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Manic Webb

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Everything posted by Manic Webb

  1. I don't know... [spoiler]The Matrix has, thus far, confused everybody in one way or another. It seems [i]way too simple[/i] for there to be a matrix within a matrix or for no one to have ever left the matrix at all. The worst part is that all theories are entirely based on Neo supposedly stopping a small group of sentinels with his thoughts. We're jumping to conclusions WAY too fast. Remember, Niobe's ship is still in tact. For all we know, Neo probably just [i]thought[/i] he stopped the sentinels, but Niobe really just set off an EMP. Or maybe there was something else in the surrounding area that caused the sentinels to deactivate. Because honestly, it may not have even been Neo that stopped them. Either way, I'm just guessing. We're taking our theories and almost treating them as fact. And everybody seems to have the same couple of ideas of what's going on. When Revolutions comes out this November, I'm expecting to be totally surprised (and confused). The Wachowski Brothers deserve a little more credit than that. Remember that in this movie, nothing is what meets the eye.[/spoiler]
  2. Manic Webb

    Xmen evo

    I've never read Ultimate X-Men. I just know [i]of[/i] it. Still, I would've liked to see a cartoon about the original X-Men. We don't see enough pre-furry Beast in the cartoons.
  3. Manic Webb

    Xmen evo

    Unless you use the "anime is Japanese slang for all animation" definition, X-Men Evolution is not an anime. I actually like this show a little. I know it doesn't follow the comic in [i]any[/i] possible way, but at least it's not as off as [i]Mutant X[/i]. I admit, if they wanted a show that would appeal more toward teenagers, they could've gone by it a different way. You know, like a cartoon about the origin of the original X-Men (Cyclops, Iceman, the non-hairy version of Beast, Angel, and Marvel Girl), or that Ultimate X-Men timeline Marvel's got going these days.
  4. Click TN's link near the top of this thread and stop posting in this one. Sheesh. [color=green]Thread Closed[/color]
  5. I use grey and gray interchangably, but I like using grey a little bit more. No reasoning behind it. I just can't decide which one to use. The only word I use the U in is "neighbour." I'd actually forgotten that it's sometimes spelled "neighbor" for a while. I spelled it "neighbour" for years, until people started complaining. Another couple of words I don't like are capitol and capital. Which one is the opposite of lowercase letters? Which one is the main city of a country? Which one has to do with profit? One word I swear I never spell right is "collapse." It just looks like I'm using too many Ls or put the S in the wrong place. Who else hates the way these words are all spelled alike and are pronounced different ways? Cough, laugh, through, tough, taught, thought, enough, rough. The slightest typo, and Rogue suddenly becomes Rouge. Do you know how many times I've called a certain X-Men character "Rouge"?
  6. Manic Webb


