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Everything posted by Manic Webb
Satan-Hercule and Bra-Bulla are completely different name changes. Bra's name change is a lot closer to the difference between Kuririn and Krillin. I don't find too much wrong with it, although I can understand how it can upset a lot of fansub watchers/makers. I would've prefered Bura, though. I'm with LM that "Bra" is a funny name to give a princess. And let's not forget all the little boys who giggle like school-girls whenever they hear the word "bra." Imagine how much dialogue they'd miss whenever someone mentions Vegeta's daughter because they were too busy laughing.
No disrespect DeathKnight but, it does seem rude to delete a user's post without telling them. I'd at least want to be told why my post disappeared by the mod who deleted it. --EDIT-- Forgot a word in my first sentence.
"Urinal cake eroding... eroding... gone!" -Homer "It tastes like burning." -Ralph "You suck! No wonder your parents are getting divorced!" -Random Kid "I'm not a nerd. Nerds are smart." -Milhouse Old Homer: "Maggie, get off the phone!" Teen Maggie: "..." Old Homer: "Doesn't that girl ever shut up?" Bart: "That's a good idea." Milhouse: "Really? Well, I was due." Bart: "I'll say!" Lisa: (talking to other kids) "Aye Curumba!" Bart: (to Marge) "See? That's my line!" Marge: "Oh, Bart. You haven't said that in over 2 years." "See my vest, see my vest. Made from real gorilla chest. See my sweater? There's no better Than authentic Irish Setter. See my hat? T'was my cat. My evening wear, vampire bat!" --Mr. Burns, "See My Vest"
50 Cent hates Ja Rule? I think 50 just earned himself a new fan :) When I first heard 50 Cent, I thought he mumbled too much when he rapped. His voice isn't as "out-there" like most other rappers, and that really surprised me. I don't have his album, but his current single is pretty good. Catchy, too. Of course, I got a little tired of a local radio station constantly repeating the "Go shorty, it's your birthday" part over and over ect.
Cloricus does have some kind of a point, there. The t-shirt might've been a joke. I remember my HS economics teacher had a morphed picture of Bush dressed as Bin Laden on her whiteboard in front of the class. It was kinda funny to look at, really. It was sort of a joke. Of course, I'm not saying that's the definite reason she wore the shirt. I'm just not ruling out that possibility. Of course, the chances of that are slim, aren't they?
Actually, I don't even know if they can say "bra" on television (at least for children). [i]Pepper-Ann[/i] had an entire episode about Pepper-Ann buying her first bra, and they went the entire episode without saying "bra" once.
All opinions of President Bush aside (I'm getting so tired of talking about him), that t-shirt was going to be distracting. If you were in class and you noticed the girl next to you was wearing that shirt, wouldn't you be a bit distracted by the message it was bringing across? Did that girl have the right to wear that shirt? Yes. At school? No. It boiled down to school policy, and that shirt had "pay no attention to the poorly paid public school teacher in front of the class room" written all over it. She was given two choices; flip your shirt insideout or just walk away. Not that an inside-out t-shirt with Bush's face on it and some backward lettering wouldn't have also been a distraction, but she chose to go home to stand by her principles. I won't say whether it was right or wrong (because I honestly don't feel like going there), but she stood by what she believed in. In the end, it all boils down to the definition of "terrorist."
