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Manic Webb

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Everything posted by Manic Webb

  1. I can understand why most people don't like Kennedy, but I think she's alright. She does tend to over-step her boundaries at times, but at least there's [i]someone[/i] telling Buffy to shut-up. It's a shame that this is the last season of the show, because I'm sure she'd be a decent character if she had another season to develop as a person. Tara just seemed sorta "there" in season 4, but you could feel her presence in season 5. I'm sure Kennedy would be a good character if she were there for one more season. And as for the whole Kennedy-Willow romance... Kennedy just seems sorta like an "average temporary girlfriend" rather than a true love interest. Like when Xander dated Cordelia, or when Spike dated Harmony. They don't seem too serious. It's like they're just together for the sake of having a girlfriend. It's just Willow proving she can move on. Nothing serious. It's best to not read into it too much. I'm liking how this season has been treating Dawn. When she first showed up in season 5, her purpose was just to be projected by Buffy. Then she seemed pretty darn useless in season 6. This season, without Giles around, Dawn's been brushing up on her ancient texts and doing all of the research. In "Get It Done," Dawn was the one translating the book to English from ancient Sumerian. At first, it seemed strange that Dawn would catch on to all this ancient stuff so fast, but she's been hanging around in the magic shop since she first showed up, and Willow caught on to that stuff just as fast (faster, even). I'm just waiting for when The First actually does something. When The First Evil showed up in the form of every villain in "Lessons," I was excited because I remembered The First from "Amends" in season 3, where Angel kept seeing Jenny Calender's ghost telling him to kill himself. But the fact that The First can't even touch anything yet makes it seem more annoying than evil. Sorta like Andrew.
  2. That gives me an idea. I'd buy an accoustic guitar, an electric bass guitar, a drum set, and a piano. Then I'd hire a staff to teach me how to play them over the years.
  3. Promise not to laugh...? I'm a combination of both Charlie Brown and Snoopy from "Peanuts." Like Charlie, I'm constantly at debate with myself, I never work up the nerve to talk to "that red haired girl" in my life, and I can't kick for beans. Like Snoopy, I like to write a bunch of stories that contain unneeded cliches (ie. "It was a dark and stormy night), I sleep on top of my bed covers like Snoopy sleeps on his doghouse roof, I don't talk aloud too much, and I love the way Snoopy dances. I look nothing like Charlie brown. I mean, maybe if I were a few years young, bleached my skin, shaved my head, and bought a yellow shirt with a black stripe across the bottom (actually, I want one of those). I don't think I look like a beagle, either. *does the Snoopy dance to piano-jazz music*
  4. It's been a good while since the last "Buffy" topic and I [i]really[/i] want someone to talk about the current season to. So who here likes watching "Buffy: The Vampire Slayer"? Anyone watching the current season? What do you think of Kennedy? The main villain this season? The fact that this is the last season (7)?
  5. At first, I didn't plan to see this movie. I don't do cabaret. Then the other night, I found myself watching a making-of special on VH1 that talked about how the musical is based off of a real-life events and how hard everyone worked to make this movie. (The director passed-out on set. Dancers walked away with bruises.) I thought "I'm gonna hate myself in the morning for this" and went out to see [i]Chicago[/i]. I'm actually surprised by how well the movie was made. Usually, musicals involve dialogue followed by a spontaneous song (then repeat). The director arranged most the songs in a way that made them seem like fantasy sequences. Nice touch, really. It actually made the movie seem more realistic than your average musical. [b]Spoilers... more or less[/b] [spoiler]It looked like Roxie was so obsessed with being a singer that she tended to see certain situations in song-and-dance numbers, complete with an audience to perform for. It took the regular "I'm emotional, now I want to sing about it" and replaced it with "Reality is boring. I want to imagine their conversation with music, costumes, and elaborate stage lighting." When Roxie's husband lied for her at the beginning, she didn't sing about it aloud; She imagined, in her head, singing about it to a packed audience.[/spoiler] There. I saw my musical for the year. I am now cultured. Now if you'll excuse me, the loose-plot action-packed summer blockbusters should be coming any month now.