    The only song of theirs I've heard is "Bring Me To Life" and whasisname's vocals really don't mix very well with the lead singer's. I might listen to "My Immortal" one of these days to see what their songs [i]really[/i] sound like.
  7. Who you callin' isolated and less social? :p I was pretty much raised by TV. Yes, I know, it's sad. I stay up at unholy hours of the night watching TV. I wake up watching TV and go to sleep watching TV. Yes, I even go to bed at night with the TV on. If I didn't have school and I wasn't hunting for a job, and if there was anything decent on TV on the weekends, I'd probably never stop watching it. On a slightly strange note, I push myself into reading. Every couple of days, I head on down to Borders and read a little. These days, I'm reading [u]Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.[/u] Speaking of, isn't there a movie version somewhere out there I can watch on TV?
  8. I always wondered about that. I've always written it as one word when refering to the show, and two words when refering to the manga or the balls themselves.
  9. OY! I finally saw the movie today. Of course, it took me so long to see it that everybody has pretty much said everything. I liked the movie, the fights did seem to go on a little too long, and I think that most people who say they don't like it really just didn't understand it. I remembered how ungodly complicated the first movie was, and how I had to see it several times to finally understand it. When I went to see Reloaded, I was ready to have the hell confused out of me! I kept an open mind, and tried to listen to underlying themes. Once two characters got together for a conversation, I knew some theme was going to come up that would repeat itself or allude to something later on in the movie. The key themes for this movie? Choice and control! I remember 2 conversations especially... [spoiler]When Neo talked to the chancellor in the engine room of Zion, the Chancellor went on to talk about control; about how man and machine control one another. They need each other, so it's nearly impossible to tell which one has the control. This came up later on, like when Neo was talking to the Architect. Another conversation I found interesting was Oracle's talk about programs. She said that some programs refuse to be deleted, and how every sighting of a ghost or angel or vampire or monster was really a program slipping up and trying to stay alive. Low and behold, Smith appears not 5 minutes later! A little later, Persephone introduces to werewolf brothers (one she shoots with a silver bullet). I was kind of frustrated when a friend of mine called Link the "token black guy." I asked him what movie he was watching, because the Matrix Reloaded [i]I[/i] saw had the characters Morpheus, Niobe, that one commander, and about a hundred thousand dark-skinned ravers in Zion. Aaliyah (rest her soul) died before filming the movie, which is unfortunate. However, she was only going to play Link's wife (Zee). When she died, her role was hyped up like she was going to be Niobe or something.[/spoiler] All in all, I liked it. I think I'll watch it again, just so I can catch a lot of stuff that I missed. After reading a lot of your theories, I think watching it again would be good.
  10. Sheesh. This is like the third time this has happened. [color=green]Thread Closed[/color]
  11. I knew there was a reason why favorite threads were against the rules. This is mostly just turning into a bunch of lists. The topic is too broad to get any good discussion. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to close the tread. [color=green]Thread Closed[/color]
  12. I think a superpower like telepathy is something you have to be trained to use at an early age, or it'll drive you crazy at some point in your life for constantly hearing voices and feeling everybody's emotions. Look at Prof. Xavier in the X-Men comics. He's supposed to be the world's most powerful telepath, but even he snapped and tried to kill everybody. Telepathy is just a power I don't think I could live with. I don't know why everybody thinks it'd be that kool to read minds, anyway. Sure a little bit of [b]empathy[/b] (last time I ask people not to quote me :) ) would be nice, but you'd probably have to go to an unpopulated part of the Sahara(sp?) Desert just to get some privacy and not have to hear everyone's thoughts.
  13. [color=green]This thread may not be appropriate for members who are easily offended on subjects concerning certain [i]physical and intimate acts[/i].[/color] Pop music. You all know about the boybands, girlgroups, and bleach-blondes and their aggressively cheerful music... or is it? For a while, it bothered me that none of these "concerned parents" were noticing that artists like Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears were hiding sexually explicit lyrics behind light-hearted music, upbeat choral arrangements, and nifty dance steps. It's almost as if nobody heard Christina say "I want your sexuality" in her song "Come On Over." It was frustrating. I started to forget about all that after certain key pop artists started getting a little more serious with their songs and stopped hiding the meanings behind their songs. Until... The other day, I was flipping the channels (on TV) when I caught a glimpse of S Club's show (apparently, the 7th member left the group and they changed their name). They were performing a song called "Gangsta Love" with unbelievably cheerful and non-gangsta-ish music playing and a happy-pappy vocal arrangement. Today, I was reading different song lyrics online, when I happened upon the lyrics to S Club's "Gangsta Love." The song is about having sex. It implies certain sexual acts in both verses, while the ever-so catchy chorus sounds almost completely innocent. I thought pop music had at least evolved beyond this stage of "happy song, dirty message, parents won't suspect a thing." What do you all think of these kinds of deceptive songs?
  14. Darn. JC Baggee beat me to it. I'm just taking a guess, but are Scooby and Scrappy's full names [spoiler]Scooby Dooby Doo and Scrappy Dappy Doo? If you want to count "A Pup Named..." then Scooby's full name is Scoobert.[/spoiler] The only characters who came out of the live-action movie with their characters in tact were Scooby and Shaggy. Fred was never a glory-hog (that was always Velma), Daphne was never an airhead (that was always Shaggy), and Velma was never depressed about being the geek of the group. In fact, Velma was a smug, yet friendly, smart-alec. She never crossed the border into becoming a jerk, but she had a smug comment for everything. She was actually kinda funny. And Sarah Michelle Gellar as Daphne... she Buffied that role to death.
  15. Manic Webb


