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Manic Webb

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Everything posted by Manic Webb

  1. My guess would be that Nameks have this ability in general. That would explain where Nameks get their clothing; they just materialize it. Ever notice that the only plant they ever farmed on their planet was sacred, but their clothing looks like some kind of a linen or cotton cloth? (I highly doubt their clothing came from the hide of an animal)
  2. You just now noticed that iChannel is showing DBGT? They've been showing it for a couple of months, now (a "new" episode every week). As for the dozen or so episodes you've missed... you're just going to have to wait until you can buy FUNimation's bi-lingual DVD or when it comes on Cartoon Network. When iChannel airs Dragonball, they air an episode on Wednesday, then only rerun it on the following Sunday. They've been doing this for as long as I've been watching DBZ on that channel (which was around the Trunks/Android Saga). And it does seem like Cartoon Network has been purposely holding out on new episodes base on where the iChannel is. iChannel airs episodes weekly and CN daily. Remember in the Buu saga when Ma-jin Vegeta sacrificed himself to kill Buu? Cartoon Network had finally caught up to the iChannel exactly on the episode when Vegeta dies. That's also exactly when CN decided to rerun the Great Saiyaman saga all over again. One more episode on CN and they would've gone past iChannel.
  3. Hmm... Considering how slowly Ranma's transformation is, I'd have to say that when he turns into a girl, Ranma's male sexual organ retracts and [i]then[/i] proceeds to morph more specifically into the female sexual organ. And now for something completely different... well, not really. I haven't seen very much Ranma 1/2 (just one of the movies). There's a question that's been bothering me for a while. If femme-Ranma were, say, fertilized somehow by a male, what do you think would happen to the fetus if the "expecting" female Ranma suddenly turned into a man?
  4. I must admit, following what Harry says is [i]very[/i] confusing. One minute it almost sounds like he hates homeless people, and the next he clarifies by saying that he only wants to help them. I think a few of us need to think about how we phrase our thoughts & opinions in this thread. Harry, some of what you're saying is very vague. It's causing most of the arguments in this thread. Exactly what kind of simple, mindless jobs are we talking about, here? Most importantly, where exactly is the money for this program going to come from? Lady Macaiodh said that Richmond barely has enough money to keep its DMV open, so where would a town like this get the money to aid the homeless on a more regular basis?
  5. Manic Webb

    Mad Max 4

    I've only seen "Beyond The Thunderdome" and the only thing I liked about that movie was the first two lines of the chorus of Tina Turner's song for the movie. I remember watching it on TV a few years ago. I remember Max doing something, then doing something else, then there was the thunderdome where everyone shouted "two men enter, one man leave", and then everyone was running around in the desert. In other words: "What the hell was the plot to that movie?" Does anyone actually know?
  6. Manic Webb


    I've only seen one of the Hellraiser movies, but I don't know the name of it. It was the one that took place on the space station where the main character [spoiler]told the complete story of how his ancestor first encountered the puzzle-box and how a more recent ancestor trapped all of the demons back in the box[/spoiler]. It pretty much felt like watching 2 or 3 movies at once.
  7. Well, I went to Lake Tahoe (a city that borders California and Nevada) for the New Year. It was my first time playing in the snow and I got to do some underaged gambling (woohoo!). I lost $10, though... Whenever I go on vacation (or holiday), I usually have a good time. There's the one exception where I took a 2-day road trip with my grandmother to go to a funeral, but that's about it. I usually don't mind taking road trips, either. All I ask is that the driver stop at least once per day, so that everyone can get out of the car and stretch.
  8. My old high school used to have a filter on it that blocked porn, hotmail, and prevented users from installing any and all programs and changing the desktop settings. They were only good for reading and downloading non-porn images and sounds. The funny part is that one out of every three people knew their teachers' password to turn off the filters. I remember walking into the computer labs and seeing desktops with anime wallpapers and AIM installed. There were also a few folders on the server that contained NES and SNES emulators and games. A couple of years ago, my cousin gave me a screen name under his AOL account, but he put me under one of the parental settings. I couldn't access any anime websites because it couldn't identify Japanese words (ie. anime, manga).
