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Everything posted by Manic Webb
[color=green]Okay, people. That's enough homosexual jokes. Get back to talking about Sum41.[/color] In only liked a couple of their songs. The one from the Spider-Man movie was good, and their latest video (with the action figures) is just plain goofy. I've never bought any of their CDs (or even bothered to download one of their songs off of the internet), so I guess I'm just sort of neutral when it comes to this band.
Aww, the Presidents weren't that bad. Of course, I was probably in Middle or Elementary school back then, and I thought they were kind of funny.
The pairings in that movie were interesting, especially [spoiler]Kurt and Storm.[/spoiler] I never expected those two to have something going on, but it became apparent when [spoiler]they saved the professor. Storm said she had faith in him when he didn't know if he could teleport into the fake cerebro room. Then when Storm froze the room, he had the choice to leave at any time, but he told her he wasn't going anywhere. If Halle Berry decides sign on for the next film,[/spoiler] I can't wait to see where their relationship goes.
She's lump. She's lump. She's lump. :) I loved The Presidents back in the day. "Lump" and "Peaces" were two of my favorite songs. And you know your song is good when Weird Al parodies it.
Honestly, people. Stop mentioning the whole thing about [spoiler]Jean turning into Phoenix at the end of the movie.[/spoiler] It's not like everybody who hasn't seen the movie knows it. It's not even in the trailer. If I hadn't seen the movie yet, I'd have slapped you all just for giving it away. :p Seriously, let's not talking about the [spoiler]Phoenix[/spoiler] thing unless we're using spoiler tags.
Does the hypocrisy in the Marvel universe bother anyone else? Cyclops saves a little old lady from getting run over by a car, and everybody runs away screaming "Help! Mutant!" Mr. Fantastic gets a little girl's cat down from a tree and everybody says "Yay! Hero!" That's always bothered me. Why do super-humans get better treatment than mutants? I know it's a little off-topic from the movie, but it's still sort of X-related.
Actually, they did show #18 break Vegeta's arm. They just didn't show it in slow-motion like the TV series, so it goes by really fast. And in Tournament mode, remember to side-step. If you side-step at the right moment, your opponent's charge attack will completely miss you and you can attack them from the back. And remember to fight back. I used to block my way through Tourny mode with the Heart Disease, but then I just started fighting back. All you have to do is keep side-stepping when you're getting too close to the edge of the ring. And just for the sake of making it easier, put the game on both Very Easy and Very Weak.
I thought this movie was so much better than the first. I love it, and I want it to carry my child. :p One thing that I didn't understand is how Jean [spoiler]said she was having problems with her powers at the beginning of the movie, then proceeded to lift Nightcrawler into the air, block a guided missle, block Cyclops' beam, control their jet from the outside, and block a flash flood from ramming into her for a good 5 minutes. Of course, the last few were probably done because Jean's turning into my favorite X-person ever... Phoenix!! I was so happy when I saw Jean burst into flames as she was holding back that flood. I can't wait for X3, just so they can center the story around Phoenix. Storm finally came in useful. Joy. Kurt's opening scene in the White House was kool. And it was funny how he kept trying to tell everybody that his nickname was Nightcrawler, but they kept cutting him off. Correct me if I'm wrong, but was the guy controlling Xavier's mind supposed to be Mastermind? It's confusing because Mastermind's name is Jason Wyndgard(sp?), but the guy in the movie was Jason Stryker (Stryker's son). Oh, and that scene were Logan first came back to the mansion... you could cut the sexual tension with an adamtantium claw. Rogue digs Logan, Bobby digs Rogue, Logan digs Jean, Scott digs Jean, Jean flirts with Logan, Jean loves Scott, To Serve Man is a cookbook. It's enough to make your mutated X-hormones explode. :excited: [/spoiler]
I used to read hip-hop magazines, but then I got tired of being bombarded with endless advertisements. The last time I picked up a Source magazine, there were at least half a dozen advertisements [i]before[/i] I reached the table of contents. BET the TV network? I think it has its moments. I, for one, am glad they got rid of Cita's world. There are plenty of non-black people who watch Black Entertainment Television, and the last thing we need is bad representation from a stereotypical CGI ghetto girl. I don't know anybody as crazy as Cita. The only decent thing on BET is the news and maybe a handful of music videos. Oh, and that poetry show. I forgot the name of it and when it comes on. --EDIT-- Adding more to my post.
I go away for a few hours, and the entire thread goes to hell. Well, guess what... [color=green]Thread Closed[/color]
I've grown accustomed to my face. From the correct angle with the correct amount of light, I actually look pretty handsome. :cross: I also like my family's hair genes. I don't grow very much body hair. I have no hair on my legs, none on my arms, and I'm 18 years old and I've yet to finish growing my first mustache. I don't think I'll start shaving until I'm in my 20s. Personality wise, I'm a pretty flexible person. I don't like conflict, so I can get out of most arguments pretty well. In fact, 9 out of 10 times, I can shake off my anger like a cheap drape. The 10th time, however, if usually an explosion caused by supressing my anger the past 9 times. So that's a major flaw. But still, flexible personality!
Sorry it took me so long to log on and catch that double-post. It's gone. [color=green]DarK DeatH, double-posting is not allowed. Next time you want to add on to a post like that, just use the Edit feature.[/color]
[color=green]pdzineguy, advertising is not allowed in posts. On top of that, I don't see this thread going anywhere or it really having a point. Thread Closed[/color]
[color=green]Bouncer! What did I just say to septagon? There is no flaming on Otaku Boards. I just said doing that is against the rules. Pay attention. Don't flame. Replying to a flame with a flame is no excuse.[/color]
[color=green] Septagon, do not flame other members. You may disagree with what The Bouncer has to say, but you should never insult him. It's against the rules.[/color] Bouncer, you can't say you don't like something you've never heard based on when it was made. Still, if we can't change your mind, then I guess you'll just be deprived.