Alrighty... let's talk about some Michael Jackson controversy... Do I think Michael molests children? No. He admits to sleeping in the same bed as children, but who's to say that he does anything else with them? You all pulled that from your own minds. For some reason, you all assume that a 40-something year old man can't have a sleep-over with little kids without someone getting molested. Yes, I know that I just made myself sound incredibly naive. But there's this little phrase called "innocent until proven guilty." When faced with child molestation charges, Michael has settled out of court several times in the past. Why? Is it because he's covering up that he really did it? Or is he just giving them money because he's innocent and they were trying to scam a few thousand out of him anyway? He has an alarm rigged up for his bedroom. I don't know why. Maybe it really is for security reasons and he just needs to know when somebody is breaking into his house. Maybe it's so that he has time to apply his make-up to cover his skin blotches. On the other hand, maybe it's so that he can wrap up his molestation session. Who knows? Michael dangles his baby over a balcony. Is he a bad parent? Maybe. Should he have his children taken away? Maybe. Should he be thrown in jail? Probably not. When I first heard about this, I imagined Michael sticking his baby out the window and losing his grip. That's how badly the media hyped it up. Michael walked over to the balcony, realized his son's feet were dangling, and held on for dear life as he pulled the baby back inside. This is a really big mistake, but he's hardly a baby killer. The most that should be done is his children be taken to their mothers. Would you want your father (or guardian of choice) in jail for life because he/she walked too close to a window when you were a baby? As for Michael's child-like behavior... that I wil not defend. Michael needs help. Joe Jackson raised [b]9[/b] children (Jackie, Rebee, Jermaine, Tito, LaToya, Marlon, Michael, Randy, and Janet) the same way, and Michael is the only one with a Peter Pan complex because of a lost childhood. Marlon was only a couple of years older than Michael, no problems with him. Janet's been acting and singing since childhood, no problems with her (except that I'm not with her). Randy became the 6th member of the Jackson 5 (one of the older members left and Randy replaced him) but he had no problems. So why is Michael the only one going through this? Because he needs psychological help. Michael Jackson needs to be a father to his children, not a bigger kid.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]I would totally smoke grass every day if it wasn't illegal.[/B][/QUOTE] Remember, one joint is equal to up to 4 cigarettes, and cigarettes will give you cancer. *proceeds to smoke a legal cigar, which is at least 5 cigarettes at once* lol, j/k. I also get sort of a high from watching my little sister play. I feel so alive (and yet old) when I see small children at play.
Gummi Bears. Nothing matches the almighty power of gummi bears. Simply owning a bag of gummi bears gets me excited and giddy. Never gummi worms, though. I can stand them. They're so long that you have to bite them into pieces, but they're so hard to chew. Bears are nice and compact and easier to chew, and that's assuming I feel like chewing. I don't even have to chew them. I can just swallow them whole. Man, I'm weird. :cross: --EDIT-- I just remembered Gummi Trolls. Remember those Troll dolls with the tall colorful hair that used to be so popular? For a while, there were these gummi trolls where the hair was a different flavor from the body. I liked those, too.
I'm not too upset with Bra's name being changed. I mean, at one time, Bulma's name was Buruma. Tenshinhan's name was changed to T[b]i[/b]enshinhan. And don't even get me started on Krillin. Changing it from Bra to Bula (I once heard it was gonna be Bura) can be passed off as a way of hearing/spelling it. Remember, L and R are practically the same letter and it's way too easy too throw a "u" in her name.
If Harry really did lose his sister, it may already be too late to comfort him; then this may have been his fairwell post (ironic as it may be). I'm not going to scold anyone for assuming that this thread is a hoax (all signs point to yes with big, bright neon letters), but I'm going to give Harry the benefit of the doubt this time. I don't know him, so I can't really say that he's lieing or not.
ugh. Rappers keeping it real and Britney Spears singing. Could it be any more of an oxymoron? I agree with TN. These girls may not be the best at what they do, but at least they're actually trying. I'm watching "Birds of Prey" right now and the song actually fits pretty well for the climactic fight scene. Still, I don't like the song enough to buy the album or anything.
True, "All The Things She Said" is catchy. Of course, so is "The Ketchup Song." That doesn't make it good. It just makes it easy to remember. "All the things she said... running through my head... it is not enough." That's way too easy.
Usually, I like to give dubs of kid's anime shown on North American TV the benefit of the doubt, but the KidsWB version of "Card Captors" really disgusted me. They could have at least had the decency to air Sakura's origins, rather than start the show off where Lee joins. Otherwise, it seemed like a good shoujo. I liked the whole idea with the original creator of the Clow and Sakura.