  9. Have you ever seen the movie [i]With Honors[/i]? The story involves a homeless man named Simon. He graduated college (Harvard, I believe) and couldn't get a decent job or find a place to stay. And, for some reason, nobody wanted to hire a man with no grooming and no place of residence. He ended up moving into a basement under one of Harvard's dorm buildings. He didn't become homeless because he was lazy. It just happened. (It's a very good movie. You should watch it some time. Stars Joe Pesci and Brendan Fraser.) Thing is, forcing work on the homeless would be a dream-come-true for some of them. Some of them became homeless [i]because[/i] they couldn't get a job. That's why quite a few turn to begging on the streets. Of course, there's still the odd homeless person who begs for the shear hell of it and never tried to get a job. Then there's some that didn't have a chance. Of course, there's the issue of how many homeless people there are (almost too many to count) and how to find them all jobs, while still allowing those [i]with[/i] homes to find a place to work before [i]they[/i] become homeless. Plus, how exactly does a person live off of $5.50/hour? That'll either be enough for one meal everyday or a motel room for a few days of the week. I'm sure you meant well, but that'd just be too difficult to pull off.
  10. I think it sounds pretty kool. I mean, there's a lot of stranger stuff one could do to get in the Guiness book. As far as I know, you seem to have a pretty good idea about what you're doing, so this should be alright as long as you remember to include your own safety in your plans.
  11. A man walks ino a convenience/corner store and asks the cashier for a paper bag. After receiving the paper bag, the man walks to be back of the store and cuts two holes into the bag and puts it over his head. He walks back up to the front of the store and attempts to rob the cashier. It was all caught on video. What is wrong with this picture? A robber walks into a corner store, only to find a shatter-proof glass shield guarding the cashier. The robber goes outside, grabs and brick, comes back in, and chucks it at the [b]shatter-proof[/b] glass shield. The brick [i]bounces[/i] off of the glass and hits the robber in the head. No cashiers were harmed. --edit-- hmm... my 666th post. Could this mean bad news for this post?
  12. I generally don't care. If I'm watching anime on TV, then I'll usually settle for whatever type is playing (dubbed or subbed, depends on what channels I'm watching). If I'm buying the anime, I'll usually get an uncut bi-lingual DVD. I usually watch the DVD dubbed first. That way, if I sneeze, turn around, or just step away from the TV, I can still hear what's going on. I hate watching an entire anime in Japanese the first time, because the slightest diversion can make me miss a high point in the dialogue. I have to keep my eyes on the subs on all times. Then some time later, I'll watch it all over again in Japanese for the sake of knowing what the original was like and to compare the dialogue. If given the choice between the two, I'd pick dubbed over subbed simply because I'm less likely to miss any dialogue that way. If you want me to watch an anime that I've already seen (dubbed or subbed), I'd rather watch it subbed. It just seems natural.
  13. lol, I thought I was the only person who noticed that Bush says "nuke-ular" instead of "nuclear." I started laughing so hard when I first heard him say that. It reminded me of an episode of The Simpsons. Speak: "...nuclear power plant..." Homer: "Nuke-ular. The word is nuke-ular."
  14. SWEET HEAVEN ABOVE, NOT DANCING!! :eek: Truly, dancing is the ultimate form of evil. Seriously, that's one of the craziest laws I've ever read. It seemed a little much to fine people for dancing, but when a pub has to be reported for customers "swaying" that gets to be ridiculous. I'll remember this if I ever take a trip to the U.K. and visit a pub.