  6. 54? The man's been living in the U.S. since he was a teen (or in his early 20s). You'd think the accent would've wavered a little by now.
  7. Manic Webb


    Sylvester Stallone is a genius, or at least he was for a while (3 too many Rocky movies, for me). He pulled several all-nighter to write the first [i]Rocky[/i] movie by himself, and it's my favorite from the movie series. Sly's best role ever.
  8. I don't know about T3. I mean, how old is Arnie, these days? 50? 60? When was the last time the man made a decent action movie? I haven't seen DD yet. I've never been much of a Daredevil fan, plus the movie's wire effects seem a little over-done in the previews. (does hangtime count as one of Daredevil's enhanced senses?) I am looking forward to X-2. I liked the first movie, and this one might just be a winner (winner, as in fan favorite. Not Oscar winner.).
  9. That's enough time for one of R. Kelly's child-loves to give birth to a love-child.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mei [/i] [B]Donate half to charities then spoil myself a little then put the rest in a bank...Oo Oh and pay off some debts...though I have VERY few...considering I'm 13...-- [/B][/QUOTE] Half?! Wow. That only leaves you with... $500,000,000,000 Ok... so a trillon [i]is[/i] too much money. Has anyone seen the movie "Breuster's Millions"? A guy finds out that he was the only living relative of a very very wealthy man, and has been left a fortune. In his video-will, his wealthy uncle said that he had two choices: 1.) Accept one million dollars in inheiritance and walk away a fairly rich man 2.) Go for the 30 million dollar challenge. If he can spend 30 million dollars within 30 days (he's only allowed to give a small portion of it to charity and he can't [i]own[/i] anything he spends his money on), then his uncle's lawyers will give him a full 100 million dollars of inheiritance. Funny movie. Imagine spending a $1,000,000 per day and [i]not being able to buy anything for himself[/i]. He rented a whole lot of stuff and hired a whole lot of people with outragious salaries.
  11. I don't find him creep at all. He's really funny. In my opinion, he's the King of Slapstick (or is that Buster Keaton?). I can understand why you'd be creeped out by him, though. Those cold, almost curious eyes staring at you. The way his face stands out from the darkness while he wear all-black. That hat! His silence. But still, a brilliant comedian. Timeless.
  12. If MC Hammer has taught me anything, it's not to go overboard with my money. I'd only buy a mansion, 3 new cars that each cost less than my house, hire an interior decorator to help my dec my home, I'd buy my way into a cheesy Hollywood blockbuster film and become a celebrity, buy my way into a cheesy Bollywood blockbuster just for kicks, buy every last anime that I've ever wanted, donate to charity, give back to [i]select[/i] members of my family, help California out with its debt issues (just a little), buy lots stock, join a board of directors, retire, and give the rest to my children.
  13. Like Fate said, the theory of evolution is just a theory, not a law. Scientific laws can be proven, but scientific theories are just ideas that some people say might be true. I've always wondered: If man evolved from the ape, what was the ape evolving from while we were turning into humans? The theory of evolution might be true, but it's still just a theory. I remember, however, reading somewhere that the week-long creation of life on Earth can be combined with science, if you consider that man might have a different point of view on "time" than God does. The Bible (as well as the Jewish Torah, I think) says that God created the animals before he created man. Enter the dinosaurs and all other animals. Then God created man is his own image to watch over and live on Earth with all of the animals. This could explain why humans have a habit of standing out amongst the rest of the animal kingdom. What the Bible and Torah and Kra'ran(sp?) describe as a few quick days from God's point of view could be endless lifetimes to any mortal creature. All-in-all, I believe in the God of Christianity/Catholicism/Judaism/Islam. (And don't go telling me that they're each different gods, or anything. When 3 different religions' texts are the exact same for the first few books, they're worshipping the same God)
  14. It's not so much arrogance as it is hypocrisy. "Let's boycott french toast and french fries, but be damned if I give up my 20 year old expensive French wine... you know, the one thing that I really did get from France." Anyway, hasn't anyone ever heard of "cinnamon toast"? How about "potato fries" or "potato wedges"? There's a difference between "passive protest" and "passive aggressive protest." Now if you'll excuse me, my falafel is getting cold.
