, it's just that my brother is rebellious to all extremes and nobody has the heart to punish him. He's been like this since he was 18 (adding some significance to my post, isn't it?). The second he became a legal adult, he did all kinds of crazy stuff. In an extreme contrast, I've done absolutely nothing. Kinda eerie, isn't it? So when some of you turn 18, remember to keep it toned down a little, otherwise you might just find yourself like my older brother. Except, you know, we seem to have highly tolerant grandparents. You may not be so lucky.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]That's really surprising, mostly because at my college it seems there are a large amount of black males that are into anime. More so than any other race in the school from my experience. [/B][/QUOTE] I guess it's just the town I live in. The majority of my town is made up of people of Hispanic and East Asian origin. Half of the black people I went to high school with didn't even live here, and you could count the anime fans among them with one hand. And when I started college in January, I barely talked to anybody and I don't know if [i]anybody[/i] I talked to (of any race) was an anime fan. So all black anime fans I know, I've met online.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Does anyone remember this really stupid anti-drug commercial? Some kid, I'd say she was 12 or 13, was caught with weed, so she had to stay home while her friends were at the movie. First of all, the girl had [i]her own[/i] phone line in her room (seemed like no one had that luxury when I was like 12 lol). Anyway, she calls her friends at the movie theater and they blow her off because drugs are not cool, I guess. The kid has a cell phone in the movie theater. He's 12. The damn thing is on and he's talking in it. How many of those little films about not using your phone in the theater do they have to play?[/quote] Are you sure about that last part? The way I remember it, he glanced at his cell phone silently, saw the girl's name or number, and decided not to answer. Whether or not he would've walked out of the movie or stayed in his seat had he decided to answer, is unknown. [quote][b]Owning one is even worse, depending on who calls you. If you don't answer, some people fill your voicemail with messages asking about why you aren't.[/b][/QUOTE] My mother does that. Constantly. :mad: If I don't answer my phone, she likes to leave me about 3 messages (over the course of only one hour) asking why I'm not answering my phone, then she leaves about 5 entries on my "missed calls" list. Gah! Calling me 50 times in a row when my phone is off [i]isn't[/i] going to make me answer any faster. On another note, I think that if people didn't have long meaningless conversations on their mobiles, they'd still be having long meaningless conversations on pay phones or on their neighbour's home phone. And other people actually need [i]those[/i] phones. I know plenty of people who would have tied up my home phone with long distance calls if it weren't for their cell phones. Getting rid of mobiles won't stop meaningless conversations, it'll just redirect talkers toward other phones to have them. I hate people who talk during a movie as much as the next person, but does it really bother you all that much if a person is in a public place where people are talking loudly, anyway?
  23. I didn't have a cell/mobile for a long time. Didn't need one. I never went anywhere. But then when I planned to take a roadtrip with my step-mom's family, my biological-mom bought me a cell phone the day before I left "to stay in constant communication." I've had my phone ever since. I usually turn my phone off when I'm in class and at the movies. I only turn the sound off (leaving it on vibrate) when I'm reading at the book store or when I'm in a place that's generally quiet. Other than that, I leave the sound on full-blast! I've never interrupted anybody or brought attention to myself. It's not like anybody calls me but my mom... and rarely, at that.
  24. I sleep preferably in a bed (although a couch or the floor will do nicely) switching randomly and erractically between laying on my back, stomach, and sides. I usually have my TV on, and I leave it on all night. I can't sleep without the pitter-patter of Nick-at-Nite or Cartoon Network on my television screen. Seriously. When I was little, my mom would sneak into my room in the middle of the night and turn the TV off, and I'd get up a while later and turn it back on. And when I fall alseep with another TV network on, I wake up in the middle of the night and change the channel. The only exception to the TV rule is if I'm sleeping somewhere other than my own bedroom. Another favorite of mine is falling asleep on my computer's keyboard while typing a paper for school. Of course, that's usually followed by waking up with back pains and a lot of coffee so I can stay awake in class.
  25. Well, i'm 18 (turning 19 on the 21st of this month) and becoming "legal" didn't change how I felt. Getting my driver's license a couple months later did. :) I remember I didn't do anything on my 18th birthday. I just sat at home. I didn't feel any older or more mature. Even after somebody threw me a belated party a couple weeks after my 18th birthday, I didn't feel that much older. I still live at home with my grandparents and everything. All I can do now is buy cigarettes, and I don't even smoke. The thing about turning 18 is that it didn't define anything about any of the changes I was going through. I graduated high school a couple days [i]before[/i] I turned 18, I got a license 4 months afterward, and got a car & started college nearly a year after turning 18. The only thing I'm looking forward to (while I'm still under 21) is getting a job without an underage work permit.
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