I think MTV said that they were actually ex-husband and ex-wife, but claimed to be brother and sister to keep their true relationship out of the public or something like that. I don't exactly remember why.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][/b] [size=1]Andrew & Spike need to spend more time together, they are hillarious. Anya and Andrew are also hillarious. They need to put Anya, Spike, Andrew and Clem in their own sitcom. They can drive around the country in Clem's red Beetle and solve mysteries. Eh, I'm such a nerd...[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] It'll bring a whole new meaning to the name "The Scoobies." Spike is such a workable character. Despite his evilness and the way he's almost corrupting Buffy, he pairs up well with every character on the show. I didn't think he'd pair up well with Andrew (no one else did), but everybody is hilarious with Spike! It's kind of funny that Spike has had at least one funny scene with every Scoobie.
Can I get a show of hands? How many of us here would honestly just [i]not buy the CDs anyway[/i], even if we had no way of getting mp3s? Personally, I don't buy CDs any less now than I did before I started download mp3s. Back before I'd even heard of Napster, you could count my CD purchases per-year with one hand. In fact, if you took away all of the file-sharing networks, I'd just go back to either taping songs off of the radio or dealing with not having the CD. Nothing short of [i]a wad of cash[/i] can make me buy more CDs. I just don't have the money for it. No job. Stores don't like to interview me. And either way you slice it, I've never downloaded more than 3 songs from one album.
Han Solo and Chewy shouldn't be in III. Lucas already had to appease his Bobafet fans by throwing his father in ep II for no real reason.
TN actually makes a good point about where the money goes. Artists make very little money off of those CDs. Let's do the math... You pay $15 for a CD $10 goes to the store you bought it from. $Out of the $5 remaining, about $0.50 goes to the artist (if they're lucky) Artist sells 1,000,000 records, makes roughly $500,000 Tax time comes around, artist has about $250,000 left. The artist has to pay for the recording studios used and all other expenses involved with promoting their album. This includes the music videos and the rare instance of the CD actually getting a TV commercial. And heaven forbid the artist doesn't make their own music or write their own songs. Then the artist has to eat and sleep, so there's more money to spend. If we're dealing with a band or group, the remaining money has to be divided between them. Did you know that female singing group TLC sold over 10,000,000 copies of their "Crazy Sexy Cool" album and claimed bankrupcy? This situation is even worse for rappers, because of their incredible stupid habit of spending their money on jewelry and cars. If you buy the album instead of just downloading the song, you're giving the artist/band enough money to eat a processed snack food. The executives behind the company and any people the artist hires will be making more money. Why do you think so many people turn to acting, clothing, and television commercials? About me saying I was going to cut-down on mp3s... I didn't exactly say I was going to start buying more CDs, did I?
I don't read Beckett, but I'm guessing you read a list of actors that some fans wanted the most, not an official actor's roster. I mean, the movie doesn't even have a director yet. There's no one to cast it. Anyway, I saw the Chinese movie the other night on the iChannel. It was so corny, it wasn't even funny. I was surprised that they used Oolong, but even more surprised that they made him into a shape-shifting human, not a pig.
Ok, the world's coming to an end and Anya continues to change her hair color. It's a new type of blond every episode (if blonde at all). Anyway, it was good to see everybody get in Buffy's face like that. There's a thin line between tough and b***h, and Buffy's been crossing it quite a few times this season. I don't care what people say about Kennedy, she's always made a good point when she stands up to Buffy. And Buffy has been making everything about Spike, like that's all anybody thinks about. There was a time when Buffy went to The Bronze in the midst of a battle with the big bad. Hell, Buffy did a [i]lot[/i] of underaged drinking. She of all people should know that the Potentials need to unwind. On a plus side, the Potentials kicked some corrupt-cop butt. It was good to see them (and even Dawn) in action without some of them dieing or Xander losing an eye.
How's this for confusing? Lately, I've been downloading quite a few old songs. Stuff made in the early 90s, 80s, and 70s. Honestly, I don't know what to think about downloading older songs. On one hand, I could probably waltz into a record store and get a Greatest Hits album or something of that nature, but does that money really go anywhere? If the record store runs out of Jackson 5 CDs, will they order more or just leave them soldout? Am I supporting those other 2 guys from Jodeci (the ones who aren't K-C or Jo-Jo) when I choose not to download "I Cry"? I've been thinking of giving up downloading newer songs. That's kind of hard, what with my mother constantly telling me to download a bunch of 50 Cent songs (yes, my mother listens to rap). When I did download new mp3s almost everyday, my one policy was that if I wanted to download more than 2 songs from a single album, I'd just go out and buy the album. One reason I've been so reluctant to buy somebody's album is a bad experience I had with a Ricky Martin CD. Yeah, "Livin' La Vida Loca" was catchy and "Cup Of Life" was my favorite song to sing in Spanish, but the rest of the album bites big wind. I'm going to make an effort to stop downloading new songs, but I'm not making any promises to anybody about that Ike & Tina Turner song I've been trying to download for the past month.
Please improve on your grammar. A few punctuation marks (like a period or comma) could go a long way.
lol Vicky, that wasn't a short story. I'm asking if anyone has read a manga called Rave Master.