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Manic Webb

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Everything posted by Manic Webb

  1. Thank goodness I never read the book, otherwise I'd never think about enjoying this movie.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KittyLynn [/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=dodgerblue]In my opinion, if you have a back that looks like something that should go on my floor, PLEASE PLEASE Do something about it.[/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] LOL Now [i]that's[/i] comedy. The idea of a fuzzy human-skin rug or a back that looks like shag carpeting is just too funny.
  3. Eddie Murphy was hilarious in the 80s and early/mid 90s, but he's slipping these days. He's still funny, but he's been funnier. Martin Lawrence... isn't the funniest comedian. He's not that bad, though. But he seems to have a hit-or-miss record with his movies. Ah! How could I have forgotten "I'm Gonna Get You Sucka"? That movie was so funny! Black exploitation films were already stupid enough, but this film just [i]had[/i] to parody them, didn't it? Kung-Fu Joe: (holding up a picture of Bruce Lee) Teacher! Teacher!! Jack: Wow. Master Lee taught you how to fight? Kung-Fu Joe: No. Acting coach.
  4. The vampire chick is from [u]Dracula[/u] by Bram Stoker. I forget her name, though. This seems like a pretty good movie. A lot of classic literary characters in there. Jekyll, Invisible Man, Tom Sawyer (as an adult), ect. It seems pretty interesting. I read somewhere that James Bond's ancestor was in the comic, but the people making the film aren't using him.
  5. 3 words. Ice cream soda. I love eating rootbeer floats, and just about any other type of float (or ice cream soda) I can conjure up. Just hand me some vanilla ice cream and any random soft drink (except for lemon-lime) and I'll eat/drink it! It's the only way I'll have my vanilla ice cream. The ice cream man is evil. Back in my day, I remember when ice cream only costed $0.50, not this ridiculous $2.00 price tag they've been putting on snow-cones! Ice cream truck prices have sky-rocketed by at least a dollar since my childhood, and I'm still a teenager. What's wrong with this picture?
  6. Hehe. I remember it was opening night of a production of a play at my high school last year, and the cast decided to all go to the International House Of Pancakes (IHOP) after the show. We got out of costume and into our normal clothes, but we all left our make-up on. It was kind of funny, especially the guy whose make-up was set to make him look like an old man. ANYWAY... I don't see anything wrong with plucking your eyebrows. Like it's been said before, [i]unibrow[/i]. What if you only have one giant eyebrow? Or two giant eyebrows, like Collin Ferral? Personally, I'd never get myself waxed for 2 reasons. One: pain! Two: I come from a family of non-hairy people. I'm almost 19 and I'm still [i]barely[/i] growing my first mustache. But plenty of guys wax their body parts. Swimmers, for example. Have you ever seen a swimmer with a gorilla-back? Of course not! All of that hair would slow them down (not to mention strangle all of the other swimmers. Ahhh!) Ok, the make-up one is a little strange. Unless you're on stage or in front of a camera, make-up just seems weird. I remember a friend-girl of mine once saying that she'd never date a guy who looks better than her or uses better make-up. But to each his own.
  7. Manic Webb


    [color=green][b]Mariachi:[/b] Nice to meet you. I'm Andres Mariachi. He plays a quick chord on his guitar. [b]Mariachi:[/b] Just call me Mariachi. You know, mariachi band, the guitar. So what brings--? Mariachi peered over Shayleigh's shoulder to see another couple of adventurers approaching. Shalyleigh turned around and waved. [b]Shayleigh:[/b] Oh. Hello. [b]Mariachi:[/b] Almost didn't see you two coming up. I'm Andres Mariachi. He plays another quick chord on his guitar. [b]Mariachi:[/b] And this is Shayleigh. I gotta say, it's about time somebody showed up.[/color]
  8. That's why I saw Crouching Tiger in subtitles. Actually, my cousin showed me a scene from both versions (dubbed and subbed) on DVD, and I chose to watch the entire movie subtitled. Most Jackie Chan movies are dubbed pretty decently. Jackie (being at least quad-lingual) dubs most of his movies in English himself. That's why Rumble In The Bronx confused the heck out of me when I first saw it... Jackie dubbed over his own voice.
  9. Manic Webb

