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Manic Webb

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Everything posted by Manic Webb

  1. I just remembered something about when I did "Little Shop of Horrors" :smirk: *ahem* Not to make anyone here feel guilty *eyeballs RicoTranzrig* but none of my friends went to go see me in "Little Shop." :bawl: OH, the emotional pain I suffered when I rehearsed [b]every schoolnight from October to February[/b], only to find that [b]not one[/b] of my friends were in the audience!! OH, cruel fate? Why have you forsaken me?! :bawl: :laugh: I'm just playing, man. That was a year ago. It's all in the past.
  2. "Kids" (middle school play, 1995) [b]Role:[/b] Tree #3 "Teens" (another middle school play, 1997) [b]Role:[/b] Dancing Bed Monster #2, Jury Member "Little Shop of Horrors" (2002) [b]Roles:[/b] Voice of God/Prologue, Wino/Hobo #4, Audrey II (the plant), Shop Customer, Ensemble Singer I've also done set construction and stage-hand work for a production of "Kiss Me, Kate." These days, I'm taking an acting class. My first two shows (Kids and Teens) were middle school plays which required very little talent. I got into Little Shop because I was the only person interested in auditioning for the prologue (and I somehow got thrown into the Ensemble and playing the plant). I want to improve on what little acting ability I have and work on my vocal projection and singing.
  3. Not to digress from the topic at hand, but I can't help but think of Gundam Wing Endless Waltz. Even after they thought they'd achived everlasting peace, all the world needed was [i]one[/i] psychopathic child with sadistic intentions. Think about that.
  4. The legal adult in me says "How could R. have done something so indecent?" But the R. Kelly fan in me (that has yet to see this sex-tape) says "It's only *statutory* rape, not rape-rape. Her having sex with Kelly is equivilent to underaged drinking. It's as much her fault as it is his." And so, I've decided to separate my love of music from my fandom of R. Kelly. I like his new song "Ignition" but I will not support his album. I will listen to it whenever it plays on the radio, but I will personally not support it by buying it. And that's my stance on the subject. And just so no one flames me, I well aware that what he did was wrong.
  5. My parents divorced when I was 2 years old. I don't remember them ever being together. I live with my mom, but I have to divide my weekends and holidays between the two. At first, my brother and I were only allowed to see my father every other weekend, but when I was about 10 (my brother 16), my mother gave us the option to live with whoever we wanted. My brother chose my dad. I stayed with my mom. Shakey times, shakey times. Divorces are never good for kids, especially when it comes to which parent you're going to live with. You always feel like you're leaving one parent out in the cold and (unless you really don't like one of your parents, which doesn't sound like your case) you hate to leave one behind to be with the other. You've chosen your parent to live with and the 3 of you are all going to have to accept that. Whenever you have a good long opening in your schedule (try a couple of days/weeks), visit the parent you're not with, if possible. That's all the advice I have for you.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoMax [/i] [B][color=green] The thing is that they [b]ARE[/b] blind sheep. They listen to whatever the government tells them and buy duct tape and plastic.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Ok... you know what? If you say that you don't like the government officials [b]AND[/b] the citizens, then you're well on your way to being unpatriotic (honestly, who is left?). If you still have faith in the ideals of the written law, then you're not unpatriotic. Otherwise, you're not living in a totalitarian nation and you're free to move out whenever you like.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]Being a huge republican all I want is the destruction of the planet and the mistreatment of my fellow man. I wish to destroy and take. I am greedy and mean. All of my drive comes from the evil in my soul and my only goal is to be in a better position than the rest of you... Of course that is a bad joke, just kinda pissed right now...[/B][/QUOTE] Not to "play mod," but you put your political sarcasm in the wrong thread. We're talking about animals, here. No one said anything about republicanism. Wrong thread entirely. Anyway, I suppose I'm more like a turtle. I like water (especially looking at it and swimming in it), I get things done at a slower pace (I just don't see the point of always being in a rush), and I tend to sometimes close myself up. That, and there's this giant shell on my back.
  8. I think you download a fansub... a bad fansub. Your average fansub and fan website (and nearly everyone else) usually call him Broli/Brolli/Brolly, not Brotty. That, or your subs are just blurry and you see "t" instead of "l".
