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Manic Webb

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Everything posted by Manic Webb

  1. Now [i]that's[/i] comedy! Of course you realize that everytime I hear "Rollin'" your lyrics are going to pop into my head and I'll never be able to enjoy the song ever again. :)
  2. One problem I've always had with Tekken is that I can't play it at the arcade at all. I don't mean that I don't stand a chance against some of the people who play the game at arcades (I don't, but that's not the point), I can play against my brother and I can't get a punch in because I can't use a joystick. You ever tried to run after somebody, but only ended up crouching and shuffling forward? It's frustrating as hades, I can tell you that.
  3. I remember a lot of useless information. The other day, one of my friends asked me (out of freaking nowhere) how the "Toys R Us Kid" song goes and I knew it (even though Toys R Us hasn't used that song in a commercial in years). I sometimes overreact just to shock everyone. If I'm milding interested in something, I'll gasp and point at it like it's the holy grail. Then, once I've noticed that everyone is staring at me like I'm crazy, I quickly switch to a straight face.
  4. Do you think that Sailor Moon's villains kick so much arse that you'd like to be one? Well, follow these 8 easy steps and you'll have Sailor Moon beating you down with giant glass hearts in no time. [b]Step 1: Head to Earth[/b] Leave your home planet of "Dark [NAME]" and find some silly and useless reason to go to Earth. It can be anything; Jewelry (worked for the other villains), your lost pet, a good bowl of Ramen-- whatever you want. [b]Step 2: Find A Target and Set Camp[/b] Now that you're on Earth, it's time to find a place to attack. Of course, the most obvious target on the entire planet is the island of Japan! Park you huge space vessel and your peanut gallery of servants in the middle of town or floating just above it. Don't worry, no one ever notices flying UFOs and circus tents. And they forget about giant trees over-night. [b]Step 3: Begin Attack[/b] Establish your main servant and the 3 or 4 generals who server him/her and have one of the generals send a mindless monster to attack the nearest shinto temple, arcade, or city park. Make sure your monsters are made of either eggs, playing cards, shadows, mirror pieces, or any everyday object. [b]Step 4: New Strategy... barely[/b] After your generals have failed for 20 episodes straight, bring out a new set of generals who are stronger, but lack even more in personality and like-ability. And, now that Sailor Moon has an all new power which makes her stronger, find a new way to attack. Attack completely useless people in hopes of making Sailor Moon give up the item you've been looking for (the Ramen/jewel/pet). [b]Step 5: Manipulate A Sailor[/b] You're Losing miserably. What do you do? Injure, brainwash, kidnap, or take the life-force of one of the sailors. If you're a woman villain, you may want to kidnap Tuxedo Mask, instead. This way, you can disable the sailors and have your way with the prince of Earth. Guys may want to take Sailor Moon herself, but she's not as easy as her boyfriend. In either case, Chibi/Mini Moon is always a good alternative. [b]Step 6: Show Down[/b] Ok, so kidnapping one of the good guys backfired when he/she tried to kill you and rejoined his/her friends. Now, the whole litter is one their way to your hideout for a final showdown. No worries. Just send your most powerful monster/servant to kill them. (of course, this servant would have killed them all easily if you would have just sent it after them BEFORE Sailor Moon upgraded her power) [b]Step 7: Back-Story[/b] Of course, you've been gradually revealing your back-story little by little throughout the season, but now it's time to bring it on home. You have two options... [b]Option1:[/b] Explain how you knew Sailor Moon in another time, in another life. Tell how you've always been jealous of her and what/who she's always had. Now, you must have the [bowl of Ramen/jewel/pet] to rule the galaxy and prove that you are better than her, you extremely petty person, you. [b]Option2:[/b] Tell how you come from a place the sailors have never heard of and, to you, the [ramen/ jewel/lost pet] is your only means of staying alive. Without it, you'll either die or the voices in your head will turn you into an evil woman who wears dark clothes and laughs way too much before she's about to die. [b]Step 8: Decide Your Fate[/b] At this point Sailor Moon is either so miffed that she's ready to kill you with a huge burst of moon-love, or she feels sorry for you and gives you a chance to reform. The choice is yours. Just beware that if you decide to reform, an unknown, higher evil will come out of nowhere and kill you on the spot. Have a nice day. :) And there you have it. Any time now, you should be hit with a huge chunk of sweet moonie goodness so sweet, it'll make your teeth fall out.
  5. Isn't there a spare time machine lying around somewhere? Cell came back in time from an alternate-[i]alternate[/i] future, climbs out of his time machine, and gets killed by Gohan. Trunks climbs into his own time machine and goes back into the future. What happened to Cell's time machine?