  15. I hated what they did to Rimmer. He had barely become a hard-light hologram, when he suddenly gets chosen to become the new Ace Rimmer and leaves. Then when he finally comes back during season 8, it's just a clone of the original Rimmer without any of the hologram's memories.
  16. I gotta admit, I didn't like Kochanski (aka the self-proclaimed Queen of the Universe) at first, but she grew on me when she humbled-up a little in season 8. She probably only had one shining moment: the episode where she went insane from Starbug's squeeky pipes. What I never understood is that if they could hop to any time period they wanted to, anywhere they wanted to (remember they episode where they went to 20th century United States for chicken curry, and fouled-up President Kennedy's assassination?), why didn't they just go straight to Earth in their original time (pre-Lister's cryosleep)?
  17. Normally, I'd weigh the pros and cons, but in this case I'll just tell you to go to Georgia. :p You really want to go to UGA, plus it costs less. It's only a few hours away, so you can always visit on holidays and most weekends. It's all your decision, and if you [i]really[/i] want to go to UGA, then you should go. You are young. You are strong. Love is a battlefield. [u]To Serve Man[/u] is a cookbook. Follow your heart and go to UGA. Geeze, I really should've moved away for college.
  18. I'm a big Red Dwarf fan! It's one of my favorite British comedies (okay, so I've only seen 5 other comedies. That's beside the point). My two favorite characters are Rimmer and Holly. The way they treat Rimmer is so funny. And you gotta love Holly. He/She is too crazy. Holly: "Purple alert. Purple alert." Lister: "Purple alert? What's a purple alert?" Holly: "Well it's not a blue alert, but it's not quite a red alert. It's actually more of a mauve alert." Wasn't there supposed to be a Red Dwarf IX or movie or something?
  19. Expecting something bad to happen is still an expectation. Expecting the worst in people is still an expectation. It's also cynical. I honestly cannot see a way for anyone to eliminate [i]all[/i] expectations. Impossible, I say. Whether any one here wants to admit it, we all expect [i]something[/i]. You might expect to eat the next day. You might expect that your internet connection won't fail you. You might expect that you'll be able to reach OtakuBoards. You probably expect to wake up tomorrow. And so I reinforce the idea that goals are different from expectations. A goal is something you try to make happen. An expectation is something you think will happen, regardless. Your goals give you expectations. You expect to achive your goals. If you don't expect to achive your goals, then they're not really goals, are they? Sounds more like a series of petty attempts, to me. The issue here isn't to rid yourself of all positive expectations. I don't expect my mother will turn into a snake-haired gorgon monster. That's a pretty positive expectation. The real issue is to keep realistic expectations, good or bad. One must learn to keep a balance between their negative and positive expectations; between naivite and cynicism. Realism.
  20. Manic Webb

    X Men

    I wonder why Jean Grey doesn't use her codename (Marvel Girl) anymore. Anyway, Rogue doesn't seem like much of a Superman rip-off to me. When it comes to Marvel Comics, flying people with superstrength is a lot more rare than it is in DC. I mean, with DC, almost every hero can fly and lift heavy objects, but Marvel doesn't put those two powers together in one hero as often. So any Marvel character (ie. Rogue) with both of those powers comes off as a cheap rip-off of Superman. Besides, Rogue would be a closer rip-off of Wonder Woman. I mean... gender. I can't wait for the next X-Men movie. Nightcrawler is my 2nd favorite X (Jean/Phoenix coming in first) and it's about time they used him. He should've been in the first film, if you ask me. (I mean, they gave Shadowcat a brief cameo)
  21. Saying that one's life is or isn't meaningless depends on what you're comparing [i]life[/i] to. Any one of us could have never been born, and the Earth would still be rotating around the sun, and the universe would still be moving in an unknown direction at some unknown rate. In the grand scale of things, our lives are worthless. However, in terms of our own planet and all of the other lives and things on it, our lives are pretty darn significant. See? It's all in one's perspective.