    Now now, children. DevilzAdvocate has the right to express his/her dislike for the show (although he/she probably could've phrased it better) and can spell their name any way they want. Vicky, I think the theme song is just an older song that the producers of the show paid to use for the opening. I doubt the song was written for the TV show.
  16. Reverse-racism is the 2nd worse kind. "I think the black guy should be treated extra nice just because he could never do any better." It's sickening, really. Iceghost, as the actual mod of this forum, I have to tell you that such comments are not welcome here. They are biased and ignorant and, as it's been said several times before, it has nothing to do with how well one sings. You're one to talk about stereotypes...
  17. pbfrontmanvdp, please do not type an entire paragraph in all CAPS. I'm not saying this because I'm a rap fan, but because 3 quarters of your post [i]should not[/i] be in all caps. As for this thread being a favorites thread... I'll let it slide this time because it doesn't seem to be going that badly. But if this turns into nothing but a bunch of short lists with no real discussion or a flame-war, this thread will be closed-ville.
  18. Cringe cringe, shudder shudder. I hate Scrappy Doo. He's the only extended member of that family I hate. Scooby Dum wasn't as bad as that little brat! I'm glad they haven't included Scrappy in the TV show. Way to go, JCBaggee. Almost nobody knows who Flim Flam is. He was in every episode of "13 Ghosts" but his was the only name not mentioned in the opening. It's weird being the only person I know who mentions Flim-Flam when naming the Scooby Doo cast. In the more recent animated movies, they've been hiring new voice actors to play the characters. However, I noticed that the new TV show is using the original voices for Shaggy, Fred, and (I think) Scooby.
  19. ... oh my [insert deity of choice here] You're kidding me! They were slapping each other? I'm against violence and all, but [i]slapping[/i]? Are you sure they were really fighting and not practicing a slap-stick comedy routine? Who slaps?! Pimps (who are famous for their slapping techniques) do more than slapping every now and then. I don't know if it's more funny or pathetic.
  20. I mean it this time. TN beats me to everything. He condemns threads before I can even read and close them, and he says Mel Brooks' movies are funny before I can even utter the words "Robin Hood: Men In Tights." Anyway, the Airplane films are hilarious. For some reason, I never get tired of them. Gotta love the scene where the hysterical woman gets slapped by all of the passengers on the plane. Classic. Most movies with Leslie Nielson are good. He's so funny because 90% of the characters he plays are dead serious about everything they do or say, no matter how wacky it is.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#808080]The other would be the phrase "I could care less about that". So, if I'm talking about something I don't care about, I might say (incorrectly): "I could care less about Eminem's record sales" When actually, it should be "I [b]couldn't[/b] care less about Eminem's record sales" If you say [i]could[/i] care less, it means that you actually care about the very thing that you are implying you care little about. lol[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, I noticed that some time ago. Since then, I've been saying "I could care" or "I could care more." :) I hate the prefix "in." Intangible means the opposite of tangible, incorrect means the opposite of correct, but ingenious & genius and inflamable and flamable mean almost the same thing. I once got in an argument with 3 friends of mine over how ingenious and genius mean the same thing. And let's not go into how hazardous it is to mix up flamable and inflamable. Dr. Nick Rivera: "Don't worry. It's [b]in[/b]flamable!"
  22. LOL How old are the kids in this story supposed to be? This isn't a school yard fight, that was all-out beating the crap out of somebody. The main character beat that other kid like he stole something from him. lol I'll leave my political views on the subject alone, as I don't know how to go about discussing the difference between national security pre-emption and schoolyard pre-emption.
  23. Mitch, you son of a gun. :p There's nothing like a good Super Friends reference, that's what I always say. Well, not always. Ok, never.
  24. Who here is a fan of Scooby Doo? I've never seen a Scooby Doo TV series that I didn't like. I even liked that [i]13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo[/i] show, which almost nobody else seems to like. I like the new show, [i]What's New Scooby Doo?[/i] They even remodeled the Mystery Machine slightly, with a backseat (seatbelt laws, nowadays) and a fold-down TV monitor on the ceiling. I think they're doing an okay job with Scooby, without jazzing him up into some other talking dog. So what do you all think of the Scooby shows? The characters? Stuff like that... [i]trivia: Who is Flim-Flam?[/i]
  25. [center][color=green][size=5]ATTENTION[/size][/color][/center] I want to make this clear before somebody logs on tomorrow after seeing The Matrix Reloaded. I'm bumping up this thread from the second page to the first, so nobody will make a new thread, for starters. Secondly, I want to see some SPOILER TAGS, people. There's a thread all about them stickyed on top of the Music Movies TV page. Send me a private message to AIM me if you still have questions. Have fun, talk about The Matrix films, and try not to give too much away. :)
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