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Everything posted by Manic Webb
"Hello. I'm Antonio Banderas. If you ignore my Latin looks and heavy Latin accent, you might just believe for a split second that I am remotely Arab." It's pretty good for an action film, and I'm sure the book was better. My only gripe is the casting.
Now that this problem is solved, time to close the thread before this becomes a dating discussion :)
I'm not a Metallica fan (don't ask me to name any of their songs), but when I first heard this song, my initial reaction was "Doesn't Metallica rock harder than this?" I wanted to know what actual Metallica fans thought, and apparently the answer to my question is "Yes."
Well, The Craft was also about witchcraft, so it's only natural that the songs relate in some way.
Listening to music [u]solely[/u] for the lyrics? Do those people even exist? I think those people just read poetry all day... ANYway... [b]What genre of music do you listen to?[/b] I listen to a lot of R&B. I'm also into Ol' Skool R&B and funk. I listen to a little rap (despite what [i]some people[/i] think, I find the music in some hip-hop songs enjoyable). I used to be into rock, but I probably only listen to 2 bands nowadays. [b]What are your favorite bands?[/b] Aaliyah (rest her soul), Janet Jackson, Michael Jackson (until the mid-90s), Jackson 5, Justin Timberlake (can't stand NSync, but he's good solo), Missy Elliott, Beyonce (resistance was futile. I tried to fight it, but I like her songs), Linkin Park, and I've recently started to listen to Frankie J. [b]Why do you like them?[/b] Janet and Beyonce just look good, Aaliyah was a beautiful singer, Michael Jackson made some good solo songs from the 1970s to the 1990s, Jackson 5 is just plain classic, Justin and Frankie sound much better solo than they do in their damn groups, Missy Elliott is one of the few rappers who can make an entire album by herself if she chooses to (rappers, singer, writer, producer, owns her own label) and Linkin Park blends rock and rap in a way that I just can't help but like.
[color=red][b]PERSONAL[/b][/color] [b]Member Name:[/b] Manic [b]Former Member Names:[/b] Endymion [b]Member Since:[/b] June 23, 2002 [b]Current Status:[/b] Moderator: Music, Movies, TV [b]Nicknames:[/b] Webb, Endo, Webbhead [b]Favorite Forums:[/b] Otaku Lounge, Music Movies TV [b]Favorite RPG:[/b] N/A [b]Favorite Threads:[/b] N/A (Too many to think of) [b]Favorite Smiley:[/b] :cross: [b]Most Memorable Moment:[/b] When people kept saying I looked like Bill Cosby and Puffy Daddy in the Picture forum. [b]Quotable Quote:[/b] "We endorse masturbation, because if you're going to do anything right, do it yourself." [b]Words of Wisdom:[/b] You're only as old as the cartoons you watch. [b]Wish to be remembered for:[/b] My firm yet supple sense of humor. [b]Desired Epitaph:[/b] See you soon. [b]Favorites:[/b] R&B music, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Megatokyo, nachos [b]I will....[/b] .......my [u]collection of DBZ/Sailormoon parodies[/u] to [u]Shy[/u]...[i]because he actually said they were funny.[/i] .......my [u]printer[/u] to [u]anyone with alot of patience[/u]...[i]because it's a peice of crap![/i] .......my [u]Parappa The Rapper trilogy[/u] to [u]anyone who has the funky flow[/u]...[i]in the rain or in the snow[/i] .......my [u]Say What comicbook parody of X-Men[/u] to [u]Logan[/u]...[i]because you can never get enough X-Men[/i] [color=red][b]MOST AND BEST[/b][/color] [b]Most likely to succeed: [/b] Juuthena [b]Most likely to secede: [/b] James [b]Worst spelling: [/b] I dunt gnow [b]Best poster: [/b] James [b]Cutest couple: [/b] Raven & Harlequin [b]Best writer: [/b] N/A [b]Best artist: [/b] N/A [b]Best...spar-er?: [/b] Charles & Heaven's Cloud, because of their crazy rap battle [b]Craziest: [/b] Nearly everyone here is crazy! [b]Funniest / wittiest: [/b] Charles [b]Interesting-er-ist: [/b] Transtic Nerve [b]Random award: [/b]Myself, for being me. :) [color=red][b]SIGNATURES[/b][/color] And I'll take with me the memories To be my sunshine after the rain It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday Oh yeah. The generic yearbook signature strikes again! [/B][/QUOTE]
I rule my Music Movies TV forum with an iron fist! All those who speak out against the great Maestro Manic are severely punished by [i]death[/i]! [i]That[/i] would be too strict. All we're doing is maintaining the rules. There are a lot of online message boards and forums with rules like our's. We're just doing what we can to make sure OB doesn't self-destruct.