I read about the stuff with the Irish during the 19th century. It was so bad, an Irish person had almost as hard a time getting a job as a black ex-slave or a Native American who found him/herself in the city. To say the least, those times really sucked.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B][color=royal blue]and have less sense than the squirrel that crossed a major freeway.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] You forgot about the stereotype that Texans can "turn a phrase." :) I get quite a few stereotypes from people, until they get to know me. Some people assume that, because I'm black and I don't like to talk to new people a lot, I'm all rude and thuggish and anti-social. This was especially bad before I got my glasses and everyone thought I was snearing at them, when I was really squinting. I just don't like to talk. When you get to know me, I'm actually a pretty nice person... and some people find that surprising. I never get into fights, but I'm not a push-over. I hate it when people assume I'm a rude person because I don't like to talk. I'm just too lazy to open my mouth at times. A stereotype I once got was when someone asked if I was part Asian. In high school, all of my friends were Filipino, Chinese, and Indian. For some reason, someone assumed that I only hung out with them because [i]I[/i] was partially Asian. I'm black, black, more black, and Native-American. :freak: There's no reason most of my friends can't be Asian. Crazy stereotypes... I don't mind that people assume that I can sing. I can't, but it's nice to have people [i]think[/i] I can.
My dad told me he was gonna teach me to play bass guitar (he plays bass for a blues band), but he's always too busy on weekends with his gigs. Kinda ironic, isn't it?
I'm going Hollywood, baby! While my true dream is to be a voice actor, they're neither famous enough to be mobbed or to even get a good dinner table. So for fame, I'm thinking live-action Hollywood movies and television series! Oh yeah. My other dream is to create a hit television series (you know, one that lasts more than 2 seasons). The only problem with that is how quickly producers gain and lose money. (They say a producer is always broke).
I'm teaching myself to play the piano. All I can do is read and play sheet music (very slowly and badly). I can't really play with two hands at a time. I usually use two hands to play something that a normal pianist would only use one hand for. I'm also learning to sing. I guess I have a very short vocal range that borders between (I think) tenor and bass. I have absolutely no voice in falcetto(sp?); I just sorta stand there with my mouth open, wheezing. I have the perfect makings of a [i]background[/i] singer. :(
I think the Superman francise has bled to death. I'd rather they never made another Superman movie or TV series again. At least not for the next 10 years. In my mere 18 years, I've seen (in this order) a Superboy series, a Superman series, a Superman cartoon, and Smallville. We don't need another movie right now.
Homosexual. Heterosexual. It's all preference, really. Either way, I still ain't getting any. :p Seriously, though. Feelings are feelings and if a person developes feelings toward someone of their own gender rather than the opposite gender, there's nothing wrong with that. I mean, so what? I'm sure if I can be friends with a straight girl, I can get along just as well with a gay man (assuming he's not a jerk) without it getting uncomfortably sexy or anything. Sexual preference is one thing, but personality is completely different. Never get them confused. In conclusion, I'd like to quote a Janet Jackson song to think about... "He was on the airplane Sittin' next to this guy Said he wasn't too shy And he seemed real nice Until he found out he was gay That's so not mellow"
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jenni [/i] [B]Criminals should just stay in jail. They usually never learn a lesson [/B][/QUOTE] Well that's a very harsh statement. "You have been found guilty of smoking marijuana. Because I know temporary incarceration won't teach you a lesson, I'll sentence you to [i]life without parole[/i]. And heaven forbid the justice system was wrong and we never find out you were innocent of your crime." I digress. Gokents had a pretty good idea, but the problem is that it'd probably only work in theory. The major issue is convincing someone to move somewhere without it becoming a government-forced relocation (which can be a problem in places like the US)
I wouldn't even consider answering... ever. I guess you could say we all have a little too much time on our hands. Of course, you'd be surprised about the kind of weird nonsensical stuff I can think up during a short walk across the street. :cross:
The manipulation of ki would also explain Dende's ability to heal. It seems that rather than concentrate his ki as a destructive force (like everyone else on the show), Dende can use it to heal wounds. Jinkies.