  6. I first got into X-Men when FOX's cartoon started in the early/mid-1990s. I read the comic for a while, but I just fell out of the comic book world. I saw the movie, though and I watch Evolution once in a while. One of my favorite X-Persons was Jean Grey. There was something I liked about being able to move stuff with your mind, and she was even better as Phoenix. The funniest part about FOX's old X-Men cartoon was that everytime Jean did something, she fainted. She stopped someone from falling, and fainted. She levitated a pencil across the room and fainted. The episode she became Phoenix, she rose into the air and shouted "I Am Phoenix!" and immediately whimpered "help me" and fainted.
  7. I like to consider myself one of the 3 people on Earth who play primarily as Xiaoyu. I haven't met or heard of the other two, but I assume they're out there, somewhere. I play as Xiaoyu mostly because I can't "button mash" with her. When I first tried tapping random buttons with her, I ended up performing only 3 moves and slapping my opponent a couple of times before getting kicked in the back of the head and getting OK'ed. She's a pretty complicated character, and her moves have some relatively long pauses in them (especially anything done from Hypnotize). I'm in it for the challenge, really. I think she's one of the more difficult characters to use, which really makes me want to become better with her. For now, I suck as her. My other character is Law. I just started playing as him (I got Takken 4 last month and I don't play it that often) so I'm not really that good with him. I can't, for the life of me, play as Yoshimitsu, Julia, Marduk, and Paul. Which is sad, because Yoshimitsu and Paul have been in every Tekken game I've played and Julia is a copy of Michelle. Although I am interested in who they got to model for Julia picture ;)
  8. Here's the picture to use for my Selene card.
  9. Here's my second card... [b]Name:[/b] Selene [b]Picture:[/b] I'll post it later. [b]Magic Type:[/b] Light [b]Type:[/b] Sorceress [b]Effect 1:[/b] Search Light -- Flip a coin. If heads, draw another card onto the field. [b]Effect 2:[/b] Love Hurts -- If Endymion is on the field, both double ATK. [b]Description:[/b] In Endymion's travels, he passed through Selene's village, where they briefly courted. When Endymion decided to leave, Selene was heartbroken. Now she searches for him, hoping that they can be together forever.
  10. Yeah, Jackie Chan is a good example. He's almost 50! Some people just don't age all that much. If you look at Bulma, she actually starts to look younger at some point.
  11. It's called "Adult" Swim. When they had it on Saturday nights, a lot of kids were watching it, and they weren't supposed to. The reason they moved it to weeknights is so kids with bedtimes [i]can't[/i] watch it.
  12. If you don't have a computer, but you want to have internet access at home, you should look into getting (I can't believe I'm supporting these people) a WebTV/MSNTV. If you just want to get to OB at home, then it's all you need. If you ever plan to build a webpage or listen to music or do anything besides read text and look at pictures... then it's best to hold out and get a computer. WebTV has nothing resembling a hard disk, so don't count on downloading anything with it (on a major plus, viruses have no effect on WebTV). When it comes to sound files, it's limited to WAVs and MIDIs. You can view most webpages, as long as they don't involve Shockwave and/or Java. WebTV has no Java support. You can go to chat rooms, though. I used WebTV (I think they change the name to MSNTV) for about two years. It could do a lot of basic stuff (you'd have absolutely no problems with using OtakuBoards) but it's not worth it if you want to do more than just read.
  13. Bi-Polar is a mental ailment which causes you to be unusually happy and upbeat for a long time, but then suddenly fall into a deep depression for maybe days at a time. When you're up, you've never been happier. When you're down, you've never been more depressed. Not to be redundant, but Zidane, you need to see someone. I hope this is only a hump in your life that you'll eventually get over. We all have times where we feel bad for no reason. Hopefully, this will pass with time. For now, just talk to someone very close to you.
  14. Yeah, it does seem pretty short. Even when getting each character to level 10 and the secret stages, it feels like it should be longer. Oh well, I guess that's what happens when making a game where 2/3 of it is clips from the movies and interviews.
  15. "I must use this power to annoy!" -Bart Simpson after gaining the power the stretch. I might abuse my power just a bit, but I doubt I'd go to any extremes like killing people.