  15. *reads through his Darwin Awards book for his favorite story* This one guy gets in an argument with his 10 year old son. The argument gets so intense that he hands his son a 5-inch knife and tells him to stab him if he hates him so much. At first, the little boy drops the knife (didn't want to stab his own dad), but then Daddy Dearest puts the knife [i]back[/i] in his son's hand and keeps pressuring him to do it. Needless to say, the boy eventually stabbed his own father. The lesson? Don't put a weapon in someone hand when they're angry and tell them to stab you. That's not even ironic. That's just plain sad.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson];) [b]Otaku Entertainment Member of the Year:[/b] Semjaza Azazel: 6.5 Wrist Cutter: 5 Endymion: 5 (tie) [/color][/size][/font] [/B][/QUOTE] Wow :eek: I didn't think I'd win anything. :) I want to dedicate this award to my CD collection, my TV couch, and my television. And congrats to all the other winners.
  17. Here's a fact about Michael Jackson that I find very strange... [b]The "History" Statue[/b]. If you've ever bought his "History" album (it's basically a Greatest Hits collection with a few new songs), then you've seen the statue on the cover. That's not just a cover-image. Michael actually had a 4-story tall statue of himself made. I don't want to say "ego-trip" so I'll just say "crazy." Crazy!
  18. There's a lot of stuff made in the 80's that I'd love to hear maybe one more time (no more than twice), but there's also quite a few that I just can't get tired of. I'm really into 80's R&B and Pop. There's nothing like listening to some New Edition, Lisa-Lisa, Madonna, Michael & Janet Jackson, and Cameo (ow!). (well, not so much Cameo) And don't even get me started on 80's hip-hop! I couldn't stand rap in the 90's (too violent) and rap today is way to materialistic. Back then, all anyone rapped about was partying, having fun, and (of course) serious issues. When you're barely in kindergarden in the 80's (like I was), the best rappers were Salt-n-Peppa, Kid-n-Play, Fresh Prince, and MC Hammer. They were so fun to listen to, because that's all they did; have fun. I can't think of one popular rapper today (except for maybe Lil Romeo, if he counts) who raps about nothing at all and looks like they're having a good time. *walks away singing New Edition songs*
  19. *makes sure not to make any sarcastic jokes this time, despite how many come to mind* I believe the camel's back has been broken. While there's no denying this evidence, I have to wonder why it wasn't brought forth earlier. I don't mean to criticize, I'm just curious. There wouldn't be half as many skeptics (and perhaps protests) as there are now if they would've just shown the public this footage a month or two ago. It looks like we have a war on our hands. What made me think I'd be the only generation to go without seeing a war?
  20. Simply put, Michael Jackson is one of the greatest singers there is. He's the King of Pop. He carried his brothers through their career together and became even bigger when he went solo. I haven't met a single person who says they never liked at least one of Michael's songs. I remember something my brother said; the greatest always go crazy. The greatest artists, singers, and thinkers in history are always labeled "crazy" at least once in their lives. Michael is one of the greatest entertainers, and now he's going crazy. It's a sad tale.
  21. I was a little confused at the part where they fell off the cliff (had to read it twice), but ;) funny stuff.
  22. :laugh: That was crazy; funny-crazy! I never read the first season, but this episode reminds me of a combination of 1960s Batman and Sheep in the Big City.
  23. *stares at his pile of work applications* I don't really have a job yet, but I have a nice large stack of filled applications for various places; selling mobile phones, grocery stores, various stores at the mall. So far, the only application I've actually turned in is at this one video store, and they haven't returned my calls. I'm moving onto the mall applications later this week.
  24. I laughed. I cried. I laughed and I cried. One of the funniest [strike]Robert[/strike] Indiana Jones parodies I've read.