  9. Brotty? Now THAT is strange and uncalled for. I'll believe it when I see/hear it.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]However, as I started to look at it more in depth, I found that it's not just the stereotypes that make up the liberal and conservative parties. There are plenty of people [and I'd say the majority of the United States' population] who are a mix of both, like someone who is a conservative economist but a liberal thinker when it comes to civil rights. It's the extreme liberals and the extreme conservatives that cause the petty bickering between the right and left wings. I think at times it's futile to run in endless circles defending your side of politics; no matter what you say, someone who thinks differently is going to shoot you down. It's the closed mindedness of both parties that is the biggest threat, not the people themselves.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Nicely put. All of my nonsense aside, I honestly think that neither side is more correct or wrong or more dangerous than the other. Like BabyGirl said, a good majority of the U.S. seem to be a mix of both. That's why I always claim the middle-ground. It just doesn't make sense to be pure liberal or pure conservative, to me. And in the end, I believe that both extremes want the same thing... just in two different ways.
  11. First of all, this is about [u]gangsta[/u] rap, not all rap in general. There's a difference, you know, like some of the different types of rock and such. Specifically, I mean rap that involves gang violence, not just harsh lyrics. Eminem, for example, would not be really "gangsta" rap. His lyrics are harsh, but he doesn't say a lot of stuff about being in a gang. Snoop Dogg, on the other hand, was a gangsta in his day. See the difference? Well, what do you think of it? I'll get to my own opinion in a while.
  12. Coming this fall to FOX, [i]American Rapist[/i]! Sorry, couldn't resist. :) When you say an episode in a series about a reality series (or whetever you just said), what exactly did you mean by that? A fake reality series on a TV show or something? :cross:
  13. Liberals vs. Conservatives aren't against each other. That's what [i]They[/i] want you to think. In reality, both sides have been saying the exact same thing in different phrasing. [i]They[/i] want you all to believe that both sides are on completely different sides of the spectrum. Who are [i]They[/i]? You already know of [i]Them[/i]. [i]They[/i] are the ones who keep "American Idol" and "Survivor" on the air. [i]They[/i] told you that dressing the way you do is hip, and that the tomato is really a vegetable. Yes, I'm talking about [i]Them[/i]... The media. :worried: j/k
  14. Please! We all know that as soon as each couple is paired up, their marriage will be anulled the next day. Married By America is hardly "reality" TV. MTV's Real World, that's closer to reality. Pick a group of people, move them into a house/apartment/loft, give them a job, make no promises of money or fabulous prizes (to prevent constant back-stabbing), and watch the carnage/romance unfold. If you ask me, though, you can blame all of this "reality" TV on Big Brother and Survivor. And you can blame Survivor on Real World and Road Rules and Gilligan's Island. And you can blame Gilligan's Island on Robinson Coruso and Swiss Family Robinson! Point is, it sucks and I've given up watching "reality" for good ol' scripted television.
  15. LONG LIVE SCRIPTED COMEDY!! (pardon my caps) I think the show is quite pointless. I mean, three people get to choose the hottest man and woman in the U.S. My arse! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What they're selecting are the 2 hottest people in the opinions of the handful of viewers who actually watch this show [i]and[/i] bother themselves to vote. American Idol looks for the next American musical superstar, not "the best singer" or any crap like that. That's way too debatable.
  16. I tend to switch-off between my right foot under my left leg and my left foot under my right leg. I switch whenever I start to feel one of my feet fall sleep. I think by sitting on your feet, you're cutting off circulation to your foot. You can usually feel a sleepy foot coming, and when you do, move your foot. Make sure blood has a downward path down your leg (don't stick your leg straight up or anything) and shake your foot a little. I don't know if it helps, but I do it every time.
  17. It's a big, plastic, blue cube sitting in the sand. It's about the size of a shack (maybe 7 feet in height/width/height) The latter is wooden and leaning against the cube. The horse is small and brown. I don't really know any kinds os horses, either. I'm not sure what this is about, but it seems interesting and I have time to spare.
  18. They're showing all of Eva on Toonami? I thought they were just showing one or two uncut episodes during "Big Robot Week." That's what I read somewhere, anyway.