I still watch a lot of cartoons, but nowadays I actually read cartoon production credits. Partially because I want to star in a cartoon (vocally), I guess. And a few Cartoon-Cartoons (Dexter's Lab, Powerpuff Girls) are created with a mixed blend that appeals to adults and kids. Like the episode of Dexter's Lab that told how his parents met. You'd have to remember the 1980s to find that episode funny on a certain level. And the Dexter's Lab short where his parents were playing Scrabble, the dad was caught cheating, and the kids thought their dad was cheating on their mom with another woman. Mom: What's this letter I found in your pocket? Dad: I don't know what you're talking about... Mom: "Passion"?! You did this for passion?! Anyway, watching cartoons doesn't make you immature. Quoting cartoons for no reason whatsoever makes you immature. :D I think being mature depends on your ability to decide when and when not to be serious.
And in case anyone was wondering, I used to be Endymion. And how did you know I was black, aside from the fact that my only past avatars were John Stewart/Green Lantern and Caesar from [i]The Boondocks[/i]? Ok, answered my own question. :cross: Most anime fans that I've met IRL were either Caucasian or Asian. I don't meet very many African-American anime fans, except for online. Apparently we exist, but I've only met one IRL, and I'm related to him.
I know several people have already given you suggestions on what to name your son, but you haven't heard from me on the subject, yet. Picture naming your son this... [b]Hortensio.[/b] Ok, now compare that to a name like [b]Kevin[/b]. Doesn't [b]Kevin[/b] sound 10 times [b]better than[/b] HORTENSIO? There are so many great people named Kevin. Kevin Smith, Kevin Bacon, me, ect. ;)
[color=green]TOP 5 THINGS WRONG WITH YOUR POST 5. Your post only had 2 words in it, which is considered spam. 4. Introduction threads are usually started in the Otaku Lounge. 3. Introduction threads don't usually have the name of Academy Award-winning anime as a title. 2. Threads about Spirited Away are for the Anime Lounge, not Music Movies TV. 1. We don't allow introduction threads, anyway.[/color] Please don't be offended by my way of presenting it, but you have broken several rules. I've just never seen so many rules broken all at once and so clearly. I just wanted to make wit, as to show that you're not in any [i]big[/i] trouble. Just read the Rules page and keep on posting. If you have any specific questions, PM a mod. In the meantime... [color=green]Thread Closed[/color]
Let's not turn this into a political topic. We should all know by now that not all republicans even have a religion, let alone be offended by a comedy less controversial (religiously) than Disney's [i]Lion King[/i]. ANYWHO, I finally saw it last Saturday. I haven't laughed this hard at a Jim Carrey movie since [i]Liar Liar[/i]. It was a lot funnier than I thought it'd be, and little more toned-down than I thought it'd be. If I ever find myself at the movies again with time to movie-hop, I'll probably go see it again. [color=green]Cue the cheesy inspirational music![/color]
Not to go off-topic, but Crimson, there's nothing wrong with being an unmarried mother. Society prefers that people married before/while having children, but there a lots of babies born every year to unmarried parents. Having a baby without a spouse doesn't make you an evil-doer (unless the official word of the pregant party's religion says so specifically). Either way, I have no idea whether or not LM is married. Congrats on the unborn son, LM. May he grow to be successful man (or woman, if that's his fancy when he gets older) who will make you lots of money in your old age. :) And good luck with the "uncomfortable" recovery.
I think they'd be able to compensate for the music. All they'd have to do is log into their Loading Program (remember the program they log onto to get their weapons before jumping into the actual matrix?), get the ability to play certain music instruments programed into their heads, play a song that kicks major league arse, and save/record the music onto disc. And if a city built with large metal password-only doors doesn't have a CD player, I don't know what this computer-generated world is coming to! Or, you know, join one of the crews that log into the matrix all the time (like Morpheus' or Niobe's crews), and just log on to the matrix and listen to music then. I'm with Semjaza. Ignorance is bliss. If I really was trapped in the matrix, I wouldn't want to leave. And if freed people can only re-enter wearing skin-tight pleather or 7-layer business suits (imagine entering the matrix on a hot summer's day), then you can count me out.
I was searching through my old Playstation games, when I found my old Parappa The Rapper and Um Jammer Lammy games. I know they were kind of corny and the songs weren't the best I've ever heard and the graphics were literally 2-D, but they were some pretty fun games to play. Plus the songs were a little catchy. I liked Um Jammer Lammy more, though. The button timing was better, and I liked having two versions of the same levels (Parappa's rap remixes to Lammy's rock songs). So what do you all think of these relatively old games? Fun? Annoying? What?
