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Manic Webb

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Everything posted by Manic Webb

  1. Back in high school I felt like a lot of people were talking about me. I'm actually a little bit paranoid. I sometimes wonder if I did something right or wrong and if someone talks about me as soon as I leave the room. Personally, I believe in telling someone your problem with them to [i]their face[/i]. If I'm gonna talk behind someone's back, it's safe to say that I'm going to eventually tell them to their face (if I haven't already).
  2. I guess I can start off by saying I was wrong to throw stereotypes into this discussion. But in my defense, I'd like to say that you haven't even heard some of the stuff i think of my fellow democrats. No one is safe from my wrath, especially when it comes to politics. Don't take my shot at republicans personally. Just adding a drop of humor. *writes a reminder to use more emoticons when joking, so no one thinks he's being an a$s* :) Ok, seriously. I dislike politics. And although what Mandela said about Bush being racist was jump-to-conclusion-y (notice how I said nothing about the racism issue), they did seem like two different matters. And what I said about quoting the stuff we're referring to, I meant that. I want some quotation marks here, people! :) And about me being leftist... eh. I'm one of those people who sits in the middle (is there a name for us?). And when Clinton was bombing Iraq, I was still a minor (reached voting age in 2002).
  3. Well first of all, Bush proposing to send $15-billion to fight AIDS in Africa is a [i]slightly[/i] different subject from his lack of cooperation with the U.N. It seems like what you're saying is that Mandella should forget about anything he disagrees with Bush about just because he's sending his people 15 billion dollars to fight AIDS. It's not the same. And not to be cynical or anything, but does Bush's plan to send oodles of money to Africa have to pass through a legislative body composed mostly of old, white, wealthy, right-wing republicans? Just a question. Of course, if I'm way off, you can always pull up a couple of quotes for us to debate over. I'd be [b]so[/b] much easier for someone to prove they're right around here if we would actually quote something. --EDIT-- I forgot "wealthy"
  4. I'm well aware that anime is nothing but Japanese cartoons. In fact, I watch Western animation as much as I watch Japanese. I'm just a cartoon addict. Unlike most people here, I don't prefer one over the other. While both anime and Western cartoons have a wide range of topics and themes, finding a more explicit anime is a lot more common than finding an explicit cartoon. Plus anime usually uses a different style of animation that I find appealing. The way a character might have light glimmer in their eyes, the unreal natural color of a character's hair, the way anime uses half as many animation frames as you'd expect from a cartoon... that's what I like about anime. Oh, and one more thing... [quote]Even the worst of anime plots are greater than any American cartoon's.[/quote] Let's not try to compare "Spongebob Squarepants" to "Tokyo Pig."
  5. I'd have to say almost anything by Warner Bros. They always had the ability to blend childish slapstick with with mature dialogue and stuff I just didn't get when I was younger. The cartoon "Animaniacs" is a prime example. Hunter: (asking to eat the Warners' pet turkey)"Give me the bird!" Yakko: "We'd like to, but the FOX censors won't allow it." Beetoven: "I am a pianist!" Dot: "Eeewww!!" (sticks a bar of soap in Beetoven's mouth)
  6. I wonder how much speed could be packed into one of these hydrogen cars. If none of them can go an excess of 70 miles per hour, I'd still be happy with them (for the sake of the environment). However, I still can't help but wonder about how fast the average hydrogen car will be some odd decades from now. --EDIT-- As for your little discussion about the Vietnam War... you both talk as if the government can only send soldiers to another country if they only have [b]one[/b] intention. Depending on what book you read or who you ask, you can be told two different reasons why the US got involved in Vietnam. You're likely getting your information from two or more reliable sources with different viewpoints.
  7. You can play as Legolas, Aragorn, Gimli, and Isildor. ('bout time someone asked an easy one) I'll think of a question later.