  25. [center][b]Moon Wars Episode Four: A New Moon (becomes full at least once every month, by most lunar calenders)[/b][/center] A scripted Sailormoon/Star Wars parody by Endymion [Slightly re-written version] ("Dub" names used for wider familiarity) [url=http://dmoon.animationhq.net/humor/stories/wars4.shtml]Original Version[/url] [b]Cast:[/b] Serena as Serena Moonwalker, Sailor Pluto as Trista-Wan Kenobi, Luna as Lunny-PO, Artemis as Art-2D2, Sailor Uranus as Hannah Solo, Sailor Neptune as Michelle The Wooksie, ????? as Darth Lady ---------- Some odd time ago in some galaxy that might or might not be ours... The Empire has built a new weapon that they'll use to... kill. The Rebel forces aren't doing squat because they know the secret weapon is a big 'ol ship and their princess has been captured. So... yeah. Dig it. ---------- (On the homebase for the Empire, The Big Metal Ball in the Sky, a woman dressed in a long black robe with a giant black helmet walks through the halls.) [b]Soldier:[/b] All hail Darth Lady! [b]Darth Lady:[/b] (breathing heavily) Ah.... yes... we... have... you... Princess... Le- (cough) oh (cough) (cough) gah! (cough) air! (takes out an asthma inhaler and puts it to the mouth of her helmet) Ah. Better. So as I was saying, princess... [b]Princess?:[/b] (played by Darien) I'm a man. [b]Darth Lady:[/b] Say what, now? [b]Princess?:[/b] I'm Leo. [b]Darth Lady:[/b] I'm a cancer, myself. [b][strike]Princess[/strike] Prince Leo:[/b] No. My name is Prince Leo. [b]Darth Lady:[/b] Why was I given the impression that you were a woman? (looks to a rainbow-haired soldier wearing a carnation with a woman growing out of it) [b]Lt. Fiore:[/b] What'd I do? [b]Darth Lady:[/b] ANYway... we have taken you hostage and you will now spill the location of the Rebel hideout. [b]Prince Leo:[/b] Um... no. No, I don't think I'll tell you. [b]Darth Lady:[/b] Why not? [b]Prince Leo:[/b] Thickens the plot. Darth Lady: (pause) If you will not cooperate, I'll have to use force. (chuckles) Prepare to fire the lazer! [b]Frau Farbissina from Austin Powers:[/b] PREPARE THE LAZER! [b]Darth Lady:[/b] Look out the window, Leo. (points to window) If you don't cooperate, I'll destroy your home planet... Earth! [b]Prince Leo:[/b] Whoa. Wait. I thought we were in a galaxy far away from Earth. [b]Darth Lady:[/b] No one knows where the hell we are. All you need to know is that we're in space. [b]Prince Leo:[/b] Okay... Well, I still won't tell you. You're probably just bluffing. Go ahead! Shoot it! Shoot it! You're suppose to be so evil! Shoot it! [b]Darth Lady:[/b] Ok. Fire the lazer. [b]Frau Farbissina:[/b] FIRE THE LAZER! (The Earth Explodes) [b]Prince Leo:[/b] (gasp) What'd you do?! [b]Darth Lady:[/b] I... shot it. [b]Prince Leo:[/b] Well, I guess I should've seen that coming. ---------- (On the other side of the ship, a black & gold cat-android and a white cat-android are wandering around aimlessly.) [b]Lunny PO:[/b] Honestly, Art-2. We're wandering around aimlessly. [b]Art-2D2:[/b] (beeping) [b]Lunny PO:[/b] Stop messing with that darned voice synthesizer. I swear all you ever do is sing all day. [b]Art-2D2:[/b] (singing "One More Time" by Daft Punk) [b]Lunny PO:[/b] Look! (points to a large sign that reads "Escape Pods") I think this may be a way out! ---------- (On planet Tattoo Me, a young blonde girl wanders through a hot desert in her never-ending search...) [b]Serena Moonwalker:[/b] Must... find... home... too.... hot... mu-(cough) oh! (cough) gah! (cough) (cough) air! (cough) my! (takes out an asthma inhaler) (A space pod crashes in front of