  22. The sad part about your situation is that it's going to be nearly impossible to have your cake and eat it. Either way, you're missing out on something. If you stay home and don't enroll in that school, you'll be missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime. You'll never know if you would've really liked the school and you'll never know where that school could've taken you in life. On the other hand, you'll get to stay with you're friends, who are obviously very important to you. You can still have a successful future and you can keep your friends. On the [i]other[/i] other hand, if you do go to the school, you'll be losing some very close friends. Sure, you'll come visit every other weekend [i]at first[/i], but then you'll find yourself staying there a little bit longer until you realise that you're barely visiting your old home anymore. You'll have to make new friends and your old friends will make new friends. But on the [i]other [b]other[/b][/i] other hand, you can't pass up everything this school has to offer. This new school can send you places in life that other schools can't. This is the opportunity of a lifetime, for goodness' sake! Besides, you can make new friends [i]easily[/i]. And you can still see your old friends occasionally. I can only help you weigh the pros and cons. Me deciding for you wouldn't really be helping, in my opinion.
  23. Death, Famine, War, Harry makes a good point. The world really is coming to an end. Ok, seriously. I'm gonna have to agree with what Harry said. Not everything in life is fair. That's why Britney Spears is a diamond-selling singer, while people [i]who can actually sing[/i] make their living by flipping Big Macs during the day, singing on street corners at sundown, and exotic dancing late at night. The most one can do is just live and hope that they actually do achive their goals. "Hope for the best. Expect the worst."
  24. I have to admit that I am [i]very[/i] impressed with Ninja Storm. After Wild Force, I thought Ninja Storm would only get worse. Actually, I'm beginning to like Ninja Storm's endless list of ranger equipment and fighting techniques. I was surprised with the whole "jump behind a paper wall, fight, wall disappears, bad guys suddenly fall down" thing that went on. And Ninja Storm does Wire-Fu better than any other season of Power Rangers. I'm a small fan of Wire-Fu (wire-fights, like Matrix or Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon), but only on one condition. Wire-Fu cannot be done half-arsed. I don't want a character to have trouble reaching a high shelf one second, and then do a mid-air bicycle kick the next. Ninja Storm uses Wire-Fu to its full advantage, but doesn't shove their hang-time in your face. What really surprised me is the current character developement. With Wild Force, the writers proved that they cannot handle a full 5 ranger team. I mean, why do I only remember one female wild force ranger? Using a team of only 3 rangers was a good idea. Considering that Ninja Storm will only be around for one season, using a smaller team should help the writers focus better on character developement. The show's premise is already inane, so there's no point in even [i]trying[/i] to explain the Ninja Academy. They might as well work on the characters.
  25. I don't like today's gansta rap. Just look at the pure fake-ness of today's gangsta rap. At least back then, alot of what people were saying was real. Today, you can find over 1,000 accounts of murder in music that never really happened. Not to say that all gangsta rap has always been about violence, but it's become so superficial that, well, it is now. During the 90s, a gangsta rapper could talk about hating his "enemy" and turn right around and bring up a serious issue or two that made you think. Today, very few people have anything [i]real[/i] to say. A lot of new people come out talking about nothing but violence (all lies, by the way) and money (that they don't have, mind you) because it's the trendy thing to do, and then call themselves gangsta rappers. Please! Somebody tell Fabolous that he has to be a gangsta to keep it gangsta. I appreciate [i]some[/i] older gangsta rap for its seriousness, but today's is almost worthless. I think it's time for gangsta rap to give it a rest and a new type of rap (with substance) to come into play. Excuse my stereotypes, but all today's gangsta rap is good for is making middle-class white suburban teenagers buy your album. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to listen to an Outkast song.
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