  8. I have a new-found respect for the man... and he'd better maintain that level of respect, too! I was particularly intrigued by his proposals toward helping AIDS victims in Africa and that hydrogen car he's opting money for. I'm a little confused by what he said about tax-cuts, though. Did he say that a family of 4 with a household income of $40,000 would end up paying roughly $45? I don't really have an income of my own and I don't pay taxes, so I don't really know that much about tax-cuts.
  9. Manic Webb

    Clone High

    yech. I couldn't stand Beavis and Butthead. Daria and The Maxx were always my favorites. Anyway, Clone High seems like a pretty good show. Ghandi is my favorite character, too. He's still anti-voilence, but he's a party animal, too! The other funny part is what a womanizer Kennedy's clone is, just like the original. :)
  10. Maybe. but you have to admit, my guide covers almost every season of the show.
  11. On the two hip-hop/r&b stations I listen to, they have something I like to call "The Basic 6." This means that the radio station will play the same 6 songs every hour and at least two of the songs will be played twice within the same hour. These days, I hear Ja Rule and 50 Cent WAY too much.
  12. Rather than say something that will inevidably be put down by gokents because i don't watch enough CNN, I will simply post my opinion that needs no facts to back it up (because it's an opinion) and attach a picture I got from a MAD magazine parody of [i]Batman Returns[/i]. I don't want this war to happen. I don't like Bush, but that doesn't change that fact that I [i]really[/i] don't like Saddam either. I want both men out of their respective governments. I can't think of anything else my government can do at this point except for what they're already doing, so why should I bother whining about it in this thread?
  13. I have an older brother (he's about 24 now) who I haven't seen in about 3 years. I miss him now, but when he was around... we couldn't stay in the same room for 2 minutes without getting in a fight! We couldn't stand one another! He did stuff to me just for the hell of it, I swear! One time, he pretended to throw away half of the pieces of one of my favorite board games. I was so mad at him, that I just threw away the rest of the pieces my d@mn self! Later on, he revealed that he was really thowing the pieces behind the kitchen table. I have an older step-brother (he's 20) who I get along with pretty well. We joke around a lot and he's a lot closer to my age than my full-brother mentioned above (I'm 18). I sorta act like his side-kick in some ways. I've known him 14 years and I've only gotten on his bad side twice. He's a little full of himself and sarcastic, and I'm afraid that a little bit of him is rubbing off on me everyday. Lastly, I have a 4 year old half-sister. I was the youngest child until I was 14 (when she was born), so I advise her in the ways of being the youngest member of the family and a spiled brat. :) The two of us are a real team. Whenever I see her (we live in separate homes), she sticks to me like static cling. She's a little too grown-up for her age (all of her older siblings are adults), so she likes to boss everyone around and go everywhere. The only gripe I have is that she [i]never[/i] leaves me alone.
  14. Back when I was around 12 or 13 years old, people said I looked (and sometimes sounded) like Kenan Thompson. Kenan was the guy who played Superdude on Nickelodeon's sketch comedy show "All That" and starred with Kel Mitchel on "Kenan & Kel" and "Good Burger." There was this one little kid from down the street who used to call me Kenan all the time.
  15. Whoa... wait a minute! Raiha isn't even half-way there? Oh. My. Goodness. Just exactly what are all of the rankings?
  16. I'm 18 years old and in college. I'm gonna have to find a more mature-looking avatar... So, how about some details?
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Meier_Link [/i] [B]heh :) 1. can one of you girls tell me how I look on my pic? cute? handsome? hot? average? below? ugly? The link to the pic is at the bottom of the post 2. I've been chatting with a girl online for 4 years and havn't seen her face, only heard her cute voice. She's 1 year older than I am, and we're in an argument. Any suggestions? 3. There are these really big gangs alround my neighbor that always hang around, which is very crappy for me since they keep punking me and stuff. Most of them are big black dudes. What do u think? [URL=http://profiles.yahoo.com/devilish_tony]http://profiles.yahoo.com/devilish_tony[/URL] [/B][/QUOTE] [b]1.[/b] Moving right along... [b]2.[/b] What's the argument about? [b]3.[/b] Several gangs are messing with you? Now that's tough. I don't really have any advice for avoiding gang violence except to try to avoid them as best you can. [b]4.[/b] Standarized tests shmandarized tests! They won't have any real reflection on your grade. It's just a test made for the school district to measure how smart they think you are. You can try your best or just put ABACADABA the whole way down and nothing will happen except you'll get a letter in the mail a few months from now telling you what percentile you fall under (and no one even checks it in the future). --EDIT-- Wait a sec... what happened to your #4? --RE-EDIT-- Whoa... there's a #5 now? I give up. No more editing for me!