her) [b]Serena:[/b] Whoa... ---------- (Later, at the Moonwalker home...) [b]Serena Moonwalker:[/b] So... Auntie Em, Uncle Henry. Can I keep the droids? [b]Uncle Henry:[/b] Um... ok. But take them outback and clean them up some. (Serena escorts the two cat-droids to the back of her home) [b]Lunny PO:[/b] I have a very important message to give to someone... I forgot who. [b]Art-2D2:[/b] (eyes start to glow) Look! (projects image of Prince Leo.) [b]Image of Prince Leo:[/b] Help me Trista-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope (static) Help me Trista-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. [b]Serena:[/b] Freaky. Do you get MTV2? [b]Image of Prince Leo:[/b] Help me Trista-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. (static) Help me Trista-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. (static) Help me Trista-Wan Kenobi. You're my only ho- [b]Serena:[/b] Alright, already! I'll go take you guys to- [b]Image of Prince Leo:[/b] Help me Trista-Wan Kenobi. You're m- [b]Serena:[/b] Lunny! Make him stop! [b]Image of Prince Leo:[/b] Help me Trista-Wan Kenobi... ---------- (Some time later, at the home of Trista Kenobi...) (knock knock) [b]Trista:[/b] Who's there? [b]Voice:[/b] Lettuce [b]Trista:[/b] Lettuce who? [b]Voice:[/b] Let us in, please. It's hot out here and I hear your air conditioner running. [b]Trista:[/b] (mumbling) If I hear one more bad knock knock joke...(clears throat) OK. Come in. [b]Serena Moonwalker:[/b] (walks through door) Hello. I'm Serena Moonwalker. [b]Trista:[/b] I already knew that. [b]Serena:[/b] (in awe) Woowww. How did you know it was me? Did you use... [i]the force[/i]? [b]Trista:[/b] No. I have a video surveillance system rigged up. (points to a wall filled with television monitors). [b]Serena: Oh.[/b] [b]Trista:[/b] You came here to tell me something? [b]Serena:[/b] Oh, yeah. I have these two droids here that claim to belong to you. [b]Trista:[/b] Strange. I don't remember owning any droids like these, even though both these droids and I star in the prequels. [b]Serena:[/b] The white one keeps playing a message of Prince Leo asking for your help. [b]Trista:[/b] Hmm... looks like Darth Lady has captured Prince Leo and is demanding to know the location of the Rebel hideout. She's even unveiled her newest weapon... the Super Doom Ray of Badness, which sits on the Empire's main ship, the Big Metal Ball in the Sky! [b]Serena:[/b] Two questions. First, What kind of name is Big Metal Ball in the Sky? I like the name Death Sta-- [b]Trista:[/b] Shhh! You wanna get sued?! [b]Serena:[/b] And second, how'd you know all that? [b]Trista:[/b] The video equipment, again. [b]Serena:[/b] Don't you use... [i]the force[/i] anymore? [b]Trista:[/b] First off, it's not called... [i]the force[/i]. It's called... [b]Serena:[/b] The Schwartz? [b]Trista:[/b] Listen, Mel Brooks. Are we just gonna sit here and make a bunch of dumb jokes or are we gonna get down to business? [b]Serena:[/b] (pondering) Hmm... choices. [b]Trista:[/b] Come. I will help you in your journey, and I will even teach you the ways of the Sailor Knights. ---------- (Later on, Serena and Trista are driving in a hover-car to some part of town.) [b]Weather Trooper:[/b] Hey you! Stop right there! [b]Trista:[/b] (stops car) Yes? [b]Weather Trooper:[/b] We have a report that two escaped droids are on the run on this planet. One looks like a black & gold cat and the other looks like a white cat. Those two droids in your back seat look like them. [b]Trista:[/b] (waves hand) There are not the droids you are looking for. [b]Trooper:[/b] Um... yes they are. [b]Trista:[/b] (waves