  19. Tommy was always my favorite ranger. He was always given the best Zords (White Tiger was the first zord to have a decent kick) and he was the best fighter on the team (Jason-who?). I hated how turbo just decided to drop every last character we knew for some strangers who were made into rangers for no real reason. "We're all out of high school now. Let's pass our powers on to the next 5 people we meet." *shudder* Wild Force Is it me, or did the story behind Wild Force (assuming there was one) go [i]nowhere[/i]? Sure, every season of Power Rangers has a "monster of the day" theme around it that makes most episodes interchangable, but you could show me the first and last episodes of Wild Force and I wouldn't be able to tell which came first. The episodes were poorly written and there were no turning points in the series.
  20. Not to in any way be part of the crowd, but I use Liquid. It looks sorta like V6, but with a somewhat softer quality to it. My only gripe with it is the way the white text starts to blend in with the gradient bars of each table. Go to the bottom of the OB index page and try to read "Currently Active Users." See what I mean? I don't really like Industrial that much. Don't get me wrong, it's a good skin. I used it for about a week before I switched back to V6 and then over to Liquid.
  21. Angelus, I just thought about it, and Washu's true "adult" form would actually be relevant during the 0-Ryoko/Dr. Clay episode. After all, Dr. Clay is an old associate and Tokimi knows Washu from her Goddess days.
  22. There's something I just don't get about the first few Power Ranger series' (up 'til Space). Why did they change to Turbo and Space, story-wise? I barely watched those shows, so I don't know why. Help me out, here. I remember the first real title-change was from "Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers" was to "Power Rangers Zeo." I remember that Rita's father used the Zeo Crystal to reverse time, making everyone on Earth maybe 10 years younger. Kid Billy created a machine that would restore the rangers back to their normal ages, using the power coins to energize it. Before anyone but Billy could turn back to normal, Goldar destroyed the machine and all of the power coins, leaving the rangers powerless. Later, the kid rangers spread out across the Earth to find the 5 pieces of the Zeo Crystal. they restored everyone to their normal ages, and they decided to use the Zeo Crystal pieces to transform into the Zeo Rangers. That part I get. Problem is, I never saw the beginning of the "Turbo" movie, so I have absolutely no idea why they switched from the Zeo Crystal (presumably the most powerful jewel around) to some new Turbo power. And then why did they switch to [i]another[/i] Ranger power when they became "Power Rangers in Space"?
  23. *looks up "I'm ready" in Japanese* I couldn't picture Spongebob in Japanese. I can imagine how a Japanese kid feels about thinking of Tokyo Pig in English. Weird. :cross: I knew Powerpuff Girls were dubbed over in Japan, so I can imagine that a lot of popular North American shows are dubbed over there, too.
  24. Strange. I only count 10. Might Morphin, Alien, Zeo, Turbo, Space, Lost Galaxy, Lightspeed Rescue, Time Force, Wild Force, Ninja Storm. Of course, I stopped watching Power Rangers sometime after Space and didn't start watching again until Time Force. I could've forgotten or missed a series. I had to stop watching Power Rangers after "Space" because of the whole "they killed Zordon, all evil in the galaxy is now good" ending. With Zordon dead and all of the evil in the galaxy erased, I didn't see the point in watching a Power Rangers series that ruined all of that continuity. That is, until I saw Time Force. I used to watch Time Force every morning on ABC Family before school. I didn't like Wild Force, though. But I did like the all-Red Ranger episode (how Jason suddenly got his morpher back and his power coin is no longer destroy is beyond me). While there's something about the Wind Rangers' personalities I don't like (especially the yellow ranger's acting), I like their powers a lot more than some of the past Power Rangers series. It was interesting that each ranger has their own unique ability (one can use wire-fu, one can wire-fu over water, and the other can burrow underground). Nice.
  25. The taller, flirty Washu is how she really is. The short, child-like one is a type of disguise. When Washu's real child and husband were taken away from her, Washu took on the form of a child so that she didn't have to deal with the harshness of adulthood anymore. The way she acts and looks is all up to her. She just pretends to look and act like a child. Everyone knows she's an adult, but it's harder to treat her like one when she looks 12. When she turned around and was suddenly taller and more mature, she was showing Tenchi how she [b]really[/b] looks. She flirted with him just for fun. How does she do it? She's the greatest scientist in the Universe!
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