  18. Really? I heard Naoko Takeuchi got married a couple years back, but I didn't know it was to Yoshihiro Togashi of "Yuu Yuu Hakusho" (not that I even knew who made YYH before your post).
  19. I do find it a bit strange that one of the mods would close your "best villain" thread without telling you, seeing as you're so new. Anyway, it's against the rules to start threads that go "who is your favorite" or "which is better." Those topics don't really go anywhere. Read the Rules page (it's linked on the banner on the top of every page) for details. It'll keep you out of trouble. And your "create a villain" thread [i]really[/i] wasn't going to go anywhere in this part of the board. Take PiroMunkie's advice about it being an RPG. Go to the Adventures Arena and glance over some other members' threads and read the rules to learn how the Adventures Arena works. You could turn your "create a villain" idea into an all-out adventure with other members of the board. And like Gokents said, next time you have a problem with what a moderator does, send them a PM. Hope that helps.
  20. FOX made a big mistake when they created the Fox Box. They cancelled their weekday afternoon kids programming, sold all of their old programs (it took me forever to figure out where the new Digimon is airing, and don't even get me started on all the stuff they sold to ABC), and bought a bunch of new crap and renamed "FoxKids" to "Fox Box." FOX was at their prime during the late 1990's. Ultraman Tiga is the only thing I watch on Fox Box. It's the least inane thing they have.
  21. I only watch it for Simon's brutal honesty. It's funny to see people with absolutely [i]no[/i] singing ability to audition and be told [i]exactly[/i] how bad they really are with painstaking detail. (I think I've said this before) It's like going to a nascar race just to see a crash.
  22. Yep, a new Tenchi series is in the works. It's going to be called "GXP" for the Galaxy Police. There's another thread about that somewhere around here.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G.D. Ryoko [/i] [B]By the way wasn`t there a pop stars here in America that made that band Edens Crush or something like that? [/B][/QUOTE] Yep. Their album went gold and they had about a week of airplay on MTV's Total Request Live. No one's heard from them since. I didn't like them, anyway. Then Pop Stars (US) had a second season where they made a co-ed group (I prefer to think of it as an American S Club 7) called Scene 23. They had a song called "I Really don't Think So" that I don't think was half bad, but they went absolutely nowhere as far as I know. I'm not surprised, really.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alexus Bing [/i] [B][size=1][color=darkblue]American Idol...is the with Simon Cowell? Well, you'll be interested by this. American idol originated in England, as Pop Idol. That came from Pop Stars, a top show that was very successful in the United Kingdom. It produced a band that has now split up. From Pop Idol we have produced two singers, who I hate, and from the latest installment, Popstars : The Rivals, we have been gifted with two truely awful bands! Guess this is like the one thing that you American's are actually [b]behind[/b] us on![/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, we do steal about half of our TV programs from the U.K. (The Weakest Link, Big Brother, Robot Wars, maybe even Whose Line). I'm not particularly surprised that American Idol was based off of an English show (which was probably based off of Star Search).
  25. I haven't seen the Original either, but I [i]think[/i] I've seen all of Dirty Pair Flash. That show is so crazy, it's funny! My favorite mission was the one where they were investigating World's World (20th century amusement park). Their codename was "Lovely Angels" but people insisted on calling them the "dirty pair." Chief: "Ah, you two must be the Dirty Pair." Kei and Yuri: "ROBURI ANJER!!" ("Lovely Angels" in thick Japanese accent)
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