There's another Dashboard Confessional thread from not-too-long ago. Post in that one. Here's the link... [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=23447[/url] [color=green]Thread Closed[/color]
Usually, I go with the flow of traffic. I think I read in the California DMV guide-thingy "Never drive faster or slower than is safe for current conditions." And if "current conditions" means that everyone else on the freeway is driving between 70 and 90mph, then by golly, I do my best not to be a hazard to other drivers. :) The speed limit is usually 65mph on the freeway, and I average somewhere around 70-75mph on most days. The fastest I've ever driven was 90mph, and that was on a clear semi-empty highway. The fastest I've ever driven on a public road was 65mph on a 45mph street. After I noticed how fast I was going, I quickly slowed down to 50mph. I usually go about 45mph on a 35mph street. And now to leave you with some words of wisdom from a very wise man... "Have you ever noticed anybody going slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?" -- George Carlin Wise man, wise guy, whatever. :rolleyes:
You know, I thought about public cross-dressing once. My old high school had a "Powderpuff Game" where girls play football and guys dress as cheerleaders and learn a cheer. It was the Senior class vs. the Junior class. It looked kinda fun (and funny) when I saw a lot of people doing it during my junior year, that I almost considered signing up to be a cheerleader during my Senior year. But alas, I didn't have the legs for it. :p [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shikaku Kitoku [/i] [B]Here's a little scenario: I'm wearing eyeliner, white pwoder on my face to blanch it, my eyebrows are plucked and my arms and legs are waxed...I go to a football game and you and all of your friends are there. I start talking to you and your friends. What do you do?[/B][/QUOTE] You're not one of those freaks (no offense) who paint their faces (and sometimes beer-belly) the team's colors, are you? :p Seriously, it'd have to depend on what you were talking about. I'm already hesitant to talk to people [i]not[/i] wearing eyeliner and face-powder (I lack them there "social skills"), so you'd have to say something I want to talk about. And I'm not going to lie to you; if I notice your face is powdered, I'm going to ask why. And again, waxing doesn't bother me. I think only a handful of people in this thread have said something against waxed legs...
Okay, um, spam. You're not really doing anything but bringing attention to a website with a list of your DVDs on it, and asking for a similar website about CD collections. No real discussion here. [color=green]Thread Closed[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NorykoAngelcry [/i] [B][COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I was curious about something. . How many people dressed up for the movie? I did not (any of the times I went to this movie), but the thought crossed my mind that it would be interesting. I think it would be even more interesting to get a bunch of people to dress up 'Matrix' style and go see Finding Nemo or something to that effect =) [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE] I was thinking about going to see the movie wearing all-black with a burgundy necktie, but then I realized that going to see "Matrix Reloaded" dressed as Morpheus was one step away from going to see a Star Wars film dressed as a Wookie. At least that's the way I see it.
The last Tuxedo thread is almost 5 months old. Feel free to keep posting in this one, everybody.
Wiccans and Witches...real or not....
Manic Webb replied to Sky Moonflow's topic in General Discussion
Sorry, I just found it rude to jump into a discussion about a religion and flat-out say "I believe your religion is wrong" (not your phrasing, but that's the impression I got from it). That's why these Wicca threads always turn into religious debates; the exact same religious debate, at that. -
Wiccans and Witches...real or not....
Manic Webb replied to Sky Moonflow's topic in General Discussion
Of course Wiccans exist. Anyone who practices the religion Wicca is a Wiccan, therefore Wiccans exist. Simple as that. I believe in magick, but I don't believe all of these witches running around high school campuses can actually do anything. It's just my opinion, but I doubt an abstract force like magick can be warped and willed by any random human being. Now honestly Dan, is it really your place to decide if they're on the right path? According to their own religion, they are on the right path. -
Mel Brooks, not Mel Blanks. Mel Blanc was the guy who did the voices of the original Looney Tunes. Mel Brooks is the Hollywood/Broadway producer/writer/director/actor who makes spoofs and comedies.
Don't get started already. Can we have one rap thread-- [i]one[/i] rap thread without a fight breaking out and it getting closed? This is not the Source awards! Control your tempers and get to talking about your freestyling and battle experiences, or else. And I don't know about starting a lyrical flow in this forum. That seems like something better suited for the Literature/Poetry forum. You can talk about freestyling here, but the flow's got to go in another forum.