  16. Frank Welker! Frank Welker did the voice of Fred from "Scooby Doo, Where Are You?" and he [i]still[/i] does Fred's voice in "What's New Scooby Doo?" He's the only original 1960s cast member still doing his character's voice. Cree Summer. Ever notice how every African-American girl in [i]every[/i] American cartoon you watch sounds the exact same? That's because Cree Summer (she also played Freddie on "A Different World") does all of their voices. She was also Elmyra from "Tiny Toons" and a substitute voice for Penny on "Inspector Gadget." Mark Hamill. Best Joker ever. It's the life of all type-casted has-beens. After playing Luke Skywalker, Mark Hamill couldn't find a decent on-screen role. Thank goodness he turned to voice acting, because he's the best Joker in a Batman series I've ever heard. Phil La Marr. You might remember Phil as the UBS Delivery guy on MadTV. Nowadays, he's doing the voices of Samurai Jack, Green Lantern on "Justice League," and Static on "Static Shock." He also does a few other voices that I can't think of right now. He and Cree Summer dominate the roles of African-American teens in animated series.
  17. What I find so weird is that the Robin in the cartoon will be Tim Drake. If Dick Grayson gets engaged to Starfire, then why would they put her in the cartoon at Tim's age? The WB and Cartoon Network sure have broadened(sp?) my limited knowledge on DC comics (I haven't read DC since Superman died, and even then I was a Marvel fan).
  18. For a rapper as talented as Tupac, it wouldn't be that difficult to make a few dozen albums worth of unreleased songs. Sometimes, a rapper goes into the studio and raps just for the sake of rapping. My guess is that Tupac left behind a lot of clips of him just rapping a verse or two, then somebody just dubs music over it and asks a popular artist to sing the hook/chorus or rapp the rest of the song. "Thug Mansion" seems like Tupac recorded an entire song, but think of exactly how much of it was done by Nas (and whoever sang the chorus) on a later date.
  19. Sometimes I find myself laughing at a joke [i]long[/i] after it's over. I could watch a comedy movie, and one joke will be so funny that after hearing about 10 more jokes, I'll still be laughing at the first.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by -D- [/i] [B]shaolin soccer eh? nope, never seen it. maybe, if you want, you can give me a few details regarding this movie.maybe.D [/B][/QUOTE] Shaolin Soccer is a Chinese action-comedy film. It's pretty funny. I saw a subtitled VCD at my friend's house, but I don't know where it's available. A group of Shaolin monks graduated their training and left their temple to live in the real, modern world. One of them suggested they earn money by forming a national soccer team, using their super-human exaggerrated wire-fu Shaolin abilities. Their soccer matches usually consisted of super-strong kicks that made the soccer ball glow and rip through the goal-net, and high-flying wire action. Think of the cast of the cast of DBZ playing soccer.
  21. I like mine. I'm a little upset that I'm a 3, but I think my first effect makes up for that. Fear my Perfect Storm! *raises the Mercury Staff in joy*
  22. I agree that 18 was well drawn and I think she's the most attractive one. The one person possibly prettier than her is her brother 17 :p Then comes Videl when her hair is short. I'm sure she wouldn't have been that bad when her hair was long, if she wasn't a grown woman in pigtails. Cell Saga Bulma ties with ChiChi at the end of Dragonball and Bra and Marron (Krillin's daughter, during DBGT) Launch ties with Maron (Krillin's ex) and Bulma's mom. Sometimes I forget that Mrs. Briefs is a lot older than everyone else.
  23. I don't think I could ever handle the kind of power that the Z-Fighters wield. I wouldn't train as hard, but I would use some of these abilities to better myself. I'd learn to fly and learn to concentrate my own energy into light. That's all I'd need. Sure, super strength and inhuman abilities would probably come in handy in everyday life (ever seen the movie Shaolin Soccer?) but having the strength to destroy worlds isn't necessary.
  24. Mainstream, shmainstream! That's what I say. Wasn't Dragonball mainstream for years in Japan? I believe my Dragon-Ego has grown to the point where I no longer concern myself with such trivial things as elitism and mainstream anime and dubbing edits approved by American network censors. I've been a Dragonball Z fan since 1996 and a few crappy pieces of merchandise and an upcoming "disaster waiting to happen" live-action movie aren't going to change that... and they shouldn't. I bought a new watch last year. It looks nice and it tells time. That's all I need it for. This year, about 100 nameless people bought the same watch. Mine still tells time. Does it matter that my watch is now mainstream? Of course not! It tells time!! Dragonball will always be Dragonball, no matter how mainstream it gets in America or how many evil products it spawns. The same goes for almost all anime. You can always suggest that newer fans watch the original version on DVD, but if they'd rather not bother... their loss.
  25. The iChannel is also known as the International Channel. Your Digital Cable menu should list it as IC.
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