hand) No. They aren't. [b]Trooper:[/b] Yes. They are. [b]Trista:[/b] (takes out a club) No! (whacks Weather Trooper on the head) They aren't. [b]Trooper:[/b] Whatever you say... (passes out) [b]Serena:[/b] Before we jump off into deep space, shouldn't we go tell my aunt and uncle about it? [b]Trista:[/b] Oh, they're dead. Apparently, the house was blown up. [b]Serena:[/b] Oh. (pause) They weren't important to the plot, anyway. Let's go! ---------- (In a local bar, Michelle The Wooksie and Hannah Solo are having a few drinks.) [b]Trista:[/b] I'm looking for a pilot. [b]Hannah:[/b] I'm a pilot. [b]Trista:[/b] What's your name? [b]Hannah:[/b] I'm Hannah Solo and this is my partner, Michelle the Wooksie. [b]Serena:[/b] Um... "partner"? [b]Michelle:[/b] Yeah, partners. We had some gay times, gotten into a few queer situations. [b]Serena:[/b] So you're saying you had some good times together and have been known to get into some strange situations? [b]Michelle:[/b] Of course. What else could I possibly mean? [b]Serena:[/b] Nothing. Just making sure. [b]Trista:[/b] Can you fly us to the Empire's Big Metal Ball in the Sky for a dangerous mission that could get you killed? [b]Hannah:[/b] Depends... how much you willing to pay? [b]Trista:[/b] Dramatic pause! (holds pinky finger to her mouth) One million dollars. [b]Hannah:[/b] Yeah, babay! [b]Serena:[/b] Where'd you get all that money from? [b]Trista:[/b] Social Security checks. I'm a couple thousand years old and the government insists on sending me checks every month. I don't ask for them, I don't want them, but I'll be damned if they miss a single payment! [b]Serena:[/b] But... you look 20. [b]Trista:[/b] I'm ageless. I'm cursed to forever be a beautiful 20 year old and the last Sailor Knight. [b]Serena:[/b] Was my mother a Sailor Knight? [b]Trista:[/b] Yes. And a darned good one... but Darth Lady killed her. [b]Serena:[/b] I hope a big plot twist doesn't occur and it turns out Darth Lady is really my mother. [b]Trista:[/b] Oh, that'll never happen... ---------- (On Hannah's ship) [b]Trista:[/b] And now to teach you the ways of the Sailor Knights. [b]Serena:[/b] Um... you never told me what the name of the power was. [b]Trista:[/b] Huh? [b]Serena:[/b] I asked if it was the force and you said no. I asked if it was called the schwartz and you told me to be quiet as well as continued my Mel Brooks reference. [b]Trista:[/b] You're right. I never did tell you its name. (pause) On with your training. [b]Serena:[/b] But... [b]Trista:[/b] First I will blind-fold you and set this robot to shoot at you. You will then use this perfectly ordinary flashlight to block each shot. [b]Serena:[/b] Okay... (puts on blind-fold and holds flashlight) Bring it on. [b]Robot:[/b] (shoots her twice) [b]Serena:[/b] Ouch! What's this suppose to teach me? [b]Trista:[/b] That you're naive and you'll do anything someone tells you. [b]Serena:[/b] (takes off blind-fold) That's mean. ---------- (On the Big Metal Ball in the Sky, Prince Leo sits in his cell listening to a song on his portable CD player) [b]Prince Leo:[/b] (singing along with song in his headphones) Roxanne... You don't have to put on that dress tonight! [b]Weather Trooper:[/b] Leo? Prince? [b]Prince Leo:[/b] No thanks. No Prince CD's for me. I haven't been much of a Prince fan since he changed his name to that symbol. [b]Weather Trooper:[/b] But he recently changed his name back to Prince after his contract with his old record company ended. [b]Prince Leo:[/b] Really? [b]Weather Trooper:[/b] Yeah. Haven't you heard? (takes off helmet to reveal Serena) But I'm really here to