    One Hour Photo

    Ay! Matt's right. If there's a thread that's over a month old and not on the first page anymore, feel free to start a new thread. I mean, September 2002?! Anyway, this thread is on the first page now, and people are posting in it, so don't go starting any new One Hour Photo threads until people stop posting in this one for over a month.
  10. I'm also the non-musical member of my family. I'm the only one with absolutely no musical talent. My siblings and parents all have either played an instrument in school or sing. My father's in a breaking blues band! But does Kevin know how to play anything? Oh no! My brothers played the trumpet and guitar in junior high school, while I learned to read music months before graduating high school. But I'm not bitter or anything.
  11. Manic Webb


    With graduation over with and a long summer ahead before heading to college, Jerry was bored. Very bored. He had tried out C-D a few hours prior, but found no one logged on. With nothing else to do, however, Jerry decided to log on again in hopes of finding someone else. ----------------------------[color=green]---------------------------- Andres Mariachi wakes up in the middle of a lush green forest. It's silent and he still can't find anybody. [b]Mariachi:[/b] Hello? Is anybody out there? Anybody? Please? I know I'm not the only person who bought this game! Mariachi takes his guitar off of his back and begins to play. [b]Mariachi:[/b] If anyone's out there, they should be able to hear my guitar. He begins to wander aimlessly and continues playing, hoping to find someone.[/color]
  12. There's already another Good Charlotte thread around here... [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21500[/url] [color=green]Thread Closed {Copy Of Thread Deleted}[/color]
  13. I'm the silent one, mostly. There are times when people forget I'm home. I'm either not home or in my room. Sometimes, after spending an entire morning in my room, I walk to the kitchen for lunch and realize that nobody else is at home, and they all forgot to tell me where/when they were going. My mother has this story about when she put me in day care... I was about 2 or 3 years old, and my mom put me in some kind of a day-care center for a couple of days. One day, when my mom came to pick me up, someone who worked there asked if there was something wrong with me because I was about 2 or 3 years old and I wasn't talking. My mom had to explain how I only talked when I felt like it and I chose to be quiet most of the time. I'm also the brainy one. Well, all of my siblings are exceptionally smart (my eldest brother learned to read at an early age, my other older brother is condescending to everybody, and my 4 year old sister can hold an intelligent conversation), but I'm the one who knows all kinds of stupid trivia. I absorb all kinds of useless information. Whenever somebody wants to know something completely trivial, they turn to me. I'm a little slow on the in-take, though. It might take me a few more seconds (or minutes) to understand something, but I'll be the last one to ever forget it.
  14. I know I might be a little slow and probably thousands of people already know, but it just dawned on me minutes ago... Persephone... In Greek mythology, Persephone was the wife of Hades. Before she met Hades, she lived above ground and it was Spring time all year long. When she went underground to live with Hades, the world turned cold and the first Winter came. Whenever Persephone goes to her home underground with Hades (for only 4 months a year), it snows and everything turns to winter. That's Greek myth for you. In The Matrix... [spoiler]Persephone was the name of that one woman from the restaurant (the one who led them to the Keymaker.) When she opened a door and led them to her home, it was snowing outside (remember when Neo went outside and was in the snowy mountains?). Persephone led them into the winter.[/spoiler] It just hit me and I had to say something.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shy [/i] [B][size=1]Maybe I just watch too much Buffy, but there's an entire scene where they try to figure out how to pronounce a word.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I think that was M'Fushnik or something. They couldn't decided on whether it was "Muh-Foosh-nik" or "Mmm-Foosh-nik" (like "Mmmm, cookies!") [i]I[/i] watch way too much Buffy... You know, I was never quite sure on how to pronounce my old user name (Endymion). I didn't know if it was "En-Dee-Mee-On," "En-Dai-Mee-On," or "En-Dee-Mai-On." It's the name of a mythological Greek character, and I never say those names right the first time. Speaking of, it took me weeks to figure out how to say Aphrodite, Persephone, and Antigone.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Asphyxia [/i] [B][size=1]Which is fair enough, considering it's spelt "Mnemolth". From what I can gather, it's pronounced something like "Knee-moth".[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Really? I've been saying "Mmmm-Nel-Moth." Like "Mmmm, cookies." With a hum at the beggining.
  17. Post in the related thread that Semjaza linked to. [color=green]Thread Closed[/color]
  18. [u]Real Life[/u] Name: Jerry Gomez Age: 18 Sex: Male Appearance: Tall, baggy blue jeans, red t-shirt, blue jacket, spikey black hair Occupation: High school student Bio: Geraldo "Jerry" Gomez is an easy-going, almost ditzy guy. A few months ago, Jerry's friends were talking about an upcoming game called Chaotic Dream. He didn't think much of it, but decided to buy it a short while after it came out. Now hooked, Jerry spends most afternoons after school and some weekends logging on and playing. [u]C-D world[/u] Name: Andres Mariachi Sex: Male Appearance: Average height, Brown pants, white shirt with brown tie, spikey black hair, accoustic guitar strapped to his back (accessory, not commonly used as weapon), glasses, chain-link belt. Weapon: Long chain with a curved blade on each end.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Wow, I didn't think anyone could possibly butcher the word Terminator that bad.... [/B][/QUOTE] LOL I'll re-spell the subject title. In the mean time, feel free to talk about "Termanatior 3"
  20. Manic Webb