rescue you. (opens jail door) Come on. ---------- (Later, Serena & friends are being chased through the Big Metal Ball in the Sky) [b]Group of Weather Troopers:[/b] (chasing them, shooting and chanting in unision) 187. Murder Death Kill. 187. Murder Death Kill. 187. Murder Death Kill. [b]Hannah:[/b] Quick! We'll duck into this garbage-compactor. (points to hole in the wall) [b]Serena:[/b] Look, everyone! An exit sign! (points to door with large exit sign hanging over it. Next to the door is a sign that says "Ship Dock" (They all run for Hannah's ship) [b]Darth Lady:[/b] Not so fast! [b]Trista:[/b] Darth Lady!! [b]Darth Lady:[/b] My old friend, Trista-Wan Kenobi... (hugs her and gives her fake kisses on the cheek) How've you been, girlfriend? [b]Trista:[/b] Don't "girlfriend" me. You tried to kill me... several times. [b]Darth Lady:[/b] Oh, if you wanna bring up the past again... I'll kill you. [b]Trista:[/b] Not this time... (takes out a light stick with a piece of candy on the handle) I've come prepared! [b]Darth Lady:[/b] Aw. Your old life saver. [b]Serena:[/b] I thought it was called a Light Saber. [b]Trista:[/b] They're called Light Sticks. I just keep a LifeSaver candy wrapped around the handle of it for later (takes candy off of the stick and pops it in her mouth) [b]Darth Lady:[/b] Eww! Isn't that a little too old and dirty? I mean, you haven't used that thing for years and that candy's been sitting on it forever. [b]Trista:[/b] It doesn't matter (activates light stick) We all know I'm gonna die. [b]Darth Lady:[/b] (takes out black light stick) Oh yeah. Forgot. (stabs Trista) [b]Serena:[/b] NOOOOOOOOO!!!! (Hannah drags her onto the Millennium Bug) You're gonna pay for this! ---------- (Later, at the Rebel Hideout, a meeting is being held to attack The Empire.) [b]Rebel Leader[/b]: Our latest addition to the rebellion, Serena Moonwalker, has stolen the blueprints to the Big Metal Ball in the Sky. We will use these blueprints to attack them and blow the place up. Our first move is to go stra- [b]Rebel in crowd:[/b] Ooo! Ooo! (raises hand) Pick me! My hand is up! Ooo! Teacher! [b]Rebel Leader:[/b] I'm not your teacher. And what do you want to say? [b]Rebel in crowd:[/b] Um... the Big Metal Ball in the Sky... is that really a good name? I mean, it's in space. It's not like it's sitting in the middle of the blue sky or anything. Shouldn't it be called something like the Big Metal Ball in Outer Space? [b]Rebel Leader:[/b] I didn't name it!! Now let's go blow the thing up!! ---------- (In deep space, the Rebel Fleet flys in battleships toward the Big Metal Ball in the Sky... or should it be Outer Space?) [b]Serena:[/b] (flying a ship with Lunny PO next to her) Yahoo! [b]Lunny PO:[/b] I prefer Google, myself. (The entire fleet, except Serena, gets shot down all at once) Serena: Whoa! [b]Spirit of Trista:[/b] Serena Moonwalker... [b]Serena:[/b] Trista-Wan Kenobi? [b]Spirit of Trista:[/b] Serena Moonwalker! [b]Serena:[/b] Trista-Wan Kenobi! [b]Spirit of Trista:[/b] Use [i]it[/i], Serena. [b]Serena:[/b] Use [i]what[/i]? You never told me the name of the Sailor Knights' power. [b]Spirit of Trista:[/b] Gah-- Fine! I'll make something up. It's called... [i]the forge[/i]. [b]Serena:[/b] Really? [b]Spirit of Trista:[/b] Sure, why not? Now... (clears ghostly throat) use the... [i]the forge[/i], Serena. [b]Serena:[/b] Okay. (shoots Big Metal Ball in the Sky once and it explodes) Cool. [b]Darth Lady:[/b] Crap. Now what am I supposed to do about a base in the sequel? [center][b]Stay tuned for Episode 5...[/b][/center]
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