    Xmen evo

    I remember reading this one web page that discussed how Fox's cartoon ruined/changed Wolverine's personality. They said that in the comics, Wolverine was a little less rebellious and didn't go out of his way to disobey orders. Then Fox's cartoon decided to make him into the "badass rebel" of the group, which rubbed off onto the comics, changing Wolverine's personality to something slightly different. I didn't bookmark that webpage, so I can't really cite it. I like the character designs, too... except for Magma and Jubilee. Those two look too much alike. Probably the only difference between them is a couple of hairpins.
  21. I saw a commercial for this show. The attraction seems to be the comments made by the parents of the losers. All of the clips they've shown have these parents yelling at the camera talking about how all of the other kids couldn't sing. So it seems a little interesting. But just like "Idol," I'll probably only watch the first couple of episodes and the last two.
  22. *looks up at his previous post* Heh. Now that you mention it, I guess we have been using spoiler tags a little too much. I didn't reveal a darn thing in that last post of mine. :cross:
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Agatio [/i] [B]Havent seen this preview but Tom Cruise, a foreign man, I dont get it. Hes American, how can he be foreign (From America). Doesnt make sense too me. [/B][/QUOTE] Being foreign means that you're in a country that's not your own. It all depends on where you're from. If a Japanese man comes to America, the Japanese man is foreign. If an American man goes to Japan, the American is foreign. If you go to a country that you're not a citizen of, you're the foreigner. The movie takes place in Japan, and Tom Cruise plays an American. If Tom Cruise is an American in Japan, then the Japanese people can call him a foreigner.
  24. [spoiler]I don't mean that having a matrix inside of a matrix is simple. That'd only make things more confusing. I meant that we all thought of that way too easily. It was too simple to come to that conclusion. Not 5 minutes after I'd seen the movie, I considered the possibility of there being a matrix within a matrix. Considering how complicated this movie series is, it's too easy to jump to that conclusion.[/spoiler]
  25. I'm with WW2. If anything, the title is what really bothers me. I don't know about everybody else, but I'm having a hard time believing somebody [i]in no way Japanese[/i] could be considered "the last samurai." Unless the title is plural. Remember, there is no such word as "samurais." Cruise's character probably isn't [i]the[/i] last samurai, but [i]one of the[/i] last samurai. Anyway, it looks like a pretty good film. When is it set to come out?
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